Ouch weblog: individual blog entry
1 Feb 07, 3:03 PM - Hiring & Firing
I was at a conference the other day and during the lunch hour stopped by the NCIL stand. Among the usual items on display was a publication that immediately caught my eye - 'The Rough Guide to Managing Personal Assistants'.
Having recently had to say goodbye to a PA myself, I felt that this was timely advice which seemed to be very well presented. In fact I wish I'd read it before having that difficult conversation.
As I remarked to NCIL's personable information officer, Wendy Gross:
"Managing people at work is one thing, but when they're in your house and doing personal care for you, it's a different dimension altogether."
Wendy promised to look into alternative formats for me. Tape is out of the question these days. I don't know about anybody else, but I don't even have a cassette player anymore.
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