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Tuesday 14 June 2011

Verity Murphy | 13:25 UK time, Tuesday, 14 June 2011

The government has agreed to make the main changes to its controversial NHS reforms in England that were recommended by an independent review.

David Cameron said ministers had listened to fears about increased competition and more powers for GPs and would now slow the pace of change.

Tonight we look at what is left of the bold, radical plan for reform that Health Secretary Andrew Lansley was convinced existed as recently as January, and we will ask him how he feels about the changes.

Also, as the government admits it cannot force councils in England to provide weekly bin collections, we look at the tension between the centralised and devolved government.

And Stephen Smith has been to Belgium to see Big Society in action on a grand scale in Brussels, where volunteers of every stripe take part in an annual city clean-up day.


  • Comment number 1.

    Lansley's reforms now look like a horse designed by committee - i.e. a camel - and its head is at the wrong end as well, having been transplanted from one end to the other.

    It is simply impossible to marry two completely different ideologies into a workable, homogeneous whole. The NHS is a NATIONAL service funded out of taxes, free at the point of consumption without "postcode lotteries" in terms of the treatment patients receive.

    Both colatiion partners find state control an anathema, yet they are committed to the NHS because the electorate are, so their idea of "reform" is to dismantle the very thing that makes it a National Service - its management structure - so turning it into a neo-anarchic-syndicalist-commune, ripe for asset stripping by US private medical groups.

    Lansley's mangled reforms are a terrible mismash of bodies designed to reconcile vested interests whilst devolving control to local areas - i.e. back to postcode lotteries - and trying to harness competition to drive efficiency, whilst tying the hands of those responsible for making resource allocations to prevent the logical conclusion to competition, which is to drive out the inefficient and empower the profitable providers.

    We've had plenty of NHS scandals in terms of negligence and incompetence @ hospital boards, PTCs and the new system is even more prone to mistakes/abuse than the old one, which at least had the notional discipline of supervision and inspection. We'll see hobbyhorse decisionmaking, gamesmanship in feathering their own nests and massive duplication of admin as each consortium staffs itself up to hilt with ex-PTC staff.

    Journalists need to buy a new box or two of pens: the sheer number of NHS abuse/incompetence/corruption stories to cover over the next few years will be HUGE.

  • Comment number 2.


    I contacted 8 Conservative MPs - all of whom, in the 2010 General Election, according to web data, employed the 'liar flyer' False Instrument worded: "THE CONSERVATIVES MUST WIN HERE TO STOP ANOTHER 5 YEARS OF GORDON BROWN", to gain votes.

    I reminded each of the 8 of the part of their Code of Conduct that requires INTEGRITY.

    I have had my first reply from Andrew Murrison MD MP. He regrets he cannot deal with "matters raised by a constituent in the area of another MP" as a consequence of 'STRICT CONVENTION'. (He has forwarded my letter to my MP whose peremptory dismissal was the cause of my going elsewhere for integrity!)


    Election law has been broken, yet I can't get NewsyNighty to take any interest. Can you believe that?

    Nuff sed

  • Comment number 3.


    I have availed myself of private medical services, OVER THE YEARS, across a wide range of disciplines. Hence, when using the NHS, I am always COMFORTABLY aware that I can jump ship to private, if they are failing (as I did with dentistry).

    Dave not only has the same comfort, but he also is recognised on-sight (less so since the 'NHS' poster, of course) and therefore NOT ABANDONED as is, routinely, the fate of ordinary folk on admission.

    In the light of the above, if Dave had a scrap of PR nous, he would shut up about his RELIANCE on the NHS and the WONDERFUL ATTENTION he always got. But he just doesn't stop so I am forced to conclude:


  • Comment number 4.

    'And Stephen Smith has been to Belgium to see Big Society in action on a grand scale in Brussels, where volunteers of every stripe take part in an annual city clean-up day.'

    So 'Big Society' is replacing the gov't as Belgium still doesn't have a gov't yet.

    This must truly represent the ultimate in the reduction of the state.

  • Comment number 5.

    Make sure you also check out page 2 !

  • Comment number 6.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 7.

    does all this mean Lansley's in the bin....or not?

  • Comment number 8.

    There you go:

  • Comment number 9.

  • Comment number 10.


  • Comment number 11.

    In the interests of balance, why wasn't the voice of John Healey or another member of the Labour Health team heard tonight? Or is the Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú too frightened of what David Cameron and his placeman Chris Pattern might do to them?

  • Comment number 12.


    "We put enormous effort into coming up with a dumb idea, BUT THE IMPORTANT THING IS, with very little effort, we now have a better one. That is Coalition Government in action!"


  • Comment number 13.

    So that's the first 25 minutes of Newsnight "UK" devoted to stories which are only of relevance to England (NHS reforms and teachers' strike). Why don't you put this stuff on after 11 pm so that you can run stories in the "UK" segment that people in Scotland might actually be interested in watching? Maybe the one about Belgium, for example?

  • Comment number 14.


    I am so blown away by the art, I no longer bother with the content.

    How many noticed the BRILLIANT irony-of-juxtaposition that was A DEAD STRAIGHT ROAD graphic (redolent of Nick Clegg?) overlaid by the words: "WITH MANY A WINDING TURN" (could that be Dodgems Dave?) All delivering, subliminally, the message of tension and contradiction in the Coalition ranks?

    News doesn't get much better than this.

  • Comment number 15.

    "36 percent is a big majority"..not a maths major that teacher union leader eh..and did you notice the hair colour, um yeah..I noticed it wasn't blue..had a certain redness about it...socialist red.
    Can we not sack them all? I've yet to meet a teacher who could do an honest days work...but they know how to bellyache, they're good at that, all day long telling us about how hard their job is, ooh and those holidays are never enough are they, those 13 weeks of holidays. The teacher profession is a spoilt profession..and that includes those bone idle lazy lecturers, they have the life of a bum..an academic bum, sitting around all day drinking wine and talking nonsense..not a real days work can be found in any of them...Marxists the lot of them.

  • Comment number 16.

    Thoroughly brilliant interview by Jeremy with Andrew Lansley tonight :o)
    Also loved my favourite politcal trio (Danny/Olly/Peter) too.

  • Comment number 17.

    to hold two realities is a sign of madness,
    what then forced by circumstance?
    to hold one reality can be to reject others,
    or to accept many.
    to hold many realities can lead to unity,
    but a tortuous path indeed!

    multiplicity of oneness, singlarity of multiplicity
    two extremes, two attractors,
    always looping, looping, looping..
    the Pagan Paradise of Eternal Heartbeat.
    the Ultimate Question of Monotheism.
    the Starting point of Quantum Mechanics,
    ...and the Basis for Jungian illumination.

    yet so simple. Who is the same talking to your own partner,
    as to a High Court Judge?
    Would it be a sign of madness, or sanity to do so?

    perhaps after all it is not so simple, for like "a river" -- are we the banks, or the water flowing through it?

    There is an all things,
    a lack of desire to help thyself.
    i wonder, God -
    is this true of all Life?
    or only the despairing?

    why despair? What do you have to lose?

    Peace be upon You. :heart:

    -- a pendulum is swinging, would you prefer to be on the pendulum itself, or on a satellite attached to it? WOuld you prefer greater Order, or greater Chaos?

    or greater Life??


    the people of Oldham need jobs, white, asian, women, men, niddle class, working class - what they all need is jobs.

    productive, well paid jobs with responsibility.

    things for the kids to look forward to.
    of ALL commnities.

  • Comment number 18.

    ahhhh... to be a Poet!!!
    twas never my dream.
    happily i failed.

    what's reality?
    i do not know, beyond me -
    but i achieved fool.

    misspond not talking,
    ordered i am, not contact.
    all alone fall though.

    human race survive,
    fool kami-kaze species
    blame the messenger.

    no comprehension,
    of situation too vague,
    mistlike vapid shift.

    no structs, no release
    no honesty, no relief.
    illusion truth.

    direction to take,
    who and how am i to know?
    reaching out to clouds.

    move i to forwards,
    noble intent, Love moves back,
    torture to the soul.

    holding back, withdraw,
    noble intent, Love surrounds
    torture to the soul.

    untrustworthy friend,
    smile, back-stab, hug, treachery,
    you are not human.

    to them.

    humanity lost
    a long long long time ago,
    how shall they survive?

    is it my problem
    lose my soul? What cost bear i,
    the price is Man's dowry.

    the life of Profit,
    how it ends, Millenium
    banes buried deep.

    the bull stares around,
    barbs controlling life, floor-blood
    COWARDS!!!!!! Shadow-Struck.

    the life of Profit,
    how it ends, Millenium
    banes buried deep.

    you are not human
    to them.

    not proper Haiku,
    a old joke, to old friends,
    maybe remember.

    i was set up to
    die, if this world dies with me
    mia culpa? Merde.

    "Jeg ar en Angaelsk-
    man, Briton's Shall Never Be Slaves",
    little else survives.

    long-term stress, fries the
    brain. Long known, torturers tool.
    some things never really change

    "faith continues, after hope has given up".

    ...Anon. xx

    what ye do eye seek, collapses Reality, choosing love/good/share?

    know not "the Future"
    know only pathways of old
    know which ones worked.

    to beleive TV
    is talking personally
    is a sign of dot, dot, dot, dot, dot, dot...


    if reality
    is a sign of madness by
    current scientists

    if current science
    is a sign of madness by
    moral survival

    a change of model
    is needed, far be it for
    me, open source??

    spirals in spirals
    fractal, PI, Golden Ratio,
    godel it WAKE UP!!

    i love. Always
    i have. Why would i not do?
    you are wonderful.

    the commentariat is often interesting in these links.

  • Comment number 19.

  • Comment number 20.


    pensions are made possible by good jobs, with decent incomes. From this pensions can be maintained.

    those who "raid" pension funds should be asset-stripped, and probably imprisoned.

    if striking is the only way this Govt will ever listen, in concert with mass demonstrations and E-debates, so be it.

    how multi-millionaires can drive down incomes of normal employed, or unemployed people, is morally unacceptable.

    even the Church of England agrees.

  • Comment number 21.


    luckily, 'Dave' has his own private jet, i wonder if it could land IN Downing St? Related note, no wonder the uber-rich want to purchase the retired aircraft carrier as a "heli-pad base" for The City.

    this is like the various 'Global Capitalism' events - but its a normal session of a Parliament. The shape of things to come?

  • Comment number 22.



    corporates stole this money, corporates stole our money, corporates demand low wages, no worker rights, and to pay no tax (for them).

    corporates also own and control our media, the access to information for most.

    corporates own our politicians.

    i'm beginning to spot a trend.

  • Comment number 23.


    "Beijing has been trying to rein in lending in an attempt to control surging property prices."

    more good sense from the Chinese. How lucky for them they seem to be lacking in Osbos/Meddlesomes!!

  • Comment number 24.

    set up to die, by
    fools thinking they exempt are,
    didn't grasp the scale.

    nor i.

  • Comment number 25.

    interview with Lansley and Jeremy? That was the bit where I nodded off...must go and check on iPlayer to see if I missed anything.......

  • Comment number 26.



    "In one session Hulya was shown a number of cards with words on them and she was asked to point out which of them relate to why she lit a sparkler in her home.

    Hulya picked out "boredom" and "getting attention from mum".

    When probed further it seemed for Hulya, like for many others, fire had become an important tool in getting attention from a parent.

    "Sometimes mum just seems a bit more busy with other things or other people," she admitted, "so I kind of have to bring the attention back down to me. Even if it's bad attention, at least it's kind of there."

  • Comment number 27.

    "ENOUGH ALREADY!!!!" :o

    i leave. :)

  • Comment number 28.


    There was a crooked man and he played a crooked bat. If ever a language analyst were needed at a political exchange - this was the occasion.

    No graphics, no musack, no 'earhole shots' - room almost bare.

  • Comment number 29.

    didn't watch the show yet.

    #28: did you expect him to be? Actually its good for us, we KNOW he cannot be trusted, and him hanging around can only damage the Coalition further. If his 'reforms' are not prevented, expect to see a similar page in a few years time with his name listed...

    - cheers for that link, brossen!!

    richard @#1: wrote a reply, blogdog eats.

    30 December 2008 at 21:37"



  • Comment number 30.

    - to have a taller sail, the boat may do only two things: forge a deeper keel, or to become a catamaran.

  • Comment number 31.

    Most of the public pension funds are running a large deficit, and it has very little to do with government cuts. The main reasons are increase in longevity and low interest rate. People are living much longer than they used to - if you start working when you are 20, retire at 60, and live till 90, you are using 40 years of salary to support 30 years of retirement. Therefore, a 10% contribution out of one’s salary to put in his/her pension plan isn’t that much. Secondly, pension fund managers are simply not making good returns on their bond investments because interest rates are kept so low by central bank’s monetary policy. And given that they can only buy and hold equity investments, it is hard to imagine they make much money there either.


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