
麻豆官网首页入口 BLOGS - Newsnight: From the web team
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Friday 20 May 2011

Sarah McDermott | 11:18 UK time, Friday, 20 May 2011

Tonight, we lead on the news that a professional footballer has obtained a disclosure order against the social networking site Twitter.

The application seeks the disclosure of the identities of a number of Twitter users who had been responsible for the publication of confidential information about him.

Then we'll be looking into the story that the Rwandan government is masterminding an alleged assassination plot in this country against dissidents critical of the Rwandan regime.

And as Dominique Strauss-Kahn is granted bail by a judge in New York after being formally charged with trying to rape a hotel maid, we'll consider who might be in line for his former job heading up the IMF.

All that with Emily Maitlis at 10.30pm.


  • Comment number 1.

    Yet more good jobs sacrificed on the altar of the Climate Scam quasi-religion ?


  • Comment number 2.

    So - we have a power struggle: Contempt of Court v Contempt of Parliament.

    Who do readers have most Contempt for?

    1 Courts 鈽
    2 Parliament 鈽
    3 Both 鈽

  • Comment number 3.

    My money is on John Lipsky (acting IMF CEO) taking over from DS-K.

    Read the last line of his Wiki listing.

  • Comment number 4.


    Today, Mr Huhne is also facing questions over a second alleged affair, after Kelvin MacKenzie, the former editor of The Sun, said: "I have discovered he had another mistress. She was described by a friend of mine as a lady on gardening leave."

    Chris Huhne: police inquiry launched after paperwork found

  • Comment number 5.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 6.

    brits can be extradited to the usa for breaking usa laws from the uk but americans can't be extradited to the uk for breaking uk laws from the usa? which twitt created that situation?

  • Comment number 7.

  • Comment number 8.


    WE are held in contempt by Westminster - parties - MPs (none more than I) mocking democracy, so why should they not hold Judges in contempt - mocking the Rule of Law. Do I have to draw attention Tobacco Baron Ken or Nastiness Tsar Dave AND ALL THE REST again? We have Demockcrassy under the Rule of Ignore. Why put up with it?

    SPOILPARTYGAMES - DISMANTLE WESTMINSTER or we shall know ignominious decline.

  • Comment number 9.

    "She's adamantly against a restructuring or anything else that's not totally voluntary by banks.

    Instead, she wants Greece to move faster on reforms in exchange for any more aid."

    Kirsty do you remember me getting all freaked out by your interview with her?

  • Comment number 10.

    some NN posts are subject to an ever increasing curtailment of opinion in recent months, so aware of 麻豆官网首页入口 lawyers of this litigeous climate (and we only have to listen to the recent gagging orders) that it has permeated into the corridors of the beeb. I do hope we are not cowed by bolshy judges and politicians as we were when Greg Dyke had to walk the plank along with talented 麻豆官网首页入口 bigwigs......

  • Comment number 11.

    An Injunction is - for want of a better definition - a limitation on the right of free speech., in common parlance a 鈥榞agging order鈥.

    A super Injunction is - for want of a better definition - a limitation on the opportunity to consider the right of free speech., in common parlance ( perhaps ) a 鈥榞agging order鈥 with handcuffs.

    But there now appears to be another form of injunction that tops both of the above and is being used routinely, namely ....

    A Ultra Injunction.

    A Ultra Injunction is - for want of a better definition - a limitation on the right of free speech, with handcuffs Harry Houdini couldn鈥檛 escape from, without any explanation as to why one is being gagged.

  • Comment number 12.

    A suitably edited version of my post at 16, on here, on 18.05.11.

    There鈥檚 more than one person tonight whom should be considering whether they have made an 鈥榚rror鈥 in 鈥榗hoosing鈥 the right words - assuming that you accept that, in the earlier fiasco, it was simply a case of 鈥榥ot properly explaining oneself ( several times) - in the sense that in the other place today Top Con expressed concern that the opposition, amongst others, was 鈥..... jumping on the bandwagon鈥 regarding the ramifications arising from the radio interview earlier in the day.

    Rape is one of the most heinous of crimes. Period. Whether it be heterosexual, homosexual or any other form of 鈥...ual鈥

    IMO it is the most severe of criminal actions as the victim will never fully recover.

    There is no doubt in my mind that 鈥淣o鈥 by all and any manner of expression e.g. incapacity due to alcohol, means only one thing .... 鈥淣o!鈥

    To trivialise those individuals and groups that represent, support or empathise with those victims of such a hideous act by describing them as being a 鈥榖andwagon鈥 upon which the concerned are willing to 鈥榡ump鈥 only confirms that someone lacks the ability to recognise and respond appropriately to the real concerns of all decent human beings.

    The radio interviewee and the user of the word 鈥榖andwagon鈥 are pretty much from the same mould, and the 鈥榤ould鈥 is, it increasingly seems, blatantly defective.

  • Comment number 13.

    An suitably edited version of my post at 16, on here, at 22.55. on 18.05.11.

    (Obviously - as with post 12 above - it should be taken in context of the broadcast.)

    And ... Oh yes!

    Regarding Nn鈥檚 piece tonight regarding leadership 鈥榮tyle鈥 ....

    May I refer you to my post - at No 13 - on 鈥楩rom the web team鈥 on Monday 21st March 2011.

    Hopefully - fingers crossed - this is the link .....

    [Unsuitable/Broken URL removed by Moderator]

  • Comment number 14.

    Live situation in Spain :

  • Comment number 15.



    So much harder to get righteous and holy thereafter . . .


  • Comment number 16.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 17.

    #14 is live coverage of significant demonstrations in Spain

    #10 - you said it

  • Comment number 18.

  • Comment number 19.

  • Comment number 20.

    Bit long but interesting nonetheless ?

  • Comment number 21.

    In gibbons however, females are very evenly distributed in the environment and this seems to be because of mutual aggression between females. So a male might like to have a harem but the females won't have any of it.

    oofh, oofh, oofh


  • Comment number 22.

    " a girl from big brother"?
    is that the same as "a girl from newsnight"?

  • Comment number 23.

  • Comment number 24.


    The same pattern as 9/11, the Osama killing, the birth certificate (and even the Kelly and Diana deaths: each an Alice in Wonderland mish-mash of (apparent) ineptitude by bungling bad guys. Once again we are in a Hollywood B-movie with a pathetic storyline and an amateur storyboard. Remember what Sherlock said?

    Where is JJ - he would know.

  • Comment number 25.

    "'Super Injunctions' Will Stifle Our Tech. Start-ups."

    The world loves Youtube, Google, Twitter and Facebook, as they can experience the freedom that evades them in their countries - including Britain. Thank God these companies are American.

    However, it rather raises a tough question about the government's attempts to create our own Facebooks, et al: why would the world use British technologies that cannot demonstrate the freedom of speech and expression they are used to with the above? A lack of a U.K. Bill of Rights, together with the disastrous union between militant British judges and the European Convention on Human rights Act will snuff out any attempts to expand our tiny silicon roundabout.

  • Comment number 26.

    Poacher turns gamekeeper.

    Why is it that he gets to choose his cases, and litigants get to choose him as their judge. I am NOT a banana, as Ian Hislop implied once.

  • Comment number 27.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 28.

    #27 repost part 1:

    Friday 20 May 2011


    on Israel:



    this is not a game! Millions of lives depend upon this. There are some bad stories at work.

  • Comment number 29.

  • Comment number 30.

    barry, wavev, i never have read those tracts i presume you published and are constantly quoting as truth. Apart from sounding very deterministic, probably unnecessarily so, they also do not feel very inspiring from the way you quote. But could you find the links again, and at some point i'll look at them.

    brossen: are you seriously arguing there is an enormous scam to pretend the ice at the Arctic is melting? Are you seriously arguing that mass industrialization, let alone the pollutants we produce, has NOT changed the global environment dramatically? Are you seriously claiming that the TENS OF THOUSANDS of environmental scientists, from countries around the world, are all fraudsters or incompetent fools? Are we really supposed to believe that the Green Party of the UK is secretly intending to be a new UK Fascist Dictatorship?

    feet to the ground, Brossen99.

  • Comment number 31.

    i'm very glad the Queen's trip to Ireland went peacefully. I would like to say the 麻豆官网首页入口 coverage before the event was utterly superb, and laid the foundations well, truly, utterly, superb. They said everything needed saying, and needed nothing added. I'm sure ALL the peoples of the British Isles are glad this adventure went well for all concerned, and with far nobler intent than previous adventures.

    scars, even THAT deep, can heal.

  • Comment number 32.

    '1. At 11:41 20th May 2011, brossen99 wrote:
    Yet more good jobs sacrificed on the altar of the Climate Scam quasi-religion ?

    Well, as one door closes another is supposed to open.

    However, having watched the latest episode of 'Windfarm Wars', I am wondering who is doing the numbers, and who is simply doing a number...


    I almost fell out of my chair as a bunch of grasping, installed-capacity subsidy addicts intoned, po-faced, that what they were doing was 'for the future of our kids'.

    And seemed to get away with it without being laughed out of the room.

  • Comment number 33.

    I guess its up to us to post the real news while Newsnight blab on about gagging orders at the same time gagging us. Tell me something 麻豆官网首页入口 why is it you referred live coverage of Spain demonstrators for 'further consideration' but show us all the gory details of the Middle East 'uprisings' You made sure we saw protesters being shot didn't you.

    "BEIJING: China on Thursday asked US to respect Pakistan's sovereignty and territorial integrity . "The international community should understand and support Pakistan's efforts to restore national stability and develop its economy," said Chinese foreign ministry spokeswoman Jiang Yu.

    Jiang said Pakistan has made huge sacrifices and great contribution to international counter-terrorism efforts. The statement follows meetings between visiting Pakistan PM Gilani and the Chinese leadership."

    Recent situation in Spain:

    "Starting on 15 May 2011 with an initial call in 58 Spanish cities,[2] the series of peaceful protests demand a radical change in Spanish politics, as protesters don't consider themselves to be represented by any party nor favoured by the measures approved by politicians."

    Ref :

  • Comment number 34.

    Matt Taibbi shows you how its done :-

    "They lost over 3% today amid a slew of headlines about imminent subpoenas related to Blankfein, the firm's activities during the crisis, and just generally for being the much-reviled Goldman Sachs."

    Watch the Credit Default Swaps pile in

    "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you."

  • Comment number 35.


    Be reasonable Junkk, the turbines, towers, concrete and cabling will act as a bank of raw materials for future recovery, when more elegant energy sources are tapped.

    Government (fool or knave) has steered the debate into wind/nuke/fossil carbon; what is needed is a cogent overview of ALL POSSIBLE SOURCES, their viability, potential and (for new and envisaged technologies) the current position.

    If the 麻豆官网首页入口 could commission such a program WITHOUT FANCY GRAPHICS/VISUALS, MUSACK, PERIPATETIC PRESENTATION, AND PADDING, the debate might move on to a firmer basis. Till then . . . zzzzzzzzz

  • Comment number 36.

    what is also needed is a rethink of the demand side. i bought an air freshener for 6 quid. i really should be locked up.

    Junkman's post (and having also seen the prog and experienced similar kinesis) made think of,

    'Though Birnam wood be come to Dunsinane',

    and girgling for a quote, I got this:

    So I better say 'break a leg' because I'm freaked out.

  • Comment number 37.


    "I remember when it was all windmills round here."

    For those who find me obscure: my point - stated before - is that WWII defences came and went (metal and concrete) with only low key traces left. In like manner, the wind farms will go and the land (money permitting) be restored.

  • Comment number 38.

    37. and then it will be taboo to dress like a windturbine? :)

    (sorry, i'll go and do some housework.)

  • Comment number 39.

    Mork #30

    Are you so utterly gormless not to realise that everything we are sold by governments is complete lies, the climate has always changed naturally and whilst we may be able to trace man's fingerprint ( waste heat emitted alone ) its the Sun which drives our climate. You also need to take into account fluctuations in the earth's orbit around the Sun but its clear if you look at roman port remains ( like Chester ) they are far higher up than today's sea level, even when you take into account that the west of the UK is rising slowly.

    The thing is that you can't really trust any science since the Moon landings, especially when you cant get the astronauts who claim to have been there to swear on a bible that they actually stood on the Moon ?

  • Comment number 40.

    CURATE'S EGG (#39)

    Hey Bro! Have you tried getting Dawkins to swear, on the Bible, that he KNOWS there is no God? Absence of barmy proof is not proof of absence of barmy proofers.

    But dead right on weather (and earthquakes) all driven by the Universal 'Thunderbolt'.

    For Mort:

  • Comment number 41.

  • Comment number 42.

    #7 brossen99


    Interesting link.

    Your link has to be read in conjunction with this link though to understand the background.

  • Comment number 43.


    I wonder how many of the 'great and the good' would qualify?

  • Comment number 44.


    Scroll down and see the second movie clip

  • Comment number 45.

    here's the link

  • Comment number 46.

    Well, just while you wait for Mork...

    question everything

    but Sheldrake's work, on composite faces that look eerily familiar, is finding fresh application in studies of morphological variation, which is not dictated by DNA. It's such a shame that the PC lobby has shut down discussion in the UK, because it is a truly fascinating field of biology.

    I'm just amazed you haven't mentioned this yet...

    Time to go for a walk........

  • Comment number 47.

  • Comment number 48.

  • Comment number 49.


    A great example of 'clever not wise' Mort.

  • Comment number 50.

    HUBBLE (#46 first link)

    An odd article. I could not define its credo or its conclusion.

    But Hubble's 'Law' is simply a guess, and Arp's quantised red shifts add another dimension to the challenge. Hubble did not claim to be right, it was a hypothesis; those who crave gods - made him one (not unlike Einstein).

    The Big Bang IS a form of Creationism. (Something Dawkins has not yet spotted.)

  • Comment number 51.

    Perhaps this must prove that their Climate Scam is totally in the interests of corporate multinational business ?

  • Comment number 52.

    50. well, I couldn't possibly begin to understand the science of astronomy but I do think that the day when humans live as one interconnected 'electric' culture on the planet is a long way off and I also think that the process that will get us there is evolution, warts and all.

    Dawkins has his flaws - he doesn't differentiate, for instance, between criticism of herbalism vs. criticism of angel therapy, and one would think that they deserved different analyses. Each can be valid but for different reasons, and I don't see how understanding biological evolution necessarily negates the usefulness of either. But Dawkins is a man driven to be defensive by populist 'opinion'.

    Under the front of the tongue are two lumps on the bone - previously where jaw muscles attached. At the back of the roof of the mouth are two dimples, previously the holes in the palate that reptiles have. The transformation of the embryo is well known also. There is absolutely no reason whatsoever to doubt that the human form has emerged from many previous forms, some of which still survive in their original state.

    Who's Mort?

    I don't think I'm a psychopath but I can understand that my enjoyment of wordplay might annoy you, such as this - I can't be a psychopath because I enjoy skiing more than sex. It's silly, it's fascetious, it's glib, but I can be serious, and I seriously hope that Amanda Knox is treated fairly this time round.

    I've heard that before about being bonded to the State by your birth certificate. Supposedly, if you write your name [thus], it can't be subject to litigation.

    Yours in bonding,


  • Comment number 53.


    Some acquaintance teased him and he replied (it is said) "Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar." Nice!

    I don't ALWAYS write between the lines. (:o)

    My preferred Creator God worked out the parameters and set it going. Might have been Big Bang. Might have been an energy field. Currently (pun) I like the idea of a super-conducting plasma (space) in which God induced a cycling current, and then stood back to watch cosmic evolution, all the way to life (or wandered off - bored).
    (I'll have a new God next week, I make them in my image.)

    I have no time to assess you psychopathy - too involved with my own. As for Mort, he is Mindy's Housemate. (Yes I know.)

    What's in a name? Even signatures are non-binding - eh Nick?

  • Comment number 54.

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  • Comment number 55.


    Pope's desperate call to Space Station astronauts.

  • Comment number 56.

  • Comment number 57.

    'catastrophic for who? the American bankers'

    Dr Paul Craig Roberts talking to Max Keiser:-

  • Comment number 58.

    Webster Tarpley Saturday May 21 2011

    American Pakistan and China - must listen

  • Comment number 59.

    flicks3 #57

    Raiding private pension funds through taxation would appear to be the logical thing for governments to do when you consider that the stock market would be in meltdown without the bailouts anyway, and private pensions worth little or anything at all. Its all pointless in the end, everyone including the US and UK will have to default on the debt, its simply not sustainable to keep increasing taxation on real working people and especially those on low incomes to provide what has become a true welfare state for the stock market parasites.

  • Comment number 60.

    Conspiriacy Theories: "... a religious faith for a secular age."

    Conspiriacy Theorists "...live in their own self-contained internet bubble of people who think like they do ... in a custom-made reality."

    "Everyone has their own experts now."

    (Of course, just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get you)

    The question is, if you believe an alleged fact very strongly, what would it take to change your mind? I'm very much looking forward to what Mr Camping and his followers have to say tomorrow, assuming they are still with us.

  • Comment number 61.

    Hhhmmm while you lot squabble over semantics ; )

    Look what's on it's way....

    The spring is over, and they fancy summer in lille olde England.

  • Comment number 62.


    Was it Lamont who disliked having to 'step over sleeping bodies when he came out the theatre'? The toffs will soon be stepping over dead ones.

  • Comment number 63.

    #61 Lizzy

    Remember Lizzy, they will be good for business.....think extra consumers!

  • Comment number 64.

    "would be in meltdown without the bailouts anyway"

    The concept of a bailout changes in the context of naked unlimited unregulated credit default swaps
    It becomes a take over/down
    The staggering importance of this has yet to reach the wider public and most politicians.

    Naked unlimited unregulated Credit Default Swaps are THE reason we will have another financial disaster .

    "everyone including the US and UK will have to default on the debt"

    Unless we stop fractional reserve banking we will always have this problem of debt .

    This is where the vast criminality is -
    The total failure to ban/regulate (make safe) derivatives and fractional banking and bring to justice those who caused the sub-prime disaster. They got away with it and now they have moved on to taking over whole countries. This is what happens when you dont deal with criminals .

    "its simply not sustainable to keep increasing taxation on real working people and especially those on low incomes to provide what has become a true welfare state for the stock market parasites."

    Its been used to re implement a feudal class system and remove any aspiration of the lower middle class and working class. They could easily tax the Forex to deal with the 'deficit', so why dont they ?

    You will not find any 麻豆官网首页入口 commentator bring these questions/issues to the likes of Osborne and Lagarde or explaining the sick truths behind them .

    It is also why those of a precious metal interest say that the PM fundamentals have not changed.

  • Comment number 65.


    'Yesterday Rod Christie-Miller, the CEO of Schillings and the lawyer who has made millions covering up the truth for billionaires and celebrities, told Newsnight鈥檚 Emily Maitlis that Guido might get 鈥渁 knock on your door and a long time in Pentonville鈥

    On iPlayer I am sure, but as one searches, knowing Newsnight's professional integrity and belief in the pursuit of truth, one is sure this was robustly debated.

    It's just that, well, with all else going on, and being let off actually, it seems a bit 'excessive' to consider time in jail for the crime of gossiping, even as an implied threat.

    Not sure such things do the legal profession such favours.

    Maybe time for the 麻豆官网首页入口's millionaires to turn their attention more to other millionaires than those more usually cited or pursued?

  • Comment number 66.


    That would be a 'not so much' then.

    And the logic of inviting on a person to discuss something who can't or won't talk in a silly attempt at heat over light is... quaint. If typical.

    Rather like seeing a vastly overpaid expert is now outed as making a ton of money from making a disaster out of a crisis. That'll look good on the firm's CV.

    Interesting that all are agreed that 'people who break court orders' should go to jail.

    One wonders how the 麻豆官网首页入口 and its usual slew of guests feel about that notion relative to the sentences imposed and/or proposed for other crimes, some rather more serious (IMHO).

    I'd also have liked the difference between 'private information' being used (to describe very public behaviour if a person goes out of their family to bed another) several times to be challenged and discussed further.

    Maybe Emily didn't feel the need?

    Anyway, on a no way related note, looking forward soon to Mr. Marr's challenging interview with President Obama, his 'people' in no way having checked the 麻豆官网首页入口's top man's body of work and unearthing enough to ensure no questions get asked that don't suit the narrative that side of the pond as well.

    Truly, an uncompromised, independent media estate of integrity and professionalism of which we can all be proud!

  • Comment number 67.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 68.

    Hey Lizzy

    Whilst at Sainburys yesterday I decided to buy a bottle of 'Encona' Thai sweet chilli sauce. I found the sauce in one of the main aisles, a rather small bottle I thought that was priced at 90p.
    A little while later I happened to be browsing in the ethnic section of the supermarket, a bit out of the way from the rest of the store, and what should I find?
    ....a bottle of 'Encona' Thai sweet chilli sauce *twice the size* of the the one I picked up earlier for the same price of 90p!

  • Comment number 69.

    You see the

    'when, not if " = he knows

    But he doesn't mention the means - naked unlimited unregulated naked credit default swaps which goes to the heart of the matter .

    Why ?

    A New Drachma would? also be attacked by CDS's and Greece would go to hyperinflation.

    So the reality is that criminals have created a situation where by we have a money system based on debt and then a bailout situation which amounts to a take down/over.

    For all the Greek people out there this is the part you need to concentrate on:

    "when, not if "


    "The Greek government will forbid withdrawals from Greek banks."


    two years鈥 time (it won鈥檛 be longer than that)

    Do people now understand why people like Max Keiser have been advocating buying gold and silver for the last 8 years as a store of wealth ?

  • Comment number 70.

    EU鈥檚 competition commissioner

    Joaquin Almunia trying to do something about the derivatives,

    transparency and possible collusion cartel situation .

    Do you think the banksters like this guy or dont like him?.

    The recent Strauss-Kahn spectacle may-well be on his mind.

    Keep an eye on Joaquin Almunia.

    Where will his efforts get him and the effect on the banks?

  • Comment number 71.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 72.

    "An angry Pakistani official said: 鈥淧akistan has an elaborate command and 颅control structure and is fully capable of defending its strategic assets under any circumstances and does not need any assistance from any country, including the US, to safeguard its nuclear installations.鈥

    Gosh and it wasn't splashed all over the 麻豆官网首页入口

  • Comment number 73.

    #71 oh no moderators I told you the truth


  • Comment number 74.

    'Nice a**e': Strauss-Khan's 'comment to air hostess' just moments before he was arrested for sexual assault

  • Comment number 75.

    A must read from Webster Tarpley :

  • Comment number 76.

    Guy on wheelchair taken down by officers:

  • Comment number 77.

    Italy order the person from their EU country but our judges debate the meaning of the word WHILE to argue that this convicted terrorist will remain in UK. WHILE Just being smart-arses they are not being JUST to our society.

    In Liz鈥檚 earlier post #61 the immigrant stated:
    鈥淚t is very difficult to get on the train, but I dream of England. Maybe I will hide, but I hope to find a way to get there somehow. England is a great country where I can have my human rights.鈥

    No problem mate WHILE we have such judges that deny us such rights to a safe society.

  • Comment number 78.

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  • Comment number 79.

    68.At 12:27 22nd May 2011, museV wrote:
    "Hey Lizzy

    Whilst at Sainburys yesterday I decided to buy a bottle of 'Encona' Thai sweet chilli sauce. I found the sauce in one of the main aisles, a rather small bottle I thought that was priced at 90p.
    A little while later I happened to be browsing in the ethnic section of the supermarket, a bit out of the way from the rest of the store, and what should I find?
    ....a bottle of 'Encona' Thai sweet chilli sauce *twice the size* of the the one I picked up earlier for the same price of 90p! "

    Even better, forget the supermarkets if you live in an area with a ethnic poulation (we now have quite a few Nepalese here, great people), they have a wonderful little shop and stock an amazing array of food products that if you can find them in the supermarkets, the prices are much higher
    Well worth checking out and quite fascinating if you are just used to big supermarkets

  • Comment number 80.

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  • Comment number 81.

    "78.At 22:51 22nd May 2011, Tim from Sandhurst wrote:
    This comment has been referred for further consideration. Explain."

    Oh come on! I did not try to name the perpetrator, which will all surely come out in the next few days and will prove that money will not protect you from being exposed to your misdemeanours when you are so much in the public eye ;-}

  • Comment number 82.

    #80 Thanks for the link, very interesting.

    But Mr Fifth, this is where we're heading.....

  • Comment number 83.

    "81.At 23:47 22nd May 2011, Tim from Sandhurst wrote:
    "78.At 22:51 22nd May 2011, Tim from Sandhurst wrote:
    This comment has been referred for further consideration. Explain."

    Oh come on! I did not try to name the perpetrator, which will all surely come out in the next few days and will prove that money will not protect you from being exposed to your misdemeanours when you are so much in the public eye ;-}"

    See, I told you so - my comments that you censored yesterday are nothing to what you have published about this guy today, I did not even attempt to name him!!

  • Comment number 84.

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  • Comment number 85.

    "84.At 23:01 23rd May 2011, Tim from Sandhurst wrote:
    This comment has been referred for further consideration. Explain."

    It seems like even though the cat has been let out of the bag, my comments, which did not try to name 鈥淜FC鈥 or whatever he tried to hide his name with are still unacceptable - nothing compared to the newspapers in the morning ;-}

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