
麻豆官网首页入口 BLOGS - Newsnight: From the web team
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Friday 1st April 2011

Len Freeman | 11:03 UK time, Friday, 1 April 2011

Here are the details of what is on tonight's programme with Stephanie Flanders.

Tim Whewell has managed to secure a rare interview with the Libyan rebel leader Mustafa Abdel Jalil. He says they'll accept a ceasefire if Colonel Gaddafi pulls his troops out of Libyan cities under rebel control. But they will not back down on their demand that Colonel Gaddafi must go.

As officials in Japan say the evacuation of residents near the quake-hit Fukushima nuclear plant will be long-term, we ask what the catastrophe means for nuclear power.

We'll have the pro-nuclear environmental writer George Monbiot and Jeremy Leggett who is founder and Executive Chairman of Solarcentury which seeks to harness the power of the sun.

Plus we'll have our Political Editor Michael Crick who has been with the Lib Dem leader Nick Clegg on the pro-AV campaign trail. How will the coalition cope with a referendum result going either way?

Do join Stephanie at 10.30pm on 麻豆官网首页入口 Two.


  • Comment number 1.

    "Its disorderly conduct if anyone climbs up the pole."

    "Am I going to be allowed to keep my pole?"

  • Comment number 2.

    METAPHOR? (#1)

    'First we take your 'ball pole - then we take your balls'.

    Coming soon, to an arena 'where you are'.

  • Comment number 3.

    For all those interested in conspiracy theories, here's one:

    Renowned Pakistani Columnist Nusrat Mirza Accuses U.S. Of Artificially Causing Japanese Earthquake: 'The U.S. has Carried Out a Second Nuclear Attack on Japan'

  • Comment number 4.

    if the usa has radioactive milk then what about us? is anyone checking?

  • Comment number 5.

    NO to AV !

    It would appear that UKIP and particularly Farage are not a true change of government at all, even if we do come out of the EU with UKIP we will still be run by a set of stock market parasite puppets and the threat to our freedom will remain. Also UKIP don't get my vote if they are backing the eco-fascists and the energy cartel stopping waste incinerators and potentially cheaper electricity !

  • Comment number 6.

    Duke of York summoned to interrogate Libyan envoy; marched him up the Mall and down again, got some help with the hitching ceremony re dosh then scarpered to Abu Dhabi for a weekend's r and r with Qatari royals prior to announcement they will fully fund 2012 Olympics providing camel racing is included in events.
    Lord Coe "extremely relaxed" about proposal.
    P.M. "Another triumph for British diplomacy" as Libya is divided into seeds - just like a pomegranate.

  • Comment number 7.

    #3 HARRP technology and space planes being launched days before an event is not enough evidence. 9/11 is emphatic and very ostensible . That doesn't mean to say the disaster capitalism couldn't be part of the Japan situation - we would need good sound factual evidence.

  • Comment number 8.

    George Mombiot is a enviro-mentalist.

  • Comment number 9.


    Was that some sort of 'statement'?

  • Comment number 10.

    #9 No a bloody mess Barrie ; )

  • Comment number 11.

    Nuf sed ; )

  • Comment number 12.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 13.

    Mod: I've removed all reference to Moore and Greer and hopefully...phew, this will get passed the 麻豆官网首页入口 "truth dept"..didn't Orwell warn us about this?...i think he did.

    Feminism: Funded by the Rothschild in the 70s to increase the work force; increase bank account holders (more savings) and more tax intake for the Govt. That was always the plan but the sisters were too busy burning their bras to take any notice of them being manipulated. The Marxist doctrine of undermining the family has more or less been implemented in the UK; the state now controls family.
    Feminism on paper looks great; the reality is the need for double income households that also helped inflate house prices - more revenue for mortgage brokers/bankers- and both wedded to that rather than the family..kids don't get the attention they need because Mummy and Daddy are working all hours to meet the bills..better the mother not be married because the state will step in..maternity leave is a racket, many Mums don't go back to work or work part time leaving the husband picking up the extra costs of the mortgage/rent. Women need to stay at home and do the hovering...the world would then be a better place..we hunt, you cook..end of.


  • Comment number 14.

    I've been watching Newsnight for some time now.

    I notice that Mr Paxman has changed his style somewhat, from overtly aggressive confrontation to intense, quiet concern, whilst retaining his laser-like focus and inquiry.

    In the past I've noticed calls for 麻豆官网首页入口 journos to drop their confrontational style, and to be honest, I thought that was a mistake. Having seen it in action, perhaps I was wrong. Coming from someone who you already know can viciously skewer an interviewee, it's a genuinely powerful technique. Almost chilling. I suspect it would work less well from someone without his past record and reputation, though.

    'Citizen' Smith's dry wit is really very funny, though I question the 麻豆官网首页入口's choice of target. If the 麻豆官网首页入口 would like to take the view that encouraging unpaid volunteers is a mechanism to undermine a paid workforce, then perhaps you should say that, and then examine the issue in proper detail - rather than mocking people who probably have nothing but good intentions.

  • Comment number 15.

    #11: i would like to hear Buerke's opinions on the corporate media sector. So far he just sounds like bad grace from an ex-employee.

    #13: perhaps the menfolk should stay at home, and the womenfolk go out to hunt? Looking at the state of the world, could they do a worse job of it?

    #14: fair comments. Although CS did mention that on thurs - the switch from paid professional work, to unpaid voluntary labour. But this could be taken much more seriously.

    here's a thought - lets move the Big Society into the banking/financial sector as well.

  • Comment number 16.

    #14 "...I notice that Mr Paxman has changed his style somewhat, from overtly aggressive confrontation to intense, quiet concern, whilst retaining his laser-like focus and inquiry...."

    Not sure if this is permanent - though I share your observation of its efficacy and power. I will withhold judgement until the next senior British politician is skewered or otherwise - what might one call the new technique? A chilling rather than a grilling?

    Elsewhere, following on from #9/#10, what a wasted opportunity was afforded to Christine Odone, who was far too fixated on the 'young council estate mothers' in relation to the dangers of some sectors of feminism.

    'Citizen' Smith segment rankled somewhat. A serious issue on many levels I felt was somewhat trivialised by this witty?? treatment.

    Did M76UK catch the 'brilliant' Jeremy 30 second bonus 'cut' with David Laws? Made my weekend!

  • Comment number 17.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 18.

    Ben Davis talking to Eric king has been referred for further consideration


  • Comment number 19.

    "The govt doesn't want people bartering in gold and silver its wants people transacting in Federal Reserve notes so they punished this man"

    Peter Schiff

    Get the feeling this one is going to be referred as well

  • Comment number 20.


    Nuff sed indeed Lizzy! They say Buerk is out of touch through long absence - huh!
    I have NEVER worked for 麻豆官网首页入口 News but have arrived at the same conclusions.

  • Comment number 21.

    #20: barry, and ecological campaigners regard the 麻豆官网首页入口 as the Tool of the Oppressive Govt, lefties see it ditto, right wingers see it ditto, liberals see it ditto. LOL, until we get individual TV stations, i guess that will continue. I'd still like to hear Buerke's opinions on the kkkorporate media though, that charge 5x+ than the 麻豆官网首页入口 and output 10x less. Its like [P]ing on Ghaddafi, and ignoring the Sauds/Americans/British/French atrocities.

    #16 BYT: it is possible that paxo is letting this blog do the grilling... and the interviewees know it. :) Keeps the buggers on their toes, and about time too.

    where can the Laws clip be found?? Or was it on fri's show? (haven't watched yet).

    the focus on 'victim feminism' has been annoying, but i suppose they should also have their case put forward?

    NN: i am looking to change my career/life, and looking overseas. If you want to keep my input here, i suggest you DO get in touch. You know my email and FB, vague hints through the programme won't cut it. N.

    'Citizen Smith's' dry humour is biting, but i agree with the other posters - perhaps a serious look at what is a very serious issue could also be called for? Of course, "independent" Patten may bust a gut... and you have those 6 figure salaries to think about? Sorry, you know i *love* you all really! ;D

    #3: mistress, re: Pakistan's extreme monsoon, do you know the work of Reich's "orgone rain-makers'?

    this was my first thought upon hearing about the monsoon, but i cannot bring myself to accept that people could do such things deliberately, let alone the consequences for internationalism. When i look at what happened in Iraq, Chile or Indonesia, i realise i am being somewhat naive, but i still find it too hard to believe completely. But the possibility is there. I utterly cannot believe that the Japanese earthquake could have been deliberately conceived, the inevitable and possible consequences are just too vast. I would find it unlikely, for instance, that the US Govt itself would (IF it EVEN COULD!!) add energy to the same rift that Yellowstone sits on. Surely, out of self-interest, such a move would lead the US Govt itself to hunt down any rogue groups that had conducted such an atrocity. I can understand the anger and the fear that drives such speculation, but God help me, i cannot bring myself to accept it as a valid possibility.

    more on Reich:

    #19: the Americans are discovering their "elected Govt" does not work for them, for their best interests. They are relearning why the FF tried to prevent over-centralised power, and put restrictions upon corruption (and later restrictions upon wealth-centralisation in the Corporates, removed in the 20th century). Shock horror. Which makes it doubly amusing to hear State Dept officials bemoaning and worrying about possible results of elections in the Mahgreb and Middle East. "They could bring Fascists to power" rofl. Double-Speak - possibly even unconscious Double-Think?? Either way, this "Arab Spring" is unlikely to limit itself to "Arabs", imho.

    and i guess such posts as this are why NN are unlikely to be brave enough to contact me... oh well. Say la Vee.

  • Comment number 22.

    Bit of a one sided debate on the future of nuclear power with Mr. I've got all my money riding on the Climate Scam Jeremy Legget and Monbiot versus 麻豆官网首页入口 eco-fascist editorial policy shackled Steph. Of course Legget is going to say we can replace nuclear with renewables its his job to push solar and wind farms.

    Monbiot was totally over the top with the Chinese mining casualties, I can't remember that many fatalities in modern British deep mines. In any case there is hardly any risk with open cast mining, I can't recall any British coal miners being killed in our few deep mines remaining more recently anyway.

    Its quite clear that Fukushima means that politicians need to find themselves a good excuse to climb off the Climate Scam. As I observed recently the Fukushima incident thrusts a stake through the heart of the Kyoto protocol, however much Monbiot and other high priests of the green quasi-religion protest.

  • Comment number 23.


    Since we stood upright, and took the big brain route, we have gone from a simple life of subsistence, with a limited variety of experience, to rampant technology and the global cannula of TV, fitted to that impressionable brain FROM BIRTH. Yet the potential of the brain may well be just as ancient circumstance dictated. We cannot cope.

    The race between wisdom and cleverness has been won by cleverness, concurrently with ever more truncated maturity, finally inviting-in the Age of Perversity. In the A of P, everything is reversed. The least mature (least wise) govern. Men nurture the young. Women labour for male rewards. To learn 'Mammon', one must eschew social competence - be institutionalised. Sport is commerce and other pastimes are nihilistic and/or brutal. War is seen as noble and civilising. You can't tell a child there is only one viable human coupling but you can tell it money maketh man - regardless of method.

    One juvenile, charismatic, deluded leader, drawn from the ranks of the above, can now wreck the globe - and rejoice.

  • Comment number 24.

    I really like the way Mark Rothko investigated edges and thought about them in relation to form and colour.

    When you photograph in the street you stop time and place captured light into a rectangle, the edges become more so they are noticeable - you could cut out the man to the right in this photo. One of the problems in painting moving time - the edges in a rectangle .

  • Comment number 25.


    The Vogonity is counterpointed to perfection flicks3.


    Ellsworth Kelly, he took a pot of paint
    he painted a panel; they said he was a saint.
    Then he painted another, this one was yellow
    and they hung it on a wall where you have to be a Fellow.
    Ellsworth said: 鈥淚鈥檝e not done yellow that big before.鈥
    Ellsworth felt satisfied and vowed that he鈥檇 do some more.
    He painted a black one 鈥 his chum said: 鈥淟ike a punch!鈥
    He knocked it out in no time, and then he went to lunch.
    When he came back he realised it suffered some small lack.
    There is real and there is ersatz - don鈥檛 mess around with Black!
    So he rollered off a white rectangle and another in vermillion
    and sold them as a job-lot for a cool one-and-a-half million.
    Ellsworth Kelly will go down in painting history
    but I鈥檝e got a bloody ceiling to do so he won鈥檛 get much acclaim from me!

  • Comment number 26.

    "mindy wrote:
    and i guess such posts as this are why NN are unlikely to be brave enough to contact me... oh well. Say la Vee"

    Said like a true Guardianista.

    And as for the suggestion -in a previous post of yours mindy -that its men who start wars and that women may do a better job. The latest adventure was instigated by Clinton, Rice and Power..all women by the way. The advice against this was given by the men folk in military uniform. I always find doing a bit of research helps before trotting something out mindy.

  • Comment number 27.

    Economic edges are quantum

    "Why would the U.S. government allow a bank that is predominantly owned by the Central Bank of Libya 鈥 an institution on which the U.S. has imposed strict economic sanctions 鈥 to operate two banking branches within our own borders?"

  • Comment number 28.

    "Why didn't Buffett ask for Sokol's resignation? Sokol's behavior was unethical, and it may even go beyond that. There may be further inquiry to determine the legality of Sokol's purchases. "

    Where you been Janet ? come on more from you !

  • Comment number 29.

    i see 麻豆官网首页入口 is normalising climate change again. Talking about it like its unquestioned fact.
    When was nuclear power ever economic? Without massive public subsidy they would never happen.

    women might have taken mens jobs but they are probably chinese women working in chinese factories.

  • Comment number 30.


    Plenty of evidence to indicate blokes rise to a challenge and then return to sloth, whereas women are more regulated in output. The modern world of secondary and tertiary work, prizes 'steady'. At the same time bloke-work is being eliminated (by dumb blokes) even combat is mechanised and robotised.

    All part of going nowhere.

  • Comment number 31.

    With regards the discrimination towards working class males I laughed at that interview - not a working class male in sight . How is it that you didn't get that it might be an idea to include one ?

    I was lower than working class; homeless and a bum when I went for an interview to do a degree with my black girlfriend in the 1980's the person interviewing me made it clear they were more interested in her before sarcastically asked me if John Berger or Susan Sontag meant anything to me . I replied in my fathers language and in English asked him if my answer ment anything to him . Needless to say I wasn't offered a place.

  • Comment number 32.

    click under

    'Subscribe to the GCN RSS Feed'

    April 2

    Tarpley talks about racist killings in Libya

  • Comment number 33.

    no black managers in the premier league...well, hush my mouth and back to the farm..wasn't this the country that spawned Wilberforce?

  • Comment number 34.

    Very important read :-

    "After the Wachovia case, no one in the regulatory community has sat down with me and asked, 'What happened?' or 'What can we do to avoid this happening to other banks?' They are not interested. They are the same people who attack the whistleblowers and this is a position the [British] Financial Services Authority at least has adopted on legal advice: it has been advised that the confidentiality of banking and bankers takes primacy over the public information disclosure act. That is how the priorities work: secrecy first, public interest second.

    "Meanwhile, the drug industry has two products: money and suffering. On one hand, you have massive profits and enrichment. On the other, you have massive suffering, misery and death. You cannot separate one from the other.

    "What happened at Wachovia was symptomatic of the failure of the entire regulatory system to apply the kind of proper governance and adequate risk management which would have prevented not just the laundering of blood money, but the global crisis."

    I see Websters world crisis radio page is down mmmm wonder why ?

  • Comment number 35.


    Immaturity is now cultural. It has recycled over many decades, deepening with each generation . An act of collective will could reverse the trend, but acts of will also require maturity . . .

    The alternative, ironically, is EXTREME FORCE, but even benign dictators do not empower the mass.

    Back to the drawing-board?

  • Comment number 36.

    "Back to the drawing-board?" Funny you should say that Ive just come back from buying a few rubbers (called erasers now) and I feel totally challenged and Rambo like after trying to get the wrapping off the damn things. Do you think this obsessive wrapping is some kind of fetish programming to challenged feminist trained wimpy men to find their cave men instincts. Who wants to kill, rape and pillage with a set of Allen keys after a trip to Ikea ?

  • Comment number 37.

    MISNOMER OF 2011 (#36)

    You deliberate employment of 'Allen Key' in place of 'socket wrench' is provocative in the extreme.

    Tread carefully, for you tread on my cohort (going forward).

    As for the blatant product placement of Ikea - I know when I've been Tescoed.

  • Comment number 38.

    Here is Webster Tapleys WCR report from Friday :-

    We have all been Tescoed (going forwards backwards, up and down with and without Allen Keys and socket wrenches)

  • Comment number 39.

    a climate scientist who was there at the beginning of the science describes how

    the climate project was hijacked to only look at man made climate change
    a political decision was made exclude normal climate change,
    explodes the fallacy of 'consensus' ,
    the use of ice cores as the only proxies to determine co2 and how other proxies conflict with ice cores
    how carbon fuel co2 is only a tiny fraction of the co2 cycle in nature
    how satellite data contradicts the warming of temperature and point to global cooling which made the predictive models of climate warming as meaningless [in other vids he explains how the world is closer to a catastrophic ice age]
    that global warming is an industry funded by the govt [ie its make up of interests]
    how cap and trade is a derivative industry that has no social or climate use but will make those who own it wealthy beyond imagination
    human climate change is a massive distraction for real concerns
    most people have no clue and gross misconceptions about natural climate change
    12000 years ago the ice age sheets were 1 mile thick during which temperature climbed 15c in perhaps 3 years and then declined in the same time frame
    no one can explain the 40 ice ages in the last 2 million years or what causes them

    nor where the energy came from [the energy paradox] to melt the ice sheets in 2000 years when projections of current temperatures say it would take 40,000 years to melt them.[remember the last one was 11 000 years ago and it melted in 2000 years not 40 000] which means natural earth climate is catastrophic in character

    there are more vids and lectures

  • Comment number 40.


    And it's male again - should tell us something.

    Might it be the maturity factor again? HomSap seems to like belonging to a group and will largely suspend critical faculties to do so. (Fashion so often demands discomfort - or worse.)

  • Comment number 41.

    Ron Paul flying close to the sun :-

  • Comment number 42.


    it looks more and more inconvenient truth = convenient lies? a massive fraud?
    bbc totally buys into the IPCC 'its settled' propaganda and are still brainwashing these false beliefs on children's tv.

    when you look at the dramatic and speedy natural climate changes that have happened those pumping the only man made change depend upon people's ignorance of the scale and speed of normal planetary changes that have regularly caused mass extinctions of species and keeping to a climate narrative that is at best misleading and political.

    now trillions of pounds in derivatives are riding on these falsehoods that transfer wealth from the many to the few through the carbon trading scheme.

    NN has never questioned why only ice cores are used as proxies, where the energy came from to quickly melt the ice of the last ice age ,why the decision was taken to exclude any reference to planetary climate patterns or examined the correlation between those who promote carbon trading derivatives and those who own the exchanges? Is it forbidden?

  • Comment number 43.

    watched fri NN now, amusing how wrong my guess on the show was re: feminism. :)

    to summarise the two women's position on two-brains's blaming women for male malaise: what is needed to support more balanced society, is the removal of the cuts in benefits for couples (ie, individuals in a couple both have full access to full benefits, instead of being dramatically slashed when they live together as now). This removes the incentive for women to refuse to live with a man, because she loses money from it, which would keep more men in the households. Can you see the Tories going for that? lol.

    the other aspect they mentioned, in their far more reasoned arguments than Wilt's, was that there are a lack of traditional male jobs because the Tories in the 80s closed them down in favour of supporting the financial sector in London - a policy NuLabour continued, we might all recall. But do not fear, the Tories are supporting 50,000 new apprenticeships, so that is alright then. Of course, there are millions of young males out of work, but lets not look at the real-world figures, it upsets the politicians of the main parties in their dreams of controlling the public discussions.

    so end 'reduced couple benefits' and rebuild manufacturing (a traditionally male domain), and problem largely gone. Unfortunately, both fly in the face of continued lack of investment in industry, financial deregulation, and allowing KKKorporate tax-dodging, so its hardly surprising Willetts is trying to blame women for the Countries problems. Beats blaming immigrants, i guess, perhaps the Tories realise that is flogging a dead horse by now?

    Kinder, Kurche Kuche - who would have thought the Tories could espouse such openly fascist ideology? Next they'll be trying to blame the problems of the UK upon Anarchist Saboteurs... oh, wait a min, did i miss last weeks reporting? lol.

    give it a year, and then it'll be *Jewish* Bankers, no doubt. Lets ignore the bankers IN THE CABINET ITSELF. Me, i blame the Little Green Men, who whisper those anti-patriotic thoughts into our ears at night..... linked to Al Qaida they are, little blighters. Probably sponsored by Ghaddafi, as well!

    #23: barry "In the A of P, everything is reversed. The least mature (least wise) govern. Men nurture the young. Women labour for male rewards."

    men have ALWAYS nurtured the young, and women have ALWAYS worked in the economy. The % of that may change with social changes, and laws, but the two have always gone hand in hand. It is a perversity of taught History that tries to deny that. History is a lot murkier than tabloid 'historians' like Niall Fergusson could ever admit.

    i do however agree completely about the lack of wisdom in our Leaders, watching those 'Leadership Debates' was an exercise in "who can lie the best to a gullible Public?". Unfortunately, the next election will be exactly the same, and people will switch back to NuLabour with barely a memory that they are the very same people that, in collusion with the Tory shadow cabinet, deregulated the banks, and allowed the KKKorporates to avoid paying taxes. And continued the Tories privatisations through the PFI schemes, that is sucking the money out of our public services. If we could have elections every 6 months, i reckon it would still take the Public 5 years to realise the parties are EXACTLY THE SAME. Listening to Diane Abbott on QT made me realise that in fact, no matter which of the nulabour wannabe's had won, they all were actually the same. Shameful end to the Labour Party, and i think it is time and past the unions, exemplified by the union guy on QT, decided it was time to create and support a brand-new party, one with the ideals of UK Uncut, and one that actually CARES about the living standards of normal Britons, and about investing for a FUTURE of this country, something very notably lacking in ANY of our current crop of careerist politicos.

    500,000 people marched that day - and not a ONE went there to hear Millipede's hypocritical blitherings. That would have been unthinkable before the advent of NuLabour, and yet still the unions are hoping some common sense will eventually arise within Labour. I've been called naive myself (many times), but even *i* can spot when the donkey-flogging isn't going to work anymore. To paraphrase some slightly famous satirists: "This here Donkey is Dead!". Where is the point in supporting a party only slightly less far-right than the Tories themselves??

    and where do we go from here? Because as things get worse, the edl are still gibbering in the wings... do bear that in mind, please. *YOU* have the power to change things, union-leaders, *I'M* just a lone blogger. Get your finger out, and realise Labour is dead as a vehicle for beneficial social reform.

  • Comment number 44.

    #42: JC, those evil Greenies on carbon-trading...

    (originally on the pay-site "TheEcologist.com").

    it was originally the Greens who raised objections to cap-n-trade, whilst the Govts and Corps were licking their lips at a new green-wash possibility. As to NN not going into great depth on the science - NN *ISN'T* a science programme, its a news review show!

    and as to AGW, whether or not we are affecting our global climate (and it would be astounding if we were not), there can be no doubt whatsoever that the destruction of the rainforests, chopping them down for one growing season of soy-beans or cattle herding before desertification sets in, is very very real. As is the continued carbonisation of the oceans, that is destroying the coral reefs. The denial of this reminds me nothing so much as those who denied that city-smog was caused by the burning of coal, or that tobacco caused cancer. Indeed, rather unsurprisingly, scratch the surface of the anti-environmentalists, and you find the very same public-opinion-manipulation companies behind the movements. Yes, its true - just like in WW2, the Evil KKKorporates and Bankers are bankrolling and profiting from both sides of the debate/struggle, whilst doing their best to prevent a sane resolution, that would generally entail a curtailment of their profiteering, and an enormous curtailing of their behind-the-scenes influence and power.

    blaming the environmentalists for this band-wagoning then hijacking, is simply not fair. Nor is it conceivable that so many thousands of scientists are deliberately misleading the Public, although it is certainly possible they have misunderstood the larger environmental mechanics. But even more likely that much of the 'deniers' are being primed with deliberate and intentional misinformation to prevent the true environmentalists from achieving the necessary legislation, to curb the worst effects of mankind's environmental assault.

    i somehow doubt that giant global KKKorporate logging companies, or mining companies, or fossil-fuel extraction, or petrochemical industries, are poor liddle widdle victims of a vast conspiracy by a network of Environmental Scientists, who all have shares in wind-farms and carbon-trading schemes. I mean really, think it through.

    there is disinformation on both sides, but the majority of the corruption is clearly not coming from the scientists who are warning us about environmental consequences..

  • Comment number 45.


    To challenge corruption (present or absent) at the macro level is to miss the truth that humans are designed to corrupt themselves as a coping mechanism. This permits the scientist to deliver corrupted results while feeling uncorrupted. (Or, indeed, James G Brown for an extreme case.)

    The stark proof is that all religions have 'scholars' at the top of their hierarchies, yet fail to allow the obvious inference into consciousness. I repeat: endemic immaturity has HomSap hamstrung; it has been a long time compounding. The most damaging 'conspiracy' arises from Nature. I deduce we are auto-terminating as a failed experiment, or as a short term expedient.

    If the human mind were not corrupt, the better option (for self and planet) of being dead, would dominate. We chemically trick our minds into seeing value in continuance even though our tenure (as individual and species) is finite and, ultimately, leaves not a wrack behind.

  • Comment number 46.

    Child of Gore #44

    AGW is a complete scam, but that is not to say that we don't need to reduce our impact on the environment. Of course if the Green Party and other eco-fascist organisations were genuine they would suggest that we ban consumer credit on all products not capable of ( with intermediate maintenance ) lasting at least 30 years. We have the technology to do it and it would not increase the first cost that much.

    Unfortunately the greens do not have a good track record on policy to reduce our impact on our environment. In fact they pushed heavy traffic calming even though they knew full well as long ago as 1995 that it doubled local traffic pollution.

    Perhaps the main reason they pushed it was that the top players knew all along that it was the groundwork for the ghetto's to lock down and freeze and starve all the former manual workers who lost their jobs due to excessive road fuel taxes and now the 2008 Climate Change Act.

    It may be reasonable to believe that all the people who still push man made global warming due to CO2 are a pretty nasty set of people in general. Sooner or later the truth is bound to come out and if I had been pushing the climate scam I would be pretty scared of the future repercussions.

  • Comment number 47.

    #45: barry, the "Original Corruption" comes from the Home, with follow through in the Schools, then the Workplace, with mass media behind the scenes the whole time. The "Original Corruption" is allowing Children to be abused to follow orders from their parents, instead of being involved responsibly in the home as equals with a say - albeit a say that is tempered by the greater reality of the parents. Giving responsibility and respect makes it more likely that responsibility and respect will be returned. For those who think this is "pie-in-the-sky", it is exactly what Norway has legislated for, for a couple of generations now. And it works. It certainly works far better than the current, medieval system in the UK, a hangover from Dark Ages Christianity, where misbehaving children could be legally murdered. No, i'm not kidding. Its in the Bible, with (i think) examples.

    this same "break them down" mentality continues through school, which are more brainwashing mechanisms than educational (although in many respects they are improving, but a looong way off being as good as possible), especially where the goal is to jump through meaningless tests (like the annual SATS), rather than a pedagogy that puts the STUDENT'S interests at the centre of the educational process. There is always the fear that given a choice, other people may not agree with what WE (those with power over them) think is best for them. This is dehumanising, it is almost a definition of dehumanising. Then we wonder why UK students are reacting badly to education. And then the Govt decides that more dehumanising methods are needed to "correct" the problem. And if the teacher unions disagree, then a union-breaking privatisation scheme can be put in place (called PFI Academies, atm).

    somehow, call me Mr Cynical, but i doubt that the very Corporates that make so many workers lives hell with their wage-cuts, worker-rights destruction, and tax-avoidance, are going to improve the educational basis for our children. Of course, the kids that learn to obey without questioning, the ones that accept the dehumanisation, will likely get the jobs in the Corporates upon leaving school. The ones with ideas, the ones that question, the ones that should be the driving force in our Society - they will end up on the scrap-heap. We all know this happens already, so its not really a stretch to seeing it getting worse.

    this is the corruption that we can all see, and what we can also see is that the Internet, by allowing citizen participation (for some for the first time in their lives!), has broken this ancient monopoly on the right to hold and express opinions. And our polity is vastly improved thereby, as those who have watched NN and QT over the last few years will attest. Our politicians and KKKorporate leaders may disagree. What more proof therefore could be needed that this is true?

    this is NOT something innate within our nature, it is socialised disenfranchisement, the dehumanisation of the majority of the population, people trained to obey like dogs, not choose their own opinions, lives and careers. This disenfranchisement from our own humanity, *this* is what is causing the malaise within our society, as it has caused it for millennia, *this* is what has caused the revolutions past and present, *this* is what the Soviet people rose up against 20 years ago, and *this* is what the current revolutions are about. It is about the Human need - and RIGHT - to have their voices taken seriously as individuals, to not be exploited, abused, and tortured for the wrong opinions - or even just holding opinions. Nature is not a pretty beast, in some of Her aspects, but what humans have done and are doing has little to do with Nature, and a great deal to do with some very, very, very, bad ideas that are passed down as 'Ancestral Wisdom'.

    barry, you (accurately) mention "immaturity" - maturity comes from having responsibility. Removing individuals own power of choice can only lead to immaturity, because the individual never has to face the consequences of their own choices - they become victims to other's choices. From which victim-hood is only a very small step. And personal responsibility a very large step. In effect, the UK "institutionalises" the vast majority of its population. When we look at the UK today, if you read the psychological effects of institutionalisation, then you will see those very same characteristics. This is NOT coincidental.

    it took Norway 2 generations so far to change its social direction. But it has to start somewhere. And the fact they have managed it, indicates there is nothing "natural" about it - this "Original Corruption" is purely man-made. As is the self-destructive path it has set us upon.

  • Comment number 48.

    #46 brossen:
    "ban consumer credit on all products not capable of ( with intermediate maintenance ) lasting at least 30 years. "

    i wouldn't be surprised to discover that IS a Green Party policy already, or will be in the near future. It fits completely with their policy direction.

    "In fact they pushed heavy traffic calming even though they knew full well as long ago as 1995 that it doubled local traffic pollution. "

    traffic calming reduces road-deaths, and makes cycling more pleasant - therefore more likely to promote people cycling. They also very much want to increase the available cycle lanes, and supported Boris's City-Bike scheme. Increasing urban speed limits to 55mph would decrease emissions by increasing fuel-efficiency, yet i am hardly shocked the Greens do not support THAT. You could stand outside their conference with a placard to demand it however... ^_^

    "Perhaps the main reason they pushed it was that the top players knew all along that it was the groundwork for the ghetto's to lock down and freeze and starve all the former manual workers who lost their jobs due to excessive road fuel taxes and now the 2008 Climate Change Act."

    ahh yes, now i remember, it was the 2008 Climate Change Act that destroyed the UK's industrial base in the 80s, how forgetful of me. Nothing to do with changes in Govt taxation/spending that pushed enormous resources into a newly deregulated financial sector, whilst starving the highly unionised manufacturing, no sirree. And of course it was the absolute hatred of the "manual labourers" that led the Greens to object to the investment in a national Sustainable Energy sector in the UK (currently creating over 20-40,000 jobs in Scotland) - oh wait, no they don't, do they? Although you must certainly be right that the UK's ONE (that's *1*) Green MP was the reason the NuLabour and Tory Govts have brought in higher road-fuel taxes, - indeed, even BEFORE she was elected!! A masterful control of our entire political system she has displayed, to be so powerful. I now fully understand how it can all be her fault.... surely the other MPs must be terrified as she passes them in the Corridors of Power!!! >:]

    "It may be reasonable to believe that all the people who still push man made global warming due to CO2 are a pretty nasty set of people in general. Sooner or later the truth is bound to come out and if I had been pushing the climate scam I would be pretty scared of the future repercussions."

    perhaps all we need to do is search for people with "666" birthmarks under their hair, and there will environmentalists be found!! ...it all becomes clear now! rofl.

    thanks for the laugh, bro. 8)

  • Comment number 49.


    we went through all this on the boards a long time ago with the maurice strong and his 'world council of elders' claptrap.

    the carbon trade is fuelled by those who want a new religion or by those who want to make money out of people breathing air.

    the media have been brainwashing people by sheepishly repeating the mantras created by a publicly company that created a strategy to sell carbon to the masses by adopting the position of 'it is settled, there is no doubt, there is consensus'. the bbc is among the worst. they have never apologised for doing it and are still doing it.

    most people don't want to do the research and don't believe those who have because a/ they want a religion [the masses] or they want to make money out of it [oligarchs].

    a list of those who own the carbon exchanges [and how much they fund political parties] should raise the hackles on the back of the neck.

    as for NN not being a science programme the bbc has no science programmes and NN pretends to be investigative and intelligent. But its investigative powers have been lobotomised and is merely a tool of those who want to normalise carbon etc.

    there is a reason why journalists did not spot the credit crunch. there is a reason why journalists do not spot the carbon scam.

    on friday the debate was among people who play the game 'it is settled, there is no doubt, there is consensus'.

    anyone who looks at the ice age charts and the catastrophic character of global climate isn't going to be worried by what the maurice strongs of this world are trying to frighten people with.

  • Comment number 50.

    YEAH YEAH (#47)

    Come on Mork - we have both said most of that - more than once - before. The part of my suggestion that you dismiss, is inherent 'corruption' (self deceit). 2 questions:

    1) What is your cosmic significance? (Show working.)

    2) When 'wiring' your newborn brain, did you apply any uninformed expedients?

    I have suggested we put UK into 'Special Measures' - half a dozen Norwegians could be spared, I'm sure.

    (:o) The Serotonin Mark.

  • Comment number 51.


    I suggest that much as Warmonger Dave went to the UN, and got them to tell him to go to war (the one he wanted) so do masses of humans use their god to say 'there there' to help them cope. (They endow their god with the maturity they don't feel they have.)

    We are a devious lot!

  • Comment number 52.

    Sumatriptan is a drug prescribed as a prophylactic for migraine .

    Its a terrible thing

    why ?

    You go to your doctor saying you cant work due to migraine and its prescribed, you take it on a regular basis and dont notice anything other than you get fewer migraines and therefore think its great and keep on taking it.

    But you cant take it all your life and when you stop a year or so later your migraines become much much worse and IMPORTANTLY it doesn't lessen you have become more sensitive to the triggers - this ruins your life. The doctors prescribe more triptans and you get worse then they say try this one and another and another. Worse worse worse - nightmare.

    Migraine is by far the most common of the significant illness's .

    When is the mainstream media going to do something about this to force a change or are you all cut out wimps to big pharma?

  • Comment number 53.

    You would appear to have had your brains washed by the Corporate Nazi's and I know one intelligent guy why cycles and is a Pedestrian in a 20 Mph home zone and he absolutely hates it. Once again you attempt to twist words buy attempting to portray that I would put the unban speed limit up to 55 Mph. The alleged road safety benefits of traffic Calming are less than clear, heavily traffic calmed Burnley reported a 44% reduction in child deaths over the past seven years, yet Ribble Valley with minimal traffic calming also reported a fall of 42% despite being far away from any A&E department. The reduction in road deaths is a good thing, but may be mostly due to better paramedic ambulance services and now the air ambulance service. Better medical provision was introduced alongside traffic calming, it may be wrong to give traffic calming all the credit when its contribution may be minimal. I believe that casualties have been cut by 15% in the Borough of Barnet since they ripped out existing traffic calming, casualties for cyclists dropped by twice the London average.

    It would appear that the safety-fascists have been riding on improvements in paramedic ambulance service and more recently the widespread introduction of Air Ambulances. Its dead easy for the Corporate Nazi's to deny the improvements in emergency care and keep the credit for falling road deaths for themselves, just like at present they are totally dismissing the impact of free bus passes for the elderly and taking many " blind " drivers off the road. It is said that 1 in 6 current drivers would fail the current dead easy driving eye test, but yet no proposals for annual simple NHS free eye tests from the road safety lobbyists.

    As for the alleged green jobs aspect it is fair to say that wind farms do employ lots of people in their construction, however, the Thanet Array wind farm has only created 21 permanent jobs, perhaps the most expensive jobs in history at that. We would be far better employing people to adapt to possible future climate change by launching projects like a national grid for water. Just two pipes needed one from Kielder to London and another from the lake district intersecting in Yorkshire, it could be all run on gravity no pumps needed. Similarly building up sea defences, all jobs that can be done by anybody with minimal training and don't involve any imports like wind farms and solar. All the concrete and steel used in wind farms would be far better invested in both a Severn and Morecambe bay barrage, but once again the eco-fascists are objecting to that.

  • Comment number 54.

    48. At 01:47am on 4th Apr 2011, Mindys_Housemate

    "the investment in a national Sustainable Energy sector in the UK (currently creating over 20-40,000 jobs in Scotland) " ?????????????????

    Political hype I'm afraid , what jobs precisely, perhaps you were unaware of this report that observed that 3.7 jobs were lost for every green job created

    And I suggest you read up on a recent Scottish Govt report that identified an increase in fuel poverty from 1 in 4 scottish households in 2007 to 1 in 3 scottish households 2009.

    Amazing how much influence the green pseudo charities seem to have on the 'Renewables' and 'Sustainable Development' policies.

    Oh and look at the sort of Sustainable Development type education they introduced in Australia, doesn't it rather have echoes of the infamous 10:10 video, do you really think this sort of thing is acceptable?

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