Friday 13 January 2012
Stock markets and the euro have fallen amid reports that the credit ratings agency Standard & Poor's is preparing to downgrade several European countries
France and Austria are rumoured to be set to lose their top AAA ratings, but Germany's status will not be reduced.
In other financial news in Europe, talks between Greece and its private sector lenders over a possible 50% write-off of its debts have stalled.
Reaching a deal is a pre-condition for Athens receiving the next chunk of bailout cash from the IMF and European Union.
Without that money, the Greek government could run out of cash and be forced to leave the euro.
Newsnight's Economics editor Paul Mason will have the latest and we'll be discussing the fallout in the studio.
Also on tonight's programme, Syrian opposition activists are continuing their protests against President Assad's rule.
The latest rallies have been in support of the Free Syrian Army, a group of army defectors seeking to topple the government.
The group has said it is behind an increasing number of attacks on Syrian security forces, and the authorities have acknowledged mounting losses.
Tonight, Newsnight's Tim Whewell reports from Damascus on the state of play between the activists and the government.
Comment number 1.
At 13th Jan 2012, JunkkMale wrote:'Newsnight's Economics editor Paul Mason will have the latest and we'll be discussing the fallout in the studio.'
Discussing the fallout of what? Mr. Mason's rather 'personal' way of 'reporting', especially matters EU/ro?
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Comment number 2.
At 13th Jan 2012, NollyPrott wrote:Complain about this comment (Comment number 2)
Comment number 3.
At 13th Jan 2012, museV wrote:In his new book, Globalization and the Demolition of Society (2011) Professor Loo suggests that democracy without an independent and aggressive media becomes a disguised form of dictatorship. People think that by voting they are determining outcomes when in fact they are merely legitimizing agendas decided by the elite.
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Comment number 4.
At 13th Jan 2012, museV wrote:Faking It: How the Media Manipulates the World into War
Complain about this comment (Comment number 4)
Comment number 5.
At 13th Jan 2012, NollyPrott wrote:museV #3
Perhaps one of the signs that the UK has become a virtual dictatorship is the fact that one man ( namely Andrew Neil ) now presents 麻豆官网首页入口 politics programmes not only every week day but now Sunday as well. He also does a Thursday night round up of the weeks politics with all his usual cronies, perhaps in a " real democracy " we need politics reported from several diverse directions by any alleged public broadcaster ?
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Comment number 6.
At 13th Jan 2012, barriesingleton wrote:ANDREW NEILL - CONSTRAINED ICONOCLAST? (#5)
I have contacted Andrew Neill, repeatedly, urging him to take interest in a government brought into being by unlawful practices; I supply data; no interest.
The same is true of NewsyNighty, the same is true of Private Eye, and so on through a range of news outlets.
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Comment number 7.
At 13th Jan 2012, NollyPrott wrote:barrrie #6
brossen99 would have had a colloquial term to describe the current situation as far as open politics reporting is concerned !?!
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Comment number 8.
At 13th Jan 2012, barriesingleton wrote:TERMS CAN GET YOU SENT DOWN NOLLY! (#7)
That 99 - a bit 'flakey' eh? Boom boom.
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Comment number 9.
At 13th Jan 2012, barriesingleton wrote:POSTING IN TERMS (#7)
I can find no tem for those OUTSIDERS who have no internet access.
I suggest "NICKS" No Internet Connection (via) Keyboarding. (Think NEETS).
Nick is - after all - the ULTIMATE OUTSIDER.
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Comment number 10.
At 13th Jan 2012, JAperson wrote:One could only wonder as to how long it would take before the exemptions were 鈥榬equired鈥!
The elderly, the disabled, the 鈥榙ifficult鈥, the ethnic minorities 鈥︹ the 鈥榰sual suspects鈥.
As it happens it only took as long as it takes for a.m to become p.m.!
Like or otherwise 鈥..
A carp teacher is a carp teacher!
For learners sakes there must be no dithering 鈥.. The stakes are too high!
Good-bye, finis, vamoose!
Due process? 鈥. Yes!
Un-necessary procrastination? 鈥...
No Sir-ee! No Quarter!
Ten years in three schools encountering four wastes of space!
Two caucasian, two ethnic minority.
One - young - (in sink school) couldn鈥檛 take any more of his own incompetence and left teaching.
One - nearer retirement - (in sink school) transferred to another much better school.
One - sole qualified teacher in the subject area - (in sink school) made redundant.
One - truly out of his depth - (in middle ranked school) continued employment. The school believed that he intended to qualify in a different profession and therefore it was quicker to wait - in hope - for him to leave voluntarily than to go through 鈥楥ompetency Proceedings鈥 (i.e. Three years! 鈥. One to assess, one to retrain and one to re-assess following retraining!) He鈥檚 still there, he failed his finals!
One of the best teachers encountered (in any school 鈥. but then working in sink school) moved up to Deputy HOD, then HOD in a better school, then HOC in a top rated school and is now - rightly, if ability is anything to go by, - looking for a Deputy Head post!
She 鈥︹︹
Doesn鈥檛 abide by the 鈥榣abel鈥 that is all too readily thrust/forced/bestowed upon her by others !
Namely 鈥.. BME.
Go Girl!
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Comment number 11.
At 13th Jan 2012, jauntycyclist wrote:TV Links
if the same links are freely available on any search engine then is the british lad just easy meat for the usa rather than taking on say google?
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Comment number 12.
At 13th Jan 2012, barriesingleton wrote:NOT OUR FIRST RENDITION TO/FOR A ROGUE STATE - NOT OUR LAST (#11)
We are in very dark days; and a nation of effete cowards - it seems. But Christian of course.
Any news of the Chagossians?
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Comment number 13.
At 13th Jan 2012, barriesingleton wrote:ANSWERING MY OWN QUESTION (#12) RENDITION AT ITS MOST BRITISH
The measure of a disgraced nation.
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Comment number 14.
At 13th Jan 2012, NollyPrott wrote:I do sincerely hope that this Euro crisis doesn't suddenly spiral out of control, not just yet anyway as we have a couple of months of potentially bad weather to come, ideally it needs to last until at earliest April. With the majority of the main energy suppliers European owned we could end in a position where supplies could be cut, if the Euro has to crash then let it be going into summer. Many vulnerable people rely on gas and electric to stay alive, power cuts could result in serious civil unrest also, if youths can't play violent computer games they could go out and try the real thing ?
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Comment number 15.
At 13th Jan 2012, kevseywevsey wrote:US marines urinating on the dead enemy video.
Whats with the shrill condemnation from the mainstream media all about regarding this story? When was the last time those condeming this act ever strap on a combat uniform and go into battle on a regular basis? those that condem, did they ever grow up in a poor southern US town with poor education with the only escape a video shot-up game before the promise of a career in the army. Front line military AKA cannon fodder, watch their mates blown up on a regular basis by their enemy. Guess what, urinating on dead enemy is standard issue. Those condeming this act have never been given a slap, let alone fire a gun in daily battle or watch his friends face getting blown away. You can save your condemnation for the illegal USA/UK wars and bombs dropped from high onto unsuspecting innocents, and you can also save your over- sensitivity of other cultures/religion in this matter as it has already been over-done. No more please, as it will only encourage the human rights lawyers and other vermin.
Fort Hood shooting (2009) by a US army psychiatrist who happend to be a Muslim. The 麻豆官网首页入口..not a word, Not a word!
Did newsnight do anything on the recent report regarding the link in rising youth unemployment and immigration this week?
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Comment number 16.
At 13th Jan 2012, kevseywevsey wrote:Just realised something: Emily has the look of Tony Sopranos wife:
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Comment number 17.
At 13th Jan 2012, teddyandgypsy wrote:How are viewers supposed to concentrate on the deepening crisis with the Euro when they're transfixed by Emily Maitlis picking her way across the studio on stilts? What is it with this woman - is she auditioning for Strictly Come Dancing?
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Comment number 18.
At 13th Jan 2012, barriesingleton wrote:NAH GUYS - "STRICTLY COME HITHER" - NEWSYNIGHTY AT ITS MOST EDGY (#17)
If you are looking for gravitas in news reporting, teddyandgypsy, you have come to the wrong cohort, in and of itself, in the banal space, going forward.
NewsyNighty is dedicated to ENHANCEMENT to the point of INVISIBILITY, where actual information is concerned. Never mind the quality, enjoy the NEWS-EXPERIENCE. But you really need 3D HD to know the full intensity of the NewsyNighty Experience.
Did you catch Emily in black 'leather' cladding, a couple of night's back? It made the whole fiscal policy thing so much clearer.
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Comment number 19.
At 13th Jan 2012, stevie wrote:Tim Whewell top guy, brave reporter only Newsnight could produce guys like him..respect...
Complain about this comment (Comment number 19)
Comment number 20.
At 14th Jan 2012, ecolizzy wrote:#15 You're right Kev, this is what war does to soldiers, dead eyes.
Complain about this comment (Comment number 20)
Comment number 21.
At 14th Jan 2012, barriesingleton wrote:WHEWELL HIS OWN MAN - SURELY? (#19)
The Web seems to indicate Tim Whewell is a product of Tim Whewell. Hardly a product of NewsyNighty stevie.
The NewsyNighty moulding works somewhat differently - see #18 (:o)
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Comment number 22.
At 14th Jan 2012, barriesingleton wrote:EDUCATION EDUCATION EDUCATION (#15 and 20)
Westminster teaches us it is OK to cheat, lie, kill, deceive, kill, swindle, riot, kill, deport, render, kill, degrade (#13) and URINATE ON, anyone who is powerless to retaliate. In Britain this has long been called "HONOURABLE".
But with a complicit media, and Westminster standing, nothing will change.
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Comment number 23.
At 14th Jan 2012, TV_As_Eyes wrote:" ratings agency Standard & Poor's.."
and who will guard the guardians?
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Comment number 24.
At 14th Jan 2012, JunkkMale wrote:Standard but poor politics, and how reported.
Some interesting political insights abounding this morning, especially now on the French downgrade.
Seems some can only think in terms of dragging all down to a level鈥 then, having got there, their first thought is to seek to drag others down with them. Not the most creditable (or worthy) of dogmas.
Watching a French pundit (love the paper dropping the A from his name) explain that Pres. Sarkozy is one who 'thinks' he has saved the world without perhaps much evidence of so doing.
Now, what happened the last time we had one of those?
How Mr. Mason, Mr. Peston, Ms. Flanders et al 'report' this will be鈥 interesting.
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Comment number 25.
At 14th Jan 2012, JunkkMale wrote:'17. At 23:01 13th Jan 2012, teddyandgypsy '
Whatever 'sells'.
Educating and informing... not so key.
Resp... well.. weary acceptance.
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Comment number 26.
At 14th Jan 2012, kevseywevsey wrote:This ain't newsworthy but Emily - who looks like Tony Soprano's wife in a certain light - has made her way into the Mail, so I thought I'd share this with you. I'm not a fashion critic myself and I think women can wear whatever they want, just as long as they've showered themselves first with reasonable priced soap. But it has to be said there is one picture in the Mail showing Emily not having access to a mirror that particular day or an honest friend for opinion.. she got let down, it happens.
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Comment number 27.
At 14th Jan 2012, stevie wrote:my point was the fact that Tim wouldn't be given a look in by most media only NN saw his potential, like John Pilger cannot get a gig now on ITV, NN back Tim...that was the issue....
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Comment number 28.
At 14th Jan 2012, NollyPrott wrote:Complain about this comment (Comment number 28)
Comment number 29.
At 14th Jan 2012, barriesingleton wrote:I PASSIVELY SUPPORT MY VALISE (#27)
My 'Mrs' always said: "Well I know what I mean!"
If anyone behind NewsyNighty is still attracted to 'reporting potential', may they live long and prosper. I thought they had sold out to histrionics, mobile geometry, mock affront, self hugging and hot couture (sic).
I live in hope.
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Comment number 30.
At 14th Jan 2012, museV wrote:NEWS ALERT!
According a Reuters news report, Dmitry Rogozin, the Russian ambassador to NATO who has been appointed deputy prime minister in charge of Russia鈥檚 defense sector, told news reporters at a Brussels press conference that Russia would regard any military attack on Iran as a 鈥渄irect threat to our security.鈥
Will the crazed neocon warmongers and the Washington morons listen?
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Comment number 31.
At 14th Jan 2012, barriesingleton wrote:STRATEGIC INITIATIVE (#30)
Sources close to the Illuminati reveal that Israel is assembling a nuke which will leave a 'tell-tale fingerprint', in the nuclear debris, that indicates an Iranian accident has occurred. As for delivery: if Arabs can fly for hours and still hit the Twin Towers; if Americans can fly into bin Laden's front yard, and catch him in his py-jams; then Israel can (perhaps with a little help from their friends) pop a nuke into the heart of Iran, without demur from the Evil Umpire.
The beauty is, of course, that 'Iran's bomb' becomes a 'proven fact', and Iran becomes a Polo Mint - all in one mushroom! For everything else there's Debtcard.
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Comment number 32.
At 14th Jan 2012, barriesingleton wrote:"BECAUSE WE DON'T KNOW HOW BAD THESE WILL BE" (Ed Balls)
I have now heard Balls say this twice (one repeat) and both times, at the end, I heard the unique intonation of HIS MASTER'S VOICE! It helps that they both are a bit bunged up, but it is the 'cooing' delivery that I refer to.
Remember how all the cipher-ninnies took to mimicking St Tony's glottals? (Poor Hilary Benn went on long after the rest had dropped it. When he finally realised, he turned it off like a tap, with dramatic effect.)
These fawning mimics, are the Westminster Creatures from whom the next all-powerful, proxy Monarch/PM, will be elevated.
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Comment number 33.
At 14th Jan 2012, JunkkMale wrote:30. At 16:15 14th Jan 2012, museV
Will the crazed neocon warmongers and the Washington morons listen?
Careful. Despite a unique ability to divorce the President from his party and, often, his country in old glouriousness, such talk may see a few heads explode in some media quarters, especially in the vicinity of the 麻豆官网首页入口 US operation.
He has had a while to settle in now, and seems to be sort of in charge, if not of the drapes. Though maybe Ms. Watts can whip up an edit with him on a carrier deck having a warmonger malfunction too?
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Comment number 34.
At 14th Jan 2012, barriesingleton wrote:KINNOCK & MAJOR
Which is the most pompous windbag? Media - save us from self belief of 'Elder Statesmen'.
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Comment number 35.
At 14th Jan 2012, museV wrote:"State TV said a "letter of condemnation" had also been sent to the British government, saying the killing of Iranian nuclear scientists had "started exactly after the British official John Sawers declared the beginning of intelligence operations against Iran".
In 2010, chief of the British Secret Intelligence Service Sawers said one of the agency's roles was to investigate efforts by states to build nuclear weapons in violation of their international legal obligations and identify ways to slow down their access to vital materials and technology."
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Comment number 36.
At 14th Jan 2012, barriesingleton wrote:JOHNNIE FOREIGNER IS EXPENDABLE - BUT WE 'URINATE' ON THE LIVING (#35)
Urinating on the living is, of course, more honourable.
One can reasonably let pass the inhumanity of the powerful Britain of yesteryear. Culture is culture - imbibed with mothers milk. (Perhaps the bottle will see off any last vestige culture?)
But, that St Tony could mumble sadness over the slave trade, while conniving silently at the Chagossian tyranny, goes right off the Westminster Scale of Ordure. Put like that, one wonders why Chilcot even bothered. Our culture is vile; there is the lesson he seeks to learn.
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Comment number 37.
At 14th Jan 2012, museV wrote:AMERICA'S LAST CHANCE
"Why is Ron Paul America鈥檚 last chance?
Because he is the only candidate who is not owned lock, stock, and barrel by the military-security complex, Wall Street, and the Israel Lobby.
All of the others, including President Obama, are owned by exactly the same interest groups. There are no differences between them. Every candidate except Ron Paul stands for war and a police state, and all have demonstrated their complete and total subservience to Israel. The fact that there is no difference between them is made perfectly clear by the absence of substantive issues in the campaigns of the Republican candidates."
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Comment number 38.
At 14th Jan 2012, barriesingleton wrote:IF 'THEY' DON'T KILL RON PAUL - IT'S WORSE THAN WE CAN IMAGINE (#37)
Are bets being laid yet?
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Comment number 39.
At 14th Jan 2012, NollyPrott wrote:Complain about this comment (Comment number 39)
Comment number 40.
At 14th Jan 2012, Sasha Clarkson wrote:I seriously worry about tendencies to "group think" on this blog. I certainly don't believe that "the enemy of my enemy is my friend"
If Ron Paul is such a shining beacon of honesty, why is he seeking the nomination of the most corrupt political party in the Western Hemisphere. The truth is, that he's just another entryist, perhaps like the militant evangelicals in the C of E.
And he's another "Christian" who is "pro-life" and yet pro-gun, as well as believing in that other right wing fairytale, the "free market". He may not be in it for the money like so many of the rest, but IF he were really honest with himself, he'd stand as an independent, like Ralph Nader, and try to break the system.
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Comment number 41.
At 14th Jan 2012, Sasha Clarkson wrote:According to itself, Uncyclopedia is "an encyclopedia full of misinformation and utter lies." Why then do its articles seem to make more sense than so many allegedly legitimate sources of information?
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Comment number 42.
At 15th Jan 2012, JunkkMale wrote:'40. At 22:56 14th Jan 2012, Sasha Clarkson wrote:
I seriously worry about tendencies to "group think" on this blog.'
Luckily, I don't, as the composition of groups is down to the individual, as much in perception or beliefs as with membership, so possibly balance is restored? Well, as an average of two.
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Comment number 43.
At 15th Jan 2012, Jericoa wrote:Greetings from Rupert Murdoch's Ark.
No worries down here.
Self sufficient... sustainable population levels..relatively isolated, broadly secular.
Just got to sit tight and wait for the rest of the world to re-balance to a similar situation.
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Comment number 44.
At 15th Jan 2012, museV wrote:The world according to Goldman Sachs' Gary Cohn
Do these people make their names up?
(He even looks just like a Lloyd Blankfein clone)
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Comment number 45.
At 15th Jan 2012, museV wrote:#31 barriesingleton wrote:
"Sources close to the Illuminati reveal that Israel is assembling a nuke which will leave a 'tell-tale fingerprint', in the nuclear debris, that indicates an Iranian accident has occurred. As for delivery: if Arabs can fly for hours and still hit the Twin Towers; if Americans can fly into bin Laden's front yard, and catch him in his py-jams; then Israel can (perhaps with a little help from their friends) pop a nuke into the heart of Iran, without demur from the Evil Umpire.
The beauty is, of course, that 'Iran's bomb' becomes a 'proven fact', and Iran becomes a Polo Mint - all in one mushroom! For everything else there's Debtcard."
I believe anything's possible with that lot. In fact, the more unbelievable and surreal the 'spark event' the more likely it will actually happen. I guess it just aids the inevitable manipulation via the MSM that it must all just be a conspiracy theory.
Think those that control Hollywood.
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Comment number 46.
At 15th Jan 2012, barriesingleton wrote:"THE REASON I'M IN POLITICS" (Ed Miliband)
If Ed, et al, knew the NAME OF THE DEMON that drove them to want to run OTHER PEOPLE'S lives, those lives would be transformed, in short order, for good.
Ed is a quintessential Westminster Creature. Westminster has presided over the excision from our culture, of the MATERNAL PRINCIPLE, but Ed has no awareness of this nor what, thereby, accrues to individuals and society.
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Comment number 47.
At 15th Jan 2012, barriesingleton wrote:麻豆官网首页入口 'EDGY' HONED TO A FINER CUT - SUNDAY POLITICS' WINNING GRAPHICS
Andrew Neil's new vehicle seems to be themed with wacky clockwork. Cut away clocks, in various sizes, adorn the video walls; if the minute hand goes wildly forward, THE HOUR HAND GOES WILDLY BACKWARDS - and vice versa.
What Freudian message should we take away, in and of itself, in the desperation-space, going forward (or back)? One deeply moving aspect of the studio was the absence of Star-Trek furniture; chairs and tables were 'retro'. Oddly: the business conducted was 'same old same old'. Money well spent.
NewsyNighty has little to fear.
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Comment number 48.
At 15th Jan 2012, museV wrote:Bombshell: Israeli intelligence posed as CIA to recruit terror group for covert war on Iran
Looks like the passport fakers are up to their old tricks again.
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Comment number 49.
At 15th Jan 2012, NollyPrott wrote:Complain about this comment (Comment number 49)
Comment number 50.
At 15th Jan 2012, JunkkMale wrote:'48. At 13:58 15th Jan 2012, museV:
How many frequent these threads I wonder? Between posters and readers?
No clue, but I'd hazard no more than hundreds. Of all sorts.
And I am willing to bet, that while some are rigid in their views, and others fully open to being swayed, most have a hazy notion of what's what.
Not to say they.. we are all not keen on a bit more input to hone the view.
But on the whole, single source stuff from anywhere, even, or maybe these days especially from the 麻豆官网首页入口, or via its pages, needs a wee seasoning with salt from the off, to give one a taste for the story, in fleshing it out. Who is saying what? Why? With what intent? What's in there that may be less than accurate? Crucially, what is left out that may allow a whole new complexion to be placed on it all.
As it happens, I am pretty sure the intelligence services of pretty much all countries get up to a bunch of shenanigans, and some rather dubious. Worse if there are heightened tensions, extreme sensitivities or perceptions of threat. Doesn't make 'em right of course, but often the spirit of two wrongs can at least explain if not excuse much.
Unless other wrongs are totally removed from the equation.
Then information becomes propaganda. And one is led to wonder at the motivations and tribal affiliations of folk who see others as 'that lot'.
My concerns on control are closer to home. I still have not heard from the 麻豆官网首页入口 on why it is considered acceptable editorially to conflate all nationals of Israel with the belief system of Zionism, other than to suit the prejudices of some who cannot seem to make distinctions in pushing them.
What gets cranked out as a film most can cope with as such. What is cranked out in the name of trusted news... is a different matter.
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Comment number 51.
At 15th Jan 2012, Steve_London wrote:My opinions -
Paul , you lost me on Friday.
I think you lost Mr Balls too, as he now apparently agrees with Plan A, with the caveat that its everybody's else fault.
As for S and P, they seem to blame EZ leaders for not understanding the problem being one of 鈥淐ompetitiveness鈥 between EZ economies. Then S and P go on and give some specific recommendations for France.
鈥 France's ratings continue to reflect our view of its wealthy, diversified, and resilient economy and its highly skilled and productive labor force. Partially offsetting these strengths, in our view, are France's relatively high general government debt, as well as its labor market rigidities. We note the government is addressing these issues through, respectively, its budgetary consolidation strategy and structural reforms.鈥
Not good news at election time. Who wants to talk about fiscal consolidation or labor market reforms at a general election (ref ) ?
Anyway , France's downgrade was not the biggie for me , this was reserved for Italy's downgrade. Yes S and P highlighted the same EZ ineffectiveness at handling the crisis due to not understanding its cause, 鈥淐ompetitiveness鈥 , as it did for all the downgraded EZ nations.
But in its remedy specifically for Italy, they suggested one option could be Selling State Assets ,paying down some of their debt with the proceeds.
Presumably this is instead of trying to rollover some of its maturing debt, given its new rating of BBB+. Quite a task for a democratically elected government to do , but Italy, with an appointed government ?
Maybe the powers-that-be should have allowed Italy to have her election after all.
I read on another blog that in the olden days the Ottomans use to send a gun boat or two with their debt collectors, not sure how accurate such a recollection of history actually is , but I do hope international law has progressed since then.
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Comment number 52.
At 15th Jan 2012, microphage wrote:Is the Newsnight team aware of the SOPA act ?
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Comment number 53.
At 15th Jan 2012, Steve_London wrote:One additional point.
I read report earlier in the week. If this report is right , then I find it very difficult to understand why a majority of Greeks, supposedly, still want to be part of the Euro project.
If all is true, I have take my hat off in respect of Greek peoples resilience and determination.
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Comment number 54.
At 15th Jan 2012, barriesingleton wrote:DOES GOVERNMENT = PEOPLE IN GREECE? - NOT HERE IT DOESN'T! (#53)
Don't the Greeks have to take what they get - just like us?
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Comment number 55.
At 15th Jan 2012, nautonier wrote:This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.
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Comment number 56.
At 15th Jan 2012, nautonier wrote:36. At 19:16 14th Jan 2012, barriesingleton wrote:
Wasn't it Blair & Brown that did all that apologising around the world on ('our') behalf of Britain for past colonial atrocities of some of 'us' as due to our great, great, great, great great grandparents (probably Scottish)?
The likes of e.g. Deutchland must be very grateful that neither of these two were/are ... 'German'?
Perverse at the extreme that we can't lock murderers up for life in this 'country' yet our politicians travel around the world, at our expense, apologising for our ancestors' alleged activities?
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Comment number 57.
At 15th Jan 2012, nautonier wrote:55. At 21:03 15th Jan 2012, You wrote:
麻豆官网首页入口 won't allow to me write on here relating to what the Taliban do to the bodies of allied soldiers
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Comment number 58.
At 15th Jan 2012, museV wrote:Tax officers to hold lightning strike on Monday
"The Public and Commercial Services Union said the strikes are against the government's hiring of two private firms in trials to run call handling.
HMRC denied any plan to outsource jobs.
The year-long trials are being held from February with two companies, Sitel and Teleperformance, at Lillyhall in Cumbria and Bathgate in West Lothian."
Watch out 麻豆官网首页入口 staffers you'll be next!
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Comment number 59.
At 16th Jan 2012, JunkkMale wrote:57. At 21:26 15th Jan 2012, nautonier
Maybe you didn't use a tantalisingly fuzzy font.
I believe the term is 'editorial by omission'. Or, maybe, 'favourable selection'?
Combine censorship with propaganda and the result starts skewed and ends up ugly.
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Comment number 60.
At 16th Jan 2012, barriesingleton wrote:IT'S THE 'LUCIFER EFFECT' (#59)
The war itself is far more obscene, and the things going on behind war-free front doors in 'civilisation', infinitely worse.
Opportunity releases behaviour. Westminster is an excellent example.
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Comment number 61.
At 16th Jan 2012, museV wrote:Are The Middle East Wars Really About Forcing the World Into Dollars and Private Central Banking?
A reader comments:
No one is paying attention to the petro-dollars and the current desperation of European and US banks. Even Iran prices oil in $$$s per the treaty after WWII, but no one wants $$$s any more because it has been such a poor investment vehicle. Gold has been much better. Iraq did not want $$$s and was invaded. Libya did not want $$$s and was invaded (I believe they wanted gold). Iran does not want $$$. The dollars are deposited in US and European banks. The dollars standing as the financial reserve currency of the world was / is being threatened, and thus the Federal Reserve Banks ability to print unlimited dollars!
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Comment number 62.
At 16th Jan 2012, museV wrote:Israel's Deputy Foreign Minister, Danny Ayalon, was on R4 this morning making the case against Iran and peddling the lies that Ahmadinejad has stated that he wants to wipe Israel off the map.
Ahmadinejad did not say this, it was a total distortion of what was said. You all must know this! What WAS said was about the removal of the state of Israel as political entity in the Middle East.
It would appear that Ayalon is in the UK for a cosy chat at the Neocon talking shop, Chatham House, tomorrow. I wonder what backroom deals will be bokered there?
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Comment number 63.
At 16th Jan 2012, museV wrote:Remember the USS Liberty incident
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Comment number 64.
At 16th Jan 2012, JohnConstable wrote:Since this blogger started blogging around 1997, on the defunct No. 10 Speakers Corner website (the democratic voice, as delivered by that forum turned out to be mostly negative for the incumbent PM), and became orientated with the political situation, I have looked out for three major political themes :
a) independence for England
b) more community, co-op and partnership types of businesses
c) much less Government
Happily, today in 2012, all three of these objectives are slowly becoming a reality as policymakers broadly move in these directions.
It is gratifying, on the so-called 'Blue Monday' to realise that well, things are not so blue after all.
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Comment number 65.
At 16th Jan 2012, barriesingleton wrote:GROUNDLESS OPTIMISM HAS BE PROVED 'HARD WIRED' (#64)
My three:
1) overall increase in individual competence
2) overall decline in perversity
3) overall shift from clever to wise
Nuff sed
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Comment number 66.
At 16th Jan 2012, JohnConstable wrote:PS. Let them have yatchs - Michael Gove - Education Secretary for England (only).
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Comment number 67.
At 16th Jan 2012, nautonier wrote:57 - 'sanitised for the 麻豆官网首页入口'
"Yes, indeed!
Desecration of and/or mutilation of corpses is allegedly long practised by the Taliban and as I understand, is also permitted in Afghanistan under Sharia law?
This is the reason why few, if any complaints have been made on this in Afghanistan?
Another example of our Western media applying western cultural and other values to countries like Afghanistan?
In Afghanistan, this & similar sort of 'behaviour' is considered to be a 'show of strength'
If we, sitting safely on our couches, in the west do not like what allied troops are doing there - IN OUR NAME - then the allied troops need to be coming home?
There is no middle ground here - most criticising the troops behaviour - seemingly have no regard of what is to be done to allied troops if they are killed or captured in Afghanistan by the 'you know who'?
Armchair critics on this need to understand if you won't or can't do what these /our allied troops do every day out there - supposedly to keep us safe - then just ... er ...
Behviour of US marines in the video is shocking to us in our PC cosy civilian media bubble - but the behaviour of the marines is indicative of those on the 'edge' - pushed to the limit as human beings in every possible way
The marines could do a lot worse than that but don't - so put it into perspective - and not be judgemental about things that most of us know nothing about and thankfully will never need to experience.
The worst enemy of the marines is not the Taliban it is the hoarde of media suckers that parasite on their every movement and make their job even more difficult than it already is?
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Comment number 68.
Perversity, underwritten by hypocrisy, yields bestiality.
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Comment number 69.
At 16th Jan 2012, museV wrote:Maybe the US marines worst enemy is Israel?
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Comment number 70.
At 16th Jan 2012, museV wrote:Washington Moves The World Closer To War
Since my January 11 column and the news alert posted on January 14 more confirmation that Washington is moving the world toward a dangerous war has appeared. The Obama regime is using its Ministry of Propaganda, a.k.a., the American media, to spread the story that President Obama, Pentagon chief Panetta, and other high US officials are delivering strong warnings to Israel not to attack Iran.
What these 鈥渓eaked鈥 stories of Washington鈥檚 warnings and protests to Israel are all about is to avoid Washington鈥檚 responsibility for the war Washington has prepared. If the war gets out of hand, and if Russia and China intervene or nukes start flying, Washington wants the blame to rest on Israel, and Israel seems willing to accept the blame.
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Comment number 71.
At 16th Jan 2012, museV wrote:Re 62 .At 11:10 16th Jan 2012, museV wrote:
Israel's Deputy Foreign Minister, Danny Ayalon on R4 this morning.
Radio 4's Today presenter James Naughtie (bless him) in the Danny Ayalon interview this morning pressed Ayalon (ever so gently) 'that Israel is in possesion of nuclear weapons!' which there was a pregnant pause afterwhich the adept Ayalon sidestepped the question.
Naughtie knew his career would be history if he had tried to push the point.
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Comment number 72.
At 16th Jan 2012, barriesingleton wrote:WE SHOULD ALL GET BEHIND GOVE WITH YACHT SUGGESTION
It provides an excellent opportuinty to send up the fawning little gong-seeker.
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Comment number 73.
At 16th Jan 2012, JohnConstable wrote:barriesingleton @ 72
Yes, barrie, maybe we should all get behind Gove on the new Royal Yacht that he, Gove, has bought with his own money, and make him walk the plank!
Gove is Scottish and journalist wife Sarah Vine is Welsh and they live in London.
Both are doing very well in England but they should'nt push their luck, we can still deport people back from whence they came!
Especially politicians from other countries who really should be plying their trade in their home nation i.e. does America ask a Canadian politician to come down to Washington and be their Education Secretary?
NB. The last time I was in Edinburgh, Scotland a few years ago, I picked up a local paper in the hotel foyer, opened it and hey ho, there was an article by Michael Gove. There am I, an Englishman in what is patently a foreign country and 'Govey' pops up on the radar. We English really should not be subcontracting the running of our country to politicians from elsewhere because other countries, e.g. Scotland, definately does not.
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Comment number 74.
At 16th Jan 2012, nautonier wrote:Various
What news media want is nice clean killing by our millitary - Politically correct killing - that is sanctioned by our govt and our media and human rights appropriate -read out a few names in parliament and all is well as the politicians ... are also seen to .... Care.
Killing is then clean and politically correct and suitable for us as consumers?
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Comment number 75.
At 16th Jan 2012, barriesingleton wrote:MEDITATION "NOT A PATCH ON US!"
Lest 鈥 lest, pay heed lest
we for-get we are the best;
lose sight of Old England鈥檚 story
one of endless power and glory
blood-and-gutsy, primal, gory;
triumph in each foreign land.
Might - might, ours by right
Don鈥檛 forget right hails from might!
None surpass the English Army
foes like Hitler 鈥 all are barmy
same for Mullah, same for Swami;
Christ is England鈥檚 guiding hand.
Kill 鈥 kill, brave hearts fill!
Candle on a window sill . . .
Each man skilled in naming parts
assorted limbs - misplaced hearts
life - that suddenly departs;
a flaming waste 鈥 but Grand!
Soft 鈥 soft. Bugler 鈥 soft!
Banner hoisted half aloft.
Celebrate the warrior path
raise the young on noble wrath -
mourn it, at the Cenotaph
as - even now - more war is planned.
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Comment number 76.
At 16th Jan 2012, JunkkMale wrote:'62. At 11:10 16th Jan 2012, museV -
Ahmadinejad did not say this, it was a total distortion of what was said. You all must know this!'
Substantiated source material would go a long way, preferably with a link.
Whilst not an exclusive source I'd recommend on anything, there is this:
And another, that may or may not be unbiased, but may offer a basis for comparison for others, equally forceful, in other directions.
Headlines ending in questions, especially in media such as Press TV, and those who promote them, are of course interesting in their own right too.
However, anything via Iran's television network, broadcasting in English round-the-clock, based in Tehran, might need to be viewed in Ms. Abbott's much vaunted 'context'.
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Comment number 77.
At 16th Jan 2012, barriesingleton wrote:HE HAD HIS FINGERS CROSSED (#76)
Like Nick when he wrote that temporary signature . . .
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