
麻豆官网首页入口 BLOGS - Newsnight: From the web team
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Thursday 2 December 2010

Verity Murphy | 11:48 UK time, Thursday, 2 December 2010

Here's some more detail on tonight's programme:

Football is not coming home - well not for another 20 years at least - after football's governing body Fifa this afternoon picked Russia to stage the 2018 World Cup.

The England bid team had hoped that lobbying in Zurich by Prince William, David Cameron and David Beckham would give them an advantage however, England actually went out in the first round of the vote with just two of the 22 votes.

Tonight, leading football writer Jim White will give us his take on the troubled bid, and we hope to be speaking to a member of the England bid team.

We have a film on hydraulic fracturing, a process known as fracking, a controversial way to get at natural gas trapped in shale rock a couple of miles underground.

Cleaner than coal, it is being hailed by some as the latest energy solution. But some, especially people who claim the process has contaminated their water supply with methane, are asking if it is safe. Susan Watts has been finding out.

And David Grossman will be dipping into the first tranche of MPs' expenses claims, which has been published online by the new Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority (Ipsa). Ipsa was set up in the wake of the expenses scandal to restore faith in the way MPs allowances were run - has it worked?

Join Gavin for all that and more at 10.30pm on 麻豆官网首页入口 Two.


  • Comment number 1.

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  • Comment number 2.

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  • Comment number 3.

    'We have a film from Susan Watts on hydraulic fracturing - fracking'

    With, with luck, no Battlestar Galactica New Series devotees of a sensitive disposition watching.

  • Comment number 4.

    So tonight we are to be subjected to all the latest eco-fascist propaganda against drilling shale for gas. I suspect that there will be all the scare stories about it contaminating the ground water yet in the case of the gas bearing shale identified for exploration in the Ribble Valley, most people get their water from the mains. Back in the 1950s all dairy farmers had to get mains water if for instance it had a high proportion of Iron, others have springs close to the surface when the shale deposit runs deep. Its not that big a job for any gas drilling company to connect a few outlying farms to the mains anyway, its said that said shale deposit runs from Pendle hill right through to the coast at Blackpool nearly 40 miles away.

    I suspect that the eco-fascists primary motivation is financial as usual, to protect the current high price of gas for the current cartel of suppliers.

  • Comment number 5.

    wikileaks will be driven off the internet as any web host will be under huge state pressure to close them?

    ...Transport Secretary Philip Hammond has been told to "get a grip" on the snow ...

    but a hayekist would say the market has all knowledge so is the best determiner of affairs. so there will no state minister 'getting a grip' of anything. hayekism = anarchy. if there is failure, disaster and confusion then state hayekism is 'working'.

    the salt they use doesn't work below -5

    ..Royal Bank of Scotland cleared of wrongdoing by FSA..

    but who clears the FSA [and its creators] that allowed a few firms to bankrupt the uk?

  • Comment number 6.


    You lost me there Jaunty. Are you implying Table Salt will only de-ice a frozen table?

    I think, in the final analysis, road-salting is like Westminster politics. "DO ANYTHING THAT LOOKS LIKE SOMETHING". Don't waste time being rational. It's the same with 'climate'.

    Once you have diluted your salt TO A LOW STRENGTH by melting snow, it will ultimately re-freeze (at sub-zero) IF THERE IS STILL SNOW LEFT UNMELTED.

  • Comment number 7.

    "But Russia didn't send a Prince to Zurich?" must rank as the funniest question put by the 麻豆官网首页入口 (to the Russian
    Michkail Starov by 麻豆官网首页入口's Steve [Stevanovich?] a couple of minutes ago during Live coverage). A gppd result for
    Russian football - and the opening up of Russian tourism - and exciting news for Qatar and the Middle East in 2022. Qatar has over the years been one of the few international venues that has welcomed the Palestine team
    so the guys I used to watch playing like Brazilians in their bare feet in the slums of Gaza will be cheering today.

    As for England and Prince William, you've still got the Royal Wedding to look forward too and The Olympics - even though it remains an international scandal that The Parthenon's 'stolen' Marbles are in Boris's museum!

    Looking forward to seeing who you line up for the post-mortem panel ..... could be a vintage Newsnight and we in Scotland don't mind missing the normal Newsnight Scotland optout to give this the treatment it merits.

    Why not take the survey of 'soft power' in the current issue of 'Monocle' magazine as a discussion starting point as you replan the coverage for tonight's programme? They have some excellent league tables in that.

  • Comment number 8.

  • Comment number 9.

    Monocle was also tipping Qatar as a sporting destination in a previous issue .....

  • Comment number 10.

    Panel suggestions: Andy Burnham, Boris Johnson, Delia Smith, Gordon Ramsay

  • Comment number 11.

    Suggested Running order (revised):

    1. Parliamentary expenses and freebie trips for MPs ( 30 seconds .... basic line: 'who is Britain to preach?')

    2. Football diplomacy and soft power. (Opening line: 'Russia didn't send a Prince to Zurich ...') (extended)/

    3. Susan Gigawatt on problems in the gas industry - and how we should all learn Russian or buy blankets.

  • Comment number 12.

    The Ministers who were overruled this week by David Cameron after cutting sport for kids will presumably now have to do the decent thing and offer their resignations to fans? Goodbye Jeremy Hunt? And goodbye Mr Gove?

  • Comment number 13.

    /news/uk-politics-11896962 How the 麻豆官网首页入口 reported the sports "U-turn" this week ......
    it clearly came too late to save the England bid ....

  • Comment number 14.

    All this proves is that England is indeed the home of the masochist.

    Anything connected with football and the people of England convince themselves that it is their divine right to win. Every major football tournament comes around and off you go again - convincing yourselves that you only have to turn up and you will win.

    Inevitably you don't and then begins a national self-flagellation on a scale that is truly alarming to any looker-on.

    Take my advice, if you wish to beat yourselves up then stop all this nonsense. Put on some high heels, accquire a riding crop and invest time and energy reading up on the works of Anne Rice and other writers of erotic fiction.

    It will be a far more pleasant way of inflicting mental and physical torture on yourselves.

  • Comment number 15.

    Quote of [My] Day, from twitter...

    @isaby 麻豆官网首页入口 reporter to David Beckham: "What went wrong?" Beckham: "We didn't get enough votes."

    Evidently Panorama not on the watch list of all 麻豆官网首页入口 employees, or Mr. Beckham's. Or maybe he was just to polite to give the question the answers it deserved.

    Actually, I think UK PLC dodged a bullet, in more ways than one.

  • Comment number 16.

    So England only got two votes ..... one of them from England? Surely if they were only able to persuade one additional Fifa member that their bid was best (out of 22) they can't now start blaming 麻豆官网首页入口 and Panorama!

  • Comment number 17.

    Interested to read the ancient history section of the Wikipedia entry on 'football' ... so much for the story that it was invented in England! The modern Code of Conduct may have emerged in England but the game is older ...?

  • Comment number 18.

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  • Comment number 19.


    Perhaps the world has noticed that Blair (uber-warmonger for God) is one of ours? And they might have spotted that monetary-wizard world-saver Brown, is another. Then up pops Dave, he of the Worzel Gummidge, variable head, full of proud certainty that he leads GREAT Britain. They might even have heard about Westminster, or The City - nuff sed.

    Would YOU vote for a bunch of war-mad, money-mad, narcissistic ninnies?

  • Comment number 20.

    thank goodness we didn't get the world cup. the judges have more sense than the political class do. we're broke. the security costs would have been horrendous. much better for it to go where the power really is in the world. to those commodity rich countries who made a killing from the rest of us. Time for the uk to move psychologically and physically out of carlton house and it imperialist murals of empire that give people delusions of grandeur. we are small bankrupt state on a trend of failure managed by institutional incompetence selling aircraft carriers on an internet auction site.

    even the norman monarchy model oppression and apartheid didn't impress.

  • Comment number 21.

    I think the 麻豆官网首页入口 should launch an investigation into the quality of its journalism after the 麻豆官网首页入口, on Television and Radio, has been spending the past 24 hours stating that Russia was out of the running.

    Completely and utterly wrong.

    Makes you question the recent Panorama if the 麻豆官网首页入口 can get something as simple as this so wrong does it not?

  • Comment number 22.

    "The Idiocy of Permanent Daylight Saving Time, Otherwise Known As Central European Time."

    It has been quite alarming watching the Conservative press go into overdrive, pushing the idea of adopting Daylight Saving Time on a permanent basis - pushing the kind of loony ideas once the preserve of the Left. Some, like the Telegraph and Daily Mail, reacting, no doubt, to polling, have reversed their positions, quick smart, but I don't think the risk of this change has yet evaporated. Maybe it has. How do I find if a Private Members' Bill has been accepted?

    I'd like to tackle one of the central arguments of the proponent and supporters of the "Daylight Saving Bill", or the introduction of Central European Time, by the back door: the reduction in road injuries and deaths.

    Ask yourself: 'what is the cause of the overwhelming majority of pedestrian deaths and injuries?' Is it a lack of sunlight or an inability to understand the 'Green Cross Code'? On which part of the road are they knocked over: the tarmac or the pavement? What causes deaths and injuries at noon - a time of day when it is light no matter how you tinker with the clocks? If you are oblivious to day-time deaths and injuries and believe the vertical height of the sun, measured from the horizon, solely determines the number knocked over - with the sun's height and road deaths being directly proportional - why not erect -football-stadia-style- floodlights on every street corner and turn night into day? Pedestrian deaths and injuries, at the only time of day that they occur, obviously, would vanish, wouldn't they? Children could continue to treat the road as an extension of the pavement, those engrossed in their music could continue to blithely cross the road, completely oblivious to everything around them, and drunks could stumble on and off the pavement, at will, and not a soul would be injured, because the 'sun' is still up. It sounds idiotic, I know, because it is, but no more than this proposal. How about - and this truly is a novel and worthwhile idea: teach people - children, especially, if this is the great concern - how to cross the road and dump this demented idea of fixing something that isn't broken?

    By the way, let no one be under any illusions as to where the desire for this originates: the wish to integrate further into 'Europe', in the absurd belief that by adopting French and German time, Sarkozy and Merkel will by more conducive to British ideas and we can mould the E.U. in our image. It's fanciful nonsense. We, by a long margin, would be 'better off out'.

  • Comment number 23.

    Well done Panorama for pointing out all the FIFA Corporate Nazi conditions that celebrities like Beckham etc seem not to care about and perhaps saving our civilisation from the World Cup.

    This could be the next big question we all have to ask ourselves ?

  • Comment number 24.

    If it is shown that a programme transmitted by the free media in this country effected the voting, then it is the FIFA voting system, and for that matter, the voters that need to put on trial, not the broadcasting of the panorama programme.

    Although our media can be arrogant and irresponsible, I would much rather lose the World Cup big than have a country where the press are controlled like Russia.

  • Comment number 25.

    #19 Barriesingleton

    "..Would YOU vote for a bunch of war-mad, money-mad, narcissistic ninnies?"

    I don't need to. Most of the Fifa delegation already has.

    We are not alone.

    And for those who care, even in Switzerland, Germany and other land locked alpine climes, everything grinds to a halt when it snows. Until it stops.

    #22 Struggling.

    Nice one!

  • Comment number 26.

    Tonight鈥檚 main - proposed - item ........

    There was a line in a very successful film that became very very famous because the 鈥榓uthorities鈥 ( self ordained ) objected, whereas others appreciated the importance to the narrative .....

    The sentence ....

    鈥淔rankly my dear, I don鈥檛 give a damn.鈥

    This line - FMPOV - is decidedly and particularly relevant now ......


    The whole thing - had the 鈥榖id鈥 sic been 鈥榮uccessful鈥 - would have made a lot of supremely rich people distinctly wealthier.

    We would have had 鈥榵鈥 number of weeks of grossly overpaid 鈥榮port[ Ho Hum!) -s men being revered for something of - almost completely - no real merit.

    Almost every adult male would, overnight, become expert - and very vocal - on every aspect of the 鈥榮pectacle鈥 .... Particularly - surprise, surprise - Politicians.

    The 麻豆官网首页入口 et al would show nothing but for 24 hours a day.

    The wholly inappropriate and inaccurate use of such words as 鈥淗ero鈥欌, 鈥渉eroic鈥 鈥渟pectacular鈥 et al would have gone through the roof.

    Sane and serious conversation would become extinct.

    Asylum applications would rocket.

    The home nation鈥檚 people would inevitably be severely disappointed, probably at the very earliest stage of involvement.

    And ...... (If very limited - by choice - knowledge serves ..... )

    One very undeserving team would be playing in the tournament purely because 鈥榯hey鈥 represented the host nation.

    So ....

    ( Just in case my 鈥榝eelings鈥 might have been, even slightly, misunderstood ...... )

    鈥淔rankly my dear, I don鈥檛 give a damn.鈥

  • Comment number 27.

    100,000 TONNES OF SNOW (#25)

    The Minster for Snow said they have moved 100,000 tonnes of snow at Gatwick. I am still wondering where they put it. It would fill an awful lot of the obligatory 'Olympic-sized swimming pools'.

    If I remember rightly, a tonne of snow is about ten cubic metres - that's another nought! A cube one hundred metres on each side should do it. Thats a big twinkie! (Ghost Busters.)

  • Comment number 28.


    Maybe Public Broadcasters should be reminding people of this information when reporting on the winter weather !

  • Comment number 29.

    By firmly associating himself with the failed world cup bid Conmoron has created a big stick which any astute political opposition would be foolish to ignore. Once the truth about the conditions Conmoron was proposing to agree gets out among the ordinary public and even football fans their alleged fairness agenda is fatally damaged. The same principle could apply to Prince William, who's current " people friendly " branding could be somewhat tarnished. I suppose that you can let Beckam half off, considering that he usually exhibits the intellect of a species of pond life.

    At the end of the day they are all just an uncaring bunch of the celebrities the ten bob fat cats worship and perhaps the most damaging condition would have been to open our borders to illegal immigrants. Perhaps it would not be so blatant if in the last couple of weeks the Tories have attempted to portray themselves as tough on immigration putting a cap on the number of non EU migrants. The spin on this hides the fact that the stock market parasites are exempt, which means there are plenty of traders coming into the UK stock market with no true interest in the future of our nation. It then moves onto what Alex Jones was going on about in the YouTube link I posted earlier.

  • Comment number 30.

    Children Left Behind

    When I was 10, my parents moved into one of those flats shown on the programme tonight. The Alton Estate, Roehampton. We were transferred from a slum in Stepney east London to this new development out 'in the sticks'. It was the most amazing place I'd ever seen. A proper living room, a proper bedroom, bathroom and a kitchen of which my mother sang its praises for months. I realised many years later it was many notches up from a scullery. That was in 1958. Such a shame that the London County Council had such high hopes for this demographic sea change at the time, and to see it all disintegrate by the 21st century! I live in leafy Bucks now. There is hope.

  • Comment number 31.

    #4 bros
    Your link contained a further link to the comprehensive report on Taxpayer Funded Environmentalism:

    I waded through all 87 pages and found numerous organisations lobbying for 鈥榮ustainable environments鈥 with various pet solutions, but not a word about the major enemy of the environment 鈥 Human Population Explosion (more than tripled in my lifetime).

    The Campaign for Better Transport boast of 鈥榬ecently convincing Government to Commit to growing the railways and tackling overcrowding鈥 but ignores the fact that our increased population IS the cause of the problem.

    And Friends of the Earth 鈥榳ant to see rich countries financially supporting developing countries to tackle the impacts of climate change鈥 stating that 鈥楧FID* is contributing more than 拢12m to WWF programmes which aims to reduce poverty in Latin America, Asia and Africa and 鈥 aims to improve the well-being of people 鈥 especially poor and organisation groups.鈥 (*DFID = the taxpayer)

    How can these millions be lifted from poverty, except by adopting our western levels of consumption and pollution?

    Nobody (since Dimbleby鈥檚 documentary) wants to discuss the fact that increase in human population is the major factor in environmental damage, both in UK and worldwide. The alliance has made a start by 鈥楾hinking the Unthinkable鈥 with one aspect of the UK problem, and finally staged the Westminster 鈥楤ig Debate鈥 on Immigration 鈥 but attended by few MPs. And they have also put a slight brake on taxpayer funding of environmental lobbying groups.
    Perhaps they could call for a BIG Debate on Population Limitation /Control?

  • Comment number 32.

    A CUNNING PLAN (#31)

    Burn lots of fossil fuel to bring Mammon to the Dollar-a-Day folk. The temperature rise will mean we can turn off the heating in higher latitudes. Lower emissions bring temperature fall. Educate all the new Mammonised women to want a B M W not a B A B Y. Population falls. A return to sustainable earth follows. Stupid governance and wars will, of course, continue. (This plan does not take into account Illuminati and Shape Shifting Lizards.)


  • Comment number 33.

    #31 I don't know how accurate this report on tfr is Indi...

    but it gives some hope for optimism that birthrates are declining. If only us europeans would increase ours a little it would balance out a little better, now what was it stat/tab was always talking about?! ; )

    I have read a little of south and latin america, their's is definitely much lower. A few years ago it was as much as ten per mother, but has now declined to around 2, sometimes 3, so a massive drop. They must be ignoring the Pope!

  • Comment number 34.


    uk seems to think its special when in the big scheme of things its not more important than an average state in the usa?

    Liz M's 'Rich Countries'

    in what way is the uk a rich country? who keeps peddling this false belief. Do rich countries turn off street lights? people in debt are not 'rich'.

    There is absolute poverty and relative poverty. relative poverty is not poverty.

    Relative poverty is a con given its a ratio of an average rather a fixed definition. Given relative poverty is a ratio of an average it will never end. How can it? Its the same kind of thinking where 70% of people think they are above average. Dreams unfulfilled is not poverty. Not having shoes or food or housing is poverty.

    If you take 10 people and 7 have sky sports then the other 3 are in relative poverty. Shall we tax the 7 because they are 'rich'? Its lunacy.

    Gavin the uk can be happy because we have no poverty. only a ratio of an average. the fact that some have hijacked the word poverty [to trick and deceive the ordinary public] and so push a socialist agenda is the matter for shame. Next time to have any credibility NN needs to make a difference between absolute poverty and relative poverty. otherwise its just as propagandist as the bbc was [and still is] over climate change.

    given the high wages and pensions of executives and presenters what is the relative poverty ratio in the bbc? How can the bbc be 'happy' while the 'poverty' ratio is so high among its staff? the bbc says there must be 'reward' for talent which in a zero sum game of the licence fee means there must be 'punishment' for the not talented? So by having a dogma of reward and punishment the bbc locks in a 'poverty' apartheid for the majority of its staff?

    So we are not talking poverty but relative wealth or even relative talent if one believes talent must be rewarded which means not talent won't be rewarded. As long as someone gets paid above the average then someone else, in a zero sum game, must be in relative poverty. So unless you remove the reward for talent dogma you will never get rid of the 'poverty' or wage apartheid [in the bbc or anywhere else] they are talking about. anyone see the bbc dropping the reward for talent dogma? No.

    as long as one pretends we are not in a zero sum game then one can pretend relative poverty can end. So the origin of relative poverty [or less than average] is due to the dogma that allows people to be paid more than average.

  • Comment number 35.

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  • Comment number 36.

    Hastings (24)
    "Although our media can be arrogant and irresponsible, I would much rather lose the World Cup big than have a country where the press are controlled like Russia."
    You appear to be unfamiliar with the modus operandi of how Western House Rules control free expression. Here, one can pretty much say whatever one likes, so long as it doesn't offend anyone. That, sadly, often means, so long as one doesn't say anything really worth paying attention to.
    Solzhenitsyn covered this in his 1978 Harvard Speech (1978).
    It was also said by Ed Murrow long ago (played here by an actor): .
    It was graphically laid out by Chomsky in 'Manufacturing Consent'.

  • Comment number 37.

    Bravo to the 麻豆官网首页入口 once again the mouthpiece of truth and has been vindicated by the result in Switzerland, Quatar, a land mass in which 97 per cent is .....sand? Russia, a rogue state in which Omerta is rapidly becoming an aquired language and the twenty two 'voters' which make the Waffen SS look repectable...Bravo Beeb...

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