
麻豆官网首页入口 BLOGS - Newsnight: From the web team
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Friday 11 March 2011

Len Freeman | 10:30 UK time, Friday, 11 March 2011

Here is what is coming up tonight on Newsnight presented by Mishal Husain.

Japan's most powerful earthquake since records began has struck the north-east coast, triggering a massive tsunami. Tonight our Science editor Susan Watts will give her assessment of what has happened and why, and ask how well the warning systems worked. Mishal Husain will be speaking to the EU Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid Kristalina Georgieva about what help we are offering.

Meanwhile in Saudi Arabia, hundreds of police were deployed in Riyadh, on the day anti-government rallies were planned. Our correspondent Sue Lloyd Roberts is there and sends us a compelling report on the day's events. Security forces blocked roads and set up checkpoints in an attempt to thwart protests. Protests are illegal in Saudi Arabia, which has had an absolute monarchy since its unification in the 1930s. .

And Iain Watston is at the Liberal Democrat spring conference - which is getting under way in Nick Clegg's constituency, Sheffield, just a short distance from Barnsley where the party suffered the humiliation of coming sixth in the recent by-election.
We'll be talking to the Liberal Democrat MP Chris Huhne about the state of morale in the party.

Do join Mishal at 10.30pm on 麻豆官网首页入口 Two.


  • Comment number 1.

    I heard the term McCarthyism on newsnight.
    Just so that you know:

    Using information obtained from studies of old Soviet files in Moscow and now the famous Venona Intercepts - FBI recordings of Soviet embassy communications between 1944-48 - the record is showing that McCarthy was essentially right. He had many weaknesses, but almost every case he charged has now been proven correct.

    I like many, believed Joe McCarthy was a paranoid nut case.
    He has since proven to have been correct but the left was succesful in turning him into a crazed demon and this negative characterization of the man was held for many a year. Thats the power of the media for you.

    Why did you have that no-talent political hack on. Mandelson is only good for one thing and thats to show what happens when anyone get into positions of power with nothing to offer other than their own over-inflated ego.

    Inquiry into radical Islam in the US.
    This ain't getting much coverage in the major networks in the US, in fact they are avoiding this story like the plague; they are still banging on about Charlie Sheen. I suppose some owners/part owners of these networks and news outlets (like fox for example) are Saudi princed owned(20%) and have editorial clout. Yeap, this "McCarty like" inquiry ain't getting the coverage it deserves.

  • Comment number 2.


    Evidence is growing that there is an electrical component to earthquakes. Electro-magnetic cosmology is well established (though denied by orthodoxy) and Earth is a child of that cosmos. Various electrically expressed aspects of our solar system are 'performing' and earthquakes may be a part of the show.

  • Comment number 3.

    David Bellamy speaks out !

  • Comment number 4.


    There is a very good chance that cosmic electricity is playing a part, direct or indirect, (geddit) in global temperature fluctuation. other planets show changes of temperature, and we are ALL IN THE SAME CIRCUITRY.

    I have tried to get various parts of the 麻豆官网首页入口 (and its contributors) to present Electric (plasma) Universe theory - zilch (oh, and one pompous snub from a Scottish professor).

    Go on NewsyNighty - ignore me.

  • Comment number 5.

    #4 barrie

    The main problem concerning the " Ascent of Man " is that science has slipped back into the virtual 18th century ( of medicine ) and become a quasi-religion. Unless you are fitted with an efficient set of blinkers ( usually some form of life time debt ) you are not allowed to practice. Thinking outside the box about subjects like the electric universe are frowned upon as heresy, which means that the only avenue likely to precipitate true scientific advances and understanding has become a cul-de-sac !

  • Comment number 6.


    As Marvin would say: "I think I'm getting depressed".

  • Comment number 7.


    Decent Dave is on the high ground again. But is he condemning our Iraq adventure or Gadaffi's activity?

    We were training his police - in cracking the heads OF THEIR OWN PEOPLE perhaps?

    Rule Britannia. Not waving but waiving.

  • Comment number 8.

    "SALT LAKE CITY 鈥 Utah might be one step closer to its own gold standard after the Senate approved a bill Thursday that would require the state to recognize gold and silver coins as legal tender."

    Gold and silver keep on rising on the prospect of US QE3 (or QE2 continued) this summer an no doubt a flight to safety of on going recent Mid East and Japan events .

  • Comment number 9.

    Interview with Jim Sinclair:-

    'Today the leaders of finance are now destroyers and demons'

  • Comment number 10.

    Don't much trust anything the Dailymail says or the 麻豆官网首页入口 for that matter but this requires attention and I'm going to be focusing on it for hard facts.

  • Comment number 11.


    A false flag operation is one designed to deceive so that the operation appears as though it was carried out by another entity, rather than the actual operator, in order to foster a clandestine political effect.

    In the wake of that tragic day, the United States entered into the War on Terror, the War in Afghanistan, and the Iraq War. Vast amounts of the blood and treasure of the American people have been spent fighting these ongoing wars. Over 5,800 American military personnel have lost their lives in the War on Terror, and over 40,000 have been wounded. In addition, innumerable innocent civilians have also lost their lives in the War on Terror. According to a September 2, 2010, report by the federal Congressional Research Service, the cumulative total for funds appropriated in the War on Terror was $1,121,000,000,000.

    Nuff sed eh Tony?

  • Comment number 12.

    "David Cameron warns that international community cannot 'stand by' "

    but is 'the international community' a gentleman? What would a gentleman do?

    yes Jauntycyclist is now on twitter.

  • Comment number 13.

    I suspect that Chris Huhne will attempt to portray that the Limp-Dumps are quite satisfied with the Coalition seeing that the Tories have let Huhne proceed with all their eco-fascist leaning policy initiatives, especially on energy. I suspect that when the truth eventually comes out about the Climate Scam ( or at least the truth about the true Corporate Nazi ideological intention of said policies ) comes out the Limp-Dumps could be toast and rightly wiped from the face of the earth at the next general election.

  • Comment number 14.


    When we British rose up against the impending Iraq folly, our supreme leader simply ignored us. So, being British, we went quietly home. He then gave British blessing to the wholesale killing of foreign civilians - much of it from the air*

    Libyans rose up, and would NOT go home, so their leader embarked on wholesale killing of his own people - much of it from the air*. Now, there is something deeply perverse in our government condemnation, IN ISOLATION, of only the latter act.

    *Either Dave, or Billy the Spud, made much of Gaddafi killing 'his own people' and doing it 'from the air'. It seems that we British have a code of conduct permitting killing of Johnnie Foreigner, but only ON HIS OWN SOIL, FROM HIS OWN AIR. It is all so remeniscent of the school-teacher trick of:"You wouldn't do that at home would you?"

    I think Kipling would blow a fuse.

  • Comment number 15.


    i do wonder who benefits from gaddafi staying in and who fears an islamic democracy?

    we are compounding the iraq mistake with another here. if we gave them anti aircraft and anti tank missiles they would 'finish the job' [churchill]?

    i do wonder if Libya warfare is one of the back and forth and extended supply lines?

  • Comment number 16.

  • Comment number 17.


    We watched Blair - in horror - take us into the war on Terror. Only in his final moments at Chilcot did I realise just how Gadaffiesque he really is. Being right is a terrible burden - and it shows on both of them

    Now Double-headed Dave is doing the rhetoric (with Billy the Spud acting Bluebottle to his Neddy Seagoon) but Uncle Barack isn't as gung-ho as Uncle Dubya was. IT'S JUST NOT FAIR!

    But how Westminster - manifestly inept at running this country - LOVES to bully another. It's a game to them - a game called GLOBOPOLY; and we know, all to well, that money is now only Globopoly Money! As for the cost in lives: Johnnie Foreigner is expendable, and Tommy Mercenary is a de fact hero. A price worth his paying.

    "Our PM wants to fight and by jingo if we do...
    We've got odd ships, and a few men left, and borrowed money will do!" (Old war song revised.)

  • Comment number 18.

    I'm just awaiting on Al Gore and to hear his take on this awful natural disaster in Japan .
    Anyone care to hazard a guess what he'll blame. What ever it is, Algorleone of the cap and trade crime syndicate will have drafted a new tax proposal that he'll try and sell to Obuma and Co to prevent it ever happening again...then he'll get busy with another award winning documental.

  • Comment number 19.


    Loved 'documental' Kev!

    I was always impressed by the way Al Gore lost one stage and stepped onto another. Tony did exactly the same thing. Any thoughts on who and what next?

  • Comment number 20.

    Perhaps typical of an eco-fascist leaning 麻豆官网首页入口 to attempt to plant a seed in the people's imagination that the UK should avoid building any new nuclear power stations because of the theoretical risk of earthquakes. Shadows of the safety fascists banning playing conkers at school unless you wear safety glasses despite the fact that the affected Japanese reactors are of ancient perhaps US design perhaps not dissimilar to Three Mile Island. At least the prompt woke Huhne from is ideological bubble and he gave a well though through reasonable answer, but I suspect many will try to play the safety card to delay construction and plunge the UK into regular power cuts.

  • Comment number 21.

    I'm still hoping that Tony will be tried for war crimes and crimes against humanity. I have these dreams that usually come true -well, 8/10 which ain't a bad average. Tony Blair is getting hunted by a pack of wild dogs and then the next moment he's in a court room...as the accused. I won't tell you what happened next in my 'Tony hunted down, drawn, hung then quartered in a Serbia street then fed to the dogs' dream. Its too dark and unpleasant an image..its best i don't go into details.

  • Comment number 22.

    The supermoon period may have been responsible for the massive quake in Japan.

  • Comment number 23.

    The Sheffield Protesters are they Dozy and Dense and "unDEMOcratic"

    Dont They Know that Money Grows on Trees


  • Comment number 24.

    Interesting piece on The Kingdom of Saud last night

    dont ask me I'm a Retired Retard (I used to pay Tax)

  • Comment number 25.

    Ha,ha, Bliar is having a laugh inhe? Or is he taking the mick?

  • Comment number 26.

    'Tonight our Science editor Susan Watts will give her assessment of what has happened and why, '

    With luck better than what I have heard so far, and especially on SKY currently.

    Given the timing, I think I may await any 'news' medium with an eye to coherent information rather than filling a 24/7 news cycle with any mobile-phone poster or twitterer's 2d worth, almost all of which seem to involve contradictory 'coulds', 'mights' or 'some are sayings'.

    Also noting that all those helicopters 'reporting' seem keen on videoing the SOS signs whilst evidently making judgements on what those letters might mean.

  • Comment number 27.

    25 blair what a Clown

  • Comment number 28.

    Significant Interview

    Jim Richards talks of perpetual QE :-

  • Comment number 29.


    Alice Through the Hole in the Wall.

    The Ape Confused by Language, now further confused by 'money'.

  • Comment number 30.


    Police are much in the news. A week or two back, it was reported that complaints had risen considerably - many of rudeness and aggressiveness. If I have heard correctly, police numbers were raised through the lure of higher pay. Might it be that the two are connected?

    Is there a parallel with nursing? And teaching?

    Is it all symptomatic of Brave New Britain, directed from a soulless Westminster?

  • Comment number 31.

    Women who annunciate their womanliness with sedate demure elegance whether from the 20th Century or any century have timeless attraction. The occasional daring trip into the movement of a low camera to a textbook example of how to cross ones legs, a black dress of seated shortness and the barely perceptible bra outline through a black top becomes all the more exquisite when its as far as it will ever go.
    'held' like a softly decaying note.

  • Comment number 32.


    What double irony to hear Our Ken decrying mass death of 'his own people'.

    Personally I find the facilitation of ADDICTIVE self destruction, FOR PROFIT, far more despicable than overt, brute physical violence - with no monetary advantage to the perpetrator.

    Did BAT specifically TARGET Libya at any time?

    In this Age of Perversity, we are defined by those we elevate, and those we ennoble, and it sits all too comfortably with the Westminster Malaise.

  • Comment number 33.


    Your slip is showing.

  • Comment number 34.

    Talking of slips here is mother earth showing her slips:-

    Hope you will allow this link from sherrie who ever she/he is being as you haven't before.

  • Comment number 35.

    "is called 鈥淧irate my Film鈥 (, and it might alter the procedure how 鈥 at least small 鈥 movies are financed in a very positive way."

  • Comment number 36.

    The Newsnight production team would probably have had to stand in the tea chest and sing Jerusalem to get the Corporate Nazi's to take the paper bag off their head if anyone had mentioned anything about this in the Japan earthquake feature ?

    ( Monty Python department store sketch ! )

  • Comment number 37.

  • Comment number 38.


    If you read the 'Books of Charles Forte' decades ago, a lot of this stuff is second nature. Add Velikovsky, the Electric Universe researchers and Piers Corbyn (with a drizzle of Revelation) and it all comes together nicely.

    Interesting times indeed. With luck - the Westminster Citadel will be no match for Armageddon. And Tony's millions won't be worth a light! As for Al Gore:

    "Once I built a fiction - sold it dear, It was an Al of a crime. Say don't you remember - CO2 fear? Buddy can you spare a dime."

  • Comment number 39.

  • Comment number 40.


    Nefarious Nick has REALLY proved himself a Westminster Creature. He makes his Faustian pact, sells out all those he had seduced with weasel words, AND THEN PUTS THE OPPROBRIUM DOWN TO 'POWER'. Verily 'what I say to people is' Tony, in all his glory, never arrayed a porky quite like this one.


  • Comment number 41.

    Chris Huhne...infuriating and time waster...he talked over the interviewer and made himself look scared and weak....

  • Comment number 42.

    To the students out there who will go to a bank for a loan

    'shut up and listen up'

    So how long have we had state sanctioned embezzlement via the Fractional Reserve Banking system, where by banks are allowed to loan what doesn't exist, what they dont have while the person on the other end usually a mortgage or student loan has to pay the principle and interest ?

    Seems to me a heck of a long time, like err hundreds of years but became law I think some time in the 19th Century I had the link on here once to the wiki on FRB history.

    Anyways banks and hence the state have been stealing from you the public for an awful long time. And now the Govt want to take even more - your pensions your jobs. And if you do work your going to work until you die. Remember nothing rep eat NOTHING has happened to stop the banksters - nope its destruction business as usual and your money is used to do their dirty work. Whats the dirty work ? Well the said FRB is pretty bad for starters. But the destruction of our society will be down to the derivatives - future bets - loony insane stuff that doesn't exist born of 'The Morgue'. But so far no position limits used to drive food prices is doing a pretty good job. Remember Bill Clinton signed the piece of law that removed the divide to stop your money being used to speculate in this way.




  • Comment number 43.

    The Wonderfull Judi Dench Where are The Clowns .. They are Here .. arnt They Queer .. Yes Very and they are still over Here Dear

    Some Say They are politicians .. I cant argue with that

  • Comment number 44.

    Great Rugby Yesterday .. Italy's day .. pass the Wooden Spoon ,a bit more stirring 2 do

  • Comment number 45.

    woah, a lot of cr*p.

    ok, here is an obvious alternative to "export-led-growth".

    internal growth.

    by increasing incomes, you increase domestic demand. There is no NEED for selling sh*t to foreigners, you build and sell sh*t to domestic demand. Higher incomes (especially through cooperatives), create higher domestic demand. This creates jobs, which creates more demand. Absolutely basic economics - which is why it is ignored by every 'neo-con' economist out there.

    lowering wages to "compete" with other low wage economies ONLY benefits the corporate sector, who use the low wages to exploit even further domestic workers. Higher wages, coupled with tax ACTUALLY claimed from these companies, increases domestic demand, and the possibility of building local manufacturing.

    the Tories notion of "tax-havens" (regional low-tax "enterprise zones") only invites the corporates in to grab ever more of the UK's actual tax-paying base economy - but they give Tory ministers nice pension funds. (unlike what is happening to the ACTUAL pensions funds).

    my god the Tories hate the truth, The truth is the Tories are taking part in the greatest theft of UK wealth ever conceived, and they are selling off the few assets Thatcher was not able to. And what can we do about it?

    smash-up a few Tory rented-out homes? Beat up a few Tories personally? God knows, outside of a general election. And what chance is there of that, with the Liberals sacrificing themselves on the Tory altar of tax-cuts for the rich, and tax-hikes for the poor?

    it is true, many of the UK population voted Tory and Liberal - but how many expected THIS???

    blaming Tory-lite Nu-Labour for policies the Tories would have done anyway (the "BLACK HOLE IN UK FINANCES" [drum-roll]) - or is there ANY stupid moron in the UK that thinks the Tories wouldn't have bailed out the banks? Or demanded the Corporates pay their proper share of tax?

    not a chance.

    one party, two wings. And don't forget it.

    the Scot Green bloke on QT made the most sense, what a shame we live in England.

    we have one far-right wing party to choose between, what flavour would you prefer?

    if you want higher household incomes as a generator of economic growth, emigrate. Because you sure as sh*t won't be offered that at the next election.

  • Comment number 46.

    This made me choke on my coffee this morning!
    Warning - Justin Rowlatt is naked.


  • Comment number 47.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 48.

    hmm, apparently the beeb-mods are more worried about fake-historian's feelings than about the problems and racism their expressed views will engender. Lets try again:

    Friday 11 March 2011

    niall ferguson: "civilisation".

    correct me if i'm wrong, but he seems to be claim that if you develop the 'club' before your neighbours (or in later developments the 'machine gun, or 'missile' etc)), and you use that to steal the wealth, work and resources of your neighbour, that means, according to him, you are more "civilised". Well, some might have a different opinion on that.

    in fact, anyone with more than the mental age of a 14yr old Thatcherite kid might have a different opinion on that. Even one of his own students said his main aim was on "the money", and [bleep] the misery his expressed opinions may create. He is no teacher, and he is certainly no historian - a demagogue with fascist opinions sounds about right though, and it was ABSOLUTELY NO SURPRISE to discover he supports camoron and his current policies.

    the 麻豆官网首页入口 should show the 'Barbarians' at the same time, to aptly demonstrate how uncivilised and ignorant this propagandist really is. Nial doesn't deserve a penny - in fact, he should live on the dole for a while, to discover the benefit of these "killer apps" for the majority of the World's population.

    he makes ME feel "iller in the stomach" than any increase in 'rights for prisoners'. Although, despite the stomach cramps he induced, nowhere near as much as millipede or camoron himself does. But that is not a ringing endorsement, by any stretch of the imagination.

    in fact, if there was ANY justice in this world, he would spend 4 years doing aid work in a 3rd world country, and learn about the histories, and WHY they are poor, whilst 'we' are rich. Unfortunately, there appears to be no such justice.

    but he doesn't deserve a showing of his fertiliser on the Beeb.

    here's 'Barbarians':

    and i will take this 'Python's History' over this child-of-thatcher, bliar and camoron, any day of the week.

    and mods, there is nothing expressed in this that was not stated by on the Review Show, so if you ban *this*, you are truly pathetic.

  • Comment number 49.

    i wonder if the mods will allow my criticism of their current favourite propagandist, niall ferguson, above?

    anyway, for those wondering about the rapid increase in cost of food-stuffs, this might help:

    personally, of course, i blame it all on the "black hole of public debt Labour left behind", because everything else seems to be...

    could the Beeb show the difference between the RPI, and CPI figures, because people on 'wage freezes' should know the ACTUAL cost to their incomes by this method... its close now to 10%/PA, non??

    so a 2 year 'wage freeze' is equivalent to a 20% cut in income, is it not? But not for bankers, obviously. Only for those who actually work and produce anything worthwhile.

    how long do we have to put up with this Govt???????????

  • Comment number 50.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 51.

    Red/Nose/Face Day The Concept is Good .. The Excecution is Not Good

    Call A Spade a Spade .. I have been to Slums in Africa .. School Children doing Homework whilst Human Sewage Floats by.

    My Kingdom for A Spade
    A fairly easy exercise Digging A *hit Pit/Thunderbox

    easy init

  • Comment number 52.


    As I listened - yet again - to Jeremy Hunt righteously explaining his DILIGENCE in seeking INDEPENDENT advice over the Murdoch deal, the words 'dossier' and 'extensive, detailed and authoritative' wandered, unbidden, into my mind. I remembered how another fresh-faced, wide-eyed (with innocence and sincerity) Westminster Creature, lied to us.

    While the Westminster Citadel 'stands', we are mocked by such crass assurances. No wonder we rank the 26th DE-MOCK-CRASS-Y in the world.

    Arise England - you have nothing (left) to lose but your debt.

  • Comment number 53.


    My point was that a man's credibility (perhaps on Sunday TV) in matters rational, is utterly negated by incongruous dress.

    In post #50 I named an individual - not here.

    That's it - in a nutshell.

  • Comment number 54.


    On the nail Mork.

    But before we can get our politicians to concentrate on stability and competence at home, rather than strutting and glory abroad, we have to dismantle Westminster and SPOILPARTYGAMES.

    Gaddafi didn't prance round the world - he stayed at home and applied the British policy of 'ship in Johnnie foreigner to do the work'. But Gaddafi is barmy, as all our posturing ninnies delight in saying.

    Perhaps we can have a UN resolution that prevents rubbish leaders, from rubbish democracies, with massive debts, rife corruption and collapsing welfare and health-provision, from GOING ANYWHERE to dispense vacuous platitudes?

    Nick'll support it.

  • Comment number 55.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 56.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 57.

    "The subject of Stoneleigh's master thesis at the law faculty of Warwick University in Coventry, England, where she studied International Law in Development, was nuclear safety research.

    After graduating in 1997, she became a Research Fellow at the Oxford Institute for Energy Studies, where her research field was power systems, with a specific focus on nuclear safety in Eastern Europe. "

    Stoneleigh = Nicol Foss

  • Comment number 58.

    "The Anonymous manifesto:

    * We are a decentralized non-violent resistance movement, which seeks to restore the rule of law and fight back against the organized criminal class.

    * One-tenth of one percent of the population has consolidated wealth in unprecedented fashion and launched an all-out economic war against 99.9% of the population.

    * We are not affiliated with either wing of the two-party oligarchy. We seek an end to the corrupted two-party system by ending the campaign finance and lobbying racket.

    * Above all, we aim to break up the global banking cartel centered at the Federal Reserve, International Monetary Fund, Bank of International Settlement and World Bank.

    * We demand that the primary dealers within the Federal Reserve banking system be broken up and held accountable for rigging markets and destroying the global economy, effective immediately.

    * As a first sign of good faith we demand Ben Bernanke step down as Federal Reserve chairman.

    * Until our demands are met and a rule of law is restored, we will engage in a relentless campaign of non-violent, peaceful, civil disobedience.

    * In our next communication we will announce Operation Empire State Rebellion."

  • Comment number 59.

    "Asian economists view the West as entering a dead end 鈥 one of corporate as well as individual debt peonage. They see Iceland, Ireland and Greece as a normal result of current policies, not as anomalies. From their perspective 鈥 and from that of many of my economic colleagues at UMKC 鈥 the world has entered an era of 鈥渄ebt pollution.鈥 Tax reform has favored debt leveraging and speculation (e.g., low capital gains taxes, and a tax shift off finance and property onto labor). The upshot is that savings and credit have not been invested in expanding the means of production or to alleviate the global economy鈥檚 debt overhead, but simply to bid up real estate and stock prices on credit."

  • Comment number 60.


    "And no wonder. Banks and building societies still do not have much money to lend. They want only the most creditworthy customers."

    What rubbish - The 麻豆官网首页入口 promoting the Banking Fractional Reserve fraud of all time.

    Don't go near a bank for a loan or anything else unless you wish to get ripped off and participate in others misery .

    Banks are a state normalised criminal cartel .

  • Comment number 61.

  • Comment number 62.


    The government doesn't know what time it is, nothing it tells us rings true - it's all a bit of a wind up.

  • Comment number 63.

    "Europe鈥檚 whole financial system was out of control, and still is. The North has not yet forced banks to rebuild their capital buffers or nationalize those that cannot do so, understandably in one sense since it might risk a credit crunch. Germany鈥檚 policy towards the Landesbanken is a study in paralysis.

    That is why Europe dares not lance the boil with "haircuts" and debt restructuring. It dares not risk a repeat of Europe鈥檚 Lehman moment in May 2010. It is why the EU has scotched any quick move by Ireland to deflect the shards of pain from taxpayers to senior bank creditors. "

    Lehman was taken down by Credit Default Swaps and this is partly why we still have them - so that the globalists can enforce their edict. Very good post by Ambrose

  • Comment number 64.

    "in order to bring pressure on the Reserve to create policies that focus on restoration of all classes while decentralizing economic control, and to bring attention to the cause. This group is designed to help successfully organize the protests."

  • Comment number 65.

    Good grief the 麻豆官网首页入口 actually taking notice of it's audience, NEVER!

    Perhaps NN will now get rid of it's noisy, busy, film clips, and the vile trivial picture wall, and sets. What's wrong with one person talking straight to camera, are we so thick in this country we need all the paraphanalia to attract our attention these days.

  • Comment number 66.


    Grief indeed Lizzy. And this morning, Naughtie - shipped urgently to Japan (as if they hadn't enough trouble) - did a second-rate 'Dimbleby' AND A TIME-CHECK.

    As for Smiley Cox, DID HE COMPLAIN? Nature, Archeology, History, Science, War, Religion - all have to be FRONTED by a spotlight-seeking, educated-but-immature NINNY, all to often with a 鈥榮urvival shoulder-bag鈥 to deny the presence of a 'crew'.

    Where do we go for gravitas, when both top geeks and media bosses are children? No wonder Alice in Wonderland 'science' proliferates.

  • Comment number 67.

    HHhhmmm I wonder if I can get away with the parking ticket that I got for over running by 10 minutes in my local car park!

  • Comment number 68.

    EHEM I could Be barking re The Moon (their is no moon on my Cheese eh)

    There is No Cheese on the Moon Maybe, spoke to some friends yesterday they believe A Big Moon can cause the plates to move, They do have a point. The Last Big Wave, There Was A Big Moon

    Who Do Trust .. I'm in The Money is No Basis for Trust ..

    CC & C bankers/politicians/lawyers

  • Comment number 69.

    #66 all have to be FRONTED by a spotlight-seeking, educated-but-immature NINNY, all to often with a 鈥榮urvival shoulder-bag鈥 to deny the presence of a 'crew'.

    Ha,ha, Barrie very true! ; ) I liked the dirty jeans, he's obviously doing it all himself! ; )

    As a rather uneducated person about science I watched this programme, I actually understood it, BUT it would have been much clearer if spoken from a lecture theatre, instead of the graffiti prison, which was then blown up, how childish!

    p.s. one of my daughters friends adores this man, don't know about the science!;o)

  • Comment number 70.

    B.B.C. Biarse = Big Brother CorpoRate .. I Don't need A Big Brother

    I carry my big bro its Sharp and 2 The Point

    auntie beeb dosnt agree auntie wont post, nasty auntie

  • Comment number 71.


    Cox may have 'book learning' but his wisdom looks questionable.

    He is on Start the Week, and just wandered into vaccination! He declared it ;'the safest thing to do' (pretty woolly). But the value of vaccination MUST be viewed against: (1) individual or group priority (2) period of 'advantage'.

    I don't doubt you can understand both points Lizzy.

    In passing, as I had guessed, Cox approves the embellishment - he wants to be a big STAR!

    On no - now he is wondering why science is not prized by kids. (They all want to be stars Brian).

  • Comment number 72.

    the T.B. Virus admits he got it WRONG on Immigration OH Yes and Everything Else 2 BOOT

    The Baroness/Mess mandy must Learn Lessons on GloballiSation Oh Yes and Eveything Else 2 BOOT

    Theyve made a few bob .. HOW .. Just tell A Few Big Porkers

    Its The Way They Tell EM .. and The Sheep that Follow

  • Comment number 73.


    We shall just have to be content with inviting our mercenaries to do the (death and destruction) 'job they love' in Johnnie Foreigner lands.

    Oh - I forgot: does KILLING OUR OWN PEOPLE with alcohol and tobacco belong here? Creeping consequential disease might even qualify as 'torture'. Nah - that would be deceitful, going forward.

  • Comment number 74.

    ITV this Morning A 3 year old ALcholic .. How ?

    My Grannie on my Fathers side Died at 96 a Nip of the Good Stuff every night

    Booze for Thought Barrie

  • Comment number 75.


  • Comment number 76.


    I Kant post the link but its got something to do with The Turkish Embassy
    Getting stick from a Urow MP with nuts

    Cathlic Bishop stabbed 2 Death in Turkey 2010 and a young Turkish Women buried Alive for having Sex

    The Kinky Young Turks .. Ive heard it All now

  • Comment number 77.

    75 Nice One .. We should Arrest The Lot , Lock Stocks and 22 Barrels

  • Comment number 78.

    Whatever happened to Alfred E Newman .. Is It All His Fault

  • Comment number 79.

    Pay attention now

    "Japan - Exploded Nuclear Plant Uses MOX Fuel"

  • Comment number 80.

    'AN ALPHA RAY GOES A VERY LONG WAY' (old physicist's song) (#79)

    Jim Naughtie was audibly rocked when he heard you can't detect alpha emission with standard kit. The words 'fools rush in' come to mind.

  • Comment number 81.

    #65etc I had the temerity to complain to 麻豆官网首页入口 recently about war between sound and speech, and received a 500 word response including the following explanation:-

    鈥淚t鈥檚 clear you feel very strongly about this issue but your complaint notwithstanding, the amount of complaints we receive about background sound is relatively low in comparison to other issues.鈥
    A phrase I'll keep handy when dealing with complaints eg Taxman or wife)

    "The general feeling amongst Producers is that music is an important part of programme making as it can bring tension and drama to a subject that might otherwise appear dry. Overall it鈥檚 added to make programmes more enjoyable for the audience and it is a great shame that it has the opposite effect on you".

    Further paragraphs referring to changes that have been made to specific programmes and to consultation with organisations (eg. deaf children).
    Followed by:

    "NB. You cannot reply to this email address but if necessary please contact us via our webform quoting any case number we provided.鈥

    I intend to reply,entering into the 鈥榞eneral feeling amongst Producers鈥 that we all need such mind control, by requesting that all 麻豆官网首页入口 News 24 items in future be supported by Tchaikovsky鈥檚 1812 Overture or Beethoven鈥檚 Pathetique Symphony, depending on the emotional impact that I have obviously been missing for the past 70+ years.

    Alternatively, I will just continue to turn the sound right OFF and rely on the (often humorous) subtitles.

  • Comment number 82.


    They should be going deaf by now.

    I seems that 'talk radio' managers do not KNOW (or care?) that the first thing to go in hearing, is DISCRIMINATION. Hence, the WORST THING they can do is add COMPETING NOISE. (I wonder if 'competing' and 'competence' have the same root?)

    Sadly, just as politics is now a game, so is 'media', and we are pawns.

    Maybe, after 'digital' we will get multi-channel digital, and can turn off offending streams. Better still - I'll just die.

  • Comment number 83.

    #81 "The general feeling amongst Producers is that music is an important part of programme making as it can bring tension and drama to a subject that might otherwise appear dry. Overall it鈥檚 added to make programmes more enjoyable for the audience and it is a great shame that it has the opposite effect on you".

    Loved that part of your reply from the 麻豆官网首页入口 indignantindegene! I agree wholeheartedly with you and NOT with the above comment! It's used to manipulate peoples feelings, to make everything emotive and not logical or wholely truthful.

    And so does my husband, my siblings, my friends, my parents, my parents in law, I could go on and on, particulary the older members of my family they hate all the noise, and cannot hear the words!!!!!

    Please 麻豆官网首页入口 take note, that's at least another 30 people who don't complain, but hate the noise you call music. Often not produced by musicians but some sound department with electronic machines.

    It drives me nuts the long introduction on the news channel and that endlessly repeated noise, while they wait to change over staff or whatever, I loath it!

  • Comment number 84.

    barrie: i'm just happy they don't use the execrable method of rolling subtext, or subtle 'subliminals' as any observer of darrin brown would be aware of.

    i still wish the Beeb would use subtitles as translators though, rather than the clumsy and obnoxious voice-over ruining the emotional content of often beautiful languages. I agree with you about wanting to go back to good old straightforward interviews though, the 'edgy' grates more often than not.

    flicks: WOW!! Glad your posting... incredible links.

    japan, NZ, our thoughts are with you. Blessed Be. xx :heart:

  • Comment number 85.


    They should be going deaf by now.

    Ah Barrie, I am, I am, partly from very old fashioned computer equipment, namely tabulators and sorting machines, the noise is deafening, and partly from the above, and going to too many rock concerts!

    Hence you are dead right, can't hear the difference between so called music and voices, spot on!

    Afterthought Aren't we supposed to be an aging population, so one hell of a lot of us have impaired hearing!

  • Comment number 86.


    "Labour leader Ed Miliband has called for a fresh tax on bank bonuses and a cut in VAT on petrol.

    He and shadow chancellor Ed Balls outlined the measures they said would best grow the economy, ahead of the government's Budget next week.

    They called for more private sector jobs and for help for the young unemployed and construction industry."

    nothing about corporates paying tax, just deck-chair shifting. This is "HM Opposition"? I hear more opposition and better plans from normal people of the Public. Hell, i hear better opposition from the Tory backbenches!

    what a different world we would live in if the Greens had won the last election, looking at what is happening around the world - esp Flicks' links - and i wonder if we will get another chance.

  • Comment number 87.


    Desperately apparent that the wittering classes are caught up with the 'End Time' (Mayan Calendar etc) and noticing floods and earthquakes, when all around - far and wide - the world is losing grip on intangible values and clutching at straw ones. Mankind might actually survive turmoil - if he had an ounce of gumption left. Nuff sed.

    The 麻豆官网首页入口, leading the charge to nowhere and nihilism, is an icon of our Age - bravo!


  • Comment number 88.


    They should be going deaf by now.

    what, WHAT, WHAT??!? Speak up you young blighter, - bloody kids these days, always mumbling!!! :0

    still, could be worse - i'm awaiting the 'senile-citizens low-frequency Mosquito device', to remove impoverished pensioners from hanging around Banks, and The City, wondering where their pensions went.

  • Comment number 89.

    #87: in 'the mindscape of alan moore', he says that this current period is where culture is "becoming cloud", which makes a great deal more sense than the hysteria. Having said that, even i'm getting worried now. And Murdoch is sitting astride the World, ordering govts and armies around as he wishes...

    well, if it DOES all go belly-up, i only hope i go in the arms of a loved one. And there is little pleasure in knowing the tards who thought they were being clever by creating tWoT and associated insanities in the belief it would only hit everyone else, will have the nasty surprise in discovering they actually DON'T have a "get out of jail free" card to play, - and that will also go for Murdoch and his insane associates as well. MI5 and the freemasons will discover they backed the wrong side, but too late. Its not as though there weren't enough warnings for them, but i guess they enjoyed 'the Game' more than they do survival... we ARE the species that invented and lived under MAD after all.

    what a wonderful and amazing species we are - and what a bunch of bullying, dominating, gluttonous idiots.

  • Comment number 90.

    #89: mind you, i blame the "black hole in Public Finances left behind by the last Labour Govt", meself. Wouldn't you?

  • Comment number 91.

    2 many Wiggas/ga ga ga ga goo goos on tv that can't Talk .. Be Carefull with that Axe Eugene

    Axe somebody else

  • Comment number 92.

    Reasons 2 go Morris Dancing with A Cricket Bat at Midnight

    Bankers/Politicians/Lawyers .. its not cricket but it might solve all Your problems

  • Comment number 93.

    TIMELY TRILOGY (#88, 89,90)

    Cooking with Methane there Mork! A brilliant and entertaining triplet.

    Might as well "leave 'em laughing" (intransitively).

  • Comment number 94.

    #91: then get rid of Hill, you know what i mean.

    Wigga do-do-do,
    eat pineapples
    hug trees.

  • Comment number 95.

    #93: don't you go throwing grammar at me, boy!!

    repeat after me: "the area of an Acre is..."


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