
麻豆官网首页入口 BLOGS - Newsnight: From the web team
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Monday 24 January 2011

Verity Murphy | 13:21 UK time, Monday, 24 January 2011

Here's Kirsty with more detail on what's happening on 麻豆官网首页入口 Two at 10.30pm:

Hello to viewers wherever you are.

We are watching the aftermath of the deadly Moscow airport attack and will bring you any developments and analysis later tonight.

But right now we are focussing on the Middle East. By the time we go on air we expect to have more revelations from the al-Jazeera/Guardian leak of a cache of Palestinian records which have already offered the most extraordinary insight into the peace process negotiations, just how much ground the Palestinian negotiators were prepared to give, and how hardline the response of the Israelis.

There is always a health warning though. We don't know if these are the totality of the documents and whether there are others which tell a different story.

Nonetheless, what has been the fallout of the revelations, and will they change the US approach to Israel in particular?

We have also been following up the "revolution" in Tunisia, trying to ascertain whether there will by any contagion. Tim Whewell has been filming in Jordan where he found people prepared to speak out against the royal family, despite the threat of the law.

The outgoing director of the CBI Sir Richard Lambert who stands down on Friday has fired off a broadside at the government over its growth strategy, or - as he sees it - the lack of it. He claims the government is not doing enough to promote growth at a time when spending cuts are likely to squeeze domestic demand.

"It's taken a series of policy initiatives for political reasons, apparently careless of the damage that might do to business and job creation."

He does though broadly agree with the speed and scale of planned spending cuts. We're bidding for the chancellor and his new shadow.

Join me at 10.30pm on 麻豆官网首页入口 Two.


From earlier:

Mark Urban will be reporting on the extraordinary leaked Palestinian-Israeli negotiation documents which purport to show the Palestinians offering major concessions to Israel.

Tim Whewell has been to Jordan to test the temperature and find out how Arabs feel in light of the recent unrest in Tunisia.

Richard Watson will have more on the phone hacking story and Stephen Smith has a film about the artwork produced by acclaimed author Beryl Bainbridge after each of her books.

More details later.


  • Comment number 1.


    What a mad world when the Fox is not guarding the hen-house, in time honoured style, but flogging the hens down the river.

    That's our Tony - always worrying that he has 'not gone far enough'.

    I wonder if Monty Python will make 'The Life of Tony'?

    Blessed are the Cheesemakers.

  • Comment number 2.

  • Comment number 3.



    Horizon: Science Under Attack

    'But I must confess, I am also intrigued to see one of the most forthright and at times vicious commentators on global warming, James Delingpole, torn apart (by his own admission) in an interview.'

  • Comment number 4.

    Addendum to my #3

    'The Telegraph blogger (Delingpole) is not on the receiving end of an acerbic Jeremy Paxman or belligerent John Humphreys. He is questioned by the new president of the Royal Society, the distinguished geneticist and Nobel prize-winner Sir Paul Nurse. I have not seen the programme, but Delingpole apparently complained to the 麻豆官网首页入口 afterwards that he had been "intellectually raped" by Nurse.'

  • Comment number 5.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 6.

    1....Blessed are the cheesemakers...for they are in a pickle?

  • Comment number 7.

    #5 wj wrote:

    'What are they in the modern muslim Middle East for?'


    Remember Jim, they are semitic, as are others in that region!

    If you have a lot of spare time on your hands, I strongly recommend that you read the archive posts from the following...





    Otherwise next you'll be saying that the 'Credit Crunch'/'Recession'/'Depression' was all the fault of Anglo-Saxon banking/business practices, as others seem all too keen to note!

  • Comment number 8.


    How much more perverse can our world get? They put a woman referee in charge and then allow BLOKES to commentate! Good grief - next they will let blokes commentate on Beach Volley-ball. And all this while ladettes are taking over nihilism. No wonder the sperm-count is falling.

  • Comment number 9.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 10.


    It takes maturity for wisdom to hold sway, and by the same token, for science to be rigorous and self-policing.

    Look back and note that Hubble and Einstein are now gods even though Newton proved only partly right. Hawking is the Archangel Gabriel? So to find an undisciplined Nobel Prize winner is no surprise. Indeed, I think you can get one for BEING undisciplined now. Might explain Gore and Obama for a start . . .

  • Comment number 11.

    The 麻豆官网首页入口 Trust has approved proposals to cut the Beeb's sprawling online empire, with half of its 400 "top-level domains" to close, and the loss of 360 jobs.

    private eys says bbc exec pay has gone up. so that's all right then?

    i don't think we are long for this world if they are closing down the blogs.

  • Comment number 12.


    They used to fund Irish terror didn't they? And a whole lot of similar stuff in S America.

    Might they be American Extremists? Oh dear - a picture is forming . . .

  • Comment number 13.

    7..DJ...I know they are semitic...and so are the arabs ....and so are lots of British people....and a very learned ancestor of mine used to go around telling people that we celts were the lost tribe of Israel ..etc.

    But the very existence of american society (that spawned and backs Israel to the tune of many billions of dollars every year)has opened a new chapter in the way we are now expected to behave in our societies towards people of other races,creeds and cultures.

    Now if we are backtracking on that idea...isn`t it time I was told ....so that I can start demanding a celtic ancestral homeland for myself?

  • Comment number 14.


    Can't fault your right to return to a Celtic Homeland Jim. I hear it's under water right now, but I am prepared to sign a pledge.

    Meanwhile, I demand a mongrel homeland, made up of a sort-of Vance Owen set of enclaves, connected by secure corridors. Might be a Nobel Prize in this.

  • Comment number 15.

    Micro financing was held up as the libertarian alternative to aid.

    We were endlessly told that "aid is a bad thing" - that is creates corruption, dependency and prevents the market from operating, so people can't build small businesses and so climb out of poverty.

    The reality is that just as "collateralized debt obligations" were a smokescreen for concealing worthless junk bonds, duff shares and non performing sub-prime mortgages so that they could be offloaned to our pension funds, so microfinance in reality is simply loan sharking by another name, but it has a major political advantage to its supporters.

    "Microfinance" provided a really big figleaf to hide behind for those that are ideologically opposed to ANY state involvement in redistributing resources away from the rich towards those in abject poverty. Why spend western tax money in the third world if it doesn't work and the private sector would do the job much better anyway?

    I'm sure that there are some good news stories to be found in lending poor people small amounts of money - but the truth is that poverty is poverty and those in poverty are there becasue somewhere else people are consuming the resources they need.

  • Comment number 16.

    In case you cover the blasts at Moscow's Domodedovo airport, try bringing some genuine and informed specialist instead of any armchair commentators disguised as experts. Within hours of any blast in from Akara to Algiers, Basra to Bosnia, one often finds expertise sought from individuals who are not known to have visited those areas, or have cultivated enough knowledge or language skills to offer qualified comments about those unique settings and their context.

  • Comment number 17.

    16....Richard...Perhaps they should start a Tebbit Foundation to supply bicycles to the poor? Or might that idea be considered a bit cyclist?

  • Comment number 18.

    A lot in the news but one thing that struck me from the Chilcott inquiry meeting last Friday was that Blair keeps saying that Saddam Hussein was a 'terrorist'.

    Well obviously there are different kind of terrorists but as unpleasant and danagerous as Hussein was ... Blair' motive linkage between Sep 11 attack and the allies waging war in Iraq ... just does not stack up.

    Blair and Bush 'started' the wrong war in Iraq ... they should have 'fought' the war by enhanced containment, stealth, security, covert operations etc ... and the fact is that Blair actually was the main protaganist or participant in more separate and unrelated wars/ millitary confrontations ... than Hitler.

    Perhaps the 麻豆官网首页入口 has overlooked the inappropriateness of the 'motives' cited by Blair last Friday in its enthusiasm for highlighting the demise of DC's communications adviser?

  • Comment number 19.


    ..poverty is poverty ...

    except when it isn't.

    absolute poverty is not the same as relative poverty. In a zero sum game unless everyone gets the same wage ie the average wage' then some will always be in relative poverty.

    so why do people get paid more than the average? They use words like talent. which means they must take from the 'untalented' ie its an apartheid language. But one might say all need to do their work well for society to function so in that sense everyone's work is of equal value. So to pay on the basis on comparative talent is a form of discrimination. A doctor and a cleaner could get the same wage because the dr would never find happiness in being a cleaner and vica versa. So the doctor enjoys other benefits ie having an interesting job that stimulates their intellect etc.

    to reduce a job to mere money is just materialist philosophy.

    so when people talk about 'ending poverty' [relative] what that mean [but never say] is everyone getting the same wage. which is state communism.

  • Comment number 20.

    " The outgoing director of the CBI Sir Richard Lambert who stands down on Friday has fired off a broadside at the government over its growth strategy, or - as he sees it - the lack of it. He claims the government is not doing enough to promote growth at a time when spending cuts are likely to squeeze domestic demand. "

    So its official, eco-fascism is invading our economy like a cancer, alleged green taxes are slowly killing our real economy, yet no plans to reduce road fuel tax, perhaps the most important factor likely to inhibit the growth of new perhaps especially small business. Banking Cartel not prepared to lend to anyone in direct competition with the Corporate Multinational Cartel, tons of new anti small business red tape on the books like the fathers paternity leave plan proposals. Any chance of half decent recovery perhaps shot in the foot by appeasing the Limp-Dims and the eco-luvvies at the 麻豆官网首页入口.

  • Comment number 21.

    "I'm sure that there are some good news stories to be found in lending poor people small amounts of money - but the truth is that poverty is poverty and those in poverty are there becasue somewhere else people are consuming the resources they need."

    ....and more relevantly because there are just too many people for the Earth's resources available including food, water, housing and employment.

    Micro-Financing will never overcome Macro-Fertility

  • Comment number 22.

    20 Brossen...Perhaps the green solution should be have another world war and reduce the human population by half....or we could ban capitalism and save the resources wasted on employing millions of salespeople and making all those silly consumer goods/bads that nobody needs anyway?

  • Comment number 23.

    21 Your indignatiousness has taken the words right out of one`s mouth!

  • Comment number 24.

    2. At 2:13pm on 24 Jan 2011, brossen99 wrote:

    3. At 2:30pm on 24 Jan 2011, DebtJuggler wrote:

    Interesting, and topical. In more ways than one. Same event; rather different 'takes', fair to say? Also rather quaint that on my browser at least, linking to the Telegraph gets a 麻豆官网首页入口 health warning first, but the one to the Guardian sails through with no need felt for caution (does the 麻豆官网首页入口 know something we don't?).

    I have an interest in the power of the edit. To omit or, these days, even change what was into what some may feel others can better appreciate. An odd form of truth. MEP Dan Hannan has expressed some concerns in this regard, highlighting the mindset that exists even before cameras roll:

    Even less high profile souls have their concerns...

    One presumes these two gents are recalling, and recounting accurately. But best to keep an eyebrow cranked.

    Not sure the trust factor is well served if any happy to contribute start insisting on live only for fear of what may happen. Reading all... of both pieces I merely observe...

    'But I must confess, I am also intrigued to see one of the most forthright and at times vicious commentators on global warming, James Delingpole, torn apart (by his own admission) in an interview.'

    Perhaps more rounded and/or better appreciated in company with:

    'Nurse came to interview me at my home last summer, ostensibly 鈥 so his producer assured me 鈥 as a disinterested seeker-after-truth on a mission to discover why the public is losing its faith in scientists. 鈥淣ot scientists,鈥 I replied. 鈥淛ust 鈥榗limate scientists.鈥欌 But as is clear from the Horizon documentary Nurse had already made up his mind. That鈥檚 why about the only section he used out of at least three hours鈥 worth of footage is the one where he tosses what he clearly imagines is the killer question: Suppose you were ill with cancer would you wish to be treated by 鈥渃onsensus鈥 medicine or something from the quack fringe?
    As you鈥檒l see in the programme, this took me rather by surprise.

    One wonders what might get used elsewhere, and when, and why, to do what?

    It's why I have found it best not to take anything, even quoted, at face value, and read behind, and beyond, wherever possible. Easier when URLs are kindly provided.

    Because, these days, you never know from what is sampled what the full story may be. Sadly, here, that is mostly in the can. And staying there. Bar a selected 3 mins, apparently.

    I wonder, given the passionate tribal corners 'supported', what are the relative readerships between the Telegraph and Guardian? Won't affect the entrenched views held in each respective camp, but might shine light on how many hold them, plus the new disconnect between broadcast only via more traditional means, and the opportunity for interactivity (if totally open to abuse under the guise of moderating - CIF is a bit of a misnomer) online, if provided.

    Rather puts this into sharper focus, coincidentally, eh?:

    '11. At 4:46pm on 24 Jan 2011, jauntycyclist wrote:

    i don't think we are long for this world if they are closing down the blogs.'

  • Comment number 25.

    It had to happen ;o)

  • Comment number 26.

    #22 jim

    You know full well that nuclear weapons make the prospect of a world war look bad even in the eyes of the stock market parasites in London and on Wall Street. Their trick is to fester a series of civil wars in all alleged progressive western democracies and eco-fascism destroying jobs is their chosen tool to achieve that. Of course in the UK the conflict is likely to be started on racism, the BNP will ensure that it remains the focus of the Islamophobes. Just the excuse the Corporate Nazi's need to lock down all low income people into ghetto's in order to freeze and starve people to death. After all the Greens and EU pushed the heavy traffic calming from the 1990s which is probably the groundwork for aforementioned ghettos. I can't really post the relevant links again so soon but if you look back through my posts you can find them.

  • Comment number 27.

    26....How do you think the USA entered the twentieth century poor and left it the unchallenged superpower? It financed both world wars and ruined Europe ...then set about building up Asia as it`s workshop of the world.

    Notice that world wars were central to the whole thing...and Wall Street made a "killing" out of both! Nuclear weapons will not get used.

    And don`t worry about the eco`s...they can be left to the global capitalists to sort out...they pose far too much of a threat to the underlying wastefulness and stupidity of capitalism to be allowed to survive.

  • Comment number 28.

    #27 jim

    Sadly you are mistaken, the eco-fascists are a key part of the overall global capitalist scam to quietly dispose of the surplus working populations of developed countries. The latest ConDem welfare reforms target the chronically sick first, more severely disabled people can be forced into private care homes and be profitably battery farmed for the time being. All the stock market parasites are interested in is asset stripping what remains of UK manufacturing industry to provide cheap machine tools for further expansion in the far east. It would appear that the UK people have been sold out by the media, perhaps particularly the 麻豆官网首页入口 and presenters with a pedigree which indicates they should know better.

  • Comment number 29.

    won't bother to watch Horizon, being informed that disagreeing about corporate, profit-motivated research into GM is "anti-Science", instead of sane, level-headed and objective look at what that sector has thrown at us, would turn my stomach. Not particularly fussed about AGW either, because the main priorities are cleaning up our pollution, and building sustainable energy security.

    #7 DJ: very interesting you should post that, because you probably know that "worcesterjim" is simply the latest pseudonym of the person who wrote those posts.

    WJ: your "liberal" act is wearing thin again, you should watch those anti-Jewish sentiments of yours. Keep it up, and you'll have to change name again. Congratulations on getting better at your pretence however, it must be hard for you to try to keep your true views under control. Can't help but wonder why you post here however, surely Stormfront would be more up your alley.


    "He claims the government is not doing enough to promote growth at a time when spending cuts are likely to squeeze domestic demand.

    "It's taken a series of policy initiatives for political reasons, apparently careless of the damage that might do to business and job creation."

    He does though broadly agree with the speed and scale of planned spending cuts."

    sooo - he is cool with the cuts, but thinks business needs more help?? More tax breaks, or 'flexible working practices', probably. Wow, shock!

  • Comment number 30.

    and what has a naughty tory lord been doing? bit hard for him to have any authority in the lords over the sniggering?

    what right does a bunch of unelected role gamers have to block voting reform?

  • Comment number 31.

    #27 jim

    " And don`t worry about the eco`s...they can be left to the global capitalists to sort out...they pose far too much of a threat to the underlying wastefulness and stupidity of capitalism to be allowed to survive."

    Green Growth is a load of rubbish, Spain proves you destroy 2 traditional manufacturing jobs for every temporary alleged green job created. The unions who support it are only interested in the prospective redundancy payments and their leaders protecting their own fat cat pensions. Green Growth = 20% Unemployment !

    I can't really find anything more wasteful than the eco-fascist plans to build wind farms everywhere and force everyone to pay 33% extra on their energy bills to pay for it. UK citizen stakeholders are being sold short by the politicians for the benefit of the " stock market parasites " and false economic growth which continually increases the " financial apartheid " between rich and poor. Within the next 10 y...ears the energy industry will fall to the same fate as Railtrack after the Hatfield crash in 2000, wind farms are a pointless waste of scarce investment. Evidence from Denmark and Germany shows that wind farms have not closed a single fossil fuel plant, in fact Germany has had to open new fossil fuel plants to prevent power cuts. ( probably not helped by the fact that Germany also backs up Denmark ) The main thrust of the wind farm scam is probably designed to inflate the world price of copper, its probable that you need far more copper per unit of energy produced in wind farms rather than fossil or nuclear power plants.

    Copper related mining shares appear to have been the main driver of the current recovery in the FTSE index, I suspect that all the hedge funds are in there borrowing up to the hilt to speculate in mining shares and thus denying scarce investment to real productive UK companies. The UK faces the real possibility of regular power cuts which could precipitate total anarchy in our larger towns and cities, the situation is not helped by the fact that if anyone dare open a new power station or gas storage facility the alleged environmentalists are round there quick sharp with a fleet of corporate lawyers demanding a public enquiry.

  • Comment number 32.

    One for barrie to ponder ?

  • Comment number 33.


    It would appear that we are not allowed too discuss on these blogs any of the following subjects...

    Peace Talks
    The Palestian Authority

    In any context whatsoever.

    So much for informed deabate!

  • Comment number 34.

    29...Mork ..As ever you slash and burn indiscriminately at straw men without ever understanding that quite often I agree with you.....when I finally understand what you are saying.

    I never have been liberal so my so-called "mask" of liberalness has only ever existed in your imagination and can`t slip anywhere without your fevered mind controlling it.

    I am anti-zionist and anti global capitalist....but being anti-semitic is something else entirely...and I ain`t that at all.

    As to your absurd accusation that I appear in different guises ...I don`t ...I have only ever been worcesterjim on the 麻豆官网首页入口 website and very soon I shan`t even be that...because I tell the truth and the 麻豆官网首页入口 cannot always publish it...which I fully understand....but it`s getting very tedious and difficult wrestling with all your different 麻豆官网首页入口 sensitivities and identities...and what I`ve learned is that the powerful have many devious friends who sap one`s energy and spirit.

    Also I am trying to make a sculpture and all this gibberish is so very distracting.

    I wish ALL of you well.Despite Mork`s false accusations I have acted honestly and in good faith. The level of debate is often encouragingly high and I wish I was younger and had the energy and brains to keep up with you all.

  • Comment number 35.

    to not too

  • Comment number 36.

    "Delingpole's objection is with the way Climate Science is presented as an unchallengable faith."

    You managed to get the last two words completely wrong.

    There is nothing unchallengeable in science, challenge is how science works. There have been any number of revolutions in science where the accepted science was overturned. However, to challenge properly one needs to have done the basic groundwork in the field, so that one's challenge does not include an elementary mistake which invalidates it. The problem with most global warming challenges is that they are nothing of the sort and so easily dismissed. Then the denier cries foul.

    If there was a successful challenge then there would be two results. The scientist would make their reputation and people like me would be very relieved. However, wishful thinking is not a credible challenge.

    The basic science is not really in doubt. There are still plenty of arguments about second order effects. Deniers pluck these arguments and claim they undermine the basic science. The most charitable explanation is that they don't understand the science. This explanation may apply to some, but it is not true for others where their errors have been repeatedly pointed out yet they continue to repeat falsehoods.

    Climate science is not a faith, it is science. What is a faith is the belief that, despite all the science, done over nearly 200 years now since Fourier, it is all a big hoax/vast conspiracy/scheme for the UN in their black helicopters to impose world government/something invented by scientists who are wrong. Thinking that all the work is wrong is a faith.

  • Comment number 37.

    DJ....I think liberal London is in a lot of trouble despite managing to spend about half our GDP on itself and a lot of grandiose projects and a vast army of Morks and Mindys! and other professional activist mud slingers.

    My son lives in Maida Vale and tells me that although his immediate surroundings are fine there are large swathes of third world London in which he dares not tread and which "our" 麻豆官网首页入口 don`t care to project to the world...and no wonder since it`s they who have bullied us into allowing this awful mess to happen.

    I once spent a few days walking around Los Angeles and the experience was pretty hairy...in fact very dangerous.

    How Britain and the USA have the confounded cheek to waddle around the world murdering thousands of people for daring to point out what a lot of grasping bullying hypocrites we are beggars belief...but we do!

  • Comment number 38.

    #7 DJ: very interesting you should post that, because you probably know that "worcesterjim" is simply the latest pseudonym of the person who wrote those posts.

    Style is completely different.

    And no disrespect to wj but tn01/02, statist, JJ was/is a genius (and I don't use the word genius lightly).

  • Comment number 39.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 40.


    'How Britain and the USA have the confounded cheek to waddle around the world murdering thousands of people for daring to point out what a lot of grasping bullying hypocrites we are beggars belief...but we do!'


    In the last 12 hours my posts have been targeted for censorhip.

    The posts which were deleted and targeted by the censors include:

    1. Youtube video of German Govt Minister confirming 9/11 was inside job
    2. Youtube video of French Foreign Minister doubting 9/11 official explanation
    3. All comments where I confirmed that the leading cause of death on the planet in last 40 years has been the US regime

    Keep up the good work 麻豆官网首页入口 censors....

  • Comment number 41.

    Kirsty Wark makes the programme difficult to watch as she has the most irritating voice.

  • Comment number 42.

    Re my #39

    Mods....you are kidding?

  • Comment number 43.

  • Comment number 44.

    40 DJ...I have some sympathy for the Beeb on this one...no I`m not creeping but levelling....you see I think New Labour installed managers with the task of turning the 麻豆官网首页入口 into american/global broadcaster .....perhaps because our politicians were deeply resentful of the power without responsibility the Beeb held over our political class......and possibly at a time when Blair made a pact with Murdoch?

    麻豆官网首页入口 and Westminster personnel have to live with the reality of American control... or lose their jobs...and that`s why you can`t criticise any of the USA`s favourite holy cows.

    So while the small amount of money spent by the 麻豆官网首页入口 on serious social commentary and debate will probably get slashed ....there`s always oodles of cash available for entertainment shows that worship american celebrity culture .....like Graham Norton`s challenging social commentaries !

    You are never going to open up a realistic mature debate on Israel in the middle East.... or the state of America`s poor...or the disaster that is multicultural Britain.... because it`s a challenge to the global capitalists who now influence British governments and the 麻豆官网首页入口 ...just as surely as they run Sky/Fox News.

    That`s not the fault of the people who work on the groundfloor at the 麻豆官网首页入口 ....like the rest of us they are probably just trying to keep their heads above water.....but god only knows what`s going on upstairs!

    BTW...I don`t know anyone at the 麻豆官网首页入口...but it`s a fair surmise.

  • Comment number 45.


    Nature goes to great lengths to get the most female kit coupling with the most male kit, when their 'materials' are optimum, and then 'thins out' the result, both before, during and after birth. There was a time when human taboos reinforced Nature's intent. Now we are in the Age of Perversity, all taboos are aimed at thwarting Nature.


  • Comment number 46.

    the best bloggers on the beeb sites are imho... statist, tabblenabble01/02, writingsonthewall, armagediontimes, Hawkeye_Pierce and duvinrouge.

    its a damn shame that the beeb discontinued the voting buttons...but of course that was simply not consistent with bbc policy/doctrine

    oh...and barrie is simply sublime!

  • Comment number 47.

  • Comment number 48.

    #44 wj

    we are one!

    So we'd be probably be crap if we were married!

    btw my wife's pretty tasty with otk stockings and 6" heel platforms...and a tightly laced corsette....but that's probably too much info for this particular discussion....

  • Comment number 49.


    I'll tell you half a secret DJ: I have posted here with a false identity. Altering one's style is rather fun. Multiple identity is almost certainly a spectrum - like autism. Some might be more enticed than others . . .

  • Comment number 50.

    48 ...Come again me old presditigitator?
    And one can never have too much detail about your charming female assistant at my age!

  • Comment number 51.

    49...You can`t fool me Barrie.....only folk of a certain age have heard about Mork and Mindy...and that double bluff of pretending to converse with Debt Jugular as though you were two different people.....well stroll on Bazzer..!

  • Comment number 52.


    Appreciated Bro.

    1) On following the link to more footage of the 2nd 'plane hitting the South tower', two sequences are offered from different view-points. The first has the vital moment obscured by blowing foliage, and the second by a crane jib (or similar). Coincidence?
    2) The commentator seems to say that Richard Feynman, a most creditable scientific mind, showed that shuttle STEEL was affected by ice water. This comment coming from a guy who says he built rigs and did experiments is crass.
    It was, of course, O-ring rubber that Feynman tested.

    Do you begin to see a pattern of anomalies? The 9/11 demolitions are obvious. But so much of the 'data' is double treble or multiple bluff. As someone said - remember America is the home of Hollywood - and who makes the films.

  • Comment number 53.


    No sooner had I typed my #52 than you start behaving like a 9/11 obfuscator Jim.
    But the coding in your #50 is BRILLIANT. (I could not decode the mispelling though.) Are you related to Tommy Walls?

  • Comment number 54.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 55.

    Looks like we are all doomed!!!!!!
    2/3 of the US to be destroyed.....

  • Comment number 56.

    could be worse, could have been in Wales...

  • Comment number 57.

    here we go again...

    attempted repost part 1:

    Monday 24 January 2011

    tonight's show: liked the CBI (ex)guy, i can't deny. But i wouldn't vote for either of the two politicians, the bloke i simply couldn't tell if he was Tory or NuLabour, he has that generic slimy "trust us, we know best, let slither a bunch of comforting-sounding platitudes that mean nothing", that (when looked at with hindsight), will not be found to be "legally binding" anyway - unlike the effects of their drastic and ignorant economic package. Labour's woman was a *little* better, but i found myself wondering why there was no union representative to give the view for the millions of Britons who are facing unemployment, due to this Govt's ideologically-based disastrous economic policy.

    would have been more balanced.

    but Sir Richard was pretty good at putting the case for more *investment* in growth, especially in small and medium businesses. Osborne appears to believe that the only growth needed will come from the Public now doing as charity work they are currently getting paid for, and the big Corporates being awarded for-profit contracts for work currently done by not-for-profit public services. Actually, Osborne is a maniac, an ideologue whose ideas have dramatically and completely *FAILED* everywhere they have been implemented - usually with great force and violence, because the populations are not so stupid, and CAN do basic math. I wonder if the Police and Army are really looking forward to pointing their guns at the rebelling British Public, instead of the corrupt clowns inside Downing St, Whitehall and Parliament?

    Such a pity Ed Balls has a 'leader' not worth a tuppence, i do wonder if Sir Richard and Ed have secretly considered switching parties to the GREENS, who not only supported a growth economy before the election, but ACTUALLY MEANT IT.!!!

  • Comment number 58.

    part 2:

    on Palestine, and the leaks - well, we Brits think *our* Govt is bad!! Perhaps the UK has tendered out our international trade negotiations to the PLO... please, don't invite that 'spokesman' back, there is a vast amount of Palestinians living in Gaza, normal citizens, who could and would have made a better case. Oh, i remember now, Israel controls which journalists can enter Gaza, so perhaps that is not possible.

    it is darkly amusing to watch the Israeli spin-machine come out again at such short notice, now we learn that although under international law it is illegal to occupy, annex and fill with immigrants an area a country has invaded, and that refugees have the right to return after a war has ended, and that the Palestinians have a legal right to have their old administrative centre back (their Capital at Jerusalem, and its Holy Sites for all 3 Abrahamic faiths), that despite these rights based upon International Law and treaties signed by every major Nation in the world, the Palestinian negotiators were ready to give these rights up for a chance at peace.

    and the Israelis said ......."no".

    so now we are about to hear what wonderful offers the Israelis made the Palestinians turned down, that we also never heard about. What could they be? A new Palestinian homeland in Brazil? Perhaps a very big refugee ship that can just float around the world's ports being denied access? Some seeds for new olive trees, and a map pointing to the Saudi desert? Perhaps a manual for DIY gas-chamber kits, to get rid of 'excess' Palestinian numbers, and Hamas supporters?

    who knows what the Israeli spin machine is going to tell us what wonderful things it offered, i will guess there are some frantic late-night group-think meetings going on right now in Tel Aviv to limit the damage to Israel's REAL commitment to peace in the region, and with their Semitic neighbours, from these revelations. Ooops, did i say "REAL commitment to peace"? I mean of course their "REAL commitment to ethnic cleansing and totalitarian Fascism.".

  • Comment number 59.

    part 3:

    what is however certain, is that this small State, utterly reliant upon the US, has pursued policies that are not only inhuman and flout International Law, that are as racially based as those in Nazi Germany, has thrown away all its chances to make peace with its neighbours and the region. One might think, with the obvious crash in America's near future, that this bunch of "super-duper-intelligent-Chosen-By-God people", would have had the simple common sense, if not the decency, to plan for a multi-ethnic, multi-religious, equality-based democracy there in the heart of the Middle East.

    instead, it has planned for ethnic and religious 'purity', and ultimately suicide.

    i hold little hope for Israel now. They are facing a wave of popular movements across the whole Magreb and Middle East, that will bring down the Western-backed dictatorships, and usher in both Liberalism, and Islamicism. The only thing these two will have in common, is a burning desire to see Palestinian rights upheld.

    Western Govts will do what they have always done, and planned for at the highest levels - surreptitiously support the Islamists, openly arm the Dictators, undercut the region's Liberals, and don't do a thing about Israel's abuses and war crimes.

    some intend to sit back and watch The Final Solution play itself out now, with the "added bonus" that Islam will also suffer enormous devastation - Israel has nuclear missiles and other WMD, which unlike Iraq's are very very very real. European leaders would be wise to ponder that the US originally intended to drop 'The Bomb' onto Berlin, to teach Europeans who was the new "Capo di tutti capi" on the block, but the Germans surrendered before it was ready, so the Japanese learned that 'lesson' instead. US leaders in the throes of fundamentalist Religious fervour, might not be averse to...

    it is likely that it would not be just Islam that would be targeted. It would be nice, even somewhat reassuring, if the EU started leaning very heavily on Israel to stop behaving in its accustomed manner, and start following International Law, and previous UN Resolutions on the matter.

    it would be *vastly* more reassuring if the UN managed to get a joint military force inside the Palestinian areas (South African, Russian and Chinese might not be bad), and dismantle the illegal Occupation directly, ready to protect BOTH sides against more conflict - including anti-air and anti-tank weaponry.

    yeah i know, more chance of "Pigs in Space", and i'm not talking about Interpol looking for Assange on the Dark Side of the Moon.

    we can only await future Palestinian revelations with baited breath. And... hope.

  • Comment number 60.

    btw, news@10, i doubt very many *really* give 2 hoots about some childish male banter on Sky sports news. Much as i dislike Sky - and sports commentary in general - i can't bring myself to care much about it.

    especially as it was off-air as well. Are we now to be entering the realm of thought-crimes?

    more interesting is that Murdoch has personally ordered the review of 10s of thousands of emails in this Coulson/illegal spying/blackmail/Scotland Yard affair. Far be it for me to cast aspersions, but i would have preferred someone with less interest in the results - say an independent Police investigation, or a Parliamentary body - who would have less personal interest in expunging incriminating records.

    but apparently the Police didn't care to gather the evidence in this investigation?

    MPs yes, Ministers yes, other law-breaking Corporations yes, but not Murdoch's little empire. Are we already living in a Murdochracy?

    more to the point, are we happy about that, and if not, what could we do about it anyway?

  • Comment number 61.

    Has it struck people that tales of 9/11 and 7/7 being inside jobs are really fig leaves that our elites have put about to maintain their reputation for being in control?

    How likely is it really that two events which show Wall Street capitalism and it`s puppets in the City of London to be so vulnerable were only done "to implicate Islam" and justify the sort of actions which our elites have never shied away from anyway?

    And if they wanted to provide themselves with an excuse would the explosions have been a few blocks away from Wall Street and the City of London?

    No folks...it was the real thing...now instead of playing about with comforting fantasies (that put your society safely in charge) you start toying with the reality that the great imperial game has moved on and is in the hands of two old experts ..Islam and China....and they aren`t weighed down by soppy christian ideals ....or fantasies about installing freedom and democracy at the barrel of a gun either.

    And why not examine the message contained in the attacks....the message is ..leave us ALONE...stop meddling and murdering!And they have some support from our Bible...that we ignore in the letter and spirit all the time!

    They have good hard reasons to know what our elites are really about and why we spend borrowed trillions meddling in the world`s politics and "fighting terror" and giving out "foreign aid" etc.....but the trouble is we ordinary westerners still believe the tripe our elites have fed us for centuries ....about piracy and usury and slavery and war being absolutely fine with God if WE do it!.

  • Comment number 62.

    ET TU JIM? (#61)

    Are you just being controversial Jim? I think your Occam Razor has gone blunt.

    Of course, if Jellystone blows, it's immaterial!

  • Comment number 63.

    I would like to apologise for the arrogant stridency of post 61 but I feel so frustrated about us having this brilliant new medium of communication (the internet) and squandering it on tribalist tripe of the sort we see in our domestic Westminster politics.

    Our ancestors never had the chance to understand the views of other races and creeds and nationalities because it suited the powerful to play them all off against each other.

    This internet has them in a real quandry....how can they silence it without being exposed as hypocrites who never really believed in freedom and democracy and free speech at all?

    Their current answer is to use the concept of terrorism...but notice how our elites are never terrorists...no they would never torture or terrorise or regime change to get their way!

  • Comment number 64.

    :o) Great news - Jeremy & Ann Widdecombe join forces to back East London Homeless Charity.

  • Comment number 65.

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  • Comment number 66.


    Over a relevant period in the past, HomSap differentiated into DISTINCTIVE groups (indicating isolation?) but remained cross-fertile.

    Accepting the isolation hypothesis: 'identity groups' would not NEED any tolerance of overt difference - it would not be selected for.

    This would have yielded default INTOLERANCE of difference - aka PREJUDICE.

    By my analysis: recent centuries have allowed mixing at ever-greater rate and volume. The Age of Cleverness exacerbated it, and the Age of Perversity now puts a cherry on top.

    I conclude: our current situation is not what Nature would do. She has been usurped by clever, perverse, UNWISE HomSap. We (H/S) make the assumption we are the growth-point of the Tree of Life. It looks increasingly likely, we are a (rotten?) side branch.

  • Comment number 67.

    66 Barrie..mankind has been roaming around mixing genes for millenia. Any serious student of history and ethnography would confound your assumption of a clear distinction between "pure breeds" and "mongrels".

    And although this fact is suppressed by the immigration industry.... there`s a lot of evidence that groups with intermarraige within a small ethnic group have problems with abnormalities and low IQ.Any dog breeder has to know about that.

    And Europe and the Americas are the racial/cultural template for the future...and there`s no humane and beneficial way back.Just look at Israel to see why it`s a lost cause to seek to live an ethnically pure life.

    Now if you want a debate about CULTURE and the VITAL need of humans to congregate around ONE ethos and flag.....then I`m with you all the way!

    Multiculturalism can`t work....and it`s time we asked our masters in Westminster and at the 麻豆官网首页入口 for a full review of how our so called democracy got us stuck with that crazy idea.

    And here Israel HAS the right idea....because no man shall serve two masters!The people of Israel know WHO they are and have a strong identity....like many people in the Islamic world ...and in China.

  • Comment number 68.

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  • Comment number 69.

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  • Comment number 70.

    OH JIM - IT REALLY IS YOU! (#67)

    No wonder you offer no explanation for the distictive 'identity groups' based on PSYSIOLOGY AND COLOUR.

    Smacked legs for the Machiavellian back-channel stuff.

    Over and out.

  • Comment number 71.

    so funny to see kirsty keep using complex metaphoric language with foreigners. no wonder they don't answer the question.

    The street

    "the police move in with refreshments".

    Talking about ending oppression when will we in the uk have the same rights as afhgans who can elect their head of state? and we accuse them of living with mediaevalism?


    ..Peru recognises Palestinian state

    Nation is seventh South American country to do so, bolstering Palestinian hopes of momentum towards global recognition....


  • Comment number 72.


    Aside from the fact that I do not enjoy KW's blurred diction (and can't tell what she is saying if I step into the next room) her 'engaging' smiley demeanour is intrusive. Has she been going to speed dating?

  • Comment number 73.


    Look into the relationship between Social-Democracy, (Social-Fascism according to Stalin in the mid 1930s) and Blair's New Labour (Ralph Miliband's New-Left is a member of the Socialist International), and Neoconservatism (aka Trotskyism). It's essentially anarchism (deregulation) in the service of anti-statist free marketism (see Rupert Murdoch and his spokesman Irwin Stelzer, and the latter's The Neocon Reader). This is all peddled by making as many people as possible think that they're very clued up by eroding education standards. In fact, they're not. The most venal part of it all (even more than charges that statists are raving genocide mongering mad-persons) is that anyone who points out what's really going on is ridiculed as a 'conspiracy theorist'. Clever psychology, eh?

    Those who peddle this anarchism abuse the younger generation as they have not invested their taxes or labour in the creation of the state (welfare, state education, transport, means of production, NHS 麻豆官网首页入口 etc), so mistakenly think they have nothing to lose. In fact, they're cutting their own legs off as they will discover, after it's too late.

  • Comment number 74.


  • Comment number 75.


    The Jews have proved two things beyond doubt: (1) Man can keep dogmatic belief alive, without proof, indefinitely. (2) Man can AT THE SAME TIME do precise science. If that isn't the Ape Confused by Language, I don't know what is.

    Science demands the ability to be wrong - ABOUT ANYTHING.

    Ho hum.

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