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Wednesday 3 November 2010

Verity Murphy | 11:35 UK time, Wednesday, 3 November 2010

Here's what is coming up on tonight's programme with Jeremy Paxman in London and Emily Maitlis in Washington DC:

A key part of the Conservatives' election manifesto was an annual cap on immigration aimed at cutting net migration from its current level of 196,000 a year to "tens of thousands". Today, the prime minister, David Cameron, indicated that thousands of employees of multinational companies will be exempt from the cap.

Intra-company transfers last year accounted for over 60% of the skilled migrants who enter the UK from outside the European economic area.

But speaking at Prime Minister's Questions, Mr Cameron said "Intra-company transfers shouldn't be included in what we are looking a". Tonight, our Science Editor, Susan Watts will be looking at concerns that the immigration cap will damage Britain's scientific prowess as institutions are stopped from recruiting and retaining talented international scientists.

Jeremy will be joined live by the Immigration Minister, Damian Green.

Paul Mason will be giving us his analysis of the US Federal Reserve's decision to pump $600bn into the US economy to try and boost the fragile recovery and we will be talking to leading economists - Nobel Laureate Professor Edmund Phelps and Raghuram Rajan.

And here's Emily with what is happening in the US:

Early morning Washington is deserted. Anyone interested in politics in this town - and that's everyone in this town - was up till four in the morning watching the election results come in. The Republicans - written off so comprehensively just two years ago, and threatened with 40 years of wandering in the wilderness, have returned, resurgent to take control of the House of Representatives.

As I write President Obama is sounding a conciliatory note and talking of the need for co-operation with the new majority leader John Boehner.

Just a few weeks ago the president referred to him as "the other man of colour" - an allusion to his rather orange tan. There are probably easier ways to begin to talk about consensus.

Tonight, we'll consider how Obama will govern now that Congress is divided. Will there be deadlock on some of the most important issues facing the world today - or will the man once hailed as the great communicator refine those skills at a crucial time?

We'll be talking to a couple of great communicators - Simon Schama and Piers Morgan about the Obama phenomenon and asking those on both sides of the House what this new look administration will mean for the rest of us.



  • Comment number 1.

    ..Israel halts 'dialogue' with UK over war crimes law..


    what are the passport fakers bleating on about now?

    ..The Foreign Office said the British government was moving to curb the use of "mischievous" arrest warrants...

    what is 'mischievous' about charging people with war crimes?

    what strategic defence does uk have with israel? strategic?

    will Hague ask the israelis for the names of all british citizens who have joined the idf so they can be prosecuted for swearing allegiance to another state? If not why not?

  • Comment number 2.

    And we will be examining the arc of President Barack Obama's time in the White House and how other US presidents have fared with guests including Stan Greenberg, Frank Luntz, Simon Schama and Piers Morgan."

    Perhaps Mr Paxman could ask some of tonight's guests about the issue referred to by jauntycylist? Should the Conservatives change the law?

    Should Israel be granted an exemption? There are so many affirmative action precedents after all. In the military it's allegedly held that it's usually best to just give females what they want as failure to do so is asking for trouble. Nobody likes the emotion.

    A , and what it may be of. This behaviour invariably elicits strong hostility when encountered, mainly because of the sense of entitlement, and craving for supply (so commonly seen in the media) so if it is this, this needs to be taken very seriously, as to date, alas, it's proven untreatable clinically. It's in the same cluster as psychopathy which tends to be highly destructive especially when mixed with male genes. I suggest it may be more informative to have your guests' views on this issue instead of their 'narratives' on the mid-terms.

  • Comment number 3.


    And what if, yellowy, the gov. is on the look out for you and should they charge you would you call it a 'mischievous' arrest or rather a charge for being most unhumanely 'mischievous'? Have you ever thought along these lines or are you beyond any such consideration? Eh, what do you say? Out of the question?

  • Comment number 4.

    Mim wrote yesterday:

    "Obama is not a socialist and is definitely not a Marxist or a Leninist, kevsey. You don't even realise what a bore you are. It's sickening."

    I don't often get compliments Mim ...thank yee

    Anyhow: It would appear the people of the US have spoken and have told the Marxist Pan Leninist Pan-Downtheist puppet president Obama and the Wall street Gang -- those who pull his strings - that they are not impressed with his socialist policies. Obama by the way is off to India at a cost of $200 million a day..a little holiday as i understand it.

    Little factoid. Why did Obama send the Churchill Bust back to Britain. Because Churchill sent into Kenya the army to squash the uprising. Obama's Grandfather was arrested as a rebel. Obama ain't no fan of Churchill. Who is Obama really. He came from nowhere, anybody with his radical background and associations wouldn't have even passed for a job at the FBI, he would've been viewed as a subversive. He was sped through the political system like no other..whats the deal with this man, why did the governing elite choose this man for the presidency?

    And has the october surprise worked for his administration...credit where credit is due, they timed it right. And the reporting of it has been oh so splendid, well done that media.

    Barrie. No idea what a 'Pan-Downtheist' is but I'm sure its good..i'll look it up sometime.

  • Comment number 5.

    Can't wait to see Jeremy on air tonight!
    :p So the government are going to cap University fees at 拢9000. It's STILL FAR cheaper than the USA who charge well into $5000-$35000 per annum!

  • Comment number 6.

    Interesting artical Tab, though I'm not surprised. We've been serving the people who control the money for many years.

  • Comment number 7.

    very good production considering we had to rely on the Yanks for technical support and where does Emily Maitliss get her staying power?

  • Comment number 8.


    Are you sure you're OK, kev, if you consider my post as compliment? Or is it just the fact of me making a comment which you find as a 'compliment'? I just wonder what Paxo or Emily would think if I'd sent them such a comment. I should imagine they would either feel upset, angry or completely disregard it, thinking I was either being silly or a complete idiot.

  • Comment number 9.

    Just for some 'fairness' context:

    () - "Saudi Arabia said on Saturday said Israel was the world's "spoilt child" and got away with what Riyadh said were violations of international law and war crimes without punishment. Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Saud al-Faisal also urged countries to adopt "a firm and serious stance to put an end to the policy of settlements in occupied Palestinian territories and in Jerusalem."

    "Not reaching solutions (for the Middle East conflict) is (the result
    of) the special treatment Israel gets," he said at a news conference with visiting Turkish counterpart Ahmet Davutoglu.

    "When they violate international law, other countries get punished but not Israel ... Israel has become like the spoilt child of the international community"

    Note, Saudi Arabia is a .

    Question: Is what we're seeing a behavioural critical mass effect?
    Whilst it's something best dealt with by the Israelis themselves (here and there), it's an extremely tall order to effectively manage those who never grow up, especially if they are verbally quick witted. It's a problem which faces those in criminal justice all the time, the world over.

  • Comment number 10.

    "6. At 1:33pm on 03 Nov 2010, kevseywevsey wrote:
    Interesting artical Tab, though I'm not surprised. We've been serving the people who control the money for many years."

    That nice long-haired hippie chap from the Middle East who taught us to just turn the other cheek and spread love etc - was he working for a very early ?

  • Comment number 11.

    'where does Emily Maitliss get her staying power?'


    Maybe it's from the 拢150K+ a year she's paid! (not to mention the tax avoidance measures that she exercises - you probably pay more tax than she does)

    Big-earning 麻豆官网首页入口 stars set up companies to escape high tax bills

    Note 1: 拢150K is the lower pay limit for the 50% tax threshold to be implemented. So her pay is probably a lot more than that.

    Note 2: Paul Mason has confirmed on one of his blogs that he is PAYE and therefore pays the top rate of tax.

  • Comment number 12.

    "After Palin wraps up, I race to the parking lot in search of departing Medicare-motor-scooter conservatives. I come upon an elderly couple, Janice and David Wheelock, who are fairly itching to share their views.

    "I'm anti-spending and anti-government," crows David, as scooter-bound Janice looks on. "The welfare state is out of control."

    "OK," I say. "And what do you do for a living?"

    "Me?" he says proudly. "Oh, I'm a property appraiser. Have been my whole life."

    I frown. "Are either of you on Medicare?"

    Silence: Then Janice, a nice enough woman, it seems, slowly raises her hand, offering a faint smile, as if to say, You got me!

    "Let me get this straight," I say to David. "You've been picking up a check from the government for decades, as a tax assessor, and your wife is on Medicare. How can you complain about the welfare state?"

    "Well," he says, "there's a lot of people on welfare who don't deserve it. Too many people are living off the government."

    "But," I protest, "you live off the government. And have been your whole life!"

    "Yeah," he says, "but I don't make very much." Vast forests have already been sacrificed to the public debate about the Tea Party: what it is, what it means, where it's going. But after lengthy study of the phenomenon, I've concluded that the whole miserable narrative boils down to one stark fact: They're full of s**t. All of them."

    After reading the article, look up 'dysgenic fertility' and 'intensional opacity', and if you can, spend some time thinking about what we have been doing to our populations in pursuit of 'freedom'..

  • Comment number 13.

    I forgot...

    Note 3: IR35 (a law/tax ruling) prevents technical/engineering/IT freelancers from setting up similar tax avoidance arrangements/companies as journalists and the like are able to do.

    Consider it a gov't funded perk (of the job) for their meedja lackies. Keeps 'em sweet!

  • Comment number 14.


    Oh Kev! A Pan-Downtheist is - as any fule kno - one who is headed down the pan.


  • Comment number 15.


    jaunty does not mean yellow.

    why is it not surprising you are defending criminals? unless they are muslim?

    it would be a simple matter for israel to pass over the names so that the criminals who swore allegiance to another state can be brought to justice? why is that not a good thing?

  • Comment number 16.


    Not in English but by a round abut way it could be interpretated from French 'jaune' as yellow.

    And, could you please name the criminals that i'n your view I'm defending?

  • Comment number 17.


    Yo Jaunty Yellowetta! (I to you will pen.)

    I used to watch our royalty POINTING, as the talked into the face of some prole, and ponder. Suddenly it dawned on me: they KNOW we are dumb. And by the same token, they KNOW they are SPECIAL beyond measure. With their upbringing, how could they think otherwise?

    I presume Israel KNOWS it is superior to the rest of us. If that is so, they cannot be reasoned with. Now THERE'S a conclusion! I hope the Blog de Dog has had his tea.

  • Comment number 18.

    How about looking at the impact of science on immigration?

  • Comment number 19.

    17. At 5:07pm on 03 Nov 2010, barriesingleton wrote:

    "I presume Israel KNOWS it is superior to the rest of us. If that is so, they cannot be reasoned with. Now THERE'S a conclusion! I hope the Blog de Dog has had his tea."

    One has to LACK something in order to successfully behave that way.
    What's lacking is empathy. That's because others are not seen as kin.

    Have you tried empathising with a rat? It can be done, but it is quite hard. One has to see them as fellow mammals. Then it's easier. Some people can't do it, they are too wrapped up in themselves. It's a lack of empathy thing. Infantile even.

    Jauntycyclist - unless you are a masochist, don't feed the trolls. They are not like you. You may be hard to teach, but you are at least reachable.

  • Comment number 20.

    17. At 5:07pm on 03 Nov 2010, barriesingleton wrote:

    "Suddenly it dawned on me: they KNOW we are dumb."

    Which other group of humans considers another group 'dumb' and easy to get them to do things for them? (Hint, they cast spells of a sort).

  • Comment number 21.

    Will inviting guests onto Newsnight who excel at arranging words in presentable, if not attractive ways, ever serve to change reality? Is that perhaps all that 麻豆官网首页入口 is for these days? Has it given up on informing and ? Might the exclusive remit to entertain gradually alienate viewers as they see something else going on all about them?

  • Comment number 22.


    ..Not in English but by a round abut way it could be interpretated from French 'jaune' as yellow...

    so you agree you are not speaking english but your own made up language. So rather than use correct terms you accept you stay in your own fantasy? on your own roundabout? that is progress.

    if you wanted the courts to have a warrant to arrest someone on war crimes they would need some kind case. they won't do it just because you say so. if there is a case to answer what is the problem?

  • Comment number 23.

    Paul- Fed's 600bill. that'll keep china going for a year.

  • Comment number 24.


    What's wrong with a bit fantasy, jaunty? History is full of wonderful works of art, musical pieces, architecture, literary works and so on based precisely on fantasy. How about 'Alice in Wonderland', for example? Do you know the French musician, singer and saxophonist called Jerome? If not, let me tell you he plays and sings this amazing tune called, would you believe, 'Fantasy'. I love it. It's absolutely brilliant to dance/skate to fantacising throughout. On the CD that I have, there is also a female singer and do joke around 'naughtiness'. It really is superb text wise, musically, rhythmically, etc and is on top of everything very funny with her, for example, asking him to play his big sax to which he responds /it's all in English/ 'Big sax? Actually it's a tenor'. Do get CD, I bet you're going to enjoy it.

  • Comment number 25.


    Oh, come off it, tb02, it makes Newsnight a bit more watchable this way, as long as there are not too many moustachio/macho references which then has quite the opposite effect on its watchabiity as far as I am concerned anyway.

  • Comment number 26.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 27.

    Mr Gove said today .... 鈥楺鈥 We should have an entirely fair system ..... 鈥榰n-Q鈥. He was referring to university fees.

    So how is it that some will, if they - aka their parents - can afford it, be allowed to pay up front and avoid the prohibitive tax penalties of those that whom cannot cough up the lump sum?

    Don鈥檛 most loans have an 鈥榚arly settlement鈥 penalty?

    And what is the likelihood of those parents whom can afford to pay up front being supporters of ..... ?

    And ... Oh yes! ....

    The Chair of the Home Affairs Committee say鈥檚 that it - the Big Con鈥檚 immigration 鈥榗ap鈥 - should have appropriate 鈥渆xemptions鈥 and 鈥渇lexibility鈥 and current 鈥榩lans鈥 will only reduce incomers by one per cent.

    Any bets as to whether the cap will have any effect at all?

    Just what skills are we so short of that we have - still - to 鈥榠mport鈥?

    e.g. Unemployment rate for new IT graduates stands at 17 per cent.

    And ... Oh yes! ....

    Mr Conmeron is introducing a 鈥橪earning Support Fund鈥 .

    New money or ... same cash being used under a different name?

    And ... Oh yes! ....

    A Junior Con has said that 鈥淪omeone who鈥檚 at the top of their game ....鈥 鈥榮hould be allowed in . 鈥 ( to the UK).

    He was referring to Footballers!

    Is not 鈥楩ootball鈥 the largest participant sport in the UK any more?

    Just how many Football Players are we so short of that we have - still - to 鈥榠mport鈥?

    He also included 鈥楢thletes鈥 in the Con-undrum ....

    Just how many of those are we short of?

    We somehow seem to be short of just about everyone!

    Strange that!

    And ... Oh yes! ....

    Ms Maybeknot has had a robust - politically speaking - 鈥榞o鈥 at british nationals training as potential 鈥榬eligious fundamentalist 鈥榓ctivists鈥 鈥 in Somewherealia.

    If this is the case, why not just stop them coming back in?

    And if it requires the cancellation of dual nationality .... then so be it!!

    Or is that against someone鈥檚 鈥榬ights to be human鈥!

    As an afterthought ......

    The last time I asked why we had the largest Somalian community in Europe the number being quoted was 250,000. Today the figure was given as 300,000 approx so I have to revise my question ....

    Why do we have the largest - growing - Somalian community in Europe?

    Any takers?

  • Comment number 28.


    I can assure you with about 100% guarantee that the Court case is going to take place with me as only one of the claimants. That's what I think at the moment anyway. But by all means keep 'clinging', little that it's going to help you in the future.

  • Comment number 29.

    I wonder what Matt Taibbi would make of Simon Schama?

  • Comment number 30.

    Whomsoever put together the (Shall we call it - 鈥榯he story of O鈥 ?) film 鈥榤ontage' deserves a pat on the back!


    I鈥檓 pretty sure they鈥檇 prefer a pay rise, or a secure contract, but these are ....

    .... hard times!

    And ..... in the best interests of the nation ....

    They are gonna get harder!

  • Comment number 31.

    @ Jaunty #30 - if they put up THE 'Story of O' viewing figures would be sky high ;o)

    Excellent Newsnight tonight - particularly Jeremy's interview with Damien Green on the so called "immigration caps"........how he squirmed! Very interesting debate on the US$600billion stimulus for the US economy with Professors Phelps & Rajan. Very nice graph by Paul too.

  • Comment number 32.

    Emily asked some rather good questions. It was a pity one of her guests is a well known complete idiot, and it wasn't Schama. If ever there was proof that you can be a no-talent dufus but really get-on, the Larry King replacement is it.
    Piers Morgan not well known for good timing but he's got a potential big audience in the US considering their general lack of intellect, so he should do well.
    America, once a great power house that today only produces Pornography and web sites.
    Here is all you need to know where the USA is heading: its going to collapse...Paul Mason, take note. I wont bore you with how, when and by whom, just take it as a given that its gonna fail. Maybe Paul already knows this, he's probably just not allowed to say it.

    Mim, my number 1 fan. Your sooo down the rabbit hole. Well you did mention Alice in Wonderland.

    I was going to say to you about some fella mentioned that hell is a place where there is no reason..but we'll go with the rabbit hole..its a more gentler rib. Don't take that wrong now!...but you will.

  • Comment number 33.


    A 'very nice graph' tumbling down towards the point of no return, Mistress76uk? It was a pretty design sign, I would agree with you on that.

  • Comment number 34.

    27. At 10:00pm on 03 Nov 2010, JAperson wrote:

    "Just what skills are we so short of that we have - still - to 鈥榠mport鈥?"

    That will be renting_property_in_the_city_centre_from_Boris'_pals skills and spending_the rest_of_your_benefits_at_Tesco-Express_and Top_Shop skills whilst having lots of on the NHS probably..

  • Comment number 35.

    When I was still quite a young girl
    I did dream of becoming a saint.
    Although I am now an atheist
    The fate might have it I might just make it
    Through, would you believe, abuse and virtual tests.

    mim, against vile sin

  • Comment number 36.

    #34 Thanks for those very interesting stats tab02, very worrying, especially the huge rise in births from foreign mothers from 1999 onwards, just when the labour party got into full swing on the importation of people.

    Perhaps this will be the end result, the indigenous pay for all the others.

  • Comment number 37.

    #32 Here is all you need to know where the USA is heading: its going to collapse...Paul Mason, take note. I wont bore you with how, when and by whom, just take it as a given that its gonna fail. Maybe Paul already knows this, he's probably just not allowed to say it.

    I have to agree with you Kev, having seen, admittedly only on TV the collapsing state of the US, trouble is we will go down with them. The West is going to take a massive leap off the cliffs, it's just going to happen, we keep outsourcing all our work and buying ad infinitum, China India, Brazil, everybody else except the west will be going up.

  • Comment number 38.

    A tip for all 16 - 18 year olds thinking of taking an IT degree at University DON'T. Not only will you have as much as 拢40,000 of debt, you also won't find work, as we're giving most of the jobs away to Indians.

  • Comment number 39.


    Did one poster already point out the degree as (increasingly) trappings, rather than competence?

    As I posted recently: Schooling (aka Education) is stuck in the cloister and gown age. Technological advance has qualified millions with degrees in Twitter, Tweet and Twaddle but, with the notable exception of the OU, we still build poorly disguised 'day prisons' and transport (!) our young, vast carbon-mile-hours to be schooled; often with negative success.

    This is yet another indication of the inexorable fool/knave 'quality' of our MPs. Small wonder than can't improve other sociological aspects of British EXISTENCE ('life' it isn't).

    In passing: decades ago, I was unable to find a job because I was in my 30s and 'the market' was full of 20s graduates. I went on to found and run a viable business. . .

    Westminster political games, use our lives and wellbeing as ancillary to their party-jousting. In other respects, few are very talented, and ALL CONNIVE (or they would leave).


  • Comment number 40.


    Funny you should be talking of jumping off cliffs, Ecolizzy, as I'm expecting a few 'clever' individuals to follow David Kelly's 'footsteps' by either jumping off something or other, or by some other even more 'imaginative' ways before what you expect to be the 'total collapse' of the USA.

    However, if you are a lady rather than pretending to be one, I certainly do not do anything silly like that, especially, as you say, you have children and I'm sure they need their Mum.


  • Comment number 41.

    Great Men of Guernsey: Derek Le Page, Richard De La Rue & Richard Heaume

    Sometimes even 鈥榙onkeys鈥 are appreciated by being handed in something to eat though I don鈥檛 think necessarily purchased in Tesco鈥檚:
    When it was announced Richard Heaume was being appointed MBE he said: "I'm delighted, it's quite an honour for a Guernsey donkey to receive such a big carrot."



  • Comment number 42.

    was Simon hyperactive as a child?

  • Comment number 43.


    why do NN put people outside in winter? it is some macho thing?

  • Comment number 44.

    "43. At 6:47pm on 04 Nov 2010, jauntycyclist wrote:

    why do NN put people outside in winter? it is some macho thing?"

    To justify the expense of sending Emily and team over there rather than interview via satellite. It's a show. Most would say it's an unnecessary expense. Others would say this is more about the journalists than the viewers.

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