
麻豆官网首页入口 BLOGS - Newsnight: From the web team
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Friday 7 January 2011

Verity Murphy | 14:44 UK time, Friday, 7 January 2011

More detail on tonight's programme, which will be presented by Stephanie Flanders:

The ringleaders of a gang which groomed and abused teenage girls in Derby in a campaign of rape and assault spanning two years have been handed indeterminate jail sentences.

Some children's charities say that such on-street grooming of young girls by older men, where girls are targeted outside, including at the school gates, is a growing problem.

But debate is raging over whether there is a racial element to the practice.

There have been claims that the majority of men convicted of on-street grooming have been Asians of Pakistani origin, and that most of their victims have been white.

However, today the authors of the first independent analysis of the issue have voiced concerns that limited data from a small, geographically concentrated area is being used to characterise a whole crime.

Jackie Long has been finding out where the truth lies.

Also tonight - Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke said today that the US economy is showing signs of a "self-sustaining recovery", but is not growing fast enough to reduce high jobless levels.

His statement came despite Labor Department figures showing that the US unemployment rate dropped to 9.4% in December from 9.8% in November, the biggest since April 1998.

So America a safe bet for investors or not? Stephanie Flanders will be finding out.

And Stephen Smith will be bringing us an all-American fairy tale.


  • Comment number 1.


    When the mix of glass table and weird lighting, contrived to stick Crick half way up the wall, I had to admit a new high point, in edgy son et lumiere, had been reached. However, 'Audible Zoom' was an old 'Match of the Day' trick - SO, LIKE, EDGY-LITE.

    There is a tide in the affairs of overheating producers, that, taken at the flood, leaves not a wrack behind. . .

  • Comment number 2.

    'Paul Mason is looking at the US economy on the day figures showed that the US unemployment rate dropped to 9.4% in December from 9.8% in November, the biggest one-month drop since April 1998.'

    I don't think this statement is true.

  • Comment number 3.

    ...Labour MP Barry Sheerman said Chaytor was "the straightest person that most of us knew" ..

    well that's the political trick examined in the Republic isn't? Having 'the appearance of morality' which is enough to gather wealth and fame.

    so the art is to appear to be moral while behind the mask lies a wolf?

  • Comment number 4.

    New Green Religion !

  • Comment number 5.

    first week of the New Year and here we have Moll with more scare stories from the economy.....t'was ever thus...

  • Comment number 6.

    Truth... and where it's lying...

    'the authors of the first independent analysis'

    Might one hope to discover the background to these authors, along with who the heck they are, so as to assess the extent of their 'independence'?

    It's just that there has been some previous in this regard, where a certain level of partiality has seen matters of pertinent context omitted in favour of ensuring a well-enhanced narrative.

    Hence one person's independent is often, on closer inspection, another's agenda-serving tribalist. 'Truth', and lies, darn lies and media ratings-wise.

  • Comment number 7.

    Climate Change " Child Tax " proposed now, what next ?

  • Comment number 8.

    I will be watching tonight's ( 7-1-2011 )Newsnight programme with some interest regarding the item regarding the 'on-street grooming of young girls by older men'.

    I notice already that the seed has been sown for the usual 麻豆官网首页入口 pro-ethnic pro-multicultural cover-up with the statement :

    ' ... debate is raging over whether there is a racial element to the practice.
    However, today the authors of the first independent analysis of the issue have voiced concerns that limited data from a small, geographically concentrated area is being used to characterise a whole crime. '

    And we read that 'Jackie Long has been finding out where the truth lies.'

    I doubt that very much indeed.

    Let me explain something to you - the 'small geographic areas' are Lancashire, West Yorkshire, South Yorkshire, West Midlands, Telford Shropshire, Greater Manchester. These are all areas where Pakistani-heritage communities interface with white communities - not much sense in looking for Pakistani men grooming white girls in rural Lincolnshire or Dorset is there ? These are small geographic areas on a national basis because these are where these immigrant communities are concentrated.

    It is not a RACIAL issue anyway - it is a CULTURAL-RELIGIOUS issue to do with the muslim view of women and white western women in particular - as it is in Norway Sweden and Denmark, where they have rape problems with their muslim immigrants.

    I predict that the Newsnight report will be nonsense because it will not be objective, starting off with the pre-determined conclusion that there is no 'racial element' - which in itself is true of course because Sikh and Hindus , also racially Asian, are not involved.

    A colleageue of mine contacted Newsnight to complain about a report last week , in which the words 'Pakistani men' were censored out of the item when a description of the perpetrators should have been included. He did not receive a response.

    I will watch this report to see exactly HOW the 麻豆官网首页入口 Nesnight editirial censors treat this situation - I can already guess as the quotes given above from your preview indicate.

    Obviously, already the 麻豆官网首页入口 multiculturalists are working hard to play this down - I can hardly wait to see how they twist and distort the truth and provide meaningless statistics to coverup the truth of the matter with theur ethnic bias and pro-multicultural claptrap.

    Maybe I am wrong - but if I am , it will be first time when dealing with the middle-class luvvies that are pretend investigative journalists on programmes like 麻豆官网首页入口 Newsnight.

  • Comment number 9.


    It has all been said. PERVERSITY is now our watchword in Britain - in all things. Philosophers tend not to 'live within the lie'. Hence they are not found in Westminster or the 麻豆官网首页入口.

    We have invited invasion and given no resistance to the invader - perversely believing WE were exploiting HIM. (Not unlike the girly mag 'exploitation' delusion.) The invaders now use us, and ours, as they will. We ain't seen nothin' yet.

    'Too late' she cried.

  • Comment number 10.

    Well, to answer junkkmale's question '

    '....the authors of the first independent analysis'

    Might one hope to discover the background to these authors, along with who the heck they are, so as to assess the extent of their 'independence'?

    It will no doubt be from the University College London's 'Jill Dando Institute of Security and Crime Science'

    No doubt it's from Helen Brayley and Ella Cockbain, sat in their little ivory towers at UCL, number-crunching macro-statistics about populations into their computerised stats packages, and drawing dangerously invalid conclusions from poorly sampled data.

    As far as I can see, they have used macro-population statistics to extrapolate into the particular, producing meaningless conclusions. I do not know whether these students have yet obtained their Ph.D's, but I doubt if they know anything about sampling methods, judging by their backgrounds in Mechanical Engineering and Modern languages.

    Here's an interesting statistic, presented by CROP , an organisation who helps the victims and families of these girls in West Yorkshire and east Lancashire :

    400 families where girls were the victims of grooming and sex abuse by mainly Pakistani men.The vast majority are white families and the perpetrators are Pakistani Asians.

    Now there's some REAL numbers, not meaningless manipulated statistics.

    Incidentally, CROP has the 'not-a-race-issue' disclaimer on their website - not surprisingly it appeared shortly after they began to get funding from government-sponsored charities a couple of years ago.
    Well Mrs Hilary Wilmer, how is it not when your own statistics prove it to be so ? Don't you trust your own data ?

    Interestingly, the muslim organisations themselves, like the Ramadan Foundation, are more honest about the problem.

  • Comment number 11.

  • Comment number 12.


    Britain is rife with a wide range of the most heinous behaviour that humanity can stoop to, while hypocritically paying lip service to Christ's teaching and the Rule of Law. But her governments, serially, connive at, condone, promote, espouse (and often tax) a range of practices that degrade and destroy minds, bodies and souls. I need not elaborate.

    So - I am a moderate, devout Muslim: what am I to make of this? I can hardly see it as good in Allah's eyes. But I am living among these terrible people, so cannot make armed invasion, or bombing raids, to cleanse them. Is not my only option to keep my head down and let Allah work in his own way? And if that includes extremist acts, who am I to gainsay? Might I quietly hold the view that indigenous girls are being punished for immodesty, having inflamed defenceless men?

    When building The Tower of Babel, mankind was thrown into confusion by God's delivery of a multitude of languages (cultures?) 'on site'. (Sounds awfully like the NHS.) Did the rulers of Shinhar import cheap labour, proclaiming it the blessing of 'multiculture', and then cover up their cock-up with the Biblical story?

    I could not possibly comment.

  • Comment number 13.


    Great post Bro. But until we can get Susan to smell the Electric Universe coffee the Earth's magnetic field will still be generated by trolls, pedalling dynamos, and 'lines of force' will still be made of String.

    'It is the Thunderbolt that drives the Universe' and the Electric Sun that mediates inner space. But I'll be dead before the beauty of this alternative paradigm penetrates the closed mind of orthodoxy.

  • Comment number 14.


    yes did a bit on that a while ago. the courses for the new elite were being held on Maurice Strong farmland.

    the sheer volume of climate babble is amazing

    Global Warming for Global Governance

    Political Considerations / 鈥淭he Consensus鈥

    and so it goes on.

  • Comment number 15.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 16.


    Britain is also full of ... the most wonderful behaviour anyone could think of - all of us have friends, family and associates of all races and religions (who are happen to be British) who, everyday, save lives / care for loved ones / work to provide for their families / otherwise contribute to society and these actions should not be forgotten.

    I have just returned home from attending the funeral of a loved aunt, who not only gave much to her family, but as a headmistress of several schools, provided inspiration and engendered respect from several generations of young girls. I cannot think of a better vocation for a young, bright and dedicated woman of faith, who emigrated to this country in difficult circumstances and contributed so much more than she received. This is not an unusual story, there are similar people that we come across every day who are grateful for the space to live their lives free from persecution and to pursue their chosen profession, be it in teaching, medicine, law, industry, public service or bringing up a family.

    Let's also be grateful in a similar manner.

  • Comment number 17.

    Why do some Pakistani men think sexually active women are trash? Probably for the same sexist reasons Steve Smith made that joke about Liz Hurley being a tramp at the top of the programme. I bet she's had less sexual partners than most male Newsnight presenters. It was an unfortunate juxtaposition to put it mildly.

    There were similar double-standards from Kirsty Wark last night; if someone had made the same stereotypical observations about Scots that she made about Australians she'd have exploded. Newsnight staff should review their own attitudes as well as criticising others.

  • Comment number 18.


    There is something logically wonky about 'consensus'. Wasn't that what 'The Emperor's New Clothes' was illustrating?

    At the last count 2,1 billion minds are (nominally) of the view that the Son of the one god spent some time on Earth upsetting Jews. But that is LESS THAN HALF of the population of the planet. 4+ billion DO NOT BELIEVE THE ABOVE. Do they not constitute a 'consensus of unbelievers' who doubly trump the Christian assertion?

    Has anyone counted the number who do not subscribe to the AGW dogma? I hold the view that THEIR consensus, likewise, trumps the Church of Gore.

  • Comment number 19.

    One to make brossen99 laugh, or cry!

  • Comment number 20.


    Are you writing from the point of view of a moderate, devout Muslim? If so my 'though experiment' can be usefully engaged. If not, then while I can endorse your sentiments about the good in Britain, I am moved to point out you have not addressed my topic.

    Regarding losing loved ones: my brother had to endure a very British hell, before gaining the exit he was, daily, pleading for. That is just one of the 'cultural' horrors I obliquely referred to at #12. I hope your experience was less harrowing.

  • Comment number 21.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 22.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 23.

    You can run away from the immoral maze you have created 麻豆官网首页入口...but how much longer can you avoid the dreadful consequences of the moral disarmament you have imposed upon us?

  • Comment number 24.

    I see this 'case' is currently top-of...well, everything, chez Aunty, including online home page...


    I wonder where the 'comments' invited go? Are they carefully vetted in the edit suite before being relayed back?

    I also note from some later text in the piece that sammysheepdog's predictive talents (above) were/are pretty good; maybe he should join the Met Office? Or offer advice on investigative journalism?...

    'But Helen Brayley, from University College London's Jill Dando Institute of Security and Crime Science, said people should not draw hasty conclusions from the case.'

    At least we at last find out who was being referred to in this blog thread. Still no rounding out and/or mention of context (a relevant and oft used word in this case, one notes) to the qualifications and motivations of this lady and her ... 'organisation'. Having now watched, she seems to be pitching for oodles more money to scope 'other things', whatever they are. A bit of a research feature across many topics these days, that oddly creates massive caveats but does not impede major storylines being hyped around them.


    At least we had the full empathy and thoughts (albeit considered 'narrow' by the rather vocal Muslim contributor to stout defence by Ms. Flanders) of ... the ex-Home Sec on this. No government contribution seemingly warranted.

    'Interestingly, the muslim organisations themselves, like the Ramadan Foundation, are more honest about the problem.'

    Yes... sources of honest information. 'In the absence of no official statistics'. One is also trying to wade through the odd definitions deployed, as 'sex offenders' seems to cover a broad, ahem, 'church', from personal abuse to trafficking. Hardly clarified by this 'report' . Interesting indeed.

  • Comment number 25.

    Perhps we might revisit the subject of which section of our society imposed the barmy idea of unquestioning multiculturalism upon us in the first place instead of slyly blaming Pakistanis for the moral wreckage we find ourselves in?

    Just a few minutes watching Eastenders or the Graham Norton Show will easily locate the real source of the young girls plight.

    Or you could visit a British city centre on a Saturday night and watch the flower of our Blue Peter youth exposing themselves to those Asian taxi drivers!

    Social rocket science it ain`t...but it`s way out of NN`s range!

  • Comment number 26.

    'WAY OUT OF NN'S RANGE' (#25)

    How very true Jim. The nearest any 麻豆官网首页入口 'flagship' program has come to squarely addressing this vile issue, is when they rolled in an orgy of 'Naughtie' repeats, of the composite c-word, delivered courtesy of the Today Programme. MATURE BROADCASTING IT AINT.

    Neither can the politicians deal with it. Just heard the smooth Mr Vas, with his dancing shoes on, outlining (as only a politician can) 'the way forward'.

    THE MULTICULTURE MYTH (bravo) has only ever led to strife, except among scholars wearing neutral trousers. Just because egg-heads from across the known world chatted amiably (if abstrusely) in Alexandria a bunch of centuries back, does not mean it works in suburban, barmy Britain, 2011.

    I am designed by god to try to blame anyone but me - the more they differ, the more I may blame. (I think it's in the Bible?) And I accept that Pakistanis have an Allah-given right to function similarly.


  • Comment number 27.

    Derby - in a discussion about male attitudes to heterosexual behaviour in a particular town, why was one of the participants talking about mothers and sisters and daughters?

  • Comment number 28.

    26...Hear hear Barrie..of course the Beeb don`t function as a culturally British broadcaster anymore .....since Burlington Birtie was given the task of focussing the "guy`s output" on pleasing a brain-dead American audience and their constituency of "Love Actually" luvvies in the same parts of London from whence our drone class of Bertie Wooster politicians spring!

  • Comment number 29.


    What a nugget! My screen bowed outward Jim. Do you know a back way into the cellars of the Westminster palace by any chance?

  • Comment number 30.

    29 ...Think nothing of it Barrie (yes ..I know...you DON`T!)
    Your request for a route map into the bowels of our dictatorship rather misses the point that Parliament is a slightly up-market soap opera positioned uncomfortably between the cheeks of Hollyoaks and the Sopranos....but with no more executive power than a BNP AGM in Luton!

  • Comment number 31.

    jackstraw is wrong since the report authors say "black and ethnic minority girls over-represented among the victims" (guardian)

    further a look at the cps stats for paedophile convictions one finds that 95% of these crimes are white males and that less than 1% of crimes are represented by these present convictions of asians.

    the question is where is the parental responsibility and accountability?

    what about wider society - you'd think we dont have naked page 3 girls across our media .. provocative pop stars near naked .. and of course we in the uk havent ever heard of paedophiles, pimps and prostitutes

    oldham byelection anyone?

  • Comment number 32.


    Hence there is absolutely no requirement upon him to match what he thinks, knows, or believes, with what he says. That is Westminster 'honour'.

    Ken Livingstone put a spotlight on Westminster infamy this week, on Any Questions.

  • Comment number 33.

    #19 ecolizzy

    I had to laugh at your Daily Mail link and I think I read somewhere that in 2010 Scottish wind farms ( alleged to be the most efficient in the UK ) only produced 12.5% of their rated capacity averaged out on the year. On a more sombre note it would appear that current UK energy policy has more in common with Monty Python's Flying Circus than engineering reality. Perhaps " bicycle repair man " will come along and save us from those who wish to continually appease the Knights who say Ni ( the eco-fascists ) with another shrubbery ( yet more wind turbines ) Perhaps the main thing we need to do in 2011 is get out of the Corporate Nazi EU Fourth Reich and whilst I am no fan of the Daily Express I hope their EU referendum campaign is successful.

  • Comment number 34.

    Barrie...the star of QT was Viv Westwood...the Paris and Portillo were disappointingly subservient 麻豆官网首页入口 trusties saying ...all the sort of things that guarantee them more Establishment "journalistic" jobs for the boys.

    Brossen 99...I have been debating the EU with other Europeans for years and can I save you some effort by assuring you that the EU is an American tool for bringing the whole of Europe and Russia under global capitalist/American control AT OUR EXPENSE.....and we have NO hope of escaping until it suits the USA....and it DOESN`T!

  • Comment number 35.


    3.9 There is no literacy qualification for voting. Anyone who has difficulty reading or writing can ask the Presiding Officer at the polling station to mark their ballot paper for them, or take a companion to assist them.

    See P10.

    You have to laugh.

  • Comment number 36.

    35...Barrie...hasn`t it dawned yet that if you allow a multi apartheid system of seperate cultural development to prosper you obviously get the electoral habits of countries like Pakistan and India along with it.
    The elder men will probably sit down with their entire community`s voting slips and "banana republic" the likes of Jack Straw into office...for services rendered?

  • Comment number 37.


    It is patently obvious that a de facto alien, with a vote, is a nonsense. But vast numbers of INDIGENES 'have no idea'. These are the useful idiots wom media and parties apply all their efforts to at election time.

    Education (currently as schooling) is ostensibly to qualify one for work. It is up to the individual, to adapt their education to the work in hand; something they are less and leaa able to do.

    There is only one job in Britain where no prvious experience, truly, is of no account - politics. And it shows.

    So: we increasingly have vacant voters electing vacuous MPs into a Coalition of the Crass.

    Weep England.

  • Comment number 38.


    Not my style Jim - I'm heading for dusk. You can be 'Man of the Dawn'.

  • Comment number 39.

    The Serious Case Review said professionals failed to spot the signs of abuse. Instead, girls were treated as rebellious teenagers. Two girls ended up receiving criminal convictions - treated as offenders rather than victims - the inquiry found. Organisations were ill prepared for the scale and complexity of the abuse exposed by the police investigation鈥

  • Comment number 40.

    I think Channel 4 should start its own New Question Time from the sink estates of Britain without serving politicians and involving all the dreamers like Charkrabarti and Toynbee and Tariq Ali..!

  • Comment number 41.

    there is nothing wrong with behaviour profiling. To object to it is irrational. But then the pig philosophy [which includes political correctness] is irrational and demands human sacrifice to keep it alive.

    it seems to be politically correct [ie practice pig philosophy] means you have to be anti law and order? So to be pro law and order you have to be anti political correctness?

    Whereas true politics is pro law and order. So to be anti law and order or to exclude some from its rules is an apartheid?An anti politics. An Anti humanity.

    so we learn more about the pig philosophy that it results in apartheids? which is unjust, inhuman and in terms of the current political holy scripture 'unfair'?

  • Comment number 42.

    more stephi! she upgrades NN from economy to business class.

  • Comment number 43.


    Which means that Blair's 'Calculus of Risk' claptrap (excuse for war) can stand up. So typical of 'high places' to accept that 9/11 was investigated and reported on at (two) face-value. A lot easier than spending a man-day to check the truth of the matter.

    So now I have little doubt that Tony will escape, and all that will come from Chilcot will be a very long report saying no one did anything wrong.

  • Comment number 44.

    #35 Anyone who has difficulty reading or writing can ask the Presiding Officer at the polling station to mark their ballot paper for them, or take a companion to assist them.

    And I wonder what happens Barrie, when it comes to the Census this year. If you can't read the form, or fill it in, presumably you're not here and don't exist, that's one way of massaging our immigration figures down.

  • Comment number 45.

    There have been claims that the majority of men convicted of on-street grooming have been Asians of Pakistani origin, and that most of their victims have been white.

    Well from what I've read 53 out of 56 men convicted since around '97 were Asian men, but I do accept that there are a great many men of different races or religions that think this behaviour is normal and acceptable.

    Straw allowed mass immigration from these Asian countries, he encouraged it and told us all to be multi racial, but he closed his eyes to all the problems it's caused.

    And what get's me is people bleating, it's not the muslim men, IT IS, why do they always plead "Holier than thou"? Every race and religion has nasty people so why claim you don't.

  • Comment number 46.


    Our kids leave school, incompetent (helped by droves of disrupting ethnics) so our government drafts in Manglish-speaking Johnnie Foreigner to do the work, and then JF imports his family, WHO CAN'T SPEAK A WORD BUT CAN VOTE.

    I am writing the words but my brain refuses to believe anyone could be so stupid. Is it in the manifesto?

    Vas'll fix it.

  • Comment number 47.

    I suspect we have been very naive about the motives of politicians generally and those who have hidden behind the soppy left of politics and the "racism" industry to take us to the cleaners.

    Reading a biography of Sir Robert Maxwell recently left me aghast that this man`s reputation was and remains protected by the 麻豆官网首页入口 in the same way that they soft-peddle on the many flagrant misdeeds of British Asians while never ceasing to pour scorn on white people who challenge 麻豆官网首页入口 dogma.

  • Comment number 48.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 49.

    Eh? What rules?It was utterly inoccuous compared with the stuff over on Mark Mardell`s blog.Or is that the deal? WE PAY for the website which offers Americans free speech...but we don`t get free speech ourselves?

  • Comment number 50.

    Anyone else fancy joining me putting in a freedom of information request in about who these moderators are and just what the 麻豆官网首页入口 and its Trust are doing to monitor and get best value for the megabucks they are paid?
    Are they are all crazy feminists like Wark and Murray!Or asylum seekers on 50 pence an hour?

  • Comment number 51.


    Surely the 麻豆官网首页入口 must be exempt from FOI? I mean - the plebs will be wanting to know how much they spend on Son et Lumiere next!

    With you in spirit Jim - and in practice if it turns out to be feasible.

    Good to see you getting a Blogdogging - very 'Big Society'.

  • Comment number 52.


    Because both are subject to Dodgy Dave's Machiavellian arrangement.

    Government has cut money to Councils 'suggesting' they should cut back-office costs. The Councils Rats, will raise charges to proles instead.

    Dave is VERY CAREFULLY saying government will ensure 'LOWER BONUS POOLS'. The WEASEL WORD is 'POOLS'. Think 'Dave' and you can see he is NOT SAYING 'LOWER BONUSES'. Clearly, government will control the bank's total pool, AND THEN THE TOP RATS WILL 'SCOOP' IT.

    It is top rats who fund parties for Ks and Ps. (No crime was detected - remember?) What is more, secondary rats will strive all the harder (i.e. do even dodgier deals) to rise to 'scooping level'.

    The Devil, as always, is in the davetail.

  • Comment number 53.

    An interesting article about grooming of young girls

    Perhaps it's about time we stopped the endless sexualising of life, especially when it comes to young children. Why do little girls have to dress in carbon copy clothes of their mothers? i.e. padded bras, mini briefs, and flirty skirts at age 6! But I suppose anything goes in the interests of another sale!

  • Comment number 54.

    Give him a break Barrie....my dearly departed Dad always used to say "if elections really mattered they would never have been invented"
    The powerful can`t let you and Dave and Ed Moribund plan our national trajectory......Wall Street would crash in minutes at the news of suckers getting unexpected even breaks!

  • Comment number 55.

    Ecoli....I gather you haven`t been exposed to Desperate Housewives Choice or Slags in the City?

  • Comment number 56.

    53...Little girls naturally wish to model themselves on their mothers Ecolizzie...twas ever thus....so first liberate their mothers from their role as sex objects and the rest will follow.

  • Comment number 57.

    And we're not far behind on this road to ruin

  • Comment number 58.

    :o( When is Jeremy back on our screens? I've noticed that the schedules have Stephanie, Kirsty and Matt Frei coming up!

  • Comment number 59.

    I have no idea Mistress76uk but I did find his book about the lives of MP`s excellent...and that leads me to wonder how NN holds on to talent when it`s subsiding into bland and talking in code like our politicians and the 麻豆官网首页入口 in general.

    I increasingly can`t be bothered with attempts to breathe controversy and meaning into the British political soap opera.Crossroads meets Does my Majority Look Big in This?

    It`s so obvious that we are a candidate for third world status and a part of the USA`s empire like Haiti and Kosovo and that Russian oligarchs and global organised criminals have more influence over the behaviour of the likes of Mandelson and Blair and Cameron than our joke of a "democracy".

  • Comment number 60.


    And The Straw Man, is The Schumacher of Westminster (lighting reflexes to change direction).

    In our version of Ancient Rome, we have certain given 'goods' that we no longer perceive for what they are. Adversarialism (law and politics), institutionalised learning (school), imaginary money, psychological advertising, and alcohol. My list in not exhaustive.)

    Alcohol is the weft of a warped society. Ladettes are marinated in its poisonous molecule, yielding the 'Easy Meat' of the Straw Man's calculated utterance. But has alcohol been mentioned, in the recent furore? ALL MY LIFE, white, indigenous males have plied, the object of their lust with alcohol, as a 'means to an end'.

    Alcohol fuels, lubricates, uplift, brings down and destroy all aspects of British 'culture', from birth to funeral. The founder of our state religion turned the WATER OF LIFE into WINE. Wine is characterised by the ALCOHOL OF DEATH. It seems our God approves this union; 'LET NO MAN PUT ASUNDER'.

    Only the wisdom to inspect our 'false goods', can prevent the fall of our Rome.

    In passing: If we have sufficient, pre-collapse time left, I predict the-TV-in-the-home will be shown (by brain imaging) to have ALPHA STATUS. Alpha behaviours are surely the MODEL for subordinates? TV, while not a 'good' as such, is as all-pervasive as alcohol in our society.

  • Comment number 61.

    #60 Agreed about the abuse of alcohol Barrie, but how can you stop very young girls being plied with it, when they are away from parents care? Presumably do as the asian families do, and lock up your young daughters?

    I've been thinking about the prosecution of a few asian men, the girls stated they had been the plaything and abused by many, many men, are the police looking for these paedaphiles as well? Or do they get away with it? I suppose they do as they have "punished" the ringleaders. How smug most some men be feeling! : (

  • Comment number 62.

    Banking is a general term of abuse that covers a very wide range of activities.

    We tend to think of banking being the high street bank, but in reality today this is a tiny part of the banking industry in the UK.

    Our banks got into difficulty not because we Brits dropped them in it - most of the loans and mortgages lent to UK citizens have trolled along quite happily. Our banks got in over their heads through their international commerical business that had virtually nothing to do with UK PLC.

    As we know the hard way, most of the banks in the UK are so big that the government simply cannot allow them to go bust or they would take the whole UK financial system down with them, but this risk derives from business that is far removed from our shores.

    So every man, woman & child now owes 拢40,000 EACH in loans made to bail out the banks from their foreign gambling loses. Think what could have been achieved if that money had been invested in developing new technology and jobs.

    We are told that as 1 in every 5 Pounds of government spending comes in from taxes on banking, that therefore we can't risk alientating them so they leave our shores.

    I'd say that we are fools to go on taking the risk that they will go down - exposure to EuroLand lending alone is in the trillions, then there's lending in the US, etc etc.

    I'd argue that we MUST split the UK retail banking business from the global casino gambling operations, then these can be allowed to go to the wall if and when their bets go bad.

    I'd also argue that the overbearing nature of the City on the UK economy is a thoroughly bad thing and that it is now too risky and that the right place for it is in China which has a massive trade surplus and is sitting on a mountain of foreign currency, so can afford to bankroll the banks.

    Let's get shot of the greed culture - lets concentrate on building a sustainable economy - lets invest in the future - one way plane tickets for the lot of them on the understanding they never come back.

    We should then fill the tax revenue hole by charging import taxes on Chinese goods coming in the UK - problem solved.

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