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Friday 15 April 2011

Sarah McDermott | 11:14 UK time, Friday, 15 April 2011

The leaders of the US, the UK and France have said in a joint letter that there can be no peace in Libya while Muammar Gaddafi stays in power.

Barack Obama, David Cameron and Nicolas Sarkozy say Nato must maintain military operations to protect civilians and maintain pressure on Col Gaddafi.

Our Diplomatic editor Mark Urban, who has just returned from Libya where he met rebel generals, will bring us the latest later.

And our Political editor Michael Crick will tonight bring us a film from Wales where he has been speaking to the former Labour Welsh Secretary Ron Davies, now a Plaid Cymru councillor.


  • Comment number 1.

    Vaz-the-waz sits there in the Newsnight studio pontificating.

    Keith Vaz said 'its right and proper to have a debate about immigration'.
    Really!..I remember Keith Vaz shutting down any debate about immigration and throwing out the usual charge of racism on a regular basis to anybody who had the nerve to even mention anything about immigration. Keith Vaz is a first rate political hack whose party when in Govt, not just financially ruined the country but changed the cultural make-up of it..and that all done without any consultation of its inhabitants.
    I believe the charge of 'subversive acts' could be leveled at the likes of Vaz. Whatever lies in the Govt vaults that resembles anything like a written constitution should be pulled out from its dusty shelve and scrutinized. I think you'll find Vaz and others of his kind could easily be put on a list for those who could be taken to task in a British court with the charge of covert seditious behavior.
    Jack Straw would also be put on that list by the way, he'll be right up there on it.

  • Comment number 2.

    Libya. (Why is it I always hear DubYa in my head?)

    Whose battle is it anyway?

    (Anyone remember that 1980's improvisation game of a similar name - well this one looks like being just as clear and clever).

    So, was it always about Regime Change - at all costs, and however long it takes?

    What sort of dossier will be presented to Nato for this one?

    Oh it's all awfully tribal. Looks like we've got ourselves another lot..........
    (To borrow a phrase from Barriesingleton)

  • Comment number 3.

    OPERATION DEEP ENDURING IRONY (cue martial musack)

    "Living within the lie" (Vaclav Havel). Has a sort of perverse 'Per Ardua ad Astra' quality to it, doesn't it. I have heard Dave and Obiwan call themselves 'World Leaders' (they never qualify that mantle with a direction of travel) but if only they could see the poverty-of-vision that puts Johnnie Foreigner on 'the right road', through armed aggression, while at home, food-stamps, face-covering and ghettogate loom.

    The inapposite Western paradigm, is still based on MIGHT IS RIGHT - unchanged throughout recorded history. This is not progress. Where is wisdom in the actions of these World Leaders? And why cannot those who ARE outside the lie influence those within?

    We all know why. But the HOW of breaking the spell seems elusive.

  • Comment number 4.


    Does anyone remember when Vas was in a very awkward spot - AND JUST DISAPPEARED? By their strategies shall ye know tham.

  • Comment number 5.

  • Comment number 6.


    It always puzzled me that the dossier ploy was so obviously just that - a ploy.
    Not as if we were getting a referendum - Tony would have got God to resile from it anyway.

    Speaking of dossiers - I still can't follow my AV booklet. Anyone else?

    In passing: did we all register that Hain doesn't understand it either? O Joy! Clearly not very bright. Thank goodness Lansley is doing NHS. . . (muffled snigger)

  • Comment number 7.



    Just don't go where the mark don't show!

  • Comment number 8.


    Into the lexicon of terminality, Billy the Spud has now introduced 'Strike Assets'. Apparently he means killer planes - those ones that amount to an engine with so much weaponry hung about it there is hardly room for wings. In WW11 we rudely called the Messerschmitt 'the flying brick' but had the Spitfire looked that ugly, Fritz would have dubbed it 'flugscheiss' or something equally colourful.

    TARGETS will soon be 'Energy Absorption Structures' and JOHNNIE FOREIGNER will be designated 'Expendable Cellular Unit'.

    Britannia rules the graves.

  • Comment number 9.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 10.

    Just in case anybody moans about #5

  • Comment number 11.

    How sad the comments are on this article

    We really have given up, and feel we will become the minority very shortly, they all talk of our low birth rate, how we are walked over for jobs, how defeated they all feel.

  • Comment number 12.


    The writer of the article tries hard to give harsh reality a fluffy edge, but DIFFERENCE takes a long time to eradicate - measured in generations. And if identity is rooted in soil that can be easily reached, or ghetto living is the norm (more so if the 'lingua ghetta' is not English) a further term must elapse before true indigeneity (a gut relationship with PLACE) is achieved.

    While the good times roll, a lot of tension can be absorbed - at a cost (eg mental health problems in immigrants) but stress the whole nation, put millions out of work and home, and the multicultural myth will go BACK TO NATURE. The Ape will bypass language (all of them) and just apply brute violence. No confusion there - it is universally understood.

  • Comment number 13.

    If there are headlines in 2060, what will they look like? Here's one guess:


    Today King Muammar (Muammar ibn Saif al Islam ibn Muammar al Gaddafi) was welcomed by Scotia-Northumbria's Provost (Head of State), Mistress Charlotte Salmond-Kennedy in a special ceremony at the Provost's summer residence in York.

    Top of the agenda was trade. The successful harnessing of nuclear fusion power in 2025, led to a revival in the mining and extraction of precious metals from the Pennine lodes, as well as enabling production of rare earths to be economically viable. It has also led to a great demand for north Africa's most valuable commodity - sand - for the programme to make Scotia-Northumbria's agriculture more productive by covering arable areas with glass. ...."

    Would anyone like to continue the story?

  • Comment number 14.


    A publican ejected two men for kissing. He found it anathema. I predict that if he were put in a scanner and shown relevant images, FOLLOWED BY A LOT OF OTHER MEN (many professing a PC acceptance) they would (nearly) all light up with a pattern associated with innate negative reaction.

    What might a court make of that? The gap between archaic good and evil, right and wrong, crime and punishment, is widening as neuro-science and allied psychology advances. (I might add: the gap between 'just war' and advancing understanding of the political Manichean mind, yields the same problem.)

    Interesting times.

  • Comment number 15.


    An exquisite fusion (!) of perversity and advanced science - the Noughties encapsualted!

    There should be an award. 76 would be there, fluttering.

  • Comment number 16.

    Hate to say told you so . But I came on here many months ago and told the unions to tell their members to remove their money from banks and buy silver at spot price as a way to maintain wealth and sort out the banking strangle hold on the public being on the hook for their behaviour with loony financial 'instruments'. That was when it was $17 its now $43 . There is some issue with buying silver in the UK due to VAT well from what I understand ( not totally sure) you can buy legal tender silver in the US and have it sent here and not be liable for VAT. Speak to the Tariff Classification Department of Customs regards importing silver coins that are legal tender and VAT liability. Copy and paste what I have said for when you come round; being as you are locked into a hierarchy of influence, my words will not have any significance .

  • Comment number 17.

    Just on a quick count, only about 8 out of about 78 artists in Saatchi's show Newspeak:British Art Now

    do not live and work in London

    Looks like Charles doesn't like to go out of London much and look at what nobodies are doing in nobody art land .

    One of these days I'll visit the new gallery, do a review and post here.

  • Comment number 18.

    don't you find racism boring and tedious?

    libya: very mixed signals, bets are being hedged. UK & France looking at ghaddafi staying - if their attempt to place a new dictatorship from the East fails. As we saw this week, the actual 'rebel councils of the people' are being excluded in the talks between UK/F/US/EU/NATO - the last thing that list want is a proper functioning democracy - especially on the lines of Norway, that refused to allow its natural resources to be exploited by the international corporations - nor did its leaders want a slice of the pie!! Shocking. Dismaying. Undercuts that whole view of human nature! And mustn't be repeated any cost, especially in the Middle East. So either there are new dictators in the East, based upon the ex-ministers in Ghaddafi's Govt, or Ghaddafi stays in power. That is why there is now so much talk of putting troops down, or "arming the rebels" (not when it could have been of use though, and CAN ANYONE TELL ME WHY NATO PREVENTED THE REBEL FORCES FROM PASSING ESSENTIAL DEFENSIVE EQUIPMENT TO MISERATA????), because if all else fails then a civil war can be artificially created. What i simply cannot understand, is Ghaddafi's behaviour throughout all this. For decades, he seemed to regard himself as the opposition to the West - yet since this started, all he has done is give the West the excuse to "intervene", destroying all the careful development he put in place, and placing Libya in the position of Iraq. Its almost as though he has done it deliberately.

    btw, watching the news - see how often the report says "Ghaddaffi is attacking X & X", because it would sound strange to hear targets of UK bombing being described as "Cameron is attacking such and such".

    the hardtalk with the italian minister was absolutely fantastic - as has Newsnight over the last couple of weeks. Special mentions go to Gavin, the Estler came of age. The BOTTLE of wine for most surprising improvement however goes to Robert Peston, who has had me biting rugs in the past. ;)


    [bleep] i hate depression, and i hate falseness, and i hate being unable to stop what is happening. I am sorry for not being good enough.

    i tried.

    Peace and Love. Salaam. Shalom. Shanti.

  • Comment number 19.

    @18 - Thanks for the Hard Talk link. I'm still absorbing what was said, and I'll probably have to watch it again. Frattini was a very cool customer, stonewalling some questions and being remarkably frank at other times. A man to watch!

    Eiither we lay mines in the English Channel, close the tunnel and cut ourselves off from the continent, or we need to take a serious interest in what is going on and who the main players are.

  • Comment number 20.


    Clamp the military, dig up the airports and fill in the sea-ports.

    Until we can manage these islands, competently, WE MUST BE QUARANTINED and prevented from doing any more harm in the world.

    Put government into special measures. Investigate Dave (generic) and the causes of Dave


  • Comment number 21.

    Private Eye has the uk govt via ex spooks training gadaffis secret police and special forces?

    Are those cluster bombs originally from uk?

    Mark is much better when he concentrates on military strategy rather than political speculation.

    One does marvel at politicians who cannot run the uk well that think they are experts in the affairs of foreign countries. who are we supporting in Libya? Anyone think naive fredom fighters would survive in power when 'democracy' gets going?

  • Comment number 22.

    This is one reason why silver and gold are continuing to go up and why the financial crisis is not over, you can add corporations like the Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú for not shining a continuous on going light on any of this as well .

  • Comment number 23.

    hmm, technical problems again.


  • Comment number 24.

    #19 sasha: he's a very powerful individual indeed. And he was in no way expecting a bruising interview like THAT - its not hard to imagine Italian mass-media are as tame as the US and Murdochracy when it comes to interviews with people in their Game. And as a Freemason, (which is fairly obvious from the interview in fact), probably a 'burger, he most certainly ranks as one of those. One of the best interviews i've seen in a while, alongside the Estler/Clegg interview, and the slaughter of Pickles recently.

    there was no way he was expecting the level of questioning, this was high-quality Public Service at its best! :)

    but before you watch it again, please read this:

    - "to cut through some of the black/white BS being sown, here is a rough ranking of US/Western desires in Libya:

    1. a new loyal Dictator. Preferably one with the confidence of the Army and Securiat.
    2. a new Dictator who can be vilified. Enemies are always useful for propaganda purposes, and this rarely affects actual trade.
    3. a civil war that will enable Western Powers to grab control of the oil/resources, selling arms to both sides, and turning back any social advances made in the last few decades.
    4. Ghaddafi remain in power. It would annoy them, because Ghaddafi controls the trade deals, and he is unlikely to be very happy with the massive media-attack he, Libya in general, and his family were subjected to. But this is still preferable to Washington, Paris and London than:

    5. a genuine democratic social-democracy movement. "Govt of the People, For the People, By the People". The absolute LAST thing despots and Corporates in the West want, because the corruption would be dramatically reduced. Every accurate Historical record shows this adequately. It also, btw, shows that in every case Western populations were lied to deliberately. Just like "Iraq's Liberation" was for Iraqi benefit, remember? This, despite the inevitable rhetoric, is the polar opposite to what Global leaders actually intend: and the same is true in Russia, China, and the other 'Great Power' Imperial nations. Actual democracy, and certainly non-corrupt, popular control of resources gives them the screaming nightmares!

    "whilst it is amusing to watch Western Leaders and 'in-house' political spokespeople try to manage to maintain this balancing act, it is not amusing watching the actual people in Libya, Bahrain and elsewhere suffering and dying hoping the West will come to their aid.

    "frankly - look to Gaza. You will see there the facts of Western policy, and the truth behind the misty-eyed rhetoric of freedom and democracy from Western Leaders. Who are busy even now arming the dictators throughout the region."


    bear in mind that Saif Ghaddafi has had direct talks with UK/F leaders, and the day after some Rebel tank columns were "accidentally" destroyed, - probably coincidentally, but this was very soon after the rebels had been given "communications technology", which would have allowed Nato to pin-point the popular Rebel leaders, who might have threatened their new contracts being signed by new corrupt 'leaders' in Bhengazi.. just food for thought. I don't know. Also bear in mind that Ghaddafi has publicly stated he intends to transfer some oil contracts to the Germans - who are opposing full intervention against Ghaddafi, - thankfully, for the Libyan people, no matter how bad it seems now! Compared to the slaughter of Iraqis, what Ghaddafi has done, and what he CAN do, is nothing in comparison to what letting 'Western Leaders' will do for the slightest excuse:

    can you remember a single "intervention" where our 'leaders' came out and admitted the REAL reasons behind it beforehand? Even now, Iraq is supposed to be about "Iraqi Freedoms, WND, and ending Terrahism", no mention of the geo-politics, naked self interest of the Corporates and the immense profits earned by members of the Bush Cabinet themselves.

    now we are "defending civilians". Believe that, and i have a Bridge for sale. Ghaddafi is horrific, and i also think he should probably go, but this is being used as an excuse to destabilise Libya, and seize the oil reserves/Libyan wealth held abroad. Preventing the military aid to Mizerata may possibly be intended to create another Srebnitza, yet another excuse to "defend civilians", almost a photo-shop of what happened to the Balkans. And Ghaddafi walks straight into the Western plan to destroy Libya, destroying the very revolutionary forces HE has built up for decades. As so often, self-proclaimed 'marxist revolutionaries' cannot handle the effects of the actual revolution. Ego took over, and standing aside becomes impossible for them. I hope he goes, but i do not want to see an entire country - ANOTHER entire country, be destroyed in a pretence to be saving them from a "brutal dictator". Are we now seeing another post GW1 period, with no-fly zones being set to "degrade civilian and military infrastructure"?

    500,000 CHILDREN alone died under the no-fly and sanctions regime - and this was supposedly to "protect them".

    this is closer to the Truth:

  • Comment number 25.

    oh, a bit more on the Italian foreign minister:

    from the Wiki:
    "Interviewed by Reuters he declared his intention to promote online communications monitoring and censorship of "dangerous words" like "bomb, kill, genocide or terrorism" and was expected make a proposal to member states in November 2007.[7]"

    and my reply to this:

    "Comedian Stephen Fry has said he is "prepared to go to prison" over the "Twitter joke" trial.

    Fry was at a benefit gig for a man who is appealing against his conviction for sending a menacing communication.

    Paul Chambers had tweeted: "Crap! Robin Hood Airport is closed. You've got a week... otherwise I'm blowing the airport sky high!"

    Fry argued that Chambers' tweet was an example of Britain's tradition of self-deprecating humour and banter."

    ..."This [verdict] must not be allowed to stand in law," Fry said, adding that he would continue to repeat Chambers' message and face prison "if that's what it takes".

    Among the other celebrities lending their support to the fundraising evening were Al Murray, Rufus Hound, Katy Brand and Father Ted writer Graham Linehan.

    Speaking generally about the internet and freedom of speech, Linehan told the audience: "We've got this incredible tool and we should fight any attempt to take it out of our hands."


    double-plus good for S Fry on this one.

    "or we need to take a serious interest in what is going on and who the main players are."

    almost the hardest thing to do in politics, and always has been. Very few know the power-brokers even within the UK, and the corporate grip of the media keeps it that way. Watch for the ones who put things in baby speak, constant clichés and sound-bites, and use hypnotic speaking to put viewers minds to sleep. They are the ones who think either we are all too stupid to understand what they are really up to - or are smart enough to know we wouldn't accept their policies or their arguments.

    talking of which, why won't the Govt **ORDER** the CEOs of the tax-payer-owned banks to appear on NN and explain themselves to the Public - from whom their ridiculous lifestyles, bonuses, and insane salaries are coming from? Doesn't this Govt think the Public have a right to hear WHERE their pension plans are going, and WHY the banking sector is more vital than millions of normal people's jobs and careers? I would have thought a Govt stuffed with bankers and professional politicians would be agog for the chance to explain it to us. After all, it IS explainable, right? Right?

  • Comment number 26.


    if that doesn't work:

  • Comment number 27.

    problems, problems!! Trying again:

    part 1: a sober look at the events in the wider ME and North Africa, comparing them to the events of Eastern Europe and Asia:

    much truth is in there, especially about the hypocrisy of Western 'leaders'. The smugness of his constant references to "Christian" political thought is irritating, but not unreadably so.

    i'd say there were also lessons in the recent events for western Liberal media to learn as well, such as whilst Public opinion IS important in the West - we are NOT living in democracies, and therefore Public opinion will be ignored if we the Public disagree with the 'rulers'. Also, our 'rulers' have very little shame, and the PM does not even care if we learn that he took arms dealers with him on his trip to Egypt, to sell more crowd control technologies to the local murderous dictators. It embarrassed him, but that was it. And come election time, that embarrassment is over-shouted by false choices between the parties, repeatedly offered by the right-wing press as worthy of consideration. "Would you prefer the Tory cuts - or NuLabour's mass immigration?", for instance. In actual fact, both parties intend similar cuts, both have similar privatisation policies, and both have largely identical immigration policies - and both have deliberately played the Race Card to stir up community tensions, and support the far-right. Yet this will be presented as real choice to the voters, repeatedly, and repeatedly, and repeatedly. And repeatedly. The lib dems will be allowed to make a bit of noise about some liberal topics (so we are supposed to believe they are in there swinging their handbags), and then we get to vote between them. And afterwards, guess what - the PFIs continue, services to the People are slashed, burned and privatised, corporations will control ever greater amounts of our economy, and pay ever less tax, and the politicians will continue to live in mansions, own luxury jets, and the few remaining elements of what is actually left of Britain will be sold to whoever pays them the biggest back-handers. And protesters and activists will continue to be infiltrated by secret police, will continue to be harassed, photographed and beaten, and eventually even someone like Ghaddafi will seem preferable to a future of no education, no health, no rights, and no public discussion. If the UK hasn't torn itself apart before then, like the former Yugoslavia did, for the benefit of Western Corporations and Banks to plunder the formerly advanced nation:

  • Comment number 28.

    wow -it posted at last! (spent the last 1 1/2 hour just trying to post this.)

    Part 2:
    "In 1950 the Basic Law on the Management of State Economic Enterprises by Working Collectives was introduced to establish workers' participation in the management of their own enterprises. The basic law decentralized planning, turning it over to local communes and workers' councils and incorporated the principles of self-management into all aspects of public life. "

    "Full membership in the EEC became a goal of Yugoslav economic policy in the late 1980s, and the media discussed the prospect constantly; in 1990 Prime Minister Ante Markovic officially declared that recent economic and political reforms qualified his country for inclusion. In response, the EEC strongly encouraged Yugoslav emulation of Western market economics and extended favourable financial terms wherever possible."

    "Beginning in 1979, the Yugoslav economy entered an extended downturn because of increases in oil prices in 1973 and 1979, the world recession that began in 1979"

    "Foreign loans dried up at the same time, as Yugoslavia was forced to reschedule its US$18 billion foreign debt. Patchwork attempts to solve these problems generally failed. "

    -and then the Abyss hit:

    could this also happen in the UK, with the growth in the openly fascist EDL? What is the place of the Welsh, Scots and Irish, as well as other minority groups in their vision?

    Power is not easily unseated, and in a Class system like the UK, Power is very deeply entrenched indeed. And they have NO compunctions about lying to us, none whatsoever. And, just like in Germany in the 1930s, the ruling class will support murderous, racist 'supremacy' cults rather than see popular democracy.

    we may feel sorry - and sorrow - for what the Libyans are facing, and the Tunisians, Egyptians, Bahrainis, Saudis, Iranians, to name but a few, but *we* are not very much more secure than them, and the lessons that *they* are learning (as in the above report), may very well have much import for us as well, in the not too distant future.

    not a cheery thought, and it would be EXTREMELY preferable for this Tory Govt to reorganise its priorities from cutting services and raising taxes on the poorest and middle earners, to tax *collection* upon the corporates and wealthy.

    one last read:

    i wouldn't trust socialists as far as i could throw them, but this article makes it somewhat plain where all the money has gone, and it hasn't gone upon spending on public services. Any "structural deficit" has to take into account the uncollected tax from corporates in the UK, and the ghoulish wealth accumulation of the Banks, yet oddly the corporate press seems to ignore that - and the bankers running the cabinet only too happy not to bring those topics up.

    ...why? Is the question that springs to my mind. Does it yours as well?

  • Comment number 29.

    christ, i've just read the earlier posts/links on the blog, and i almost can't believe what i'm reading.

    so the banks, in cahoots with corrupt politicians (of ALL parties, Govt and 'Opposition'), deliberately cause a financial crisis, by lending too much, fixing the rating schemes, and pushing pension funds into ponzis, whilst the corporate chains were allowed to buy up our high-streets, drive local companies to the wall through rigged deregulated 'markets', and they both pay [bleep] all tax leading to a financial collapse and - "structural deficits". The BANKS did this, deliberately, along with our corrupt political class. These are 99% WHITE people, from our own culture, who have deliberately created an artificial crisis.

    and yet even a quick perusal of the comments and links, show a desire to get out the machetes and chop your neighbours into little bits, if they are different to you in skin shade, or religion. And this connected with vague, pseudo-scientific claims of "naturalness" about such inhumanity - and frankly outright stupidity. Actually, "stupidity" doesn't even BEGIN to cover it.

    the policies nulabour followed are no different from what the Tories would have done, because Business liked the cheap labour - and that it didn't have to pay for training. Which Party is most Business-Friendly? That's right - the NuLabConDem Coalition Party. Vince Cable is, knowingly or unknowingly, once again being a Tory fig-leaf, where Camoron can hide behind him on actual policies, whilst priming the far-right with inflammatory rhetoric.


    look at above - the crisis the UK is in was ENTIRELY CAUSED by financial and political shenanigans, and has bug all to do with immigration. But it has a great deal to do with Bankers and corrupt politicians. What is the Cabinet composed of? Immigrants? OR Bankers and....? Exactly. How will turning the UK into a concentration camp ghetto, or demanding ancient lineage for UK citizenship improve the UK? Will it be you, or your children who are the new Auschwitz camp guards? Would that make you Proud to be British?? You are one sick [bleep] if so!!

    this was all planned years ago, and the only wonder of it is that Einstein was right.* Oh, Einstein - another of those foreign chappy's. He'd be one of those EU immigrants today, taking a valuable university post from a Brit, no doubt. But hey, quality doesn't matter, as long as their race is right. Right?

    *"there are only two infinite things existing - the Universe, and Human stupidity. But i am not certain about the Universe". - Einstein.

    you and your neighbour both lose your jobs (because the bank restricted lending to the company), you both lose our houses (because the bank foreclosed), your local school is privatised (because the Govt is ideologically committed to destroying the State), and your local NHS hospital is closed down because it "failed" (due to Govt spending cuts, and privatised management consultancies). Throughout all this, it has been almost exclusively pinkish people in business suits, deliberately attacking your living standards to maintain their own multi-£M lifestyles, and your neighbour has suffered just as much as you. But he's a slightly different shade, and has a different accent. So you beat *him* - and his wife, his kids, and anyone who tries to defend them, because of what has happened to you. After all, once you have murdered them, or driven them out of the area, your kids can move into the house. Actually no they won't, because the Bankers still own both properties, and unlike you, they don't give two monkey farts about "nationality" or "race" - they're just sniggering behind their hands, or indeed openly laughing at you. No normal Germans got wealthy from the genocide of the Jews - all the property was taken by the Nazis and German elites.

  • Comment number 30.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 31.


    At election time - voter-brains are small. Who you gonna get? Oath Busters!

    Now they've all been duped - and the votes are in. Who you gone and got? Oath Busters!

    Can't go on like this - AV's tinkering. Who you got again? Oath Busters!

    While Westminster stands - you're nonentities. Always gonna get: OATH BUSTERS.


  • Comment number 32.

    Tell me Mr Brown dont you feel sick that you didn't listen to Janet Tavakoli :-

    Were in the danger zone when silver hits 50 plus and the $ is falling away, but then you wont listen will you, any of you.

  • Comment number 33.

    #31: whereas the odious edl will live up to its ethnic cleansing plan, is that right, barrie? And all the trade unionists, all the environmentalists, all the Liberals and democrats, anyone who protests, they too will be "cleansed"?

    Sometimes the frying pan is preferable to the fire. (but very amusing little ditty, anyway. :) )

  • Comment number 34.

    @Child of Kali

    I noticed the Masonic thing too - and that he's an ex "Socialist". In fact, I was amazed by how many different parties have come together under Berlusconi. It's like Craxi's alliance back from the undead. I wonder who the real boss is?

  • Comment number 35.


    Dig a little deeper Mork. Or was it your twin who used to do that? Dave has a twin - but he never mentions him. Can't be shame though - Dave doesn't do shame.

  • Comment number 36.

    #32: flicks, what, you don' think he knew? Or the shadow team? (now the Tory Govt)?

    of COURSE they all knew! And they all helped prime it, pimp it, and then pop it. Members of this Cabinet made fortunes from the housing bubble, and the credit bubble, you wonder why the Tories were not screaming about this "economic mess they were left with" - *WHEN THE ECONOMIC/BANKING MESS WAS BEING CREATED*?? Because they were BENEFITTING from it, enriching themselves far beyong the "MPs Expenses Scandal" level.

    ponzi scemes like this cannot work without corrupt, or hamstrung regulators, and that means politicians are involved. A third or more of the Tory Cabinet are Bankers or other 'financial services' origins - do you think they were unaware of what was happening?

    and look at what they are doing NOW - absolutely NOTHING. NOTHING to prevent it, and NOTHING to prevent the next inevitable banking collapse. After all, the only thing that could worry the Govt is massive civil unrest, and Theresa May has already made it clear the Tories have a fully drawn up plan for calling such "anarchism", and using it to remove the few civil rights we have left. And they have the army. With guns.

    we are not ruled by idiots, no matter they talk to us like they are, we are ruled by autocratic corrupt thugs in business suits and ties. Very little of what is happening is a surprise to me - how much less of a surprise to those who planned it, in nuLabour, Tory, Banking, and the Corporates.

    and the one thing they will NEVER admit, just as in over their "cuts", is how deliberate, and how unnecessery, this whole charade is. A charade that will eventually not only cut living standards for most dramatically, but also life expectancy for millions of us. All so Bankers can own even bigger luxury yachts, and the Corporates can privatise our health, prisons, schools, roads, public sector broadcasting, and anything else the politicians can flog them dirt cheap.

    and you think B'Liar, Brown, Camoron and Oik Osborne are unaware of this??

    not a chance.

  • Comment number 37.

    #35: David Cameron's twin? Its an open secret:

    "i'm so ronery, so ronery..." - poor Dave. Stuck here in England dealing with local Tory councils: ..."Goddamnit, how many times do I have to tehr you?! You don't use the WMDs untihr you see the signahr!! I have worked TEN YEARS on this pran! It is a very precise, and a compricated pran!! I am sick of you terrorists [bleep]ing it up!! Now take the weapons where I tord you and wait for the GODDAMN SIGNAHR THIS TIME!! Goodbye!!! [turns the screen off] Why is everyone so [bleeping]ing stupid? Why aren't more peopre interrigent, rike me?" - when he wants to be with his twin in pyangyong, plotting world domination, and planning revenge on photoshoppers, and annoying bloggers.

    "Because then there will be barance! Every country will be a third-world country! Just imagine it: All around the world there will be massive explosions! [a scene of an explosing near the Taj Mahal.] With nobody to guide them, the people will break out into panic and rioting all over the earth! [Big Ben explodes, with subsequent explosions killing many more people.] The true nature of humanity is unleashed! [an outdoor eatery is destroyed] Dog eats dog and everyone attacks everyone and fend only for themselves! Global stability unravels! [Hollywood is blown up] By the time my show is over, it will be far too rate."

    so now all is revealed. Unfortunately, too many will see this as a joke post. :'(


  • Comment number 38.

    #36 - Mindys_Housemate - if you have evidence they had credit default swap spreads and were in on collateralized debt obligations please do show it . My view is that all politicians are captured to the banks and close associates in Browns case probably Allen Greenspan. They think of their future outside Govt which = a partnership in some legalised fraud machine and delusions of a new world order while the rest of us get our living standards taken from under our feet.

  • Comment number 39.

    "In reference to real money the silver trap JPMorgan Chase and HSBC have been trapped in is in all probably coming to a close. We see default somewhere between $48.00 and $60.00. The losses could be as high as $150 billion."

    Just having a pleasant day painting, so lovely when the suns out .

  • Comment number 40.

    #38: you caught exactly what i meant. Any one of them could have come forward and whistleblown what was happening - even changed the regulatory framework, or thrown out the corrupt officials - but they did nothing. BTW, this was a little noticed news item, but 2 or 3 years ago, Lord Mandleson came onto the Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿ÚNews, and apologised for their DELIBERATE creation of the the mortgage/debt bubble.

    this was not an accidental error, by either the Govt then, or the Govt now. Why is the International Criminal Court only seeing cases from the 3rd world? The crimes of this banking cartel, and its lackeys in Govts, are global in nature, and will undoubtedly cause the premature deaths of millions upon millions of people - a worse carnage, if somewhat less graphic and 'media-friendly', than what the worst dictator in North Africa could achieve, or Al Qeada could dream of.

    and none of them will go to court.

  • Comment number 41.

  • Comment number 42.

    #39: flicks, honey, good find. QE meant the currencies of the West plummeted - but plummeted together. The "real value" of gold and silver have changed little, the difference is the currency pegged to them (for trade) has become worth far less.

    inflation is indeed far higher than official reports, and i would love to see both indicators used, i simply cannot understand why news programs don't do this, except for political involvement/orders at the highest levels. And even then the indices won't take into account all the effects.

    this was indeed built up over a long time, and is indeed aimed at breaking the $, and also the US federal structure, the branch of globopolists run by the KKKorps would like to see the eventual destruction of all democratic power, even the highly limited and circumscribed ones we have in the West - after all, if the UK population had mass voted Green in the last election, there is every chance whistleblowing on the scam would have happened as honest politicians came into the system - this could have thrown a spanner in the works. The People united behind honest Govts could prevent these plans of the KKKorps, still, and they know it. So Democratic Govt has to go, for the plans of these KKKorp globalists. (I'm a fan of global democratic Govt myself, with *extremely* strict rules on power centralisation, and full transparency and accountability).

    thee is another crisis coming, and 'our' Govt is not only not trying to reduce its effects, but is actually adding fuel to the fire.

    i would recommend people start saving in local mutuals, rather than high st banks, in Govt i would recommend the mass setting up of alternative mutuals to the Banks - but i am not in Govt, bankers are.

    it IS a beautiful day, isn't it?

    NN: thanks for not voice-overing that lovely old woman in Wales - it is FAR too rare we hear the other languages of the UK as they are spoken, i doubt many had problems reading the subtitles. It would be a nice general policy...?

  • Comment number 43.

    Policy free Green Party election broadcast, to afraid to mention the 33% extra on your energy bill and all the other eco-fascist authoritarian pro-corporate nonsense they stand for ?

  • Comment number 44.

    #41: so he starts talking about the financial corruption, and then once hooked people, he starts talking about carbon - mixing it up with carbon trading/tax. About typical for a disinformation specialist. Excessive carbon IS dangerous, and it is destroying the oceanic food-chain. It also creates smog, and as even he acknowledges, has other poisons mixed in as well. Carbon trading is utterly separate to this, few environmentalists were behind this policy, but LOTS of corrupt politicians and bankers are. So strike one for AJ.

    and then he rants about the misinformed - rather than the kkorporate-controlled media who have ben pumping them. Put the blame where it is due, it is not people's fault if they swallow deliberately crafted lies, and have no way of judging the truth because there is no independently controlled media. Why isn't he arguing for media-ownership regulations to be back in place again? Strike 2.

    infact, listening to him (and i've watched many of his vids you've posted), and its the same story again and again - he points at some true problems (corrupt political class, corrupt bankers), but then switches the attack to environmentalists and campaigners, gives no possible solutions to the actual problems, but vents enery, angry spleen energy at those struggling to deal with OTHER actual problems, such as the degradation of our environment. This makes me wonder about his backers, and motives. Strike 3. Classic disinformation.

    there is a *small* chance he is honest, but very small. Although he makes excellent points on occasion as well. But even Goebbels admitted you had to mix some truth in with the lies, or else even the stupidest mark eventually realises they are being had. I don't trust him, or Russia Today. Especially Russia Today, who do not report with such clarity within their own country, and Russia has such vast natural resources, and its leaders will be happy, nay ecstatic, to watch Western populations get hammered when the energy crisis hits, and we have no sustainable energy production in place.

    if there was an oil crisis tomorrow, Denmark and Scotland both produce around 20-25% of their energy through wind-turbines, and could go onto a 'war-footing' to secure the nation's resources and productive capacity. England - could not. We would be [bleeped], completely, and totally. All those tax-avoiding rich would leave in a jiffy, and everyone else would be trapped without heating or power. By now (we have been warning about this for over 10 years), every community that wanted one could have had a community owned turbine for emergency, and putting power into the grid, without ANY strain whatsoever. By now, we could have had solar-heaters on the roofs for heating water. By now, we could have far greater insulation in our homes. By now, we would have some small measure of energy-security. Instead, the oil lobby has funded every turbine-blocking proposal, whilst hammering local farmers markets in favour of corporate supermarket chains (and Eric Pickles has just removed planning requirements against these monstrosities), as though oil will last forever, - or as long as they can profit from it, anyway. After all, those billionaires are not going to be shivering in winter, are they? Just as the bankers won't be poor when the cash-machines stop working.

    does he ever mention such things? Or is this all to him part of "The Green-Scam" (dum-dum, dum-dum, dum-dum dumMMM!)? Because it is through such small-scale, community/household projects that this crisis can be gotten through, not listening to some bloke ranting in Austin, Texas about californian immigrants. I'm sorry to say.

  • Comment number 45.

    #43: it was all true though.

  • Comment number 46.

    mods, post #30: i doubt many will be upset by the words "fart", or "git", so what's the hold-up?

    also a decision on #76 from the 20th of march would be appreciated.

  • Comment number 47.

  • Comment number 48.

    What the idiot Green Party fail to comprehend is that its the mega wealthy pushing the carbon taxes because they have a disproportionate effect on lower income people, any excuse to keep the top rate of income tax low. That is not to say that high rates of income tax on the wealthy is a bad thing, the point is that income tax should be based on the number of people you employ directly full time. Taken to the extreme you can say that some genuine people who employ lots people would pay very little income tax at all, although it probably doesn't apply to stock market parasites and other celebrities

  • Comment number 49.


    The only practical way we are going to provide secure energy for the UK is to embark on a programme of building local waste incinerators throughout the UK. And before you trot out all the green propaganda with the latest flue gas scrubbing technology there are no toxic emissions into the atmosphere whatsoever. Wind turbines are simply pointless and whilst there is some benefit from micro solar photovoltaic, solar water heaters are a non starter in the winters we are likely to experience. The idiots at Settle forked out 250k in shares for a 50kw river weir project which only cost 50k, far too much when you consider the output would be wiped out with 17 kettles at brew time.

  • Comment number 50.

    To all those idiots who think the burqa ban is a bad idea:

    Remember the Bangladeshi lady who came on Newsnight earlier in the week (Tuesday), saying that she was being harrassed for not wearing the burka? Well now, after the show was broadcast, she has now had DEATH THREATS and fears for her life. Cameron, grow a pair and be like Sarkozy! The burkha is NOT a religious dress, merely a misogynistic one.

  • Comment number 51.

    "also a decision on #76 from the 20th of march would be appreciated."

    its been sent to the CIA MI5 MI6 and Mossad. This is what Mimpromptu did with mine - real charmer .

  • Comment number 52.

    #49 brossen: and what will we be burning when the oil-flow stops? No more plastic packaging, bags...

    #51 flicks: do you not think they read me already? As far as i can tell, i've been under 'observation' for at least 14yrs, i'd love to see my records! :/

    #50 mistress, an interesting article:

    "'Remove your headscarf or we will kill you': How the 'London EDL' is targeting women and gays in bid to impose fascism.

    By Daily Mail Reporter
    Last updated at 6:56 PM on 17th April 2011

    * Comments (194)
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    Women who wear headscarves are being threatened with violence and even death by fascist extremists intent on imposing fascism on parts of Britain, it was claimed today.

    Other targets of the 'Football Hooligan thugs', being investigated by police in the Tower Hamlets area of London, include homosexuals.

    Stickers have been plastered on public walls stating: 'Gay free zone. Verily God is severe in punishment'.

    Troubled: Whitechapel in east London is at the centre of the hate campaign by the 'London Fascists' (file picture)

    Posters for H&M which feature women in ethnic clothing and a racy poster for a Bollywood film have been defaced.


    It is believed fascist extremists are behind a spate of attacks being investigated by police, according to the Sunday Times.

    How they want to see women: 'Talibanesque thugs' have been threatening women including non-Muslims with violence for wearing a headscarf

    An Asian woman who works in a pharmacy in east London was told to leave the country or the shop would be boycotted.

    When she went to the media to talk about the abuse she suffered, a man later entered the pharmacy and told her: 'If you keep doing these things, we are going to kill you'.

    The 31-year-old, who is a practising Muslim, said she has since been told to take a holiday by the pharmacy owners and now fears she may lose her job.

    She said: 'Why shouldn't I wear a hijab (headscarf) or burqa? I haven't done anything wrong.'


    wow, not the normal racist fare from the mail!! :o

    almost makes me think there is hope for it... :/

  • Comment number 53.

    #50, misress, do you think most of the women who freely choose to wear the burkha agree with you? Btw, so are high heels. And the enforced wearing of the 'western business suit' is surely the biggest restriction of satorial choice in te modern age - why is THAT not being opposed? Oh yes, because the 'business suit' is not a small minority who can be harassed and persecuted. Unlike the few hundreds who choose to wear the burkha. Sarkosy SURE has balls to target this small helpless minority, what does he do for practice - take sweets from small children? Disgusting man, i can't see what Carla sees in him.

  • Comment number 54.

    'Morgan Stanley fund fails to repay debt on Tokyo property' -

    "TOKYO (Reuters) – A Morgan Stanley property fund failed to make $3.3 billion in debt payments by a deadline on Friday"

    If you're switched on watch the price of silver next few weeks

  • Comment number 55.

    @ Mindy's_Housemate #52&53 - You do realise that the burkha is an all covering garment which only allows the eyes to be seen through a slit? Women lose their identity, they get rickets (which they pass on to their breast fed children),and it makes it impossible for them to exercise. They are unable to progress socio-economically and their masked face conceals their identity. Women are also placed in a hazardous position when driving with a burkha on as their field of vision is limited. Have you also noticed that Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Saudia Arabia, the three countries with the highest prevalence of women wearing burkha, all also have the worst records in the world of the oppression of women?

  • Comment number 56.

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  • Comment number 57.

    @55 I agree - the burka is disgusting and a symbol of subjugation; to compare it to the business suit is crass. No doubt some women have been conditioned to want the burka, but Stockholm Syndrome is a common condition.


  • Comment number 58.

    If westerners visit traditional Islamic societies they are, quite rightly, expected to respect local customs and sensibilities. If youdon't like it don't go.

    However, it doesn't work the other way round. It's like dining with vegetarians: when visiting them, you eat as they do, but when they visit you, they eat as they do.

  • Comment number 59.

    Great news! Jeremy wins Voice of the Listener and Viewer Awards

  • Comment number 60.

    @mistress and sasha: i couldn't give a flying its restrictiveness - either for the wearer, or culturally. Its NOT the role of the State to determine what citizens can and cannot wear - and most certainly when those clothing are cultural customs. And whether or not you can see the connection to the 'western business suit' concerns me not in the slightest: the fact is that the connection is there. No-one in their right minds would design a piece of clothing like it if given a blank page to draw, and its symbolic representation is that of a slave. It even has a "tie", which symbolically is representative of the old slave-chain around the neck. The behaviour of many of those who wear it is also representative of slavery - the giving up of individuality to the collective - usually corporations. Horrendous, and far more enforced than the hijab is.

    but EVEN SO - i would defend the right of individuals to choose this offensive piece of clothing if they wish (although i would like to end the enforced wearing of it), because i am a LIBERAL, who believes in Freedom of Choice. I realise basic human rights are currently under enormous assault across the spectrum of the media, but i in no way feel the need to join in with this lemming-mentality.


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