Good news from Good News
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We still have a few shows left this series but we'll see you again in 2011!
Comment number 1.
At 7th Dec 2010, Emma French wrote:YES!!!!!
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Comment number 2.
At 7th Dec 2010, Amy Green wrote:yey!!!!!!!
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Comment number 3.
At 7th Dec 2010, Amy wrote:WOOHOO!!!
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Comment number 4.
At 7th Dec 2010, MrTomHill wrote:well that was some g-g-g-g-g-g-nice new piece of information that brightened my day
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Comment number 5.
At 7th Dec 2010, Sweetygem wrote:Yeay!!! :D
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Comment number 6.
At 7th Dec 2010, Scarlett Shaunii Megz wrote:OMG ! YESSS !!
but after them two serise does that mean good news is over ?!! what the hell do you think we'll look forward to during the week !!!!
Love Us x
also its 59 days till me (shauna) and megan come see you at the M.E.N !! woop woop ;)
5th comment woop woop !!!
can we ask you some questions (this is where you say 'of cause' )
1) are you doing somthing to do with T4 ? we saw an advert about it and if it is we REALLY ! wanna watch it ?!
2) at the end of your gig at the MEN and when you ask 'if there are any questions' (AT THE END), we want to ask you somthing but we dont want to affend you or like that . what shouuld we ask you, or shall we not bother ???????????
P L E A S E R E S P O N D W E R E A L L Y K N O W P L E A S E !!!!!!!!!
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Comment number 7.
At 7th Dec 2010, Danni wrote:*Awesome*. :D
And you're welcome :P Although in future, if there's more than a 50% chance that I'll wind up stranded in London after the show, I'm gonna give it a miss. Sorry :P
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Comment number 8.
At 7th Dec 2010, Danielle wrote:Ah so happy! Thank you!
2011 just gets better and better!
Well done and keep up the good work!
I promise I'll come see good news live sometime next year!
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Comment number 9.
At 7th Dec 2010, proud_2B_blonde wrote:YAAY! this will make up for the fact that we can't get 2011 glasses like the 2010 ones ... it just wouldn't work. LOL well only 2 months and 17 days til i see you at the land of geordies XD think i'm looking more forward to that than christmas!!! CAN'T WAIT! xxx
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Comment number 10.
At 7th Dec 2010, Josie Russell wrote:You're welcome! :D
I actually said to my mum, "Can we go see Russell Howard's new tour in Birmingham?" and my mum said "What's the point? I've seen Russell up close at Huntingdon Hall (In Worcester!) and you've seen him recording his show in a small studio! So, we've both seen Russell up close, and you'd prefer to see him do his jokes in a stadium??" I think we both know who won that arguement ;)
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Comment number 11.
At 7th Dec 2010, CrushedLily wrote:Finally the TPTB up there get it right!!!! I was gonna type something about bowing...but it sounded a bit...sexual (as Miranda Hart would say). :)
Anyhoo, this might give you guys a bit of a laugh:-
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Comment number 12.
At 7th Dec 2010, CrushedLily wrote:Oh, and click on "Dumbledore" on the left.
Harry Potter is really ending. :'(
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Comment number 13.
At 7th Dec 2010, CKx wrote:Hi
A good news story (apologies if you've already used it)
The late John Wooden, a man so in love with his wife that even 24 years after his wife’s death he still wrote her a love letter every month.
Thanks for the show.
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Comment number 14.
At 7th Dec 2010, aj_parsons wrote:Remember; the hamsters are watching...
Lots of love,
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Comment number 15.
At 8th Dec 2010, GopherCureself wrote:I have no idea what to say to all this, so here's some music:-
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Comment number 16.
At 8th Dec 2010, notrealreally wrote:Ohh my, Russell x
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Comment number 17.
At 8th Dec 2010, Anna wrote:yay!!!:)please come to dublin!!
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Comment number 18.
At 8th Dec 2010, Scarlett McHale wrote:This made my day!
But after 2012 wat happens then?
Is just gonna be the documentries like "The Boy With A Shed For A Head" ;)
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Comment number 19.
At 9th Dec 2010, BurgessShale wrote:Well, remember that they renewed the series for two series last year, too. I'm guessing (though I might be wrong) that this is simply due to contract negotiations and the Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú deciding whether to continue with it. Seeing as it was and may still be the highest viewed programme on Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú Three, I doubt the Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú will give that up too easily. At least, I hope not...:)
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Comment number 20.
At 9th Dec 2010, Elli McIntyre wrote:I am really happy there is more series
i would love to see you do Good news but i live in scotland so i'm screwed haha
see you next year :DDD
Love you xxxxxxx
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Comment number 21.
At 10th Dec 2010, U14717142 wrote:All this user's posts have been removed.Why?
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Comment number 22.
At 10th Dec 2010, dontsign wrote:Russ mate, love the show, but on tonight show you should know that one whole nutmeg would be fatal. And you should smoke it or make tea rather than snort it... Mexico they use it in prison instead of methadone. :-D
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Comment number 23.
At 12th Dec 2010, Laura wrote:yey!!! I love Russell!
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Comment number 24.
At 20th Dec 2010, bigf1fan wrote:This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.
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Comment number 25.
At 21st Dec 2010, rkfc14 wrote:hi people....mayb u can help....i have a good news story that isnt in the internet, and is still interesting....where do i post this story? here? or!
ta x
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Comment number 26.
At 22nd Dec 2010, bigf1fan wrote:Regarding the comment of mine that was removed yesterday: Moderation stinks! :(
I'm sure that the subject of my comment, along with the readers of this board, would have found it hilarious! It's a shame the moderators read these messages out of context.
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Comment number 27.
At 22nd Dec 2010, bigf1fan wrote:Oh, nearly forgot. My original message started with congrats to Russell for being awesome enough to receive funding for next year!!! :)
Couldn't you moderators just delete the parts of the message you had a problem with and not the innocent 1st paragraph which contained nothing but praise?!!!
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Comment number 28.
At 3rd Jan 2011, ginandmilk wrote:I don't know if this is the right place to post good news suggestions, but I thought this website might be worth a mention - it's a win/win benefit
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Comment number 29.
At 6th Jan 2011, BalletGal wrote:hi
got a good news story (made me cry by the way!!)
didn't know where to post it so i thought i would just shove it on here!!!
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Comment number 30.
At 18th Jan 2011, cosmo wrote:Yo Russell (and team), don't know if you would want to use this link, but saw this video on Youtube, thought it might make you laugh
You can replay from the last 9 seconds 100 times and I still find it funny... am I just sick?
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Comment number 31.
At 19th Jan 2011, Grant Clifford wrote:i have some good news, there are these people called the westboro baptist church, they go to funerals soliders in america and hold hideous signs saying that "god hates you", "god killed your kids" and etc, and they have been doing this for a while but there are these guys called the patroit gaurd riders and they do the most beutiful thing, with permission of the family they block these signs and hateful songs with flags and the reving of their motorcycles, to prevent the deceased's family from hearing them. Hope you will enjoy this it made my faith in humanity alot better.
here's a link of their story
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Comment number 32.
At 23rd Jan 2011, Hamish wrote:just seen this on youtube and it nearly made me cry, well worth a watch for the good news show
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