
Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú BLOGS - Newsnight: From the web team
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Tuesday 8 February 2011

Sarah McDermott | 11:39 UK time, Tuesday, 8 February 2011

The government's announcement that it will increase the levy on UK banks by £800m to £2.5bn, has prompted fury from bankers and provoking barbed debate in parliament. David Grossman will bring us the latest tonight.

In the studio investment fund manager Nicola Horlick and Next Chief Executive Lord Wolfson debate where economic growth will come from.

Iain Watson is looking at the pressure on Eric Pickles from coalition councils as MPs prepare to debate the local government settlement tomorrow. Jeremy will be joined by the minister for housing and local government, Grant Shapps.

The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) recently ruled that prisoners must be granted the vote - but Conservative MPs are not keen on the idea of giving criminals a say.

There's an argument brewing and tonight we'll be asking leading international human rights lawyer Ben Emmerson and media barrister and unsuccessful Conservative Party candidate, Joanne Cash if the ECHR enhances our democracy or trivialises our hard won freedoms.

And Stephen Smith is in Chelsea at the National Army Museum as a new exhibition of soldiers' letters, photographs, and love-tokens opens. He'll be asking if we have become too sentimental in the way we think about those who fight and die in wars.

Do join Jeremy for all this and more at 10.30pm on Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú Two.


  • Comment number 1.

    If anything we should be proud of the soldiers who have fought to keep our freedom. Whether or not you agree with the current wars, it is the soldiers who are risking their lives, so they should be celebrated, and the soldiers and their families compensated PROPERLY.

  • Comment number 2.

    Ed Balls accuses government of delivering 'tax cuts for the banks'

  • Comment number 3.

    Steve Smith (probably the best reporter you've got Newseynight) will be asking if we have become too sentimental in the way we think about those who fight and die in wars.

    Well I suppose its better than indiffernt. Who thunk this one up, how very lefty...was it Comrade Crick.

    Will Newsnight be reporting that big wikileak revelation; the one about the Obama administration giving British Nuclear weapons secrets to the Russians? you know the one, how they stabbed us in the back. Will you be covering it anytime soon? I'm amazed that the media ain't really picked up on that story..though not really surprised that the Government media complex AKA the Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú has done anything on it. Why is this story not getting air time..has it got something to do with the Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú having a blind spot for Obama and his Marxist Leninist tax-to-the-hilt socialist agenda ? is that what it is? ..is it?
    I'll be coming on here everyday, banging on about it till you do. And when you do finally take the plunge and upset everybody in the NN office and report this massive story, my money will be on you doing a hatchet job..now don't take that wrong, you know I love you all really..some more than others mind. Where is the warkster by the way..is she on tonight?

  • Comment number 4.

    The bank tax hike announced today is a smokescreen for the virtual abolition of corporation tax on UK banks, as George Monbiot explained in yesterday's Guardian:

    "While Cameron insists that he occupies the centre ground of British politics, that he shares our burdens and feels our pain, he has quietly been plotting with banks and businesses to engineer the greatest transfer of wealth from the poor and middle to the ultra-rich that this country has seen in a century."

    The Tories and the bankers are joined at the hip - indeed the Conservative Party are effectively the Bankers' Party.

    This change in corporation tax on banks is in effect an economic coup d'etat and there needs to be an emergency debate ASAP and a Confidence Vote.

  • Comment number 5.

    by all means protect our soldiers, they should have the best of facilities to ensure any injured soldier returns to full fitness but any squaddie will tell you that it is the politicians that cause the most injuries and deaths like undertaking 'adventures' in the middle east with no mandate from the UN, no thought for the rebuilding of a country devastated by invasion and very little compensation for the mental trauma the wounded soldier has suffered....

  • Comment number 6.

  • Comment number 7.

    JINGOISTIC CLAPTRAP (earlier posts)

    Our mercenary military do the 'job they love' for excitement and money. The job they love, brings death, misery and destruction to Johnnie Foreigner, and untold opprobrium to innocent Britons.

    On balance, we are probably in MORE DANGER in consequence of our current aggression, than safer. And there is something deeply cynical about a country that abhors capital punishment, and that will not send JF home if he might be harmed, WHILE BOMBING THAT SAME HOME TO RUBBLE and gunning him down for repelling invasion!

    Not a Britain I can be proud of.

  • Comment number 8.

    ::blinks:: - #1-#5, we are all in agreement!?? [checks to see if there are horsemen in the sky!]

    a long one on Chinese growth and Africa, some hard facts and numbers along with discussion:

    seems to me we have more sentimentality about our politicians, rather than the Services they send to die. Perhaps war-mongers should be sent to a front-line battalion, and only allowed back after they publicly recant and apologise to those they misled. Tony Blair and Melanie Philips would be a good team to send to scout for mines in Helmouth Province.

  • Comment number 9.

    I had a look at 8/link. There's a heated debate between Urquhart and Necrolyte. At 4.27am Urquhart expletes. At the fourth line of Necrolyte's 7.22am response, I laughed so loud I frightened the cat - nicely put Necrolyte.

  • Comment number 10.

    "Economic growth" is only necessary for those whose livelihoods depend on the movement and development of capital assets; hence the guests; but it will be nigh on impossible to have a balanced debate; Japan had little, none, or negative growth for over a decade and is still there.

    As the banks were expecting a worst case scenario of 6billion, the postures of fury today are somewhat forced; there is a quid pro quo arrangement, which has been well articulated in earlier posts.

    Local government officials, councillors and associated hangers on have virtually no experience of dealing with the scale of reduction in available funds; over the past decade, it's been "where do we spend the money?", often on executive pay deals with bonuses; now it's "where can we save?"

    I think it only reasonable that HMG provide assistance, probably from the private sector successes like Tesco, Next, Sainsbury's on how to re-shape their services; there will be billions to be saved.

    Otherwise public services will become political footballs for councils such as Manchester who will shut swimmimng pools, libraries and public toilets but will not consider a paycut for executive grades and below whilst crying "They made us do it!"

    Manchester is an example of a profligate council which pays its "CEO" 200K p.a. Value for money? I should coco.

    And our brave boys; we need to differentiate between the tragically heroic conscript army of WW1, the truly heroic conscripts of WW2, the National Service Army in Korea and the professional Armed Forces we have now.

    Professional Armed Forces do their job, the job they chose, at the behest of their Government.Currently the war they are engaged in is of dubious worth to anyone, but that's not their problem; nor should they feel the need to have "everyone back home" cheering them on.

    There is nothing sentimental about professional Armed Forces.

    Ed Balls is at it again; did Brown teach him or was it the other way round?

    Only Ed Balls could equate a 3.5 billion one off levy with a yearly levy of 2.8 billion and call it a tax cut; now if he'd got onto the corporation tax...but that's perhaps asking too much.

    Ed and his wife know all our heads button up the back anyway.

  • Comment number 11.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 12.

    Back, Middle and Front.

    Back offices, front offices, now middle offices.

    Whoever sold local authorities on the idea that running public services like a call centre really needs to be dealt with - "with the utmost prejudice" as the CIA man says in "Apocalypse Now!"

    These abominations, supposedly intended to reduce costs, in fact send them spiralling.
    Coupled with the IT "systems" solutions - doublespeak for problem compounders - they will be the biggest drag on any council's resources.

    Employ trained live bodies who can answer calls, agree and action what's required and see the problem/issue/job through from start to finish. They'll save a fortune.

    So don't ask councils to share back offices/front offices/middle offices - dismantle the call centres and train people to do a good job by giving them good jobs to do.

    And that, said Judge Roy Bean, is my ruling.

  • Comment number 13.

    In the studio investment fund manager Nicola Horlick and Next Chief Executive Lord Wolfson debate where economic growth will come from.

    Errm ... don't tell me ... 'growth' will come from privilege, easy privileged access to UK bank funds, sucking in more subsidised imports, neglecting the British economy to borrow our money and invest it overseas and of, course, avoid paying as much tax as possible using the generous existing tax avoidance loopholes set up for the 'privileged' non-doms, import suckers.

    What the likes of these two consider as growth is pure despair for the 'have nots' as including the 14 million British adults in need of a job/ secure and sufficient income, in the domestic real British economy (or what is left of it).

    When is the Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú going to get it ... 'the haves' look after themselves and their politician friends in the globalised sector of the British economy ... and there the nation is split asunder.

    Apart from a another credit card boom and more money being thrown at banks what they say will emphasise that successive UK govts have lost control of the UK economy ... perhaps deliberately, so that their spouses, sons daughters, friends, associates, donors ... can have privileged access to UK capital for their own self serving interests in the global economy.

    Other than 'investment' they do not have any intention or any idea how to stimulate UK aggregate demand or create a single real sustainable job for a British worker. But I do intend to watch the programme; purely for the purposes of light entertainment because I could do with a good laugh at how the vested interests 'spin a good yarn' (in China with their importing of clothes?)

  • Comment number 14.

    More dumbing down of the british people!

    and now I read the beebs at it as well...

    What's wrong with intelligent people and educating yourself?

  • Comment number 15.

    Last Post Unlucky S even

    Squaddies Get Less PAY Than A Traffic Warden

  • Comment number 16.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 17.

    4Teen Nicely Putt

  • Comment number 18.

    He tried to sell us man made global warming
    Now we have Justin in China:
    I'm glad the Chinese are creating business and wealth in Africa. Justin Rowlatt's lopsided and critical view of Chinese business in Africa is classic Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú. He goes to a Chinese mine that employs locals and he goes into the usual waffle of explotation and workers conditions. Does Justin think that these businesses are gonna operate under the kind of health a safety regulations of the UK. Is the Chinese gonna use the UK model of workers rights etc; Maternity/paternity leave blah blah blah blah..what planet is justin on exactly?..the bubble planet!
    Its bad enough having to watch this reporter make a fool of himself without him imposing the namby pamby auntie beeb view of the way the world should be run. Get a reporter who has actually run a business, produced a product or provided a service for a programme like this.

  • Comment number 19.

    BALLS 2 My Last P 16 oh Anti

    Rip OFF Britain = R.O.B. R.I.P. = Rest in PEACE rob

    ed is Feart owe/oh Money

    Daylight Robbery is UneSceptABLE that goes for Night Time 2

    Ritght World Debt OFF start with A New Slate

    our Bairns Their Bairns Etc Etc ad infinitUM will have 2 What B Slaves 2 DEBt

  • Comment number 20.

    ERMerson imself in well paid useless paperwork

    joanna Cash me chips in

  • Comment number 21.

    Nicola Horlick suggests that the UK may learn something from Germany and its retention of high value manufacturing. Lord Wolfson rejects this, saying simply (perhaps naively?) that Germany has had higher unemplyment than the UK for 13 of the last 15 years. As someone who has lived in Germany for almost 25 years, I suggest that he should first compare the way in which unemployent is defined (or rather the way in whch it has conveniently been redefined downwards in the UK so often during that time), then compare the overall standards of living in Germany and the UK and finally - most importantly of all - understand that "growth" is something that needs to be viewed from the base from which you start. Only if the UK manages to catch up and actually attain the same level of overall prosperity as in Germany, does it then make sense to use "growth" as a comparitive measure.

  • Comment number 22.

    Colonel H Jones was awarded the Victoria Cross and is therefore entitled to have the letters VC after his name. Yet this was ommitted when his name was shown on screen.

    Where's the respect in that?

  • Comment number 23.

    I Have Seen Grown Men in The Royal British Legion Weep into Their Beer

    Since I was Two, When will the Nonsence End

  • Comment number 24.


    Was the name chosen to tell us something?

    Ed Balls is playing with fire in equating a fig-lead with a damp squib.
    He could lose his good name.

  • Comment number 25.


    A treat for '76', as in the 'establishing shot', the gravitationally subordinate, fixated camera, orbited slowly round the irrisistable dominance of Planet Paxman.

    Oh but 'twas joy to be in that space - going forward.

  • Comment number 26.

    The European Union is a like a company that expands too quickly. It inevitably fails.

  • Comment number 27.

    I hope Wolfson's predictions do come true and Britain bounces back soon. Excellent Jeremy particularly with Cash & Emmerson on the binding of Britain with the ECHR :o)

    Loved Stephen's report and the debate in the Studio with Hennesy & McCarthy on soldiers.

  • Comment number 28.

    on banks. - those two were almost completely useless.

    "back-room staff in the Public Sector"? Presumably that means those services will now be hired out to for-profit private companies.

    wow. Vey strong narrative about "necessary cuts" from this guy. Who is he? How come he has never been seen on our TV before, if he believes all this so much, and so passionately?

    and HE'S the minister behind the local services cuts, in the same team as Eric Pickles?

    the spokesman (him) - if he believes that these senior civil servants and Council staff should all lower their wages, (and perhaps they should, but that's a separate issue), then he should ALSO very MUCH agree that MPs should reveal to the Public *ALL* of their earnings, and from ALL of their private engagements, their entire incomes should be on record. He was extremely clever in the the way he tried to maintain the *belief* in the necessity of cuts. He kept repeating the word incessantly. Over and over again, like a magic spell during his speeches on tonights show.

    But if the Public are to swallow all the cuts from a Govt they simply no longer often trust, the Public should *definitely* know which ministers are benefiting from lunches with certain companies, and who is sitting on the Quangoes that determine these things, *every* MPs FULL income recorded and observable by the General Public. We HAVE to know which politicians we can trust, because these changes will destroy many people lives. It isn't a game. Show they are honest by revealing all their connections, before they are allowed to initiate projects that involve the "opening up" to private competition.

    Winning an election did not, and does not, prove they were trustworthy! They have to show they are clean of all corruption. Why would MPs block such a move? Individual MPs who agree should start the ball rolling, perhaps? Certainly before these cuts are put through however. I'm sure most would agree, that MPs need to demonstrate they are free of corruption by opening their accounts to the Public, as part of the agreement that gives them the right to sit in Westminster?

    His was the kind of 'debating' behaviour that makes me suspicious of the whole "argument" for cuts, for by now if this was a sincere discussion, the Govt would have admitted that they could not answer the Public's disquiet over certain measures. Yet they plough ahead anyway, and never hear the legitimate demands, such as the revenue that could be used to start new business, not being *collected* from the multi-nationals. hey never mention them, for them such questions do not matter. The issue is decided, and can we all now shut up please. I found him quite offensive, to be honest.

    European court: as though ONE country, even a country as powerful as the UK with our soldiers abroad, and the ability to destroy most of the planet if we wanted, like the UK, could force a change in the Constitution of the European Court of Human Rights.

    That was as hare-brained as David Cameron's early ideas about "creating a new bloc in the European Union", *why* was it even given airtime? It is utterly laughable! Virtually she everything said was utter rubbish based on false premises, said very sincerely.

    how nice we have had a stream of blatant propaganda tonight, by people who rarely come out into the public light.

    how many of you understood or remember any of the later discussions tonight? Or much of the show? The difference between me and them is that you can *at any time* reread my comments, and check their veracity. I may speak quite fast information, but it all checks out. The problem with speakers like tonight is that not only are they unpleasant to listen to if you can actually listen to their arguments, they deliberately make it difficult to follow. This is a form of disinformation, a very high level one at that. Its impressive, i wish they would use it for good.

    - if we fail to change the Constitution of the European Court, just so that the UK can hold on to its 'Ancient Tradition' of denying short-term prisoners the simple vote, then the choice would be obvious. We either leave the EU, or else pay the huge fines that WILL be placed upon the UK if we breach that Human Rights legislation. This Govt is either almost insanely incompetent, or else it is deliberately trying to cause a collision between the EU and the UK.

    so what was the point of all the gibberish they threw at us during the show, when its as simple a question as that? Why throw so much forgettable obfuscation at the Public? Why doesn't this Govt just start being HONEST?!!

    - people who speak from the heart are genuinely nicer people to listen to on TV, as indeed in life, and the last interview was very pleasant, it was nice to have two people who are genuinely concerned about normal soldiers, and what the real problems modern warfare brings to those involved, and their families.

  • Comment number 29.

    If The Brown one who thought he was an elected PM could write off AfriCan Debt Why Can't we write off our OWN debt? WE Own It

    Take A Leaf out of the nulabour Party Bury bad news bury The Debt.

    The Dark Side of The Moon seems A reasonable place 2 bury it

    bin up there in the recent past with Wallace & Gromit for sum Cheese
    There's Bags O Room

  • Comment number 30.

    The Great Dozy British Taxpayer Is Paying So Called British CitiZEN z 2 Go Out

    2 Afghanistan 2 Kill British Squaddies. BRING THE BOYS (& GIRLS ) BACK HOME

    They could Fight The WAR HERE.



    u no it makes sence COMMON SENCE .. COME ON SENCE where are U oh A.W.O.L.

  • Comment number 31.

    Can't Remember Where I was when KennEdy or Martin Luther bought The Farm

    I Do Remember that I was within The Grounds of EATON SCHOOL when 9/11 HIT

    LEEDS BRADFORD LUTON etc etc They Were Dancing In THE STREETS

    WHO ARE THEY .. Who Is Paying THEY .. not me

    You Pay TAX You Are Paying THEY

  • Comment number 32.

    13. At 8:28pm on 08 Feb 2011,

    ... and I watched the programme and it was not all funny.

    'What the likes of these two consider as growth is pure despair for the 'have nots''

    The guy from a Next was unreal ... he thinks the planning system should be relaxed to allow further growth for his company in the congested SE?

    That is why the whole of the UK does not do better ... because of what he and his rotten company is doing to the UK!

  • Comment number 33.

    I'd Love 2 GO Drinking .. Doctor's Orders I Am at ATTENTION Saluting You Now Doctor Awaiting Your Inspection. eh

    besides I've got 2 Keep My BEADY EYE on You Muppets

    someone's got wipe your backsides MOST of You Arse Not Capable 2 Do It For


  • Comment number 34.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 35.

    A Wombat Jump in2 the Fog Na Mate its Jump ourselves in2 The *HIT AGAIN N AGAIN n AGain ..... for plonkers that aint worth it

    wot is a wombat a small furry beastie that hops about a bit NO ITs A

    Weapon of Magnesium BattaLION ANTI Tank = W.O.M.B.A.T. (they dont like it upEM) Tit makes your eyes water

  • Comment number 36.

    Afore Ye Go ant Gotta new weeze tits called Swing The Lead

    old army trick titill get you out of a fifty miler with wpn & kit

    tye a lump of lead round ONE of your ankles (call tit an ankle bracelet)

    you'd b amazed how many plonkers which club foot they forgot

    it worked for me titill work for you .. luvly bubbly lolly

    DLA tits called top form

  • Comment number 37.


    Is there not an argument to be made that murderers and rapist are telling markers for the most severe failure of our society?

    EITHER they were not identified as a threat, even though in the school system for their formative years, OR our society impinged on them in a culpably damaging way - or both.

    Who knows, the votes of such people might help to get rid of some of the know-nothing ciphers who run this country so badly!

    I tend to say (in my 'best pompous') of parents: "by their children shall ye know them", It is no less true for governments.

  • Comment number 38.

    I know it's from The Daily Star, but, it seems that the EDL may well become a political party.....

  • Comment number 39.

    Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú Scotland Newsnight had a fabulous programme last night on the collapsing housing market in Scotland and the UK generally.

    I can barely recall the boring interviewees that Jeremy interviewed on the main UK programme last night - did they say anything at all interesting or relevant? - but this Scottish Newsnight programme, watching it on iplayer now, is superb.

    Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú Newsnight appears to be focussing on the real economy. Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú in London appears to be focussed on the Westminister Village/City stuff.

  • Comment number 40.

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  • Comment number 41.

    Never A Lender or Borrower BEE

  • Comment number 42.

    Forgot to say that that chap who kept going on about wanting planning regs to be removed so that his business could flourish in the South East of England... and who kept going on about the South East of England... and who kept going on about his business, planning regs and the South East of England, yadda, dadda, vested interest... should pay the Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú an advertising fee.

    What a bore. What a switch-off. Please don't have him on again.

    Even better would have been if Jeremy had simply told him to shut up about his own business, to shut up about the South East and to actully discuss the wider UK economy.

    It is very disturbing to see such people come on the TV, talk about the South East as if the rest of the country does not matter and, worst of all, be allowed to get away with it. It was like the 1980s all over again.

    There would have been a time when Paxman would have cracked down on this in the interview.

    Next thing you know you will be having six-figure salary Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú Presenters whinging about having to go outside the M25! Heaven forbid, they might even be forced to go oop North.

  • Comment number 43.

    On the one hand, Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú Radio 1 is unnecessarily censoring Rihanna's new song "S&M" - they have an "edit" version which is utterly pointless and they have retitled it "Come On" instead, and yet Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú Radio 4 is getting dumbed down. What's going on?

  • Comment number 44.

    :p here's a reference to the Rihanna article

    and one for Radio 4's dumbing down

  • Comment number 45.

    How not to visit your doctor

    And A and E will get busier then ever, this government are fools

  • Comment number 46.

    WHAT'S A AND E? (#45)

    In Newbury, we have a 'Minor Injuries Unit' and the local signs say: "NOT 24 Hrs".
    How does one compute 'to go or not to go'? (When my brother had his stroke, in the waiting room, THE DOCTOR CALLED RAPID RESPONSE!)

    What is the betting they will downgrade a lot of A & E to 'Minor Injuries'?

    One thing is sure - little will be done to see-off smoking or to de-glamourise booze. That would put many thousands of health-workers out of work!

  • Comment number 47.

    Rihanna is charismatic, highly intelligent, and very, very, beautiful. She will stay in the music business as long as she wants. :*

  • Comment number 48.

    I hope there is not so much demand for retail, and we stop being consumer junkies in the south east and elsewhere. Lord next said we've created a huge number of jobs. What sort of jobs are they. Retail, public sector, and non productive un-inspiring jobs. The guy sounds very pre 2007, which is out of place now, and never the right thing to do anyway.

  • Comment number 49.

    any industry that makes 27 billion profit and can pay billions in bonuses does not need taxpayers money?

    banker bashing should stop when they no longer need monthly free public money and QE.

    in what way is a 40% chinese currency advantage a 'free market'? There is no free market. it does not exist. The markets do not deliver stable societies. they deliver profit mechanisms full of private monopolies and migrant labour.

    Models of mind in the court

    europeans are guided by different philosophies such as Kant and the Prussian Frederick the Great who wrote Anti-Machiavel consisting of a chapter-by-chapter rebuttal of The Prince.

    the modern uk govt praise Machiavelli as Tony Blair's chief Jonathan Powell and use him as model.

    Death Songs. 'its a good day to die'

    uk society has little capacity to deal with death. it needs to refind its death songs.

    Native Americans are encouraged to compose a "death song" to chant courageously in time of danger and at the time of death itself.

    "When you die sing your death song and die like a hero going home." Tecumseh, Shawnee

    This was the idea behind stanley baker's fictitious zulu song war scene. bit hollywood but the idea of 'death song' is there given within the context of the film they were expecting to be overrun by sheer weight of numbers.

  • Comment number 50.

    I was amongst those who have been receiving for years the daily NN email. I also got the farewell e-mail from Paxman, gloating about its demise and calling it "crap". Really??
    So let me understand this-the NN production team years ago develops a product that audiences register, they get used to it, read the line up of the daily programme and in the end we get to find out that the anchorman thinks it's crap...Fabulous!
    Basically, the anchorman suggests that a product was developed, launched and presumably serving a purpose, targeting for years the NN audience in a poor way.
    So hear me out.I have been a really committed viewer for years and all I have for the team of NN is admiration for its humble, critical, articulate, mind provoking way of thinking. Even if there is a grain of truth in calling the NN email "crap", I think it did serve a purpose and it became a part of our daily routine.
    We were informed of the line up and occasionally laughed with the jokes of Kirsty, Gavin and Emily. I would have expected a more polite and more gracious farewell to this product developed by the team and consumed by the public even/especially when the farewell e-mail is signed off by Paxman.

    Let me move to another topic. Yesterday I watched the European Court of Human Rights piece. I love how preoccupied the Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú is always about its impartiality on the Israel-Palestine issue but when it comes to Europe (even those with best intentions end up wrapped in sheer sensationalism).
    So Paxman tried to moderate the debate and once the anti-ECHR barrister mixed up the backlog of cases as an argument to express her dissatisfaction and the composition of the ECHR stating that Russia is a member..Paxman asks...really Russia will have a say on the application of HR in the UK??
    My advice would be first for the producer of that particular piece to do his/her work and inform the presenter about the role, mission and powers of the institution (ECHR).
    Second, is it the presenter's job to pass judgement on the countries that compose the ECHR? The role of the presenter is to moderate and respect the Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú's obsession with accurate, rigorous and impartial reporting.
    Third, I am not an advocate of Russia's Human Rights track record but hold on a minute..what's next?
    UK leaving the UN because other countries have votes? And another word of caution- the slippery road of ethnocentric cliches is way below the standards of what we are expecting from NN.

    What is happening to the programme we used to love watching???

  • Comment number 51.


    ..that the anchorman thinks it's crap..

    this is an old story. a few years ago in the beginning of the website JP used to snort at the idea of anyone using it and Kirsty 'the website slayer' used to mock anyone who did use it [and the watch again feature].

    basically these people [and many executives] went to school when they still taught with maps where the british empire was in pink, telly was black and white and when gay was considered happy.

    there is now a whole generation who think the internet and social media is 'normal'. if not a 'human right'?

  • Comment number 52.


    Since the doctors had their mouths stuffed with silver, it seems they have had their ears stuffed with gold. How ironic that THEY kill themselves when 'the game is up' but draw back from guiding governments to let US die on demand.

    I have no 'death song' but have written a few, very explicit, poems of that ilk. I have a growing number of confidant(e)s, all sane, and all of like mind. WE WISH TO BE IN ABSOLUTE CHARGE OF OUR DEATH, or to be able to give equivalent power to a person of our choosing, REGARDLESS OF LIFE EXPECTANCY.

    Can it be that 'storage to death' of living corpses, in care homes (storage facilities) brings net income to the government AT THE COST OF DEGRADATION AND MISERY TO TENS (HUNDREDS?) OF THOUSANDS? A government prepared to make a profit by selling OFFENCE WEAPONS to Johnnie Foreigner, to kill and traumatize his own, would surely not flinch from 'storage to death', IF THE BOTTOM LINE HAD A PLUS SIGN.

    If death-wish Britain has a death song, it must be The Little Satanic Verses.

    Weep all you who are condemned to 'life'.

  • Comment number 53.


    It fell into the current trap of style over substance, Aris.

    NewsyNighty is now edgy, fun, enhanced, inclusive and dumbed-down - going forward. And presenters run the gamut from indistinct to undistinguished (carp), with some employable ones in the middle.

    If you turn the sound and vision off it's pretty tolerable.

  • Comment number 54.


    for me matt and steffi [when they are on] move NN away from those 'lower [Top Gear style] pleasures'


  • Comment number 55.


    I doubt The Suit, giving the lecture, has realised the similarities between Shakespeare and Groening. The Simpsons is a commentary (on a number of levels) on our life-and-times, just a Shakespeare was in his. Because we are out of Shakespearean times, it is to be expected that we need to be guided as to how to extract content. I make so bold as to suggest, The Suit needs guidance regarding the true magnificence of The Simpsons, perhaps because his cultural programming has left him deprived of full access.

  • Comment number 56.

    In The Words of Armstrong and Miller KEEL THEM

    Blistering Barnacles KEEL HAUL THEM

    politicians lawyers etc

    Pass the Bara Soap I have A Rare Armpit Problem .. don't mention Smeg

  • Comment number 57.

    BLIND FAITH in Chasing Status

    My Faith Would Be Blind if Eye Poked My Eyes Out With A Sharpe Stick

    I Don't Chase Status I was Born with It weren't You

    Music Be The Food of Love Play On .. Wullie ShakSpear

  • Comment number 58.

    De Ye Think John Cleese got His Ministry of Funny Walks from The M.O.D.

    Or Just Civil Servants in General

    NOT The Comfy Chair Mother

  • Comment number 59.

    BroadStreet Broad told me the Mod don't like H.M. Forces

    She shall remain Nameless, I don't want 2 Drop Her Init

    I Do Believe Her

  • Comment number 60.

    I Do Prefer Real Women Fondling Plastic Buttalks Is Not My Cut O T

    GentleMen Prefer Blondes Glad I'm Not A Gentleman

    was MM A Real Blond

  • Comment number 61.

    2 PARATROOPERS DEAD 3 Para 4 Para

    DID "British" Born FILTH Have A Dirty Hand In It

    REAL FILTH .. Mag 2 Grid

  • Comment number 62.

    Would I Follow T.B. In2 Battle Oh Yes Please Auntie

    The Only Q In My Head/HEED Is

    Would I Use The Bayonet or Would I Waste Taxpayers Money

  • Comment number 63.

    FOR 11 / 11 / 11 / 11 / 11

    I AM H.M.'s MAN




    2 MANy 2 MENtiON.


    ________________________GOD SAVE THE QUEEN____________________________


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