

Ref row overshadows Wales deficiencies

  • Gareth Lewis - 麻豆官网首页入口 Wales Sport presenter
  • 11 Mar 07, 11:31 AM

Gareth Lewiswal_badge.gifThe Roman amphitheatre, where through the ages one man has decided the fate of the combatants... and 2007 was no different.

In my opinion, . He told Wales centre James Hook there were 10 seconds to go and time to take the line-out, but on the advice of Geoff Warren, the Television Match Official, he then declined to allow time for that line out to take place.

The conversation between Hook, White and Warren goes out on Scrum V programme on 麻豆官网首页入口 Two Wales this evening (1710 GMT).

Now I usually scoff when a law geek quotes a rule at me, but this weekend I'm a geek too, and by my reading of the relevant rule, Wales were right to feel aggrieved.

If time expires and the ball is not dead, or an awarded scrum or lineout has not been completed the referee allows play to continue until the next time that the ball becomes dead鈥

Throw in a linesman who missed a blatant haymaker by Mauro Bergamasco on Stephen Jones and an obvious tackle off the ball - again by the long-haired terror - and Wales had little help from any of the officials.

But White's decision was not the difference between life and death, or even win and lose.

Had Wales opted to kick the penalty they would only have drawn. And even if they'd won the line out there is no guarantee Wales would have crossed the line for the try they desperately needed.

The deficiencies evident against Scotland and France were there again - Wales struggled for possession, managing just 40% in total, they kicked the ball away again in the second half and their penalty count against was higher than Italy's.

I don't like stats - I said that in my last blog. That little lot was for illustrative purposes!

The stat that counts stares at you from the bottom of the .

Gareth Jenkins: commander of the Armies of Wales; coach of a murdered rugby team. Will he have his vengeance next week?

You tell me. Is there anything to suggest Wales might 'click' against England?

Comments  Post your comment

  • 1.
  • At 01:36 PM on 11 Mar 2007,
  • Dave Snowden wrote:

1 You have the best ball carrying scrum half in the northern hemisphere, your pack are not carrying the ball, but you refuse to play him (at all against Italy - limited against France).

When your fly half is not mentally fit to kick goals, but you still allow him back on (and when he has clearly failed - just look at the error count)

I could go on - but the coach is clearly at fault here, and his support. Its not good enough at international level to have ex players however good, who have not yet learnt how to coach (think of how long it has taken Dai Young).

Jenkins is another Waldren, trying to play a club game at international level, and being loyal to his old club players. The best thing that could happen is for Ruddock to come back on Monday, with Tylor and Young working with him to create something for the English match on which we can build, Jenkins is all passion, no intellect and pride seems to have persisted after the fall

  • 2.
  • At 01:44 PM on 11 Mar 2007,
  • John Davies wrote:

Common sense (if not the laws of the game) dictate that the line out following a penalty kick is part of the same play and as such the referee should allow it to be taken.

  • 3.
  • At 01:50 PM on 11 Mar 2007,
  • huw michael wrote:

Wales were hard done by. A number of decisions went against them. But having said all that , at best , they would only have sneaked a win on less than 50% possesion, against the minnows of Italy. One area that disturBs me is that I rarely see a welsh tackler knocking back the ball carrier in a tackle - and as a result Wales rarely gets turnover ball,- this is mARKED CONTRAST TO iRELAND AND eNGLAND AND, OF COURSE, THE SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE TEAMS. Why is this? The best we seem to be able to do is bring a ball carrier to ground eventually but usually for possessijon to be recycled or worse the ball passed before the ball carrier hits the ground.

I'm interestd in others' views.

  • 4.
  • At 01:54 PM on 11 Mar 2007,
  • BigAlCrash wrote:

Quite simply Gareth Jenkins has got to get a game plan put in place that everyone understands. Using Ryan Jones as a solitary ball carrying option and throwing it wide without commiting the opposition to rucks and mauls or going through the phases is clearly not working.

In addition I would like to see Hook in for Stephen Jones at outside half and the additions of Alfie and Cockbain would be of great benefit to the side physically and mentally!

England are not that good either (he says confidently before they play against France)and I would like to think that introducing Hook at 10 might give us an edge.

  • 5.
  • At 01:57 PM on 11 Mar 2007,
  • sue wrote:

Of course Wales will "fire against England" next week. The same way Ireland did. Sadly for the Welsh thats all that really matters, "as long as we beat the English we don't care" .Sorry guys but beating us is no great shakes anymore is it, you need to be aiming higher than that!!Still, I don't doubt they will all be singing after the game, the four lost matches all forgotten as they revel in one desperate victory.

  • 6.
  • At 01:59 PM on 11 Mar 2007,
  • Reef wrote:

Totally agree with the above. There were blunders from the officials but with 10 seconds left surely a bit of pragmatism should have come into play?

I'm all for the 'live by the sword' style of play but for once it would have been nice to use the English point grabbing mentality. It might not be pretty but neither is the 0 sitting by our name in the current standings.

White did get it horribly wrong and Bergamasco lived dangerously but it was the staunch Welsh pride in our enterprising style of play that's ironically left us with little to salvage from this tournament.

An overhaul of backroom staff or making players who've performed amicably over the last few seasons won't change anything, look at England, they're still in the doldrums.

The WRFU as well as the players can learn a lesson from this, and if they do, the state of Welsh rugby will be all the stronger for it.

Still, as long as we beat the English all is not lost eh?

  • 7.
  • At 02:00 PM on 11 Mar 2007,
  • Jonny wrote:

Its all well and good Chris White saying sorry but its too flaming late now!! He potentially cost us a win. We may not have necessarily scored but we would have had a great chance and because of some guy who is considered to be the best ref in the world we were denied that chance.
White is due to ref the Llanelli v Munster game in the heinikein cup and being a scarlets fan, after what he's done i don't think i want him anywhere near stradey.

  • 8.
  • At 02:02 PM on 11 Mar 2007,
  • BigAlCrash wrote:

Mike Phillips is a great option and to not use him at all is criminal. The Scottish game cried out for him to come on and his different style would have helped again yesterday.

Dwayne Peel would be my number one but GJ has got to be careful not to favour the players he knows best (i.e Scarlets) at the cost to the team - Alfie could have come on for Mark Jones earlier and I have to agree that if SJ wasn't kickign at goal his general all round play didn't justify him staying on.

  • 9.
  • At 02:08 PM on 11 Mar 2007,
  • Neil DM wrote:

I think you need to get over this. The ref is always right, even when he is wrong.

Move on.

  • 10.
  • At 02:14 PM on 11 Mar 2007,
  • Mario wrote:

IRB Law 5.7 e

1)If time expires and the ball is not dead, or 2) an awarded scrum or lineout has not been completed the referee allows play to continue until the next time that the ball becomes dead鈥

1) Time had expired and the ball WAS dead

2) The line out was not AWARDED, the penalty was.

Simple as that. Ref in this occasion was right

  • 11.
  • At 02:20 PM on 11 Mar 2007,
  • John wrote:

I have to say that (although I am a Wales fan) the way shane Williams, Gareth Jenkins and Chris White dealt with the fall out of the final whistle, was of great credit to the ethos of rugby. There would be brawling in the tunnels, bars and changing rooms if it happened in football. A shocking decision, but what credit the game did itself in adversity.

  • 12.
  • At 02:26 PM on 11 Mar 2007,
  • Alex wrote:

Hi, I think Chris White, whilst not my favourite referee, is being slightly hard done by and the fault lies with Geoff Warren (TMO). After listening again Warren gives White the wrong time, when there is only two seconds left he says there is 10, time then runs out before the kick. He only realises the error then and tries to correct himself whilst the lineout is forming and you can hear White say something to the effect of 'What, time has expired', but by then the mistake was too late to rectify. Technically the decision was right, but only because White and Wales were given the wrong info. The obvious solution is for an offical clock on the big screen or a 'hooter' to sound like in Rugby League.

  • 13.
  • At 02:28 PM on 11 Mar 2007,
  • Jason wrote:

In reply to posts 5 & 6, I really don't think that there will be anything to celebrate after next Saturday, to be brutally honest! I want Wales to win, but I don't believe it'll happen.

  • 14.
  • At 02:29 PM on 11 Mar 2007,
  • Mike M wrote:

For all Stephen Jones' qualities as a 10; he has proven that he is not a leader and I think he should now step down as captain. He has proved beyond doubt that he has been one of the best fly half's over the last 5 years, only JW and Carter stand above him, but after the World Cup, Hook should play 10 so we can build a team around him.

Jenkins on the other hand clearly as a problem motivating his players, his best result since taking over has been a draw with Australia. Tactically he has been naive, and Wales will get nowhere with him. Unfortunately we should right off the world cup now, thankfully we have a reasonably easy group and think about finding a coach to replace him afterwards. For all the supposed talent there is in Wales, we have looked at best mediocre in the Six Nations. Italy deserved their win yesterday and Wales should stop blaming the referee; look what we did with the ball when were 20-13 up.

Perhaps, and this is only perhaps, the WRU actually got it right when they saw the deficiencies in Jenkins a few years ago when Ruddock was appointed. It has certainly been exposed as true now.

  • 15.
  • At 02:33 PM on 11 Mar 2007,
  • Dai wrote:

Mario, 10, the ball is not dead if a penalty is awarded.

  • 16.
  • At 02:43 PM on 11 Mar 2007,
  • Brendan wrote:

Although very sympatheric to wales I have to agree with Mario. The ball was dead. Chris White did not award a line-out, Wales, who has their destiny in their own hands, opted to kick for touch having been warned theat they would have to be very quick.

there is a huge difference here. How many times have you seen a side awarded a penalty in a similar positon go for touch, miskick, or kick long - I would estimate at least three or four times a season in my case

Wales knew time was desperately short, the countdown clock was ticking and at a time when their seemd to be little leadership - Stepeh Jones was off - they were wanting White to take responsibility for the situation.

It was very unfortunate but I am not sure White has anything to apologise for. I do agree that all concerned handled the entire incident with a fiar bit of dignity and composure. I also reckon Wales are due a bit of luck and rub of the green and when that happens the results tend to happen, as has beent he case with the italians.

  • 17.
  • At 02:43 PM on 11 Mar 2007,
  • David wrote:

Well played Italy! Deserved winners. Wales? I've given up.

  • 18.
  • At 02:47 PM on 11 Mar 2007,
  • Euroscot wrote:

Ronan O' Gara choking incident:-

It might be my eysight but having watched the tv replays of the "incident" I thought it was John Hays arm that was aroung ROG's neck?

  • 19.
  • At 02:49 PM on 11 Mar 2007,
  • Dylan wrote:

It was a stupid decsion - and I'm talking about kicking for touch. If we'd have thrown the line-out, the chance of scoring was terrible.
Did Captin Crap make the decision or was it a rush of blood to the head for Hook?

  • 20.
  • At 02:59 PM on 11 Mar 2007,
  • Nick Wills wrote:

In my opinion, the referee had a horrible day. Not only did he fail to send off Troncon for a punch that put Stephen Jones off for the rest of the half, but he consistently ignored Italian defenders taking out Welsh attackers. Two incidents i can think of involved Shane Williams when he was cynically taken out.

The ending just typified what kind of game he had and ruined the match of decency. I really don't know what he was thinking, but he is experienced enough to not be pressured into making that decision on the back of the fourth official and reversing what he originally stated.

I can't wait for the England game, and at least the referee won't make the same mistake this time!!

  • 21.
  • At 03:04 PM on 11 Mar 2007,
  • Steven Hughes wrote:

The ref got it wrong with regards to his decision making but if Wales knew the rule book they'd have discovered that once the ball goes dead its dead never mind it being a penalty. Three points were there for the taking; they decided to kick to touch and paid the price!

On another note, Mauro Bergamasco had a massive influence on the game. He scored Italy's winning try, tackled Shane Williams in the second half without the ball which would have surely been a try and had he been sent off for that disgusting punch on Stephen Jones maybe we'd have been looking at a different result?

How of earth the Ref and touch judges missed those incidents is beyond me! In International rugby incidents like that swing games and Wales paid the price. The amount of 'off the ball' incidents that went a miss were disgusting.

End of day, Wales didn't deserve to win. They had their chances and didn't take them. I think it's time for a big change before the world cup otherwise it'll be early exit time!

  • 22.
  • At 03:10 PM on 11 Mar 2007,
  • Mario wrote:


Hi Dai, you are right to say the ball is not dead if a penalty is warded but that's not the point. The ball got dead after the penalty was kicked(clock ticking...) but before the lineout was awarded. In other words the ball was out at 80:03 and the ref was not in a position to award a lineout. If the ball got out at 79:59 then yes, a lineout should have been played.

The ref is right. Unlike what the 麻豆官网首页入口 article seems to suggest he didn't apologise for not applying the rules right, he probably apologised for the miscommunication with Wales players.

Anyway guys, we are talking about a lineout, not a disallowed try, and taking for granted they would have scored a try...a bit ambitious

I know how you feel, it was a bit unfortunate. Italy was lucky, ref was right and Wales lost the match when they decided not to go for the post.

  • 23.
  • At 03:21 PM on 11 Mar 2007,
  • reece asbury wrote:

well what can i say i am a english fan but watching that wales game yesterday wales got robbed they asked the ref could they play for the try and the ref agreed to it they then kicked it in to touch and the ref blew the whistle .......how can the ref call that when they coulda kicked the penalty and took the draw ?

  • 24.
  • At 03:26 PM on 11 Mar 2007,
  • darren jones wrote:

When the welsh regional sides were first introduced Lyn Jones the Ospreys coach said that he could see Wales competeing or even beating the likes of New Zealand within the next 4 years because of this then, new setup.What's going on? If anything we are going backwards,GJ has failed in his step-up to international rugby .Therefore a change of coach and management is the only solution for Welsh rugby tobe able to move forward,I dread to think how Wales will perform in the World Cup!

  • 25.
  • At 03:33 PM on 11 Mar 2007,
  • Huw Williams wrote:

Wales lost a game they could have drawn and all this controversy over the ref wouldn't have happened and instead the debate should have been about tactics and whether we got it wrong in the use of our substitutions.Can anyone explain the logic of picking 5 forwards on the bench and hardly using Cocbain and Jonathan Thomas when it was clear that Popham, Alun Wyn and Ryan Jones were out on their legs having given everything against a very good Italian pack.Similarly why not play Mike Phillips in the last 20 minutes to physically bolster the Welsh side?
Can anyone really argue that the welsh eight would have won and driven over that last line-out for a try?Did I hear the first cuckoo of spring?

  • 26.
  • At 03:42 PM on 11 Mar 2007,
  • darren jones wrote:


  • 27.
  • At 03:50 PM on 11 Mar 2007,
  • R.Turner wrote:

Personally whilst I think a change of coach is necessary in this instance,I really can't see it making a great deal of difference.There are simply not enough good players at present.Popham has been a stand out performer this season, but he is a very limited player,and it is difficult to see Wales competing at the top level until more good players emerge(or are drafted in from Australia or NZ).The regional system was meant to address this, but as long as the regions continue to utilise foreign players it's simply not going to happen.

  • 28.
  • At 04:00 PM on 11 Mar 2007,
  • Marc Williams wrote:

It is wrong that the referee can tell wales there's ten seconds left and let them go for the lineout, only to blow up for full time when the ball goes dead. He must have known their intention when they asked how long was left, so even if time then expired he must honour the lineout. Having said this, Italy deserved their win and a draw wouldn't have suited either side, so it was a good result for rugby.

  • 29.
  • At 04:03 PM on 11 Mar 2007,
  • john wrote:

I dont know why Wales feel so hard done by. Even if the line out had been taken who's to say they would have scored. Italy were the far better side and could have defended well enough to clear their lines.

  • 30.
  • At 04:04 PM on 11 Mar 2007,
  • john wrote:

I dont know why Wales feel so hard done by. Even if the line out had been taken who's to say they would have scored. Italy were the far better side and could have defended well enough to clear their lines.

  • 31.
  • At 04:11 PM on 11 Mar 2007,
  • Jordan wrote:

That decision was completely wrong, they should have been given the time to take the kick and throw the line without having to worry for time.
time should only be run when the ball is in feild and when the game is running, not when penalties are being decided upon and line-outs being anticipated.
I still give credit to a great Italy team though

  • 32.
  • At 04:14 PM on 11 Mar 2007,
  • Northy wrote:

We was robbed!

  • 33.
  • At 04:15 PM on 11 Mar 2007,
  • Northy wrote:

We was robbed!

  • 34.
  • At 04:17 PM on 11 Mar 2007,
  • chrissy wrote:

bottom line is that wales arent good enough. Frankly i agree with some of the comments. Jenkins is out of his depth on the international stage. He constantly makes bad decisions with his selection and tactics. Sadly ive lost all faith in him to do the job!!. my opinion get rid of gareth thomas and jenkins and bring back mike ruddock and for gods sake put stephen jones on the bench until he returns to form!!

  • 35.
  • At 04:18 PM on 11 Mar 2007,
  • wrote:

We was robbed!

  • 36.
  • At 04:19 PM on 11 Mar 2007,
  • sam french wrote:

i'm an england fan and i was utterly disgusted by the referee's decision yesterday to finish the game,when the welsh had specifically asked the time and had been told they yes they had time for the lineout-otherwise they wouldn't have gone for it!the referee apologied but i feel wales were punished for a terrible decision!

  • 37.
  • At 04:23 PM on 11 Mar 2007,
  • Graham Morgan wrote:

I am sad to see the video ref decide the final whistle on a blatant misunderstanding of the law's.
There has been alot of interpretation of law's ever since Rugby has been played, but this was a total shock to all rugby players and supporters.
Please can some one explain how this decesion came about.
By the way I am not a sore loser I am a person who would like to understand.

  • 38.
  • At 04:34 PM on 11 Mar 2007,
  • Martin wrote:

Please... Somebody please... just get rid of the coaching and tactical staff for Wales. Don't they realise that this is the most disasterous period since Ruddock left? What the hell is happening? Get Mike Ruddock back, and let the confidence and pride flow back into the side that was only two years ago seen as a threat, now they are a joke. Welcome back to the 1990's.

  • 39.
  • At 04:34 PM on 11 Mar 2007,
  • wrote:

I was so livid yesterday at Chris White's decision that I jumped out of my chair and punched the wall - resulting in a probable broken thumb.

In accordance with the law HE WAS WRONG.
The lineout should have been played.

Thats not to say Wales would have scored, however, they should have been given the chance.

I am a very proud Welshman, but we simply should have won the game in the previous 79 mins.

FAIR PLAY to Italy, they played to their strengths, and also to Chris White for having the brass balls to stand up and apologise for his mistake. Even though I feel it was the TV match official who should carry the can!

  • 40.
  • At 04:39 PM on 11 Mar 2007,
  • Emma wrote:

Firstly i would like to say that that was a bad call by the ref. The 4th official should not be making decisions that determine penalties, they are only there to aid decisions. What would be the point in having a referee if the 4th official made the decisions for them?? Back to the original statement...

If the referee has awarded the penalty then it should go ahead no matter what. After hearing the playback of the referees decision it seems clear that the penalty was definately awarded! If it wasn't supposed to be awarded how come the whistle was never blown straight away after the ball was kicked into touch? either Chris White had misheard the '4th Official' TELLING him what course of action to take or he couldn't make up his own mind about a game he was in charge of refereeing.

Gareth Thomas was told that the penalty should go ahead hence the reason Hook had kicked in the first place! and in my opinion it should have done. If there was 10 seconds of play left, Hook had kicked the ball out with a few seconds to spare which SHOULD have been used due to the ball not being dead in the game!

  • 41.
  • At 04:41 PM on 11 Mar 2007,
  • Fairplay wrote:

Why does the commentator Brian have to be so offensive? There is absolutely no need for sarcasm when a French player is injured ("Oh shame") or for comments like an England player was unlucky to be caught in a rule break resulting in a penalty to France. Does the 麻豆官网首页入口 not have a duty to at least have the appearance of fair commentary? His commentary throughout the Six Nations has been offensive, biased, partial and uninformative. Please can we have a properly trained commentator.

  • 42.
  • At 04:47 PM on 11 Mar 2007,
  • Hywel wrote:

Robbed, of a line out, maybe. The real question is what's the best Welsh team and when will the coach realise his job is to find and pick the best team and let them get on with it, not spending his time 'sussing out' the strengths of the opposition and trying to pick teams based on who the opposition are - from picking Sonny for the NZ match onwards. We could have had Jones, Hook and Henson on the pitch to give NZ something to think about, but no we pick a team to play their strengths . . . Lets pick a form first XV then a form captain

  • 43.
  • At 04:52 PM on 11 Mar 2007,
  • Steve France wrote:

As an englishman living in Wales I was disgusted at the inept way both the referee and the fourth official dealt with the closing seconds of the game, as the penalty formed two parts when the Welsh elected to go for the win, their courage should have been rewarded by at least allowing the line out to take place. In a time when coaches and players are subject to being replaced when their performance is lacking, this group of officials should not see service in the international scene for sometime to come. It would be nice to hear a more outspoken view from the 麻豆官网首页入口 pundits, but then I guess they have their contracts to consider.

  • 44.
  • At 05:01 PM on 11 Mar 2007,
  • Matt Cousen wrote:

Does anyone know if the lovely Sonia Mcloughlin is married? Her left hand seems to be permanently obstructed by her interview notes.

  • 45.
  • At 05:01 PM on 11 Mar 2007,
  • alastair mclellan wrote:

Why as a licence payer must we be forced to listen to biased commentary from Brain Moore who actually detracts from the spectacle of the game by his one-sided view.

  • 46.
  • At 05:04 PM on 11 Mar 2007,
  • HD wrote:

End of Day, all anyone will remember is the Big W by Italy, a win's a win, and wales may not have deserved to win... but they did deserve the chance. Its all well and good the referee apologising to the players and coaching staff, but what about the fans? Especially the thousands of Welsh fans who travelled to Rome. They went to see Wales have a chance at winning, and in the dying seconds, were robbed of that chance. It's all well and good JD sayin the ref is the best in the world who made a mistake at the end (and I realise he's constrained with what he is able to say as a 'neutral' by the bbc) but I do recall JD also complaining during the game about "what the Referee was looking at?" when Italy's winning try scorer Bergamasco blatently punched Stephen Jones... although they may have actually scored anyway, as far as Im concerned the try scorer shouldn't even have been on the pitch!! Whether a possible draw or a possible win, we were all robbed of the chance of finding out what the true result of that match should have been by some shocking refereeing decisions. Maybe Italy would have won anyway, maybe if they'd taken the shot at goal they'd have missed, maybe if allowed the lineout wales wouldn't have scored.. we all know the lineout isnt great and Italy had defended well... but they shld have been allowed the chance.

  • 47.
  • At 05:15 PM on 11 Mar 2007,
  • Merv wrote:

Here we go again............another welsh bitchfest !

In reality there had been 79 mins 50 seconds to win the game and we weren't up to it, so get over it !

  • 48.
  • At 05:15 PM on 11 Mar 2007,
  • J Wallace wrote:

Lets get this straight, Wales were poor, as they have been continually under this coach. He says that he does not select Colin Charvis because he is trying to get a young side ready for the world cup, but then when things go pear-shaped he says that he will settle for any win. So why not select Charvis, i.e. select the player in form. As for Chris white and his officials, how can White stand 6ft from Troncom as he stamps on a Welsh leg and take no action. I guarantee that if it had been a Welsh player he would have reversed his decision. The failure by White and his touch judges to spot the assault on Jones was disgraceful. Jones had the ball, so what were they looking at? Chris White should go as fast as possible to the side lines, he bottled out of the decisions that professional referees need to make, and he should go.

  • 49.
  • At 05:19 PM on 11 Mar 2007,
  • Bob Rayner wrote:

Can't be denied that Italy have improved and strength to thier arm for that but several appalling incidents can not be ignored. In particular Maoro Bergamascos Cynical Punch on Stephen Jones needing four stitches for which Bergamasco should be 'cited', and an earlier Off the Ball stamping. It's all very well to say that such objections from Wales' supporters represents sour grapes but a defeat can be accepted if the game was officiated fairly.

  • 50.
  • At 05:24 PM on 11 Mar 2007,
  • Jonah Sabremesh wrote:

As an Englishman who also won a few quid as the result of the Italian victory, I nevertheless think that Wales have every reason to feel aggrieved. Chris White should not have changed his mind after allowing Wales to kick for touch, irrespective of what was said to him in his earpiece.

An Italian win was the "dream result" for the IRB (who are trying to promote rugby in Italy). Which begs the question - did the IRB suits intervene to end the match?

  • 51.
  • At 05:26 PM on 11 Mar 2007,
  • coops18 wrote:

Oh my gosh, what was in my opinion a nasty but deliberate swinging arm is now being called a 'blatant haymaker'?!?! Give me a break. I think Wales should be frustrated by that decision but to be honest i dont think they would have scored anyway - they created very little in the game.

  • 52.
  • At 05:28 PM on 11 Mar 2007,
  • Alastair wrote:

There seems to be a lot of confusion about when a penalty is awarded. Quite rightly, the laws of the game state that the game can't finish on a penalty. But when you kick to touch, you've taken the penalty. The ball is 'dead' for a lineout, and the referee can blow the whistle if time is up. Think of it if things were the other way around - Wales are 2 points up, Italy have just infringed offside in the Welsh 22, and James Hook has the ball in his hands - he kicks to touch, the Welsh players celebrate because the game is over. How would you feel in that situation if the ref insisted that the lineout was taken, Italy steal the ball and Pez drops a goal for victory?

If you kick to touch from a penalty, that's your choice, but the lineout is *not* part of the penalty.

I thought it was an odd decision to kick to the corner anyway - the Welsh pack had never really looked like driving over all game - if they wanted to go for the win, the tap and go or set move would have been a better option - Wales are at their best when they play a fluid game combinig powerfulforward play with excellent hands and elusive backs. Why kick to the corner and play to the Italian strength? And if you are going to kick to the corner, for heaven's sake get the lineout formed quickly so that the time issue doesn't come into it?!

Having said all that, I think whilst Chris White was technically correct (it isn't his job to tell Wales what decisions to make, and he was clearly misled by the TMO on how long was actually left) ... BUT as the sole arbiter of fact etc on the field, he could have taken a common sense decision and said "sorry Geoff, you told me 10 seconds, and they made the decision on that basis, so I'm going to allow this final passage of play from this lineout." That would have been a common sense approach - but equally it would have been a huge call to go against the person who is basically the official timekeeper. I agree with the idea of the hooter (as used in Super 14), although in this match I don't think it would have made any difference, since it would have sounded as Hook was kicking into touch anyway.

Looking forward to Eng v Wal next week - after all three matches today I think both sides will be fired up with a lot to prove.

  • 53.
  • At 05:28 PM on 11 Mar 2007,
  • Shaun O'Connell wrote:

Jenkins and his amateur team of yes men must go now. The decision making is absolutely baffling. We kicked the ball away 25 times against Italy. Ireland only kicked 15 times against Scotland and they have a top class kicker in OGara. I watched the Grand Slam DVD yesterday morning-same players but such a different team. Ruddock to return before it's too late!

  • 54.
  • At 05:30 PM on 11 Mar 2007,
  • Luca wrote:

Now, listen. I undestand that the referee's decision was abrupt to the Welsh. But thet weren't just quick enough. Moreover: shocking how they could hope to win with a late lineout after such a faulty performance throughout the match. See here:

Minutes in possession


11:59 First half 10:10
15:48 Second half 07:42

Minutes in opponent's half

24:31 First half 18:22
29:02 Second half 15:29


Poor 麻豆官网首页入口, you are a bad liar.

Forza Azzurri.

  • 55.
  • At 05:32 PM on 11 Mar 2007,
  • JezusinOz wrote:

What a lot of hot air! Guys - look at the table .. about the only crumb of comfort you have this eason is that there was a bit of a c*ck-up at the end of this game .. what about the other three games then? and the first 79 minutes and 50 seconds of this one??

BTW, you're gonna get tonked next week too!

  • 56.
  • At 05:34 PM on 11 Mar 2007,
  • Liam Takel wrote:

Irrespectiive of playing pretty, refereeing decisions, etc,


(Provided it is done within the laws and spirit of the game)

  • 57.
  • At 05:35 PM on 11 Mar 2007,
  • geraint roy morgan wrote:

stephens jones's cut eye was caused by Ian Goughs elbow. I did not think it was a punch at the time. JD should apologise to M Berg.

Play should have continued for the line out -thats the rules of the game
I don't want a 'hooter'.

  • 58.
  • At 05:43 PM on 11 Mar 2007,
  • Keith wrote:

O.K. White allows the line out, wales win the line out tidily for the first time, and drive over and score. Hook slots the conversion. Bergamasco is cited and banned.........Where would that leave wales?
The best running rugby players in the world have lost their direction and a loss to Italy is more likely to lead to remedial action than a late win. Just why did ruddock go? I have never understood that. Peel, Phillips, Thomas, Williams, Morgan, Henson are all World class. Hook has something special. Why aren't they running out there and making things happen?

  • 59.
  • At 05:45 PM on 11 Mar 2007,
  • Jessica wrote:

stick James Hook as number 10 i say because he rules at it and he is da best c'mon James Hookie oof he's da best ever xx love Jessica

  • 60.
  • At 05:48 PM on 11 Mar 2007,
  • Prud wrote:

Italy got a win they thoroughly deserved! After yet another inept performance from an outplayed Wales team everyone seems to be covering up by blaming the ref. Yes he made some mistakes but show me a ref that doesn't!
We should concentrate more on why a team that wins a Grand Slam in 2005 suddenly can't win a game 2 years later. The only real change has been the replacement of the coaching staff. Gareth Jenkins has taken Wales backwards from a team playing with style and panache to a team that doesn't seem to have any direction. Ruddock must be laughing his socks off!
Do the decent thing Jenkins resign now!

  • 61.
  • At 05:55 PM on 11 Mar 2007,
  • Newrone wrote:

Robbed of 7 seconds?

Oh, dear. Do you really believe in miracles?

Wales will have 80 min next week to prove what they might have been capable of. And I hope you do ;-).

  • 62.
  • At 05:59 PM on 11 Mar 2007,
  • Anthony wrote:

If you listen to the Welsh player Chris White speaks to, he asks if they could it to touch NOT if, after they had kicked it to touch, they would have time for the lineout.

White said yes to the question because it's not his job to decide Welsh tactics (and also because he is pedantic).

Personally I think there was a little naivety from Wales - did they think that they could really make the decision, kick to touch, choose their move, set up and then begin in ten seconds?

  • 63.
  • At 06:01 PM on 11 Mar 2007,
  • Aubrey wrote:

What a lot of fuss over nothing.Were we guaranteed a converted try from the lineout? NO.Were we guaranteed a draw to save our blushes? YES!The players lost the game for us not the ref.Jones to go now,Alfie back as no1.Martyn Williams is the only one who can hold is head up high after 4 losses.15 hearts like his and we could be world beaters.

  • 64.
  • At 06:03 PM on 11 Mar 2007,
  • Roy wrote:

If he didnt actually cause the cut, the punch was still aimed and landed. End of story. Watch the replay. Slow motion or not it was clear. The Scrum V team have also just agreed. The intent was there, whether it caused a cut or not, the rules are clear.

  • 65.
  • At 06:07 PM on 11 Mar 2007,
  • Ryan wrote:

Re post 45. I agree Brian Moore is a bit biased, but he is not any worse than the ridiculous "is it a penalty try?" Eddie Butler sat next to him is he?

  • 66.
  • At 06:16 PM on 11 Mar 2007,
  • Guy wrote:

Emma Post 40.

I think you're a little bit confused. There isn't any debate over the fact that a penalty was awarded or that it was taken. However once it has been kicked the penalty is over...it doesn't continue to the lineout.
Any debate is over a different issue.

  • 67.
  • At 06:21 PM on 11 Mar 2007,
  • John Evans wrote:

It is all very well complaining about Chris White but the problem and decision lies with the fourth official.

Chris White was also very poorly assisted by the touch judges.

The problem with touch judges has been evident in most games this season. They give no real assistance.
Props causing problems on the refereee's blind side collapsing scrums, barging and pushing in the line outs and off the ball incidents never seem to be pointed out.

These offenders should be taken off the international list and sent on refresher courses.

  • 68.
  • At 06:22 PM on 11 Mar 2007,
  • Frederic wrote:

I am sorry for Welsh supporters but I think that the team who had the strongest will to fight won in the end.

Very impressed by the way the controversial ref decision was accepted with a lot of self control by the Welsh players.

  • 69.
  • At 06:25 PM on 11 Mar 2007,
  • Massimo wrote:

Wales was hard done by the officials?
What a pty, to the Italians "minnows" this situation is not new, we pay for the sin of trying to get into the RU elite.
If Wales had drawn or worse won in Rome would have been daylight robbery.
Welsh rugby is like the Roman forum: history.

  • 70.
  • At 06:27 PM on 11 Mar 2007,
  • babbo_umbro wrote:

Coupla things.

Ben giocato l'Italia.

Surely the important thing at the end was that the 80 minutes were very clearly up before Hook kicked the ball? If he'd gone ahead and taken a tap penalty or even kicked into touch right away Wales would have been able to play till the next stoppage.

You can't stop the clock between infringement and kick - it's not practical, apart from the fact that each game would take about two days, what would you do when playing advantage, wind the clock back? Impossible.

I agree that Bergamasco went in with a straight arm, which he must not do, but the TV pictures appeared very clear and he didn't seem to make any solid contact and certainly not with Jones's right eye - any contact was on the left side of Jones's head or face.

While all you Welsh are bleating, what about the move that had Italy on for a try down the left and were brought back for a knock on that actually came off a Welsh hand? Dont see any mention of that.

  • 71.
  • At 06:31 PM on 11 Mar 2007,
  • Fairplay wrote:

Re 65: Admittedly Eddie Butler is also biased but has the general appearance of impartiality for the majority of the game. Brian Moore is just constantly and consistently offensive.

  • 72.
  • At 06:37 PM on 11 Mar 2007,
  • Joseph wrote:

It reminds me of the Kevin Keegan situation in football, he went quietly. Please Gareth do the same you are out of your depth. Go Quietly.

  • 73.
  • At 06:45 PM on 11 Mar 2007,
  • Si wrote:

I think GJ should go back to what he knows best - Llanelli. Get someone in who knows international rugby - welsh or not i don't care. Wales need a coach who is going to read the international game better, and actually select the best team for the job, not just hope his old scarlet mates will come through for him in the end

  • 74.
  • At 06:57 PM on 11 Mar 2007,
  • david bridges wrote:

england have two areas to improve. One, we are with out exception penalised for any infringement

Also we are not professional enough, at the restart for example, all sides get at least three men in front of the catcher so there is no way the opposistion can get to the catcher, I think this is cheating, and I assume we do not do this because we would be penalised.

In conclusion, I thing England are a generally poor side, and with the ref against us generally, we have no chance of winning anything what so ever.

  • 75.
  • At 06:59 PM on 11 Mar 2007,
  • Tim Penrose wrote:

Terrific to see the sportsmanship particularly from Shane Williams after the last minute confusion over the lne out, but, full marks to Chris White for owning up and apologising straight away. I refereed a children's tag rugby festival all day Friday donw her in Devon and with the faster matches (all for 5 minutes - children under 11) the play goes so quickly the concentratrion levels are huge - the chance to make mistakes are massive! And, decisdions have to made in an instant - I reversed one decision on Friday after a try had been awarded when I noticed that the lad's tags weren't showing, so no one could have technically tackled him - keen to ensure fair play - but always concerned that you have done the right thing!

Anyway, Wales need to keep the ball in hand - that way they scare the pants off people - every time Shane Williams gets the ball he looks a threat - Morgan loves to run with it - ditto Dwayne and Gavin - that's the way the Welsh must play -it's how they won that Slam 2 years ago! Too many time against France they kicked it back to them - they needed to keep it in hand and put it through some hands and get running.

Agree that Hook needs to come in now as No 10, Gavin needs to be no 12 and Alfie anywhere.....Popham has been fantastic - roving all around the park - we can win next week and wouldn't that be a lovely end to a disappointing year?

  • 76.
  • At 07:17 PM on 11 Mar 2007,
  • wrote:

Mario 10 os spot on. A penalty may result in a kick to touch, quick tap, kick at goal or scrum. all of the above except kicking to touch are considered the same passage of play.

the ball leaves the pitch with a kick to touch and the resulting lineout is a new passage of play. why do you think referees tell teams they do not have time for lineouts?

Plus he was talking to the TMO in reference to 10 seconds left, not only was the penalty awarded at 79;46, it also took hook a decade to decide and kick the ball into touch plus an age for your forwards to get there! and who would have a fiver on you scoring, some italian would have collasped it anyway

  • 77.
  • At 07:23 PM on 11 Mar 2007,
  • Ken wrote:

The main problem for Wales is with the forwards. They are virtually static. Wales are still very dangerous when the backs get hold of the ball ( as proved against France), but after watching the way Italy's pack denied them any possession I feel England's own forwards will have little to fear. In fact they are probably rubbing their hands with glee. I predict at least 20 points......

  • 78.
  • At 07:36 PM on 11 Mar 2007,
  • eugene wrote:

Gareth Lewis麓comments are spot on for the Rome match. The game is all about possession - Wales have never had 50% of the possession in this 6N and the result has been 4 losses. Having said that they have been in touch in all the matches so far and defended well. This for me means that we have a match winning team once we get parity in terms of possession. The next game is in Cardiff with 80.000 supporters. This I think will give us the boost up front to hold on to our ball and put in place our game plan. So despite everything we have seen so far I think we will win against England. But don麓t quote me on that!
This would reflect how evenly matched the teams are this 6 nations.

  • 79.
  • At 07:38 PM on 11 Mar 2007,
  • Jinking James wrote:

There is no guarantee that Wales would have scored a try from the lineout but at least we would have been able to give it a go. Apart from the obvious, having watched the video again today what upsets me most is that the TMO, Geoff Warren can be clearly heard telling Chris White that there were 10 seconds left - I timed from that point and the ball enters touch 7.5 seconds after this statement - pedantic maybe but if I had my way Geoff Warren would be strapped naked to one of the posts at the Millennium Stadium and publically flogged.

  • 80.
  • At 07:42 PM on 11 Mar 2007,
  • Jbob72 wrote:

you make your own luck we have been dire under GJ, we appear to have no game plan, we make the same mistakes game in game out our set piece is little short of a joke as is our back room staff

the summer tour to oz should be a barrell of laughs :(

  • 81.
  • At 07:45 PM on 11 Mar 2007,
  • Hollers wrote:

Granted some of GJ's selection decisions are somewhat suspect, Charvis MUST be selected at the expense of Ryan Jones - his form is still not up to the level attained with the lions, and either SJ loses the captaincy or his position - simple as.

On a different tack I have major concerns over the management running the Welsh game. Pickering serves no purpose other than preening himself constantly to make sure his next picture with royalty gets his best side. There's no disputing that Ruddock was a good coach, he also had VERY good support from a rugby empressario (Mr. Moffett) who faught all concerned to make sure Welsh rugby was on the right footing before moving on. Pickering seems intent on making sure nobody upsets the (and his) gravy train that is Welsh Rugby. Lose him or you can kiss goodbye to future successes.

Ruddock resigned reportedly as a result of player power, I'm sure this would not have happened if Moffett was still on the scene. GJ needs support & time if he is to succeed. You don't become a bad coach overnight and his success with Llanelli is well documented

  • 82.
  • At 07:54 PM on 11 Mar 2007,
  • Steve Jones wrote:

have to disagree with Nick Wills. If Troncon had been sent off for punching Stephen Jones, THAT would have been a travesty! Bergamasco should have been sent off (hopefully he will be cited and receive punishment eventually) but what on earth was the touch judge doing?
Its no good us Welsh wailing about the result - Italy won and that's all that will be remembered but Wales have got to look at what has gone wrong since Ruddock left. I've been offered my first ever ticket for a Wales-England game and I'm not sure I want to go after watching this 6 nations so far......

  • 83.
  • At 08:01 PM on 11 Mar 2007,
  • eugene wrote:

I have to disagree with Turner comment 27. I think the Welsh team has plenty of good players and the new regional team set up is bearing fruits for the game in Wales. There is plenty of healthy competition for places. Unfortunately at the national team level as a unit the front five has failed to give the platform needed to implement the Welsh gameplan.It all about possession and the front 5 need to deliver that to the rest of the team.
Gareth Jenkins is right to keep faith with the team and I understand his selection thinking - apart from Stephen jones given his poor form throughout the tournament but that is more of a political cock up in terms of picking Jones to captain wales thru the world cup.
He is still a good coach and should lead us thru the world cup tournament. Then we can judge him.

  • 84.
  • At 08:03 PM on 11 Mar 2007,
  • Carl wrote:

Why does a team that cannot win the ball keep kicking it back to their opponents. This seems to be the main tactic adopted by Wales since Jenkins took over, and its cost us. The sad part for me is that Wales have lost four games this year, but could have one all four if they'd taken their chances or been more streetwise. Lets be honest though this is the poorest six nations we've seen in years, and if you ask me not one of the six teams have a hope in hell of challenging the All Blacks in RWC.
PS. Now that England have beaten France does John Inverdale think they are favorates for RWC.

  • 85.
  • At 08:18 PM on 11 Mar 2007,
  • jez wrote:

Jones's injury was caused by a clash of heads a moment before he got punched on the top of his shoulder. Possibly a penalty for a straight arm tackle, but no more. The end was dubious, but why were Wales thinking they could score in two seconds after how they had played. Its always easy to blame the officials (who do not have the benefit of multi angle replays, are operating at the same height as the players, and are human and can sometimes be unsighted) but Wales were dire, and have been all championship. Deal with it guys and stop whining.

  • 86.
  • At 08:20 PM on 11 Mar 2007,
  • Derek Tyler wrote:

Re the last part of the Welsh/Italy match. If you are told you only have 10 seconds left, and you decide to kick for touch, how do you expect to get the play off ? It was a brainless decision. If you don't want a draw,why not take a scrum, or even a tap penalty, maul, keep the phases going, whatever - whistle can't go till an infringement or the ball is kicked out. It's a change, too, to hear other countries complaining about being robbed. English fans have repeatedly been told, quite unpleasantly, to 'live with it, you lost', after far more justifiable complaints than in this match !
I don't know about Brian Moore, we get our commentary from RTE, and you have never heard a more patronising, uninformed load of rubbish comments about how useless England were - must have been a real pain to see them win - I'm only sorry Ireland may win the championship now because of it ! So, come on Scotland, Italy and ,oh, yes, England next week. Now that would be funny !!

  • 87.
  • At 08:26 PM on 11 Mar 2007,
  • Iestyn wrote:

Obviously there was a reason the WRU didn't give the coaching job to Gareth Jenkins first time around. Mike Ruddock was quite righty chozen. Since Ruddock has left the team seems to have lost it's fire. The heart seems to have been ripped out of the game. I went to see Mumbles play a very good Newcastle Emlyn team this week in Carmarthen. Mumbles absolutly smashed Newcastle Emlyn. The forwards were agressive, the backs were clinical and the hwyl in the team was outstanding. Communication was excellent and the whole team wanted to play for each other. I congratulate Mike Ruddock on another success and I can see Mumbles RFC going further. Please can we bring this Hwyl back in the Welsh XV.

  • 88.
  • At 08:43 PM on 11 Mar 2007,
  • David Pratt wrote:

So Chris White offers an apology for a "Misunderstanding".


Such an apology is worthless and provides no satisfaction.

"Mistake" or "incompetence" are probably words he needed to use.

Such a basic error should not be tolerated in an International referee.

We should all demand his resignation.

  • 89.
  • At 08:48 PM on 11 Mar 2007,
  • mark Watkins wrote:

Even though I live in England I love my Welsh sport and can be one eyed in how I watch Welsh games. But sitting down and reflecting on the Welsh performances this season, we seem to have changed the way we play the game. I cannot not see what our game plan is. How many times did our wingers ever have a one on one situation. These classy backs have not become bad players they still are class, Williams, Jones, Shanklin, Morgan, Peel. How many times did we kick high balls to the Italians to make a mistake. Class side just don't do this.

We must look at our lack of class on the coaching side, Jenkins, Phillips,Davies and McBride. Three of these from one club Llanelli and Phillips not so long ago was a joker on the Jonathan Davies tele programme in the evening! Thats great research for a national coach. Does the WRU not learn from the Neath-Waldron days. Our selection on the coaching side has been insular. If these guys get fired in the next year or two what club sides in Britain will be fighting over them. I ask the WRU to be honest with themselves and bring in some international experience into the coaching side, at least bring in someone who has recent experience from working outside Wales who can add a different opinion.

And one last thought, Llanelli under Jenkins, were a hard working side, not classy in which in the main relied upon the battering runs of Scott Quinnell. We can do better, we have some good and some great players and the others are hard working players who I'm sure want to learn, I beg the WRU find someone to assist our limited coaching staff.

  • 90.
  • At 09:00 PM on 11 Mar 2007,
  • PK wrote:

If time was short why risk the lineout anyway, surely a tap and go gets the game going quicker avaoids risking losing the line out. Have I missed a flaw in this idea?

  • 91.
  • At 09:02 PM on 11 Mar 2007,
  • Ben Morgan wrote:

Forget the incident at the final whistle, that is overshadowing a thoroughly biased performance from a guy I consider to be the best in the world. What his reasons are I don't know but one feels the fact that the Italian public have finally started to notice Rugby Union after the win over Scotland has something to do with it. It seems someone upstairs has an agenda and it's usually about making money. Even the 70/30 decisions didn't go in Wales' favour all game. White and his touch judges missed any number of foul play infringements from the Italians, dealt with the scrums in a totally 2 faced manner. If Wales did something wrong (and sometimes when they didn't) it was penalty or free kick to Italy. When Italy did something wrong (which considering the Italian tight head dropped to the floor in pretty much every scrum in the first half, was fairly often) the referee chose to re-set. He allowed Italy far more leeway at the breakdown, the culmination of which was that Wales stopped trying to turn over ball at all. I could go on but there doesn't seem much point.

I may give up watching Rugby all together as I'm firmly of the opinion that most games at top level Heineken Cup and 6N in particular, are fixed. Rugby is after all a business... In this Welsh fans are their own worst enemy. We'll sell out 72,000 to watch us play Fiji when we're on a run of 10 defeats. Win, Lose, Draw it doesn't matter, the welsh fans will turn out so hey, what does it matter? The bottom line's all the same for the accountants.

On the bright side, this result should guarantee Italy sold out games for a few years.

  • 92.
  • At 09:03 PM on 11 Mar 2007,
  • michael o'neill wrote:

why are we playing six nations rugby at the same time as top of the table premier league.the football league take a week off, rugby is more physical and we are supposed to be more intelligent.Also how would you like to be a leicester supporter paying 拢5-600 for a season ticket to watch reserve rugby. lets get back to the five nations set up and each premier team having only two overseas players

  • 93.
  • At 09:06 PM on 11 Mar 2007,
  • Richard Alliston wrote:

mario Post 10 has it right. The instant the penalty kick was taken, the clock started ticking. The lineout was NOT AWARDED. Furthermore, the referee must NOT give tactical advice to one side or the other. Chris white answered the question "do we hav time to kick to touch". The answer was clearly yes If he had said anything remotely resembling "I'd kick for goal" he would have compromised his impartiality. The welsh team made a tactical error and want to blame the ref.
The debate about whether or not Wales might have scored from the lineout is a separate issue. Chris White should not be criticised, his decison was correct

  • 94.
  • At 09:07 PM on 11 Mar 2007,
  • Damien Osborne wrote:

Would Wales have scored from that last lineout? i doubt it very much. I wish everyone would stop moaning, we weren't good enough.

Gareth Jenkins has been a step back for Wales, its really not working with him.

Wales really do not seem to know what their doing on the pitch.

Wheres the sexy rugby gone?

Getting rid of Ruddock was a huge mistake.

  • 95.
  • At 09:08 PM on 11 Mar 2007,
  • Aled wrote:

As annoyed as many Welsh fans were at the time of the "misundertanding" by Chris White! I quickly realised that we didn't lose that game on Chris Whyte and James Hook's lack of communication and that we care simply not good enough at the moment to beat even the likes of Italy. With all due respect to Italy who are a very tough proposition at home we should be beating them on a regular basis! The reason for our slump I'm afraid is Gareth Jenkins in saying this I hope more than anyone that he turns it around. He is to stubborn in selection, not proactive or active even wih regards to tactics, poor motivator, poor selector with both coaching and playing personel! No one has mentioned this previously to my knowledege but does everyone remember the Stephen Jones before he went to France under the guidance of Gareth Jenkins - he was playing like he is for Wales now under the guidance of Jenkins. However, under different leadership and managers he prospers such as his time in Clermont, under Mike Ruddock and under Phil Davies (my man to lead Wales if Gareth Jenkins loses to England!) This goes for many of the Welsh players!

  • 96.
  • At 09:14 PM on 11 Mar 2007,
  • bingaymarboy wrote:

On a separate but related note I have often wondered why the obsession with kicking penalties to touch to a lineout as opposed to taking a tap penalty. The lineout option gives the opposition the chance to win/disrupt the ball - especially when your line out is as weak as Wales'. The tap penalty retains possession and teams have the whole width of the pitch to use, giving them a lot of options. Can anyone shed any light on this? When did you last see a tap penalty near the line? I used to score loads of tries from them when I played.

  • 97.
  • At 09:26 PM on 11 Mar 2007,
  • Peter Hynes wrote:

Am I the only one who thinks that whining little welshman Johnathon Davies should be sacked from television? People talk about Brian Moore being biased and I'll admit he is at times but Davies will very rarely say something good about an opposing team to Wales and when he does it lasts about 30 seconds. What about Robertson's try? 1 replay and a 'good try, well taken.' Tom Shanklin's tackle on the italian 13? Replay after replay and about 5 minutes of talking about it. If there was one, i think Davies would have given it a prize for being tackle of the century!!! It's mad!!!

  • 98.
  • At 09:27 PM on 11 Mar 2007,
  • Pierre van Erve wrote:

Everyone is pointing the accusing finger at everyone. But in fact it is a classic case of "grasp all, lose all". If Wales had been less greedy, they would have gone for the draw.

  • 99.
  • At 09:32 PM on 11 Mar 2007,
  • david jones wrote:

The referee deferred to the REPLAY ref to end the match, Is there any way the replay ref could have brought the punch offence to his attention and prompted a ruling against the Italian player. The punch and its concealment were deliberate even if it didnt cause he cut eye. He went on to commit another offence against Shane Williams and score the winning try. It's no punishment for him to be suspended from future games. He should have been out from this game twice.

  • 100.
  • At 09:33 PM on 11 Mar 2007,
  • DAVE ADAMS wrote:

After the match against Scotland, the coach 'jenkins' was being interviewed by the B.B.C..The background for this interview was very prophetic; it carried the words "RESIGNATION" (RBS6NATION).Perhaps mr.jenkins should take note.

  • 101.
  • At 09:35 PM on 11 Mar 2007,
  • jeremy sturt wrote:

frankly white was no worse than half the referees who turn out at premiership matches every weekend. they are truly shocking and appalling in their arrogance and abject and pathetic applicaiton of the rules. i watched quins vs wasps on saturday and mark fox was truly awful and lost quins the game. he singularly failed to pull up a number of incidents in the 1st half and then wondered why 2 players were stretchered of in the 2nd! why are they allowed to get away with it? what with debney who is a truly appalling referee who is allowed to ref matches every week when he would be kicked off any school boy pitch for his lack of ability - what is going on with the IRB and the RFU? O'Brien is frankly crap for allowing such bad behaviour!!! i had lunch the other day with an ex-international ref who cannot bear to watch a game for the behaviour of the refs. arrogant, opinionated, desparate to be the star...lets get back to basics and get decent fellas who want a game insted of twats who want the limelight like white!

  • 102.
  • At 09:43 PM on 11 Mar 2007,
  • jeremy sturt wrote:

btw why did white say at the end of the 1st half we have called a line out and we will play on and at the end of the 2nd half he refused to do so? yet another referee with dfouble standards and singularly failing to apply fair standards to both sides? what a surprise?

  • 103.
  • At 09:52 PM on 11 Mar 2007,
  • Jack wrote:

Chris White was clearly asked by James Hook, was there time to take the line out, he said yes, from that point on, the lineout should have been awarded. Indeed in the first half, a lineout, was continued with after time had elapsed, and that also happened at the end of the England France games with a scrum.

The video referee confirmed there were 10 seconds left with 1 second left, and then said time was up 1 second later, Surely this cannot be right. I get the feeling that Chris White wanted the lineout to be continued with, and felt agrieved at the time. This should be cleared up so it never happens again.

As for the rest of the game, the current coaching setup IMO is not good enough, and this should be reconsidered after the world cup.

There also seems little chance of Ruddock returning to Wales,there are strong rumours, that he will be jonging the Ospreys as head coach in the summer, when his current existing contract with the WRU runs out in the summer.

  • 104.
  • At 10:02 PM on 11 Mar 2007,
  • andy28 wrote:

I believe the ref was right, the welsh just looking for someone else to blame for their own incompitence. if you cant beat italy in 79 mins and 50 seconds your not going to beat them in 10 seconds.

  • 105.
  • At 10:07 PM on 11 Mar 2007,
  • andy28 wrote:

in reply to 103, because he hadnt called a lineout?

  • 106.
  • At 10:09 PM on 11 Mar 2007,
  • Alex James wrote:

Can I just make the point that to the best of my knowledge the clock on the TV screen is not the official time, and is provided as a guide (with someone stopping and starting it on the referee's call of time off/time on). Therefore it's bound to be a couple of seconds out of sync with the referee's clock (or TMO's in this case) at the end of a half. Take Wales Vs. France 2005. The clock was over a minute out in that case. Other times I've seen a few seconds between time off being called and the clock actually stopped and even the clock going back in time (presumably someone trying to correct it a bit).

The only official clock would be the one the referee designates as such (in this case, the TMO's clock).

  • 107.
  • At 10:30 PM on 11 Mar 2007,
  • Jon wrote:

In whose opinion is Chris White the best ref in the world? He shies away from ever issuing a yellow card or heaven forbid a red. He ignores feeding of the scrum, bringing down of the maul, offsides in the ruck and countless other errors. If that's the best, then rugby is in poorer shape than we thought...

  • 108.
  • At 10:46 PM on 11 Mar 2007,
  • Tim wrote:

/ \
| |
| |
\_ _/

Say what you see!!

  • 109.
  • At 10:50 PM on 11 Mar 2007,
  • William wrote:

Listen Mr B Moore and fellow members of the HSB (HEAD in the SAND BRIGADE) England's A game is 8pts better than France's B game WOW!! France are still a far superior side, as are NZ,AUS,SA,IRE and oh yeah ARGENTINA!!!!!!!!

  • 110.
  • At 10:58 PM on 11 Mar 2007,
  • M Jones wrote:

As a scarlets fan since birth, I hate to say this, but Gareth Jenkins must go.

He's acheived the rugby equivalent of turning a silk purse into a sow's ear!

Stephen Jones must step down as captain, and we better start working our socks of before the world cup!

At this rate, we'll struggle against Fiji and Canada....

  • 111.
  • At 11:17 PM on 11 Mar 2007,
  • Hugo wrote:

Any man who feels aggrieved by Wales loss, and blames it on the referee need only look at the games statistics handily on the 麻豆官网首页入口 website. It clearly and mathematically shows Italy were the better side in every way.

  • 112.
  • At 12:02 AM on 12 Mar 2007,
  • Chris wrote:

Jenkins can't make decisions. He looks embarrassingly inadequate aswell (the mullet hair does not help). It was painful watching him on TV after the game. He simply has not coped with the responsibility of managing an international side and is close to breaking point. The guy should resign to save face. These are the answers to the problems; Hook at 10 he has so much more vision as demonstrated yesterday - he looks at what is in front of him and reacts... he is not a centre at international level - he is a natural 10 - it is bloody obvious. Charvis should have been in at blind side he wins ball on the floor like no one else in Wales, again obvious. Too late now of course but why was he in the Squad? Does not add up (even if he only played for 50 mins). Stop kicking away possession, kick appropriately ie yesterday left hand side with the wind and play the patterns that follow ie Italy lineout and clear to touch Wales get lineout = attacking position. Don't play injured players ie Mark Jones. If someone is off form then don't play them. Obvious... but why then persist with Jones and not Henson. Drop Jones. It was a real error of judgement giving him a 'captains contract'.
The players are better than Jenkins has allowed them to be. He must go, don't care when- that is almost insignificant.

  • 113.
  • At 12:33 AM on 12 Mar 2007,
  • Tom wrote:

Firstly, Good on Hook for having some guts and going for the line-out; its misfortunate what happened but thats irrelevant now, it doesn't change a desperate game.
GJ needs to go. Simple as that. Terrible team selection that shows no creativity. No imagination in the game. I know people will look back to mike ruddock, but we need to look back further, to Steve Hansen, and look at the work he put in place. Maybe its time we grew up and looked abroad again? The team as it stands isn't going anywhere, they show no promise. England today, in parts, did. They're giving the young bloods opportunities and its paying off.
Maybe the problems in the backs (sorry, being a centre its my main focus) is down to Nigel Davies, but I think sadly the buck stops with SJ. When he went off and Hook took 10, they looked far more threatening, much more movement and better distribution. SJ offers no pace and is playing too deep, offering death balls to Hook to try and do something with. His game's also lost alot of width. Shanks has improved though, and is heading back into form.
We need change, we need GJ out and sadly SJ out too. He's been a great 10 but he doesn't offer anything to the game anymore.
I also think Henson has lost out big time under Jenkins. There was obviously something during the AI's that we didnt hear about; i think under a new coach we might see henson get back into form. Theres a big hole at 12 (as Hook is clearly a brilliant 10). Im not Henson's biggest fan but I think we shouldn't be too quick to resign him to being Mr Charlie Church.
We'll lose against England. In a way, that might be a good thing. It should mean the end of GJ, and although its very close to the world cup, i think we need to take the risk with someone new. Otherwise the humiliation will continue.

  • 114.
  • At 12:54 AM on 12 Mar 2007,
  • Gwynfryn Williams wrote:

Let the Welsh enjoy the world cup by withdrawing this mismanaged team.
It's time we realised that we need the best to run a world class team,and even though we have world class players' (and we do), their management is shameful.

  • 115.
  • At 01:24 AM on 12 Mar 2007,
  • JJ wrote:

Its only a game, we lost, we'll lose again, it's all about learning from it and at the moment we just don't seem to be. I hope we can feel as unhappy about the decision making process when it goes in our favour in the future. Italy were better, the officials performed as well as they could and wales didn't turn up. Let Italy have their moment as they've come a long way.

  • 116.
  • At 01:55 AM on 12 Mar 2007,
  • dab wrote:

I think this was already stated in an earlier post but Gareth Jenkins IS the Ron Waldron of 2007.

He is unbelievably out of touch and don't know what kind of style he is trying to get us to play - looks something like keep giving the opposition the ball and somehow without the ball we will manage to win !

On the 2005 Lions tour did Woodward have a crystal ball with him where he could see Jenkins becoming the Welsh coach and thought right this is it I know how I could get the Welsh to play crap rugby again ?

If we lose to England next week then Jenkins should resign on the Monday .

Bring back Mike Ruddock .

  • 117.
  • At 02:01 AM on 12 Mar 2007,
  • Paul wrote:

Mr White - correct in Law. The error was in his miscommunication on which he has apologised.

Standard practice for refs in that situation if they are asked and they say there is enough time to get to the lineout is to play the lineout.

This isnt in law but is a reasonable practice.

At internationals the referee is not in control of the timing and thus he does not know when it ends.

He was told, time has expired, the ball was dead and the lineout had not been awarded. Therefore he had no choice but to blow full time UNDER LAW.

If he had carried on he may have jeopardised his spot at the RWC??? and therein lies the strict application of Laws this year, even if they look wrong.

  • 118.
  • At 02:02 AM on 12 Mar 2007,
  • Guido wrote:

We Lost to Italy, it wasnt lost in the last seconds, ref or no ref, we lost it in the first half...
I wish I could understand what our game play was..we throw the ball around if we are still in school... here, there, anywhere..thers no direction to play with.. we take chance after chance, and still end up going backwards: We look a average side, but isnt this side we have now, the side that took the GRAND SLAM, A couple of years ago...
Something is wrong, and i can only say, its the management to blame for it.
Small minded , with small ideas..
We need a person who has got the BIGGER picture to take us forwrd

  • 119.
  • At 02:34 AM on 12 Mar 2007,
  • Lionel Scales wrote:

Wales lost to the better team. Yes, some actions by Italian players were despicable, and should have been penalised, but they hardly turned the game against Wales. The 'fiasco' at the end will be a lesson to the players involved. The main problem facing Wales, in my opinion, is that the coach is not of international calibre. No matter Gareth Jenkins's pedigree at club level, he seems out of his depth with the national team. Even his media interviews show no decisive grasp of the nature of the game on the international stage, and are cliche-ridden at best. I am reluctant to say it, but I feel that he should stand down after the six nations games. (Should we invite Mike Ruddock to take over for the World Cup, with options for 2008 and beyond?)

  • 120.
  • At 05:00 AM on 12 Mar 2007,
  • Tommy wrote:

Bring Back Ruddock! We need him so badly. Mind you he wont come back because of the way he was treated. anyway I think we can beat england but i also think its unlikely. but were at home so lets see what cardiff can bring us.

  • 121.
  • At 06:29 AM on 12 Mar 2007,
  • Paul wrote:

I don't know who is best to coach Wales at the moment but someone that is capable of getting the Welsh pride and passion back in to the game and can get a world class team to perform. The team fell apart just prior to Ruddocks departure (rumour has it he was to blame for that and it's connected to Sonny Parkers "retirement" at his peak game!) and have never looked the same since. Two of the longest darkest years of Welsh rugby, where will it end? I've no confidence of a win against England next week which all points to a white wash. As for the ref...Wales didn't win it in 80 mins so the 6 secs wouldn't make a difference.

  • 122.
  • At 06:34 AM on 12 Mar 2007,
  • wrote:

Bad decision - undoubtedly

But then, Wales shouldn't have been in that position anyway. What the hell's going on? This is virtually the same group of players who majestically took the Grand Slam.Is it the line -out? The coaching?
England played superbly yesterday and if the same team turns up next week and the same Wales mind-set turns up, we'll be looking at the record books again...
In my mind, the only person guaranteed a place next weekend is Katherine Jenkins - she's never put a foot wrong!

  • 123.
  • At 07:11 AM on 12 Mar 2007,
  • HLechef wrote:

Writers are referring to the lineout after a penalty kick as a normal lineout, it isn't, otherwise the opposition would throw in the ball. The side awarded the penalty is allowed to throw the ball in SO IT MUST BE PART OF THE PENALTY. That being the case, if the kick is allowed, THE LINEOUT MUST BE ALLOWED BECAUSE THE BALL IS NOT DEAD DURING A PENALTY.
However, that said, Wales are not playing like a functional team. When Ruddock was coach, there was a strong scrum and lineout ensuring an adequate supply of good first phase ball; the ball was won going forward and the half backs had a bit of time to take the best options. Even the knowledge that the ball from a scrum or lineout would PROBABLY be good gave an edge that is missing in the Wales' game this season. Wales cannot be sure of getting good ball from either scrum or lineout and the uncertainty leads to a more defensive attitude, even when in an attacking position, so the ball is kicked too often and possession given away. Wales has good players who have played better in their careers. Most have not gone backwards because of old age, they have just lacked good coaching in the Wales' squad. There will not be any improvement until the coaching team changes and the WRU takes steps to ensure that 'player power' will not cause us to lose another good coach like Ruddock.

  • 124.
  • At 07:25 AM on 12 Mar 2007,
  • Andrew Coz wrote:

I must be honest, I am Welsh and would prefer to go down fighting rather than get another draw!

At the time the penalty was granted I said they can't take the 3 points! If they were top of the table then clearly that would be the case, sadly we are at the bottom with nothing to gain by getting a point out of the match!

In hind sight a tap penalty would of been the option to take! What ever happened to set move penalties close to the try line, all international and Regional side go for the line outs!!! This makes no sense to me when you are 100% sure of possession from a tap and run with some forwards on crash ball runs with support!

Bazzar moment but Italy were there to do a job and they did it! Well done!

  • 125.
  • At 08:30 AM on 12 Mar 2007,
  • DJC wrote:

Paul No 117.

Best and enlightened post on the sorry Chris White ending-well done. I just hope that some of the bigots who cannot stand being beaten by a better side, will read it, but I doubt it.

  • 126.
  • At 08:41 AM on 12 Mar 2007,
  • Brian Matthews wrote:

Even if the line-out had been taken, Wales would have done one of the following:lost the line-put, dropped the ball, knocked on, given away a penalty or completely lost their way as with the previous 79 minutes. So it makes no difference at all. the referee simply saved us one last moment of embarrassment.

  • 127.
  • At 09:03 AM on 12 Mar 2007,
  • kiwi wrote:

Fact is that Wales didn't do enough over the 80 minutes. They couldn't take the 3 points on offer because they hadn't done enough over the preceding 79 minutes and 50 seconds.
Really disappointing end to a game of rugby though.
All keyed up for a death or glory lineout and charge for the line and the ref just stops it...

  • 128.
  • At 09:11 AM on 12 Mar 2007,
  • David Isaac wrote:

We were poor....end of conversation....we were just very poor, as for the final 10 seconds, if we could'nt manage do do it in 70 minutes of play what hope REALISTICALLY was there of doing it in the last 10 seconds....we should have taken the three points and gone home with a draw...poor decision making....and NOT by the referee..

  • 129.
  • At 09:16 AM on 12 Mar 2007,
  • Derek Rowlands wrote:

The worst possible thing to happen next week is for Wales to win, and we might, if we do then GJ will be off the hook, if he had any pride or loyalty to Wales he would resigne now and let us rebuild for the future, who would I choose to replace him, I dont know, we have given away three of the best coaches in the world so who would come here, I fear it will become like trying to find a coach for the Engilsh football team!

  • 130.
  • At 09:21 AM on 12 Mar 2007,
  • Pedro wrote:

The Welsh kicker was told by the referee that there were 10 seconds remaining. As apparently experienced players, the captain or kicker should have realised that it would take longer than 10 seconds to form a line-out and get the ball back in play. Given that the ball would be dead once it was kicked into touch, surely at least one of the players should have twigged that the only options were to run the ball or kick for goal. As an aside, I think that if the referee had been in charge of time, as in "the old days", Wales would have been allowed the line out. By taking that responsibility away from the referee (to 'prevent human error' perhaps?), you have a situation where the ref is dependent on another person for decisions on things such as time. Give the referees back their responsibilities, and allow them to be in sole charge.

  • 131.
  • At 09:29 AM on 12 Mar 2007,
  • Lee wrote:

What kind of a state has Welsh Rugby come to when they are complaining about being "robbed" of a draw with the Italians?
Home nations wipe the smiles off your faces that were so present when England "struggled" past Italy. We're the only ones this side of the channel that have made that struggle so far. Watch out Ireland.

  • 132.
  • At 09:30 AM on 12 Mar 2007,
  • Dutch wrote:

It seems to me that there were 3 options.
1) Kick for goal almost certain 3 points and a draw
2) Kick to touch ball will go dead and no guarantee that the line out would be won anyway
3) Take a tap penalty, keeping the ball alive in your own hands whereby time cannot be called until the ball goes dead.

Its pretty plain to me that the safest way of maintaining possesssion of the ball was to tap and go.
Christ grass roots players would have been able to make that decision.

Wales lost the game during the 80 minutes not the last 10 seconds, all that occurred in the last 10 seconds was a very poor decision that fitted in with a very poor overall performance. If Wales had won Italy could have felt very hard done by.
Stop blaming Chris White, he told them there were 10 seconds left and Hook made an incorrect decision.

  • 133.
  • At 09:36 AM on 12 Mar 2007,
  • David Jonathan Chiplin wrote:

On the subject of Brian Moore's commentaries, I agree that he is sometimes biased and a bit politically incorrect but he does have a go at the English teams as well as the opposition.

I think of him as a "colour" commentator as the Americans would say and he's there to get a reaction and provoke an argument from his co-commentator which he rarely gets from Eddie Butler who is as fair and even handed as they come.

  • 134.
  • At 09:37 AM on 12 Mar 2007,
  • jim wrote:

Can we all lay off Chris White.

He has apologised as game "manager" and that should be an end.

The problem was with the timer. He clearly told Mr White that there was 10 seconds, unfortunately in the time between that, Mr White telling the Welsh, and Hook asking if there was time for the line out it was probably nearer 5.

I don't know whether the timer could hear the conversations on the pitch but if he could he should have waited until the lineout was awarded before he called time. If he couldn't then he did everything by the book.

The issue of lineout timing compared to penalty was recently discussed in the Laws blog and it was stated that a lineout from a penalty is a new play from a dead ball and therefore not part of the penalty.

From the point of view of timing, if the ref had called the lineout, it would have taken place. The problem was that the timer had called time before the ref could do that.

What would have happened if the ref had said no time when asked? I would like to think that Hook would have tapped, but when an excuse is offered to divert attention from inadequacy, I guess its easier to accept it.

  • 135.
  • At 10:00 AM on 12 Mar 2007,
  • Guy wrote:

Message 89. appropriately named Mr. Pratt.

So you expect referees never to make mistakes? (if indeed this particular event was a mistake.) It must be wonderful in your utopian world!

Bottom line is that referees generally make less mistakes in a game than the players do.

Like, for instance, kicking to touch with 10 seconds left on the clock and expecting to get a match winning try!

  • 136.
  • At 10:10 AM on 12 Mar 2007,
  • Idris Evans wrote:

Gareth Jenkins is out of his depth - FACT.
Get rid ASAP.

  • 137.
  • At 10:11 AM on 12 Mar 2007,
  • Ian Walker wrote:

People are wondering why the officials didn't see Bergomasco's punch - have you considered that it's because he didn't let them? Incidents like that happen a hundred times a week in club games up and down the country - and the first thing you learn about the dark arts is to make sure that they don't get seen by the ref or the TJs.

The video evidence is there, and he'll almost certainly get cited and banned, but you can't blame the on-field officials

  • 138.
  • At 10:18 AM on 12 Mar 2007,
  • chrisdxuk wrote:

Wales' biggest problem lies in the failure of the pack to win descent ball. the backs are a match for anyone and hookies performance in that second half was excellent. The possession stats are a bit of a mis-nomer when Wales won the Grand Slam in 05, they never had >50% possession in any match. Its what you do with it that counts

  • 139.
  • At 10:31 AM on 12 Mar 2007,
  • ES wrote:

1. I never understood the obsession with kicking a close-range penalty to touch. Surely a scrum guarantees the possession, ties in all the opposition forwards giving you more chance out wide or via back row moves, and is 15 metres in giving you a hefty blind side option. I guess the idea with the lineout is that, having secured the ball, the opposition will stand aside and you casually walk the maul in from 5 metres.

2. Don't make me laugh about Brian Moore. First candidate for removal for biased commentating is the whingeing Welshman Jonathon Davies. Every comment is Welsh-biased. Every opposition break is ALWAYS primarily down to poor Welsh defence. And it's always so whiney. After that we would move on to Eddie Butler...

3. A rule change would be a good idea to allow the lineout to be part of the penalty play. As long as the kick into touch is carried out before time, the lineout should then be guaranteed irrespective how long it takes to sort out. After all, there SHOULD be a disadvantage to the infringing team. It would also become unambiguous from the time-keeping point-of-view.

  • 140.
  • At 10:32 AM on 12 Mar 2007,
  • andy wrote:

So some people are annoyed at the supposed bias of Brian Moore. The question I would ask is why do we need a welshman commenting on an a game not involving Wales. I find Eddie Butler's commentary every bit as biased as Brian Moore's.

And the referee made the correct decision. The penalty was awarded nd that play concluded with the kick into touch the ensuing line out is not part of the same paly and therefore if time has run out then its the end of the game.

The big question really should be why take a crazy option in the first place!

  • 141.
  • At 10:34 AM on 12 Mar 2007,
  • Chris Wills wrote:

The main point about Saturday's game is there should never have been any need to get concerned about that decision. It is better that Wales lost and take a long hard look at themselves than they scraped a draw or even a win and fool themselves everything is alright. It is the same with England; losing to Ireland was a good thing because they were forced to make necessary changes. They are not yet there but I fear they will outplay Wales even taking the crowd and passion into consideration.
Beech or Pine?

  • 142.
  • At 10:36 AM on 12 Mar 2007,
  • Japro wrote:

So what you are saying is that after 79 minutes and 50 seconds, the referee is responsible for Wales losing the game in 10 seconds ??, Ummm, technically the ref was wrong, but a bit harsh to blame him for losing the game. Wales, you have problems all of your own making since you stabbed your successful coach in the back.!!!

  • 143.
  • At 10:37 AM on 12 Mar 2007,
  • Dermott wrote:

Annoying and frustrating as the ref's cock-up at the end was, it doesn't compare with Gareth Jenkin's cock-ups as coach to date.

It is hard to believe that this is essentially the same group of players that Ruddock had. But as it is, he must take the lion's share of responsibilty for the distinctly below average (yes i'm being kind) performances so far. We have not won a 6 nations game since Ruddock left. And we won't next week. (Much as that hurts me to say)

I mistakenly believed that Jenkins would be a good choice of coach but was unimpressed with his choice of backroom staff (Neil Jenks apart.)the belief he had the best people in wales at llanelli is either arrogant or stupid. I go for the latter. I'd hoped he try to get a top team behind him and bring in foreigners if necessary. West really isn't always best.

I believe it's too late to get rid before the world cup,it's never worked before. So its a few more months of misery to endure. We have been here too often in the last 20 years.

  • 144.
  • At 10:38 AM on 12 Mar 2007,
  • Phil Davis wrote:

The 4th official (timer?) did Chris White no favours. He is heard repeatedly (3x) saying "Chris, I have time" in response to requests for clarification from the ref once the ball had been kicked into touch. What does that mean? Was he being obtuse or what? Why could he not have said "There is time for the lineout" or "Its the end of the game". I trust he will be stood down for future internationals !!

  • 145.
  • At 10:41 AM on 12 Mar 2007,
  • John wrote:

Come on my Italian friends, don't get chippy (too many "stop bleating" and "Welsh Rugby is history" silly posts). I don't think there's a Welshman on this board who doesn't admit that Italy were worth it over 80 mins and that the main fault for our losing lies with us and not Chris White. The big plus for Italy this year is that your backs have looked dangerous for the first time I can remember. You were indeed v.unlucky with the "knock-on" from a Welsh hand (though scoring along the touchline from that far out is normally quite tricky). Having said that, I don't actually despair of the Welsh side either. There was enough glimmer (particularly James Hook) of talent for me to think that we could still gel together. We talk about how we have fallen from the 2005 Grand Slam side to a Whitewash. But two years before the GS we were pretty shocking too. I am not yet convinced that we won't acquit ourselves respectably in the RWC. And, indeed, I'd prefer to go into that with our chances written off, than with everyone talking us up. We tend to thrive on lack of confidence.

Chris White was a bit of a goon. There were fewer than 10 seconds between him telling James Hook he had 10 seconds and the ball going into touch (and therefore a line-out being awarded). So he should have honoured what he had said.

But as others have pointed out, we might not have scored anyway. And though a Whitewash is pretty nasty, it's not hugely different from having one point at the end of the season having scraped a last minute win against Italy, is it?

I wouldn't be surprised if we still beat the Sais. But wouldn't be surprised if we don't either.

  • 146.
  • At 10:41 AM on 12 Mar 2007,
  • redpirate wrote:

It is good to see supporters being so even handed in their comments. "wales didn't lose it because of the last ten seconds"

I do referee games and agree it was a poor decision, in fact it was poor play all round. Italy for giving the penalty away, Wales for not kicking for goal or running and the ref for not being authorative enough.

Just switching the argument on its head. If the time keeper had said time was done, Mr. White had let play continue anyway and Wales scored and won the game. Do you think the Italians would have felt less hard done by than you did?

  • 147.
  • At 10:42 AM on 12 Mar 2007,
  • wrote:

i have read a few posts where by people are insisting ruddock be re-instated as coach, why would anyone want someone who had little or no respect from his players to be placed back there!!!!!

we must stop complaining and start supporting our national team.

  • 148.
  • At 10:43 AM on 12 Mar 2007,
  • rk wrote:

You Welsh are so predictable. You always seem to have a need to blame someone other than yourselves. The players on the pitch mad a poor decision, you lost to a good Italian team. Live with it!

  • 149.
  • At 10:45 AM on 12 Mar 2007,
  • greg treharne wrote:

get a grip the team was just not good enough to beat the so called weakest team in the six nations, WE are just using excusses for another bad welsh display .the game of rugby is played with ball in hand something the welsh team had little of. Stop having a go at the officials, and look at the real problem, the team and the coaching staff.

  • 150.
  • At 11:01 AM on 12 Mar 2007,
  • Christopher wrote:

oh my, oh my. Move on fellas. Yes it was a mistake or miscommunication, which Chris White has apologised for, but not as big a mistake as deciding to kick to touch with seconds to go expecting that they would simply drive a pack back for a try that had outplayed them for 79 mins and 50 seconds. They should have swalloed their pride and gone for goal, or tapped and ran. It was a very poor tactical choice.

  • 151.
  • At 11:05 AM on 12 Mar 2007,
  • wyn morgan wrote:

Until the coaching staff and team are correct there is little chance of winning. Gareth Jenkins said he would pick on form. Colin Charvis is in the form of his life. Ryan Jones has lost form. Charvis doesn't even get on the bench and Jenkins loses all credibility.

Rob McBride is not good enough to coach the forwards. These are the same guys that won the grand slam so no excuses.

The WRU got it wrong. They should have appointed Phil Davies. His record in the Guinness Premiership was excellent. A far harder training ground than the cosy Magners League.

  • 152.
  • At 11:10 AM on 12 Mar 2007,
  • rod wrote:

how are we supposed to beat england. what team do we pick? we need the ball and the players we got cant keep it!!
whats everyones views on this?

15. Kevin Morgan
14. Aled Brew
13. Gareth Thomas
12. Shanklin
11. Shane Williams
10. James Hook
9. Mike Phillips
8. Popham
7. Martyn Williams
6. Colin Charvis
5. Brent
4. Alun Wyn
3. Duncan
2. Mefin
1. gethin Jenkins

Lets get some physicallity back in our play. why not go ' big is beautifull' it works for everyone else. look at new zealand and Ma Nonu. terrible hands but still makes into the new zealand team? we can still keep the elusive players sucj as shane and kevin but by players big impact players that will only lead to more space for shane as people like mike phipps and brew normally take more than one man to stop them.
theres got to be logic in this??

  • 153.
  • At 11:12 AM on 12 Mar 2007,
  • owen wrote:

Never mind the referee. Wales had hardly any teritory or ball. Jenkins has got to take the blame, we have talent in our squad but he is not helping in fuffiling there potential. Wales and jenkins have go to take the blame not the ref!!!!!

  • 154.
  • At 11:18 AM on 12 Mar 2007,
  • Nicola wrote:

If Wales would have beaten Italy in the same way Italy did on Saturday a lot of comments wouls have sound like "Italy still doesn't know all the tricks to play at international level" and the Bergamasco's punch would have been called "something that can happen in scrums". Please face that fact that Italy deserves sometimes to win.
Anyway it has been a very nice match!!!!

  • 155.
  • At 11:33 AM on 12 Mar 2007,
  • Clive Meyers wrote:

could i just remind Gareth Lewis that the game has LAWS not RULES.

And that Wales should feel agrieved by what happened, but look on the bright side of things, what would have been the reaction if a similar situation had happened in a football match....... riots, arrests, and thats not even thinking about what the fans would have done!

  • 156.
  • At 11:34 AM on 12 Mar 2007,
  • Valleys Silver Fox wrote:

I have to agree with comment no. 132. Wales did indeed lose the game in the previous 80 minutes and not the last 10 seconds.

At least we will get a nice new wooden spoon to hang up in the trophy cabinet this year.

  • 157.
  • At 11:35 AM on 12 Mar 2007,
  • Ac wrote:

I have just watched the scrum 5 review of the situation online with the counter going. Chris White says 10secs. Hook kickes the ball there is then a further 18secs before Chris White blows for fulltime and the lineout still isn't formed. The welsh must have known that they needed to get the ball back in play I believe that the welsh should have taken a tap if they realy thought they were up to it.

  • 158.
  • At 11:44 AM on 12 Mar 2007,
  • Rob wrote:

Just watched an excellent clip on scrum V online where the discussion between Chris White and James Hook, and then White and the TMO is clearly audible and can be timed. White tells the Welsh players they have 10 seconds, 4 seconds later he confirms to James Hook that they have 10 seconds and there is time for the lineout if they're quick or words to that effect. Then White has a ridiculous conversation with the TMO where the TMO informs White that time is now up (because the clock has continued to tick! it's not basketball where the clock stops when the ball is out of play). White questions this twice with his TMO who tells him in an exasberated tone that time is now up. Meanwhile Hook has kicked to touch, but the Welsh pack have shown no urgency to get the ball back on the pitch within the 10 second interval. At the end of his conversation with the TMO White blows for full time, now 20 seconds after telling Hook he has 10 seconds. As regards whether the lineout should have been taken or not, it was not adwarded within normal time and therefore should not be completed under the rules. The problem here is the refs poor communication. He should have clearly told the welsh players that he was blowing for full time in 10 seconds if the ball was not in play from a lineout and that the clock was still ticking. End of conversation. Welsh decision as to what to do. Very unsatisfactory end to a great game.

  • 159.
  • At 11:57 AM on 12 Mar 2007,
  • tony wrote:

Does anyone have a comment on why instead of kicking for touch they didn't take a tap. That way at least we would have had possession (not guaranteed from line-out) and the game would have ensued until the next break in play regardless of the clock.

  • 160.
  • At 12:00 PM on 12 Mar 2007,
  • godisenglish wrote:

get over it and stop bleating you'll have your chance to put it right next weekend ( but remember you also had your chance to put it right last weekend)

  • 161.
  • At 12:06 PM on 12 Mar 2007,
  • Neil Graham wrote:

Rather than comment on whether the referee was right or wrong. I think what more disturbing and no one has commented on was the way in which the referee was confronted by the welsh players(gareth thomas in particular). Whether or not you agree with the decision, you do not as a player stand in the middle of the pitch and argue with the referee, you accept and move on! Or are modern professional rugby players going to start acting like footballers whenever a decision goes against them!

  • 162.
  • At 12:18 PM on 12 Mar 2007,
  • Michael wrote:

Wales have far greater problems then a bad decision at the end of game they didnt deserve to win. They simply dont learn from their mistakes, I think their team is good not great, They play without a gameplan and make the same mistakes every match.
There is no real structure to their play, they can play a brilliant game but still lose because they cant create a platform.
There a team of mostly individuals with great attacking flare but no gameplan what so ever.

  • 163.
  • At 12:20 PM on 12 Mar 2007,
  • paul wrote:

Maybe I need a hearing aid but at no time during the conversation did anyone ask whether they had time for a lineout.
Hook asked how much time was left.
White replied 10 seconds.

Neither party asked or discussed a lineout.

  • 164.
  • At 12:21 PM on 12 Mar 2007,
  • PETE GRAHAM wrote:

having just relooked at the line-out incident, the whole affair begs a much broader question;
who is in charge of the game?
in this case it is clearly the TMO - he is heard INSTRUCTING Chris White what do - he is not advising.
this is completely wrong.
i'm sure some bright spark will look up the rules and confirm that THE REFEREE is in sole charge of the game and the other officials are there simply to advise.
either CW has abdicated his responsibilities, or the TMO has acted beyond his power.
we must have this split of responsibility cleared up before we have yet another fiasco.
remember the England try which was disallowed - again on the TMO's instruction.
Pete Graham

  • 165.
  • At 12:22 PM on 12 Mar 2007,
  • brian wrote:

I think this underlines the dangers of becoming over-reliant on technology in refereeing. In the old days time was up to the man on the pitch. Things could go wrong ( I remember reading about a Scottish club game in the 1970鈥檚 where the first half lasted 55 minutes because the ref鈥檚 watch had stopped鈥..) but at least it was clear who had the call. Now, at least in the international game, timing seems to fall into a grey area between the on field referee and the video ref upstairs. Given the number of times you see play stopped while various minions fiddle round with the referee鈥檚 communications technology, I wonder how reliable this communication is and how many 鈥渢ime off/on鈥 calls get lost in transmission. It was obvious from the replay of what was said that White was having trouble hearing what Warren was telling him- and it didn鈥檛 help that the message itself was far from unambiguous. If one is going down this high tech route then there need to be some agreed mandatory wordings for certain situations (imagine the scope for additional confusion in cases where the TMO is, say, French or a primarily Afrikaans speaking South African and the on field ref a monoglot Anglophone).

All that said, Hook should have realised he was taking a hell of a risk kicking for touch with seconds to go after dithering over what to do. It suggests to my mind that (like a lot of players in many sports) he doesn鈥檛 know the laws of the game too well himself and (like many posters on this thread) wrongly assumed that the throw in to the line was still part of the penalty. He鈥檇 have been far better off taking a quick tap anyway, given the unreliable nature of the Welsh line out.

I did initially feel that White should have replied when asked about the time that there was enough time to put the ball into touch but that there wouldn鈥檛 be enough time to take the line-out (answering the intent of the question rather than the actual words) but on reflection I wonder if that could have been construed as giving advice to one side.

As far as the suggestion that Italy got some home town decisions goes- well, probably they did. It means that they鈥檙e now accepted as a proper part of the rugby world in which home teams would normally expect to shade the penalty count and are no longer being subjected to the blatant double standards which were applied to them when they first came into the Six Nations.

  • 166.
  • At 12:22 PM on 12 Mar 2007,
  • Tito wrote:

Wales have gone from being World Cup challengers to minnows in the time it takes to say, 鈥渟o, winning the Grand Slam may have had something to do with that Ruddock chap after all; and wasn鈥檛 all the work of the fat Aussie who lost a couple and cleared off sharpish to be replaced by Mr Average. Perhaps we could ask Ruddock what he鈥檚 up to these days? Don鈥檛 bother, I know - he鈥檚 staying as far as possible away from the hypocritical, arrogant, self-serving buffoons at the WRU.鈥

Don鈥檛 bother blaming the ref鈥

  • 167.
  • At 12:22 PM on 12 Mar 2007,
  • peteyowens wrote:

The ref made far less errors than the players and the coaches did Mr Pratt, maybe they should be the ones resigning?

  • 168.
  • At 12:30 PM on 12 Mar 2007,
  • Dan wrote:

Forgive me if I'm wrong, but this entire furore seems to be about the difference between sitting at the bottom of the table with no points, and sitting at the bottom of the table with one point.

I think it's about time the welsh moved on and started worrying about the job in hand - namely the thumping they will be getting at Cardiff next week.

  • 169.
  • At 12:43 PM on 12 Mar 2007,
  • Gareth Gough wrote:

Grow up Alastair Mclelan at post 45, what is wrong with a bit of sarcasm. Even the great Bill McClaren occasionaly used it in his commentary.

I'm all for a bit of humour and banter as long as it is not overtly offensive.

  • 170.
  • At 12:46 PM on 12 Mar 2007,
  • Mark Jones wrote:

Has Bergomasco been cited for punching Stephen Jones?

  • 171.
  • At 12:47 PM on 12 Mar 2007,
  • john bennett wrote:

I haven't checked every post but no one seems to have spotted what actually happened. The TV replay clearly shows the clock ticking down as the Welsh players ask the referee how much time is left. The 4th official tells the referee there are 10 seconds, but the clock is still counting down. By the time he tells the players "10 seconds" there are actually only 4 or 5 left. When the ball is kicked into touch the clock showed over 80 minutes, so end of game. It was a misunderstanding, but the Welsh took too long and the officials are dead right. I ask everyone to watch it closely, it is clear.

  • 172.
  • At 12:47 PM on 12 Mar 2007,
  • Guy wrote:

Post 102. jeremy

The voice of reason!
Your whole post is laughable!

  • 173.
  • At 12:52 PM on 12 Mar 2007,
  • Chris (not White!) wrote:

Before any more people nail Chris White, look at the evidence. With 3 or 4 seconds to go White askes the TMO how long to go and the TMO says 10 seconds - this is clear from the television evidence. The TMO has given incorrect information to the ref and the ref acts, correctly, upon it. Wales, also acting on the info, take the kick for touch. The TMO now must have realised his error and informed the ref that time was up.
The TMO is in error. Chris White is not. All credit to Welsh rugby for taking it on the chin and not behaving like highly paid and/or knighted soccer managers.

  • 174.
  • At 12:53 PM on 12 Mar 2007,
  • Iestyn wrote:

in reply to comment 152:

15. Kevin Morgan - deserve3s to be in the match 22, but ithink it was wrong to play him on saturday so soon after breaking his jaw.
14. Aled Brew - havnt really seen him in action, but fro mwhat i saw against ireland he doesnt look like an international yet.
13. Gareth Thomas - should of come on sooner, only had 10 minutes towards the end
12. Shanklin - nothing needs to be said about his game. we need shanklin at the moment
11. Shane Williams - ditto. remember when he first came on the scene and people said he was too small???
10. James Hook - played well for the full 90 minutes for the first time this tournament .wasnt at fault for the fracas.
9. Mike Phillips - should be getting some action, as peel doesnt seem to be performing at the mo.
8. Popham - played well
7. Martyn Williams - also played well
6. Colin Charvis - maybe we need the dallaglio effect???
5. Brent - havnt seen much of him in action. maybe cockbain should be back for the england match
4. Alun Wyn - has been playing well
3. Duncan - hasnt been getting match time this tournament. strange seeing as he was captain in the summer!
2. Mefin - havnt seen his form of late, but maybe we need a consistent hooker?
1. gethin Jenkins - has been the only prop playing consistently. still not convinced with horsman.

  • 175.
  • At 01:10 PM on 12 Mar 2007,
  • Simon wrote:

Wales best chance of a win would have been to send up a high ball that dropped on the goalposts with 15 men chasing it.

  • 176.
  • At 01:14 PM on 12 Mar 2007,
  • STUART wrote:

I do not blame the ref alone. Would we have still been complaining if we hadn't scored. it certainly was not guarenteed. As far as the team selection goes. Horsman is a liability he gives away far too many penalties. Shane Williams is exceptional but why not start with larger stronger wings then bring him on second half when his opponants are already getting tired and he is fresh. They will not get close. Hook at 10 we have nothing to lose now. Otherwise on paper it is a good team, don't blame jenkins but i did not think he would be a yes man. he is not playing things his way he will go the way of ruddock.

  • 177.
  • At 01:15 PM on 12 Mar 2007,
  • Tom wrote:

Bad decision. He said sorry. It's done. Who's to say Wales would have scored anyway? I'd back the Italian forwards over a last gasp Welsh drive any day. I'm dismayed to see this happening to the Welsh team. Just like the Welsh supporters were when it happened to England...ha!

You've every chance next week, this 6 nations is completely unpredicatble. As an Englishman, I'm no more confident about next week than i was on Friday. You'll be so fired up for it and it's only your second home game. I'll be there and Cardiff will be a lot more fun if you do win. Either way, I'm happy.

  • 178.
  • At 01:20 PM on 12 Mar 2007,
  • Huw wrote:

The decision to go for the line out was simply naive. Why did Wales think they could win the game in the final ten seconds when they couldn鈥檛 put the match to bed in the first 79 minutes??? We should never have been in that position regardless of how things went at the final whistle.

Watching Scrum V last night I was irritated by Jenkins鈥 response when asked who the decision makers were. By saying that there was no particular decision maker on the field at that point due to his captain and vice-captain leaving the field is utter nonsense and shows complete arrogance the man has. Why was there not a contingency plan in place so that the order of decision making was clear under such circumstances? Shows the man isn't fit to coach at international level.

Chris White cannot be blamed, he was in the unfortunate position of having to react to some pretty appalling communication from the TMO. Having said that, he had the power to overrule and honouring the call which could have saved an awful lot of red faces but would probably not have changed the result.

We鈥檙e taking steps backwards not forward and if Jenkins thinks he鈥檚 got time on his hands compared to the six years Clive Woodward had to win a world cup then he is so wrong. Woodward鈥檚 England were a class act over the course of each five and six nations campaign under his tenure and their only failing was complacency or bottle when it mattered most. Jenkins has not even brought us close. We have (on paper) a world class group of players who have shown their ability to brush aside teams in the recent past. I鈥檓 afraid the buck stops with Jenkins and his back room staff and shows how the WRU got it so right when they initially appointed Ruddock over him in 2004.

I鈥檓 sorry to add to the Stephen Jones bashing but he is not the best fly half in Wales and is not an effective decision maker under pressure. We simply must play Hook at 10 next Saturday and must pick form players 鈥 Phillips, Charvis, Cockbain and Thomas to name a few. I would even go so far as to rest Jones and give the captaincy to Thomas for the final match. We'll need a captain with the ability to steer and lift his team under pressure next week. Love him or loath him, those guys need someone that is prepared to wear his heart on his sleeve and lead by example. I cannot think of anyone better to lift the squad at the moment.

We have nothing to lose against a confident England because yet again we are the laughing stock of the rugby world.

  • 179.
  • At 01:22 PM on 12 Mar 2007,
  • tony thomas wrote:

i think the players must look at themselfs an take there fair share of the blame as must garth jenkins.he must rest stephen jones as he will be need for the world cup as will others .because make no bones about it he is a class player.who is out of form an has suffered with the presure of being captain as in the past many other players have.i think jenkins biggest mistake was surrounding himself with guys he can trust but whom are not upto the job. but can you blame him, i am sure mike ruddock will not!

  • 180.
  • At 01:28 PM on 12 Mar 2007,
  • funkentelechy wrote:

it's difficult to believe that people are still banging on about dodgy officiating this long after the game! lose those posts & i think we're all agreed that a) we'd already lost the game & b) the coaching staff has to go. bottom line. let's stick to the more inventive posts where we analyse what we can do to stop the rot, not the emotionally-wrought ifs & buts that do nothing to address the big picture.

the idiot gj & co must resign immediately after the probable defeat to the english. that said, if we win i'll eat my hat in queen street but it looks a long shot. world cup or no, we need to try something new as it's obvious our current coach will not.

now let's have no more on chris white please. we're embarassing ourselves in front of the other nations.

  • 181.
  • At 01:30 PM on 12 Mar 2007,
  • sionee wrote:

Our faults against Italy have been mirrored by other defeats this year.

We have lacked posession- Charvis and Martyn Williams are fantastic at creating turnovers. Would love to see them playing together!! Different skills.

How often is the tem changed!! Ireland has barely changed team in 7 Years!! Is this succuss on the back of consistency or vice versa. I'd suggest both.

If a player is not playing at 100% the best way to ensure he doesn't improve is by changing the players around him continuously!!

Ref was asked is there time for lineout. Response Yea if you take it now and Hook booted out. The line should have been allowed of course. Watch it carefully before you give opinions or you'll waste our time!!

  • 182.
  • At 01:49 PM on 12 Mar 2007,
  • Richard Thomas wrote:

Line out or no line out, there is no way of knowing if it would have made a difference.
The reality is that Wales played badly which is the underlying problem.I watched the game on Setanta and the commentators had already given the game to Wales at half time. Why not give some credit to Italy who over achieved, hung in and got the job done.

  • 183.
  • At 02:00 PM on 12 Mar 2007,
  • Ian C wrote:

in addition to 164 & 165 what exactly are the roles of the TMO, referee (and linesmen)these days. It appears that the referee calls when time is suspended but the TMO has overall say when the total time expires at the end of each half. Couldn't a highly visible clock that all can see resolve the problem of knowing how much time is left? Then there are "incidents" not seen by the referee (Sg. Bergamasco's "alleged" punch & off the ball tackle of Williams, for example)which are seen by the TMO (and linesmen)? Can they be (should they be??) reported to the referee. (I thought lines men did have the authority but they were conspicuously lacking during the game)
If we have the technology lets use it: If the technology doesn't work then let's stick with a single referee and blaming him for everything in the same way as we've done for years.........

  • 184.
  • At 02:02 PM on 12 Mar 2007,
  • gwaelodboy wrote:

I don't understand all theese comments that argue that Chris White got it right - Chris White himself now effectively admits that it was the wrong decision. He clearly indicated to them that he would allow the lineout. I think that the TMO was watching the clock and not paying attention to what White was saying to the players. White's mistake was asking the TMO if there was enough time to take the lineout. He didn't need to do this as having said to the players that he would allow it, he was obligated to let the lineout go ahead.

I agree that we didn't deserve the win and hats off to Italy etc, but it's still really annoying.

  • 185.
  • At 02:07 PM on 12 Mar 2007,
  • WRU Ref wrote:

Sorry but this was a very basic error by Wales, as a ref myself I would expect a player in this situation during a game to ask me if there is time left for the lineout. The question asked was how long is left, to which Chris White answered 10 seconds, it's not for him to add 'but if you kick for touch that's the end of the match'.

  • 186.
  • At 02:18 PM on 12 Mar 2007,
  • Majid wrote:

Who cares whether Chris White was right or wrong - there's no way Wales should have got themselves into such a desperate position.

Our decision-making is awful. Everybody at half time thought we just needed to use the wind to camp in the Italian 22 for the rest of the day. Did the wind disappear, or did none of us have the sense to kick for position and play the game in the oppostion half?

And Gareth Jenkins' decision-making is the worst of all.

So let's just say 'well done' to Italy and move on.

  • 187.
  • At 02:21 PM on 12 Mar 2007,
  • sorcha munster fan wrote:

i feel that the welsh are normally very reasonable people and are good losers but the complaining about the ref in this case is a bit ridiculous. fact is even if the ref made a wrong decision wales should have won the game before that and not be dependent on the last few seconds! there was always a risk of running out of time and they made the choice themselves.whose to say they would necessarily have gotten the try anyway? sorry to say. take nothing away from italy though. sorry welsh fans, i think ye're all a great bunch though!

  • 188.
  • At 02:33 PM on 12 Mar 2007,
  • Mike wrote:

Agree with 117 and 134.

The direct cause of the problem was the communication between the ref & the off-pitch time manager.

The real cause is an IRB committee that eroded the ref's power by taking away the time management from him. If he still had those powers, we wouldn't be talking about this - the ref could make a decision when asked the question, and stick to it.

Give him back the powers - including the video checks for a try - he should be asking no-one!

  • 189.
  • At 02:55 PM on 12 Mar 2007,
  • lostinwales wrote:

Sorry #56 but in truth for Wales it appears that


'If you can meet triumph and disaster and forget that there is anything in between, then you are from Wales my son'.

I am deeply sad to see what has happened to Wales. Some of the sparks are still there, but so many of the top players seem to be out of touch (S.Jones) or only slowly feeling their way back in (R.Jones and shanklin. If England manage to travel for once (and it does appear to be a big if) next week could be nasty. What do I care - I support England..

Oh and please please please stop calling for the return of Henson. He's shown so little form since the grand slam year he really doesnt deserve the chance - yet. Focus instead on some of the genuine talent tha is there. I believe that Hook for instance is the real deal.

  • 190.
  • At 03:00 PM on 12 Mar 2007,
  • simon wrote:

Maybe we would have won the final lineout in the dying seconds and scored a try. But with our lineout and ball winning ability I very much doubt it. If we had won the lineout, we would鈥檝e had to score on first phase ball because we can't win second, third, fourth, fifth ball etc.

It seems a long time ago that these players won the grand slam. But back then it appeared that everybody on the welsh team wanted the ball in their hands and would run around looking for it, and also looking for the quick off loads. Every player back then seemed euphuistic and very fit. These days the same players are plodding around the pitch, and leaving it with plenty of energy in reserve. There doesn鈥檛 seem to be any urgency about what they are trying to do. (i.e. the kick ahead by Italy, the only Welsh player chasing 70 yards back was a second row! Where were the Welsh chasing backs?) Yes it was turn over ball and we were flat, but the way I was taught to play rugby, you chased the ball going forward and backwards you don鈥檛 leave it to someone else.

One of the Welsh players was quoted they were happy to sit back with their 8 point lead! I'm sure the team of two years ago wouldn鈥檛 have sat on just an 8 point lead on an up and coming rugby nation.
You need to have a winning lineout and scrum to be able to sit back on any lead.
Hasn鈥檛 Jenkins learnt by now, Wales cant win ball! We couldn鈥檛 do it 2 years ago for the grand slam and we cant win it now, but what they could and can still do if given the chance was run and pass at speed because the previous coaches brought in specialist skill coaches to unable this style of play, because unlike Jenkins they understood this.

Surely he should know we cant play the big crash bang and defence game which now England don鈥檛 have the best back row in the world have dropped for a more free flowing game.


  • 191.
  • At 03:22 PM on 12 Mar 2007,
  • welsh fan wrote:

in my opinion, Gareth Jenkins will find it enormously difficult to hold onto his job after this sham of a six nations. Since he has taken charge (12 months ago) Wales have won only two games, against sub-standard oposition, in Canada and the Pacific Islands. He has become so blinkered to the talent he has in the team, and has stuck with his favourite players or his old "llanelli boys", which hasproven to be enormously detrimental to the team. Why did we get rid of Ruddock? Best coach for 20 years, replaced by the man who many people thought was Wales best chance for World Cup Glory. Clearly Jenkins isn't the man we are looking for!
Jones has to be replaced at least temporarily by Hook at fly half, Gareth Thomas switching to inside centre, with Shanklin playing outside him.
The ideal scenario would be for wales not to lose too heavily against England, and for Jenkins to gracefully bow out at the end of the tournament. His reputation as a coach has suffered severely since taking over as Wales coach, and now has to be the time where the WRU hire someone more suited to the job as an international coach.


  • 192.
  • At 03:25 PM on 12 Mar 2007,
  • simon wrote:

It doesn't matter what players are picked for Wales v England. The problem is with Jenkins game plan?

What game plan?

if losing is a game plan hes doing good.

It would be nice to have competed with another team apart from Ireland in this tournament. Where we again had less then 50% of the ball. Thats 4 games with less then 50%. The question now is will the former scarlets coach change more then jut the front row.

  • 193.
  • At 03:26 PM on 12 Mar 2007,
  • Mick wrote:

There is no guarantee that Wales would have successfully kicked the penalty or gained a last second try. If anything - the rest of the games suggests they might realistically have done neither. Ref blaming doesnt cover up poor rugby - that is why Wales lost. Well done Italy.

  • 194.
  • At 03:28 PM on 12 Mar 2007,
  • Andrew wrote:

It was a fairly stupid thing to do with one play left to kick to the corner when a easy penalty was available to tie the game. Even wrse the referee had said 10 secs before the penalty was taken and yet the Welsh forwards took ages to get to the lineout, when the ref blew for full-time the Welsh forwards had still not formed. Whether or not the lineout should have been allowed, it probably should, if the Welsh forwards had run to the lineout and been stood formed and ready the ref would have found it so easy to blow up and may not have even had time to have the conversation to find out time was up. A simple lack of thinking by kicker and captain and then a lack of urgency from the forwards.

  • 195.
  • At 03:36 PM on 12 Mar 2007,
  • Andy wrote:

To all those complaining about Mauro Bergamasco can anyone explain how a frankly pitiful punch to the chin/chest can open a wound above the eye? What everyone appeared to miss was Stephen Jones cracking his head against Alun Wyn-Jones' shoulder on the way down, that opened the cut and probably knocked what sense remained out of him, the Mauro punch was a weak cheap shot that did not appear to do any real damage, the impact appeared to be more on his chest than head, not that that excuses it or means he shouldn't receive a punishment if they decide it was a punch as opposed to a swinging arm on a drive which it appeared to be to me.

  • 196.
  • At 03:53 PM on 12 Mar 2007,
  • John Bullock wrote:

Our lack of possession is not entirely due to under performance from the forwards.We kick too much ball away and do not chase properly.The half backs are to blame and need to be changed.Pick a running scrum half like Mike Phillips and see the difference.

  • 197.
  • At 03:57 PM on 12 Mar 2007,
  • Phil Vat wrote:

Taking individuals out of the equation; the match officiating mechanism was exposed as being clearly unfit for purpose and needs to be addressed before further inevitable injustice and pandemonium ensues. Bring back common sense and remove those layers of beaurocracy that are stifling the game!

Despite the 'bottom of the table' situation, Wales as a team and a nation can hold their heads up high on at least three counts:

1.) The players were admirably magnanamous in defeat, despite the adverse debarcle that had preceded the final whistle and cost them a match drawing/winning opportunity. This could quite easily have escalated into a 'situation' with the intensity of emotions, adrenaline and testosterone levels, the way they were.

2.) We went for the try. Long may our ethos be to go for the try. When we stop going for the try, we might as well bleach our jerseys and sing sweet songs about chariots... "For when the one great scorer comes to write against his name, he writes not if he won or lost, but how he played the game." (Rugby should only be about tries in my opinion, but that is probably for another debate). Even if we have a whitewash/wooden spoon, I think we've played some good rugby (with the exception of the Scottish game) and have been desparately unlucky not to have any points to show for it. We are certainly not as bad as our previous wooden spoon teams of the ninities!

3.) Our fans are the best in the world. What other nation can rely on such passionate and loyal support that is the sea of red that consistently follows Wales around the world, even when we are not doing so well, i.e. about 25 of the last 27 years.

I'm proud to be Welsh aye... Shove it up 'em Saturday boys!

  • 198.
  • At 04:19 PM on 12 Mar 2007,
  • simon wrote:

Number 189 is so right, do people just name out of form players on here just to annoy me? Henson is just about hanging on to his club shirt as anyone who watches a little rugby would know. I think we miss his defence more now then anything esle he provided.


Wales picked:
K.Morgan when he was still injured.
S.Jones when he's out of form. And played on when he couldn鈥檛 even kick for the goals???
R.Jones not fit, came back from long term injury.
M.Jones not fully fit, still slightly injured.

But in terms of R.Jones he could either be an impact player or be treated like Brent when he first played for Wales and that was to play him for 40 mins as he couldn't last the full 80. Again they could still do this with Brent.

  • 199.
  • At 04:26 PM on 12 Mar 2007,
  • simon wrote:

Number 193 should go to spec savers.
a punch is a punch is a punch.

  • 200.
  • At 04:29 PM on 12 Mar 2007,
  • Guy wrote:

Well, we learnt several things this weekend.
That England are not as bad as many people were saying (they just played particularly badly against Ireland.)
That Ireland aren't quite as good as many people were saying.
That England are still re-building and have a lot more to come. It will be too late for this world cup but things aren't as bad as some seem to have thought.
That Ireland have peaked and have nothing else to come.
And that Wales will never win or lose graciously!

  • 201.
  • At 04:34 PM on 12 Mar 2007,
  • Huw wrote:

Congratulations to Italy, they deserved the win and fully deserve the plaudits for a successful season so far.

Never mind the controversy at the end, we had another 79 minutes and 50 seconds to win the game and didn鈥檛 do so. We need to stop arguing the rights or wrongs of the final seconds as it鈥檚 taking the focus away from yet another dire effort from the squad and coaching staff.

England were brave enough to implement 10 changes and managed to turn things around in the space of two weeks. Surely Jenkins should take a long hard look at the situation and take inspiration from Brian Ashton鈥檚 tactical approach? If something doesn鈥檛 happen we will continue to live off the scraps of 鈥渕aybes鈥 and 鈥渨hat ifs鈥 as we lurch from one disappointment to another as the rest of the rugby world looks on in bemusement.

  • 202.
  • At 04:39 PM on 12 Mar 2007,
  • paolino from italy wrote:

thanks Italy.....dear welsh fans, are you sure you would have scored the try if mr. White gives you time to play?......we got more respect because you have lost by yourself

  • 203.
  • At 04:47 PM on 12 Mar 2007,
  • Carl J wrote:

Wales should have gone for the draw. I dont like losing the draw was there, why didnt we take it?

It has been obvious to me since Jenkins took over, making Stephen Jones captain was a backward step. Hook is a better 10 than Jones.

Ryan Jones is way over rated. The back row should be Popham(8), Charvis(7) and John Thomas(6). More physical and more imprtantly more talented. Ryan Jones is like a cart horse. Just a slightly stronger version of Michael Owen.

It also seems like Gareth Jenkins is a poor coach. The players who played well under Ruddock are not performing.

Our front row is not good enough. The hair bears are crap, Gethin has got fat and Horseman looks ordinary.

In reply to post 152 "big is beautiful" Big doesnt make someone an international rugby player. Your example of Mia Nonu the center for NZ is stupid. Nonu has outstanding rugby ability and being big just helps.

Johnathan Davies is a little sneak too. The commentator with the amazing try scoring record for Wales ;-) Just runs up his own backside. Eddie Butler is out of touch too.

Gareth Thomas is stupid shoudl just stick to playing rugby and not trying to be a Martin Johnson.

Also why do us Welsh make fools of ourselves? I felt embarrassed seing the welsh idiots in the background before the game when Davies was being interviewed. Grow up you stupid idiots.

  • 204.
  • At 04:51 PM on 12 Mar 2007,
  • Johnny Gray wrote:

Coaching is about selection and decision making as well as preparation for the game.Everyone watching realised that Stephen Jones needed to come off early in the second half because he was groggy and couldn't see properly.This would have brought on a fit and roaring to have a go Gareth Thomas at inside centre and Hook at number 10 who was creating problems.Why wait until most of the half was played and we had run out of time ? In a way the controversy over the calling of time has obscured a bad substition call by the coach.Cockbain should have come on earlier as well.From a standing start next Saturday against Catt Wales will need a good kicking number 12-not Gareth who is better as a super sub for all the backs.

  • 205.
  • At 04:54 PM on 12 Mar 2007,
  • Douglas Beveridge wrote:

I believe rugby refs, linesmen and TDOs should be put under the same scrutiny and evaluation as cricket umpires. This has served to improve their accuracy and nip any defficiencies in the bud at an early stage in an officiator's career, by giving effective feedback on their performance. Their games now have far less controversy than before (Darryl Hair being the exception).

They earn points with good decisions and lose them with bad decisions on a match by match basis, with the highest ranked officials awarded the most important matches to officiate in.

Chris White is human, and prone to mistakes. So are Geoff Warren and the linesmen, who were somewhat off the pace in that match. A transparent scoring/feedback system like this would also serve to restore credibility to a game which has always had more laws than can be enforced; ensuring that incompetence is adequately addressed. It would also promote fairness and incentives/opportunities for those wishing to embark upon a perceivably thankless vocation.

  • 206.
  • At 04:54 PM on 12 Mar 2007,
  • Mark Graham wrote:

If Wales lose against England each player should be formally presented, on the pitch, with a whitewashed wooden spoon. It is high time failure was publically recognised in this way.

  • 207.
  • At 05:00 PM on 12 Mar 2007,
  • sionee wrote:

the time left is irrelevant, the ref was aske dif there was time left for a lineout to which he responded

"yea, if you take it now"

Hook then with very little hesitation kicked for touch. The lineout should have been allowed to go ahead.

Wales may have scored but what is very likely is that Italy would have conceeded a penalty.

  • 208.
  • At 05:08 PM on 12 Mar 2007,
  • TaffProp wrote:

Firstly - Well done Italy - the best team won.

However, I would like to know why the fourth official suddenly became verbal regarding the game being over when he kept very quiet when Stephen Jones was punched - if he says he didn't see it, then you have to ask why he was appointed as the fourth official as he was not doing his job.

As for Gareth Jenkins as coach - I think he needs to remove his scarlet glasses when watching certain players. I don't think captaincy is for SJ (he's not even captain of his region) - as stated, the team should be picked first and then decide on your captain.

As for the comments regarding the commentaries of Butler and Moore - I always watch with the sound turned down when they comentate on England.

  • 209.
  • At 05:33 PM on 12 Mar 2007,
  • Peter Weale wrote:

Time for Wales to do what England did against France - change the team. After all we have nothing to loose!
We have to face the fact that on paper we have a good team - but if they can't win then they have to go!

  • 210.
  • At 05:42 PM on 12 Mar 2007,
  • Terry wrote:

A real shame that this incident has marred the game. If it had happened to England I'd have been just as annoyed as many of the Welsh fans.

However, it does raise a couple of questions. Firstly, for Wales - bottom line is you weren't good enough on the day to beat Italy and there was nothing in your play to suggest you'd have scored from the lineout anyway.

Secondly, there is a broader issue. I watched the incident several times and it was quite hard to hear what was being said because the refs mike wasn't very clear and the PA at the ground was blaring away. However, one thing was very clear - Chris White told Hook there were 10 seconds left. Hook then took forever to make his mind up and kick to touch. The Welsh forwards ambled up for the lineout like they had all day with the Italian forwards, understandably, playing statues.

I couldn't hear White tell Wales thay had time for a line out but he clearly said there were only 10 seconds left and then something like "you can go ahead". Hook is a professional rugby player. He should know that the clock doesn't stop when the ball is kicked to touch and the line out following a penalty kick to touch is a seperate phase of play. So, he had to decide if they had time to kick to touch and get the line out formed and the ball back into play in 10 seconds.

Why should the ref take the blame for Hook's inability to calculate that it was impossible?

However, it's also partly a problem of the referees own making. Personanally, I think they give too much "guidance" to players at the top level- both Club and International. For example, they have a habit of shouting "hands off, ruck" to defensive forwards in rucks - he shouldn't have to tell them, they're professionals. It's not a ruck only when the ref says it's a ruck - they know it's a ruck and they know handling the ball in a ruck is a penalty. But as soon as refs get into this habit they are encouraging players to rely on them to tell them what to do and feel justified in complaining if the ref gives them the "wrong" advice.

So, in my opinion, the correct answer to the question "have we got time for a line out?" was to tell him how long was left and then it's for the player to decide what to do. Imagine the outrage and accusations of bias if Chris White had said, "no time for a line out James, I'd tap and run / take the scrum / take the kick if I was you..."

Where Chris White would clearly been in the wrong if Hook had asked him if there was time for the line out and he's said yes. Then he should have overruled the TMO when he said time was up.

I'm happy to be corrected but I couldn't hear White say there was time for the line out - he said the was 10 seconds left and something like "you can go ahead" whcih I took to mean he could take the penalty.

  • 211.
  • At 06:02 PM on 12 Mar 2007,
  • jcstamper wrote:

It is a hard choice for many to stomach I am sure, but the simple fact is that our skipper has lost his way as a player. The breaks which he once effected and the space he created have gone. It was telling that when he was off the pitch we actually looked as though we could cut the Italians to ribbons. Hook's ability to see a gap is totally instinctive..SJ must make way but will Gareth be bold enough to take such a step at this stage? Doubtful.

  • 212.
  • At 06:18 PM on 12 Mar 2007,
  • Barrie wrote:

I have read every one of these blogs & the overriding impression is that most Welsh people are not "winging" but have commented that the referee decision was imaterial. Wales did not play well enough in the other 79.50 minutes!!

  • 213.
  • At 06:18 PM on 12 Mar 2007,
  • Phil Judd wrote:

The time keeping farce in Rome has demonstrated yet again that Rugby Union's claims to be a worldwide professional sport of the 20th century are a complete joke! Wales have been involved in clock-related issues before against South Africa (2004), New Zealand (2004) and Australia (2006), yet the IRB has still done nothing to sort it out. In Rugby League it is very simple. The stadium clock is controlled by the separate time keeper so everyone knows exactly how much time has elapsed. When full time is reached the hooter sounds and the next time the ball goes dead is the end of the contest. How simple is that?

  • 214.
  • At 07:04 PM on 12 Mar 2007,
  • Guy wrote:

212, Phil

Welcome to the 21st Century!

Take out your frustrations on our Six Nations Counter! Go to www.bbc.co.uk/scrumv and click on Korkey - he needs a million clicks by the end of the England match, go on - help him out!

  • 216.
  • At 07:49 PM on 12 Mar 2007,
  • RobinsonForTheBin wrote:

Funniest thing I have seen since Dennis Bergkamp missed that penalty in the 1999 FA Cup semi final. Get over it Wales - you were useless.

  • 217.
  • At 07:54 PM on 12 Mar 2007,
  • William wrote:

To post 200; You said that Ireland have peaked, that's ridiculous, there's still plenty of good performances left in that side (granted the Scottish game was poor) We certainly have the beating of your makeshift English side 9 times out of 10.
England were on the rebound on Sunday, they wont play half aswell against Wales, infact I wouldn't be surprised if they lost. Then it would be back to the reality of mid table mediocrity.

  • 218.
  • At 08:06 PM on 12 Mar 2007,
  • nbl wrote:

chris white didnt ref the 3 previous games...so whats our excuse for them.the penalty/line out controversy was a disapointing end to a very disapointing performance by the welsh team, but that was not the reason why we lost..it was italys desire, hunger and controlled and not so controlled aggression that got them the victory (the same as the the other teams did and im sure england will). they played the physical game on and off ball the right up to the limits of the law and i add they played out side the rules too on a number of occassions. all the big teams do it, its a pyshical game and controlled aggression is the key, unfortunately our lads at the mo dont seem fired up enough i dont know if its we are afraid of yellow cards or conceeding penalties. dont get me wrong when the backs getting going and their passing and running is in full effect its a joy to watch but the the 8 guys up front need to front up and let their opposite numbers know they are there and they want that ball. we have a big pack, one of the biggest and most mobile in the tournament but are displaying a timidity that leaves us with little poor possession. we need to adopt a jerry collins, martin johnson type atitude until we do that then we are going to continue to struggle. come on boys.. you are big enough and good enough. lets rattle them for a change

  • 219.
  • At 08:50 PM on 12 Mar 2007,
  • Gareth wrote:

I doubt I'm saying anything different to anyone else here, but Chris White's decision to listen to Geoff Warren at the end of the match is the PERFECT result for Gareth Jenkins.

All the talk has been about the decision, which once again distracts from yet another really poor performance from Wales. With 10 minutes to go and 7 points up, the Wales of 2 years ago would easily have held on. Jenkins has said a couple of times that we cannot win games on 40% possession. What has he done to fix it? Absolutely nothing!

Our coaching team is useless, and if Jenkins hasn't got the guts to get rid of them and bring in some professionals, then for the love of God (who I don't believe in, btw...) the WRU must get rid of Gareth Jenkins, otherwise we might as well forfeit our place at the World Cup and give it to a more deserving team.

  • 220.
  • At 08:57 PM on 12 Mar 2007,
  • Paul wrote:

They wouldn't have scored anyway, so the result wouldn't have changed. The ref did mess up though.

  • 221.
  • At 08:59 PM on 12 Mar 2007,
  • munstermonster wrote:

This is a funny ol debate. I remember when wales did the grand slam and i was there spouting to all and sundry that it was a bottle of smoke. A complete flash in the pan by a totally lightweight team. Nobody listened. Wales were the greatest and the 70's were on the way back. Horse manure!! Ye couldn't beat an egg, and i doubt if ye'll be able to win a decent match in the next twenty years, That's how bad ye are. All hat and no cattle.

  • 222.
  • At 09:43 PM on 12 Mar 2007,
  • David wrote:

I've thought for a while the calls for Hook to be installed in place of Jones at number 10 were premature, especially as the former surely is destined to end up there anyway. But Jenkins definitely should now consider installing Hook at stand-off with Jones dropping to the bench for Saturday. Jones is just too easy for teams to defend against at the moment, and I felt sorry for Shanklin at the weekend, as he again had to contend with having the ball shuffled to him by a stand-off who isn't committing defenders himself. At this time it's just not good enough for us to have such a minimal threat from our number 10. There surely isn't much to lose against England, and we may as well look at this alternative now rather than half way through the pool stages at the World Cup.

  • 223.
  • At 09:53 PM on 12 Mar 2007,
  • Terry couzens wrote:

I am sorry to see any home nation doing badly and i prey for the day you welsh share my attitude . you are unlucky with what looked like a gross breakdown in communication in the marshalling of the game . but I hope the welsh side learns from this 6 nations and trades sexy rugby for winning rugby and realise that you only win by compeating in every area of the field its not enough just having a great back line . I think your coach needs his head looked at for having some good playes and not useing them properly the only thing I credit him for is realising that henson is rubish and hook is a very special player along with dwane peel . good luck against us at the weekend . ps feedback would be great .

  • 224.
  • At 10:03 PM on 12 Mar 2007,
  • Lee wrote:

# 218 , come in your time is up, as is Irelands, beleive me it's all down hill now.
And actually you have the beating of Englands make shift team approx 5 out of 10 times, going by recent results.
You never know though, you might win the 6N on points difference, which is almost impressive as a triple crown, i.e not very.

  • 225.
  • At 10:32 PM on 12 Mar 2007,
  • irish rugby bird wrote:

lee i supposed you'd know all about ireland's time being up- i suppose 3 triple crowns in 4 years, beating wales 3 out of those 4 years as well as being the only northern hemisphere team with france to give nz a decent opposition and beating australia. oh yes, the sign of a team in decline alright. i'm so sick of the slagging. ya we might not have got the grand slam but at least our team havent fallen to pieces just because there's a new manager.

  • 226.
  • At 10:53 PM on 12 Mar 2007,
  • Rory wrote:

Its frustrating to watch wales perform so poorly during this six nations, and yes we can all express our anger and outrage on who should be playing where, thats the magic of sport, i feel sorry for gareth jenkins at the moment nothing seems to be going his way, lets hope he conqours the english on saturday though and maybe we can take salvage something positive to take with us to France for the World Cup!

  • 227.
  • At 10:59 PM on 12 Mar 2007,
  • Le Tooth wrote:

According to the 麻豆官网首页入口 web site Stephen Jones played the second half suffering from blurred vision courtesy of Bergamasco's cheap shot. At the elite end performance is measured in fractions of percentages - so why is an obviously injured player on the field. If he is not fit enough to take the place kicks then he should have been taken off. This is not the first time since Stephen has been captain that he has played on despite an injury that has reduced his effectiveness. I am an admirer of Stephen Jones and equally admire his bravery but surely the Welsh management must yet again be called into question.

  • 228.
  • At 11:02 PM on 12 Mar 2007,
  • Katarina wrote:

224; Terry honestly, i think you take it too seriously!

  • 229.
  • At 11:11 PM on 12 Mar 2007,
  • Prys Lewis wrote:

The main thing the refs mistake overshadowed was not Welsh inadequacies (although there were plenty!) but the dirty game the Italians played and the incompetence of the touch judges. On the positive side this will raise the profile of American Football in Italy etc - but If I was an Italian I wouldn't be making too much song and dance about this result. By rights they should have had one red and a few yellows - the match winning try scorer has he been cited for an offence that would have removed him from the game before scoring. The end fiasco was just the icing that broke the camel's biscuit!!!

  • 230.
  • At 11:17 PM on 12 Mar 2007,
  • George wrote:

Wales need a 12 playing at 12.

Bring in Gavin Evans.

  • 231.
  • At 11:28 PM on 12 Mar 2007,
  • Peter Purdy wrote:

The Welsh have sunk to an all time level of ineptitude. Who, in their right mind kicks for touch with 10 seconds to go???? Staggeringly stupid. But, as with Ireland, this last minute moaning detracts from the fact that you are losers. England were helped to their world cup victory because over the years we hardened ourselves against the celtic nations who were busy stepping up their game to beat the old enemy and forgetting the point that you have to win a number of games to win championships / world cups etc. The only reason the celts winn the 6 nations is because France and England are too busy building their strentgh up again...And England will win the world cup again in years to come before Ireland, Scotland or the Welsh even get to the warm up...grow up you guys and think aboutth bigger picture - not just England - and you might win something. And France will win it too before you guys...

  • 232.
  • At 05:50 AM on 13 Mar 2007,
  • BA wrote:

I've played rugby all my life. If a referee told me i'd only got 10 seconds left I would know I had to get on with it if I wanted to take a line out not stand about dicsussing it. The realistic options were therefore kick to touch immediately or stad about and debate the other choices, kick the penalty, run the panalty, or take a scrum. The problem is poor decision making, not poor comunication between match officials, which merely highlighted the issue.

What should have happend? ...I have a feeling the great Welsh sides of the 70's would have taken a quick tap and scored under the posts!

  • 233.
  • At 08:57 AM on 13 Mar 2007,
  • Peter S wrote:

When a player asks the ref "Do we have time for a line-out?" as Hook did, nearly every ref wouldve answered "Yes" or "No". White answered "10 seconds"... not very helpful at all.

It was interesting watching Scrum V on Sunday... at half time, the TMO told him that time had expired and White replied "we'll play this line-out and then call half-time".

But at the end of the day... we were 7pts up with a good wind behind us and we let it slip away.... we only have ourselves to blame.

  • 234.
  • At 10:27 AM on 13 Mar 2007,
  • sorcha munster fan wrote:

232 peter purdy- seriously are u saying england will win the world cup before the other teams?including nz really? i really love the way every time there's a tournament, that england apparently will win it. it doenst matter if it's football, ruby, cricket etc. england will win it! love the optimism pete! granted 2003 was a great win and england deserved it but it's not going to happen this year and also there's a long way to go. the french game was a great victory but come on! i'm not saying ireland will win the world cup- nz probably will.

  • 235.
  • At 10:34 AM on 13 Mar 2007,
  • Valleys Silver Fox wrote:

As Garin Jenkins said on 麻豆官网首页入口 2W last night regarding Stephen Jones 'we know he can play at the highest level'

We know that Gareth Edwards can play at the highest level but no-one is asking him to put on a Jersey this weekend.

Lets hope that GJ picks players on form and not from past glory.

  • 236.
  • At 11:34 AM on 13 Mar 2007,
  • Douglas Beveridge wrote:

Post 214 Guy

Would you care to substantiate your comments or is it your intention to be offensive for the sake of it?

  • 237.
  • At 12:26 PM on 13 Mar 2007,
  • Steve Schanzer wrote:

All this talk of a younger team for the WC....no way, get Charvis back for the England game so we can have some spirit to go forwards to the WC with. He has excelled with the Dragons this year even GJ said so. The WRU should swallow they're pride and go to Ruddock cap in hand and plead with him to return!!

  • 238.
  • At 01:13 PM on 13 Mar 2007,
  • Steve wrote:

We play our rugby in lowly North Division 48 or something similar. When things are not going well it is easy to blame the Ref 鈥 but as I say to the players be hypercritical with your own performance first. It is easy to blame other people鈥檚 faults when things are against you and they do appear to be really against you when you are down.

I agree with several on this forum, namely that the standard of refereeing as been poor this season. I always think - probably quite blatantly that England always get on the wrong side of the ref, (and I accept that their discipline is bad). It鈥檚 funny how we can all watch the same event and reach quite opposite conclusions!!

Well done to the Italians bad luck the Welsh. All teams seem quite inconsistent this 6N鈥檚. Wales were awesome against the French 鈥 real passion and commitment. French were terrible yesterday.

I dont really enjoy any of the 6N鈥檚 teams playing poorly. I am English first and British a close second. The AB鈥檚 will not be losing any sleep about this forthcoming WC, none of the teams perform consistently enough, (usually good against England for the same old reasons 鈥 come on guys you are all well paid professionals nowadays!).

Speaking of cheating and foul-play the AB鈥檚 always play close to the line and are usually way over it. Whats this crap about not being able to ruck bodies out of the way of the ball England got penalised for it yesterday 鈥 3 points. What a licence to cheat - R. Macaw must be laughing his socks off.

England 鈥 Wales?? Such a topsy turvey season who can tell? Wales due a good game鈥. Not too bothered just so long as both sides play well.

Brian Moore? I find him very negative about most that England do. Wrong options, poor execution etc. Again same event we watch but different interpretations

  • 239.
  • At 01:30 PM on 13 Mar 2007,
  • KingofStroud wrote:

As an Englishman living in England I found the result of the Wales v Italy game to be hilarious......I still havent finished laughing.

Fair play though, you were playing all of Italy - and we only just beat them so have a little bit of respect, you wouldnt want to be accused of being arrogant now would you.

Relax......its all about the next world cup (which we will win) all together now "Swing low sweet chariot..............come on Max Boyce we cant hear you......

  • 240.
  • At 03:16 PM on 13 Mar 2007,
  • Chopper wrote:

As Brain Moore said you couldn't get moving for the first 80 minutes so what makes you think you would have miraculasy scored at the death.
Refs turn matches and make mistakes -live with it.
Just so happy for Italy.

  • 241.
  • At 03:35 PM on 13 Mar 2007,
  • paolino from italy wrote:

That's real
italy-irland 48-5
france - scotland 18-44
wales - england 26-9


  • 242.
  • At 05:08 PM on 13 Mar 2007,
  • Lee B James wrote:

Even if the Welsh had taken the lineout, all Italy needed to do was foul in the lineout to give another penalty. No time on the clock, game over.
Get over it for the weekend cos we English want to see a Welsh side play with passion and commitment to make a great season ender.
The way this season has played out I can see Wales stealing a win over a still recovering England.

  • 243.
  • At 05:13 PM on 13 Mar 2007,
  • Sidi wrote:

GJ's problems started when he picked SJ as his captain. His blind loyalty to former Llanelli players will be his downfall if he doesn't see the light and drop him.

We went to Italy (despite the result, cracking weekend!!), every time SJ kicked the ball all the Welsh groaned, every bad pass from SJ Welsh groaned, when SJ was taken off for the blood we all cheered!

There were more Welsh than Italians in that crowd on Saturday (yes, we did a quick count), we could all see where the weak link was so why can't GJ?

Ok, ok. Time for a bit of sanity.
Wales were played right off the pitch by Itlay for long periods of that game. We had little possession, and we kicked it away too much. Trying to make sense of how the mighty had fallen so far, so fast. i watched the Grand Slam dvd and noticed some critical differences in play: forwards actually DOING SOMETHING, quick rucking people off the ball, a very string scrum, and most importantly, play with the ball in hand and running at the opposition. None of this passing along the line and kicking the ball away all the time.
We were worse than useless for parts of that match against Italy--and, crucially, we have no game plan. I agree Chris White and Geoff Warren got it wrong, but refereeing mistakes happen in matches, and if your excuse for losing is one, then you need to look at your team and ask soem seriosu questions.
Here's what I'd do.
SJ should stay at 10 with Hook at 12 until after the World Cup, like England did with Wilko--let him get a taste of International rugby, and work up soem experience in the very top tournament, then drop SJ, move Hookie to 10 and play Hensonm at 12. Drop GT--he does nothing for us, rarely scores and just acts like a hotheaded idiot. We need Shane, Mark Jones and Morgan at 11, 14 and 15. Play Phillips on the bench--hes a great impact player. Wales in Peel and Phillips have the two best scrum halves in the Northern Hemisphere.
As for those clowns who we seem to think are forwards... bring back Charvis, or Michael Owen, or someone other than Ryan Jones to be the ball carrier. Hes the only one doing it for us now, and his form suffers because of it. We need Martyn Williams so badly--he has the workrate of several horses, and keeps playing right to the end. Gough and A W Jones are good at Lock, but need to the get to breakdowns quicker and clear out so we can get moving again. Our front row is good: G Jenkins and C Horsman are both excellent scrummagers, but they need to be played in position. What we really need, however, is to sort out that God-damn lineout--it's so unreliable it's almost funny. There's no guarantee that we would even have won our ball against Italy.
Fair play to them--they outplayed us and thoroughly deserved to win. And anyone who wants to blame the defeat on IRB suits interfering to end the match in an Italy win is ridiculous.
Wales will be lucky to get out of our group--Fiji and Australia--come the World Cup.
Only one solution I can see--anyone have Mike Ruddock's phone number?

  • 245.
  • At 07:06 PM on 13 Mar 2007,
  • Cocorico wrote:

Look at the replay! It is quite obvious that Ian Gough's elbow hits Jones's eye. Bergamasco then pushes Jones's head into the ground with his fist - miles away from the eye region. It may be a foul but it's not a punch, and it did not cause the cut. It was obvious at the time and I can't believe the commentators got it wrong. Apologise to a very honourable player who is definitely not a dirty one!

  • 246.
  • At 07:34 PM on 13 Mar 2007,
  • claire wrote:

What a day. Was at the match & couldn't beleive what happened in the last 10 secs. A great day was momentarily ruined. But we must remember that winning isn't everything!

The build up to the game was superb. Outside the ground the atmosphere was carnival like - but the entry to the ground was a challenge!! We had great seats amongst the Italians & it was great to see such friendship between supporters.

  • 247.
  • At 08:51 PM on 13 Mar 2007,
  • G Evans wrote:

Wales had the ball for about 18 minutes. We kicked it back to the Italians 25 times. If my under 13s had done that they would have been doing sprints for days at the next training session.

Basic skills were lacking. I was very embarrassed by a very poor performance but I am sure the players did not go out to play poorly and neither did GJ send them out with that in mind.

Where do we go from here? We can only go up from here (I hope)

  • 248.
  • At 11:44 PM on 13 Mar 2007,
  • William wrote:

Some of the messages posted by English fans seem to think that the celtic nations base their whole season on beating England, now that may be the case in Scotland and Wales (though I doubt it), but it's certainly not the case in Ireland anymore, England just arent good enough to be taken seriously anymore, we've beaten them 4 years in a row (if just getting boring).We now consider performances and results against NZ,AUS, and SA as true measures of where we are, because beating any of those sides is a far bigger achievement!!!!!

  • 249.
  • At 10:51 AM on 14 Mar 2007,
  • corkonian wrote:

judging by these comments i have to say the welsh are much better losers than the scottish! the welsh actually did have a right to feel aggrieved altho they probably should have wrapped the game up over 80 mins as opposed to the decison to go for touch. the scottish are moaning about losing by a point and saying they were robbed when in matter of fact the irish defended a one point lead for about 20 mins in which time scotland had opportunities to win but didnt take them. congrats to the welsh for being so sporting and decent! ye were the same when beaten by ireland. decisions went against wales but the fans didnt moan about the ref and just admitted they didnt take their chances.

  • 250.
  • At 01:05 PM on 14 Mar 2007,
  • lostinwales wrote:

In reply to 248 id have to say that the celtic nations traditionally raise their game against England in the same way that England often in the past raised their game against France. Ireland played better against England than against anybody else this year and I wouldnt be surprised if they dont play better during the world cup. Lets face it - if Wales beat England on Saturday thats all they'll remember from this championship. They certainly have forgotten that in the year of their grand slam the general standard of rugby right through the 6 nations was very poor and the main difference between them and the rest was a great team spirit - some occaisionally great running rugby - and one good half against the french.

As for the future things tend to run in cycles. It is magnificent that Ireland have raised themselves to their current level but its almost the same team that have been playing together for what - 7 years now. There will be the inevitable retirements and rebuilding after this world cup and it may be a while before they scale the same heights again. I sincerely hope this isnt the case as we need more teams in the northern hemisphere to be challenging the peaks of the game to keep it healthy. As for England they will be back. They wont win this world cup but with the player base and the talent coming through they have as good a chance as anybody for the next.

  • 251.
  • At 01:12 PM on 14 Mar 2007,
  • Tony wrote:

Srum V were out of order on Sunday and need to get their heads out of the sand and say it as it is and stop sitting on the fence. Gareth Jenkins is not the right man for the job. I know this because i was told this by Steve Lewis when Mike Ruddock was appointed as Welsh coach at a forum that was held at my local club soon after. What has changed since then and what has Jenkins achieved since then to make him any better? Nothing!! I hold the coaching staff totally responsible for our inability to play rugby. You cannot blame the ref, he doesn't have to make the tackles etc.

  • 252.
  • At 01:24 PM on 14 Mar 2007,
  • Choker Park wrote:

Williams - Its nice being on top for a while but mate for once the arrogant tag is firmly with the Irish. I remember when all England ever got from the Irish was, 'you choked again and could'nt win the Grand Slam' - boots on the other foot now... Choker Park it is now christened! As for not considering England as a rival any more - Ha, you will eat your words in the coming seasons!

  • 253.
  • At 03:26 PM on 14 Mar 2007,
  • sorcha wrote:

choker park-why are you calling the irish arrogant? i have never once considered the english to be arrogant. myself and the vast majority of irish fans would never consider the english to be arrogant. even after hearing about the world cup win in 2003 over and over again. i would appreciate if you could understand that we are nor chokers and please also remember that one win doesnt place england at the top again altho they will probabbly be back to their best soon enough. anyway i've seen more arrogance from losing countries than from the winners. also quit with the chokers comments. those "chokers" tore apart england a few weeks ago!most irish fans respect england the englsih fans- out of common courtesy it would be nice for you to do the same.

  • 254.
  • At 04:21 PM on 14 Mar 2007,
  • Choker Park wrote:

Sorcha - I can easily explain this - Ireland have got some good form together and suddenly there are people (Irish) dismissing England as has beens in a derogratory fashion - this equates to arrogance. It comes from all nations when they are doing well but is always talked about as a sign of being English, which is such a a pile of rubbish, but I have to listen to it time and time again. I also have a fairly decent memory and remember when England failed on a few occasions under Woodward to win the Grand Slam when it was there for the taking and the Celts loved rubbing it in when England choked. As I said the boots on the other foot (and even though you may not think the English are arrogant I know plenty of Irish who have told me we are) and you have to live with it until you win the elusive slam.

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