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Tuesday 8 November 2011

Verity Murphy | 19:49 UK time, Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Tonight we will have more on our story about how the News of the World was engaged in covert surveillance on a huge scale, and we will be revealing more names of people who were targeted.

Mark Urban has a report on claims from the UN's nuclear watchdog the IAEA that Iran is conducting research that can only be aimed at developing the capacity to make nuclear weapons.

David Grossman has the latest twists in the row over the loosening of UK border controls this summer.

Plus Rory Cellan-Jones has a report on patent wars in the US.


  • Comment number 1.

    "Tonight we will have more on our story about how the News of the World was engaged in covert surveillance on a huge scale, and we will be revealing more names of people who were targeted."
    Yaaaaaaawn, yaaaaaaawn.dumb didi dumb dumb.........

  • Comment number 2.

  • Comment number 3.

    indignantindegene wrote: "Yaaaaaaawn, yaaaaaaawn.dumb didi dumb dumb........."

    They still can't see it. That's because they're trapped in a self-centred celebritism bubble and nearly all of them truly think they are special, i.e Chosen Ones. hey have salaries which prove it (to them).

    Agents of all our destruction. Pride and hubrism. original sin etc.. It was Eve/Lilith you know.

    In Spain they are being told it was their socialist Government which got them in this mess over the last 8 years. But their "socialist" Government was a member of the Socialist International (like Greece's and ours under New Labour), which is not socialist at all, but Libertarian. Hence Spain will be encouraged to vote for change and vote for an even more right-wing party of anarchists/Conservatives. Just you watch. Devilsh psychology..Same game will be played on the Italians etc..

  • Comment number 4.

    Not phone hacking again. Nobody is interested. Get out of your media bubble.

    Did you not read my post yesterday?

  • Comment number 5.

    Is surveillance illegal?

  • Comment number 6.

    News of the world again! Is this becoming a self absorbed journo story or what?!
    Mind you though, getting Alan Partridge AKA Coogan in the studio must be nice for the Newsnight team. Will he make another appearence and did anybody ask him for a picture and/or an autograph last time he was on?

    I've enjoyed hearing the lawyer - who was spied on - doing the rounds on the news ..talking about principles.

    I've been watching a lot of ITV news these days...I never thought I would but there you go.

  • Comment number 7.

    Mind you though...

    NI hired snoops to tail completely innocent celebs.

    Tottenham Football Club are alleged to have hired snoops to tail theOPLC board.

    There is a common denominator here, surely?

  • Comment number 8.

    Hmmmmmm " Why are 'others' always guilty of torture?"

  • Comment number 9.

    Excellent debates by Jeremy with Baume,Vaz, Porter & Richards on the border control scandal. Funniest was the reference to the Derek Lewis affair by Baume!

  • Comment number 10.

    You might call it "covert surveillance". I call it STALKING. I can understand the use of private detectives to uncover wrongdoing or personal betrayal, but the motives for this activity by NI are gratification of (vicarious) prurient curiosity, and perhaps intimidation. So - how is it different from stalking? If I'd followed these people, I suspect I'd be in gaol!

  • Comment number 11.


    The Conservative Party and News International have both broken the law. The former, a one time publisher of a feckless rag, is of intense interest to Britain's flagship news machine. The latter, publisher of the false instrument 'Liar Flyer', is merely the governing party in Westminster; clearly of no account.

    Nuff sed.

  • Comment number 12.

  • Comment number 13.

    .............so few comments..........now did everyone else switch off as I did.......because yet again it's NoW show all over again and again and again......

    ............did they mention that petition..........you know the one..............around 109,000 now voting NO TO 70 MILLION.......... no didn't think they would.............

    nuf said (sorry Barrie) : )

  • Comment number 14.

    >12 The true ecologists strike back !

    I can't help speculating that most large scale offshore wind farms around the UK are built in relatively shallow areas where fish will come near the surface for birds like gannets to pick off. Bet they are keeping really quiet about sea bird numbers since not just local wind farms were introduced, after all most sea birds go long distance as well. That's even if the subtle vibration from pillars doesn't scare the fish away in the first place !

  • Comment number 15.

    I am a big fan of Newsnight, but was disappointed to see that the piece on patents was of pretty low quality. It was introduced with a comment from Jeremy that a US patent could be infringed by making toast. What was not mentioned is that if this is the case then the patent is invalid.

    Rory then discussed an infringement allegation received by a UK company making iPhone software. All of the patents that were shown appeared to be US ones, but there was no mention that the requirements for patentability of software inventions in the US are quite different to those in UK and the rest of Europe. Presumably, the allegation of infringement only related to the US, but again this was not mentioned.

    Unfortunately, it seems that it was easier to take cheap shots at the patent system rather than produced a well-researched piece. The patent system is by no means perfect, but the real inadequacies were not dealt with in tonight's edition of Newsnight.

  • Comment number 16.

    Check this out...

  • Comment number 17.

  • Comment number 18.


    Those whom the Gods wish to destroy, they first condemn to watching NewsyNighty.

    Do you know what? In and of itself, news is now edgy fun in the entertainment space going forward.

    Did you catch 'Mind Myths' (Radio 4, 9.00pm)? It was an excellent example of the genre.

    Abandon hope.

  • Comment number 19.


    We are the problem Bro - if we were not on the planet, it could go through all manner of cycles WITHOUT ANY HAND WRINGING!

    Ban the bum.

  • Comment number 20.

  • Comment number 21.

    :o( What a waste of life......and something that was preventable too.

  • Comment number 22.

    Met Office needs more powerful computers


    or a theory that works? it would be better to give the money to piers at weather action. he might actually save lives?

    still if the minister says its 'its clear and accepted' then what use is evidence it doesn't?

  • Comment number 23.

    Mistress76uk wrote: "Excellent debates by Jeremy with Baume,Vaz, Porter & Richards on the border control scandal. Funniest was the reference to the Derek Lewis affair by Baume!"

    Yes, particularly given that at the same time there was all the can_the_Government_micro_manage_Agencies fuss over John Marriott's security breaches at Parkhurst much the same thing was going on at Whitemoor where Brodie Clark was Governor (see Friday blog)

    Week after week, month after month, year after year, decade after decade, we are shown the dire consequences of shrinking the Public Sector (state). Bow its The Border Agency (again) with the consequences of their poor staffing if not staff cuts, just as it was efforts to privatise prisons and reduce central management in the Prison Service in 80s and 90s. When will people grasp that hollowing out, and selling off, the Public Sector is in fact anti-Governance, which is subversion of the NATIONAL interest in favour of the minority who profit from being shareholders aka stakeholders?

    We now elect song and dance men and women to further this agenda via Parliament too, not only here, by across anarchistic/Libertarian Europe.

    Watch THE WARNING on the PBS channel. Ayn Rand was an anarchist as was the man who revered her, Alan Greenspan, and those who revered him, Reagan and Clinton etc. Did they see it? Probably not. Does that mean they weren't anarchists? No, it just meant they don't see it. That's the Oedipean Greek tragedy..

  • Comment number 24.

    Sasha Clarkson wrote: "You might call it "covert surveillance". I call it STALKING. I can understand the use of private detectives to uncover wrongdoing or personal betrayal, but the motives for this activity by NI are gratification of (vicarious) prurient curiosity, and perhaps intimidation. So - how is it different from stalking? If I'd followed these people, I suspect I'd be in gaol!"

    Paparazzi without cameras!

    What's the news in this? It's been what the media (papers, magazines and so on) have been doing for years. Sometimes they even call it "investigative reporting" - what toilet paper is the judge from X Factor using this week?

    This feature is quite odd. The media sell this stuff for a L I V I N G.

    Iran IAEA piece. All too vague. Not convincing. More that will discredit the UN IAEA that's all. Nobody talked about bombing Japan, India, Pakistan or Israel.

  • Comment number 25.

    Look into the history of Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Greece and Spain.
    First who doesn't like pigs? next look back to the 1930s and afterwards when these nations were ether neutral or leaned towards statism (remember Portugal (they speak Portuguese in Brazil by the way) Italy had Mussolini, Ireland has long battled against Britain, Greece was a cornerstone after WWII and Spain had Franco. They were also Catholics (Greek Orthodox are basically Catholics (think Russian Christians). All were prone to "totalitarianism" aka statism. All were at risk of being seduced by "the other side". All have been bribed via usury/loans and either infiltrated (see entryism) or led by pseudo-socialist (Trotskyite,. SI) parties in the recent past.

    Look at the consequences. Look at their OECD PISA maths results for 15 year olds, which is a harbinger for a nation's GDP and thus economic productivity/competitiveness. These kids were born in the early/mid 90s, but the question you have to ask is: to whom were kids NOT being born back then, and why not? That is the thing people keep missing. It is that dearth which accounts for the low TFR and the poor results at the higher end..

  • Comment number 26.


    Nuff sed

  • Comment number 27.

    barriesingleton wrote: "Did you catch 'Mind Myths' (Radio 4, 9.00pm)?
    It was an excellent example of the genre. Abandon hope."

    Does the alternative (when provided) ever get through?

    Is the audience receptive to what it does not know or care to know if it is not wrapped up in fancy packaging i.e. pronounced by a named authority aka celebrity?

    That is why one ends up abandoning hope. People don't listen and don't even see why they listen to those who they do listen to. Think of individual differences in self-centredness as being akin to living in a bubble of varying volume. In science and other collective work, the bubbles fuse, sometimes incompletely. This dimension lies at the heart of much of 19th and 20th Philosophy of "Mind". In recent times we (as a collective) have become more self-centred not less. Why? Is it a genetic phenomenon manifesting at the population level? If so, "What Is To Be Done"? Unless one looks to what is behind the PRC, BRICS and SCO can one truly tell if one might be just living in a very tiny bubble?


    ecolizzy wrote about a petition on bird trapping in Cyprus

    Watch PM Question time in Parliament or any other political exchange aired by the media, and ask yourself what are they saying which is of any consequence and which does not merely serve to distract the public whilst a small percentage goes about making a lot of money at the majority's expense - i.e whilst the state is distracted and being withered away through "austerity measures". It takes a bit of effort to see this as the distraction is relentless, and is considered money well spent. The alternative is a Big Government which actually has a Public Sector to manage and for which it is accountable to its people.

    Ask yourself: what do the incumbents actually manage?

  • Comment number 28.

    It would seem the US patent system is 'absurd'. Starts at 38m 35secs on iPlayer

    'The patent system is now hindering innovation...'

    'Any idea how this applies to you?'

    To what extent the story is accurate is under some question:

    PatentPaolo - was disappointed to see that the piece on patents was of pretty low quality

    I would be interested in more, if getting it relevant and undisputed is possible.

    Coincidentally, yesterday my IP lawyers got in touch regarding the US application to a patent that has enjoyed success in being awarded in markets around the world.

    Seems the examiner in the US suggests that it's such an obvious idea, anyone could have thought of it. Odd, as all others say it's so obvious that's what makes it good, and why hadn't anyone thought of it before?

    There is some documentation in support, comparing it with a product that is nothing like it in any way, shape or form.

    The IP guys are stumped, but... we can 'discuss' it with this guy.

    Thing is, it's going to cost £3k, on top of all I have spent already, to do so.

    My question to them, and any patent types out there, especially from the US government, is that if this objection is deemed ridiculously flippant, can I claim back the costs that have now been imposed?

    Or does the US simply have a policy of making life tricky for any who invent things but do not hail from the shores of the land of the free (except litigators)?

  • Comment number 29.

    PATENTING (#28)

    It works the other way too. The rules say you must describe your invention in such a way as a competent individual could build it. I did. Then got into a wrangle with an anal pedant who wanted a SPECIAL FORM of description. (I was not new to patent writing.)

    His word was law. . . Strange to say, I encountered a similar one-man arbiter, negotiating Inheritance Tax. Democracy eh?

  • Comment number 30.

    '29. At 17:18 9th Nov 2011, barriesingleton - Democracy eh?'

    My IP lawyer has confessed that he believes the US examiners now have a policy of bouncing everything just because they can.

    That this adds a fraudulent state imposition to an already hefty fee by default, I am now vexed.

    He seemed a little rattled that I told him we a) get through this by playing their games and getting my patent, and then b) we play games I am getting better and better at, namely hunting down previously unaccountable public service institution officers like the crooked jobsworths they are, and hang 'em out to dry, gold-plated pensions or not.

    Funding parasites is no longer a price I am prepared to tolerate.

  • Comment number 31.

    until we get something better...democracy suits me just fine....

  • Comment number 32.

    Rory Cellan Jones has hit the nail right on the head !. But I think it is not only some of the patent attorneys and patent examiners that need to be seriously called to account, from my personal experience some of the US Judges thinking and findings also need to be very seriously and urgently examined.
    I believe it was President Kennedy who stated that the USA will always support and defend that which is right. Hence I assume it follows that any judges findings or decision must seen and proven to abide by the Laws of Mathematics, or those findings are obviously not defendable nor right. Is`nt that correct interpretation of U.S Law and thinking in absolute terms?.

  • Comment number 33.

    You are correct uniquestroller it was President Kennedy that said "the USA will always support and defend that which is right". He stated it on a news programme from Germany I believe in 1962. which was transmitted in the U.K by the Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú. From the several forgoing blogs it appears that the USA legal system is no longer able to be seen to stand by nor support those fine words. Can anyone shed any light on that ?. It also seems that until other Governments press the USA to abide by and honour the laws of mathematics when analising and dealing with Innovations and Patents etc then there can be no point in Innovating or Patenting.

  • Comment number 34.

    Ref: JunkkMale blog No 28 9th Nov: above who states "yesterday my IP lawyers got in touch regarding the US application to a patent that has enjoyed success in being awarded in markets around the world", then goes on to say say that the U.S Patent examiner said, "it's such an obvious idea, anyone could have thought of it". That is the sort of negativity that patent attorneys and Judges might use when they are stumped but badly want to dis-allow or to destroy a patent but on their examination of it they realise that they can not find or state any correct or proper reason to achieve that end. The FACT that nobody has identified the problem nor done anything to overcome it by patent or otherwise appears to be beyond their understanding. However such disgraceful negativity should never be a acceptable as a justifyable reason to dis-allow or destroy a patent.


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