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Should we kill all the pigeons?

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Pigeons are legally classed as vermin, therefore, when their number become unacceptably high they should be shot. They carry diseases which can kill humans .

Should we kill all the pigeons?
The various opinions here are all fine, but some of you are missing the point.
1. Domestic pigeons are not the problem - they are generally cleaner, and don't infest the Market Square in Nottingham (and that is the theme of this topic, folks!)
2. I very much doubt that anyone *seriously* wants all the pigeons gone, just their numbers reduced.
3. The problem is not pigeons per se, it's the people who discard litter and those who feed them. I say we have litter patrols, fine offenders who drop rubbish, and also deter people from feeding the aerial rats.
4. This is Nottingham's Old Market Square we're talking about, not some American continental city. Let's look for *local* solutions to our own local problems, eh?

Kevin Weedon
Pigeons dropping in
As if it isn't enough clearing the dog, cat and hedgehog dirt from my lawn every time we want to cut the grass! Now a neighbour has installed a flock of 15 pigeons in his back garden in the middle a residential area. Don't blame the pigeons when they turn up in the city centre.

julie sharrock
cheshire, UK

Annoying, worthless, senseless flying vermin. That's what pigeons are. However I have another bone to pick now. Reading most of the letters here I am at a loss to find any reason why I should maintain faith in humanity. We have religious zelots claiming we're doing the Lords work in killing them, and some other individual who tells us that "our pidgeon in the old market square" are "even bigger than London pidgeons" Am I the only one not to feel a gush of moronic pride? I'm now rather inclined to say, "what the hell...let the pigeons stay, in fact introduce more of them...they have to be better than the illiterate shower of cretins that have taken the time to voice their meaningless opinions here!"


in reply...

Kris - speak for yourself.

Miss Pelt

don't kill the pigeons!
If we wipe out pideons, We will have done our Lord's job for him. That's like telling your great-great-great-grandcild to add a pinch of salt to the soup, and they add the whole box of laundy detergent instead. There is only one person who would do such a thing as to kill all pigeons. The Devil. If we try to more like God, then let's not take one leap backwards. Let ALL of creation, even mosqitoes, become extinct on their own, no matter how pesky.

enviromental chain
If pigeons die, one food sourse goes away for the rat. If the rats wipe out, the racoon has just lost two food sourses. If racoons wipe out, the snake just lost three sourses. if snake die out, the eagle has just lost four food sourses. If the eagle becomes extinct, America has just become the laughing stock of the world. People in other countries be saying "America dumb! they kill bird! no bird kill racoon, no racoon kill snake, no snake kill symbol!" Then, russia would invaid us, steal our knowledge, build a satalite, take Cuba with them, and blow the world to bits. All because some little %6!3^$@= got rid of a pest.

top secret
one of the several ideas put forward in the past to get rid of the pesky pigeons was to use hawks. This was decried by people yelling "think of the children" in the normally woolly brained way mass mobs do. Yes think of the children. life is far to soft nowadays. Teach the children what life is really like with a wonderful air display by beautiful hawks swooping down gracefully and eviscerating the vermin. I think it would be a good crowd puller and would boost tourism.

Should we kill the pigeons?
Pluck em' and roast for about 20 mins a lb. Season with sage and onion, and serve with whatever vegetables you fancy. Mind, done wi a curry is really tasty.

Billy Bunter
I've got a lot of comments. Corrine,Miss America, Sikander Naomi,Wirral, and other people who agree with me, well congragulations, Your'e not a disgisting,pathetic, selfish,friek. BRAVO!!!. Jennifer, Bobbie, Joe, I agree with you. Humans are worse than any creature when it comes to waste. Whos killing the coral reefs, whos waisting all of earth's natural resources for convenience, whos polluting and killing earth and everything on it? If anyone should be slaughtered it should be us. Everybody thinks everything revolves around us.(which by the way has been proven wrong) You think we have every right to go out and shoot whatever we feel like. Go shoot your self and see what it feels like, before you automatically turn to violence like any typical human would. Your'e prpbably thinking I don't know what it's like, being around pigeons. My neighbors raise pigeons and Iv'e had my share of poop. Yet I don't think I have the right to go out and slaughter them. I can deal with it and so can you, who seem to enjoy having something to complain about and feeling superior over other creatures. Your'e pathetic simple minded jerks. By the way Dolly, I'm glad someone tries to get rid of their problems without violence, Darren I guess eating pigeon eggs isn't worse than eating chicken eggs, but doing it out of pure hate and laughing about it shows how disgusting you are, Frank, you blame it all on America, well funny, but didn't you notice that all but one entry from America were against pigeon killing? And that one American, you shame us You ovbiously haven't been to America or you'd know most Americans are gainst this kind of behavior and treat animals better than most places. So stop blaming all the worlds disgusting problems on us. Well you disgusting selfish frieks, this is what I think of you! @#%$&%^%$

USA, America
Just remember that pigeons have lived around mankind since they first moved into built up areas looking for food. It is also pertinent to point out that if we as humans weren't so disgusting and unsanitary with our organic waste, we wouldn't be plagued with vermin of any kind. I'm afraid you're trying to fight a battle that's been around for centuries!!!!

Dave Stacey
Should we kill all the pigeons?
I live in pegion park and I hate the pigions. Iam on welfare and abuse crack on the down east side of vancouver. I did bad in shcool lile most people probly dos. the pigons poopey on me in the rain. Most people hate the pigons because they understad me. Idont haev are no what an email addtesss is. BUT EVERY ONE WHO HAATES PIGONS and BELIFES THERE RATS THATT Fli must be just like me in every way and tthey must under staand mee; exuuese the misss spelllde worlds untilll neckest time I can youse a commuter at the librarey sinssoicly Kallen

Kallen Tillisen
East Vancouver, BC Canada
Should we kill all the pigeons?
U Guys Suck. I have pigeons and they are nice social birds.

British Columbia
pigeons are flying rats. The people who feed pigeons are inconsiderate of those people who live in the neighborhood and have to contend with the dirt and filth and feces that their actions cause. The only thing worse than pigeons are the misguided soles who feed them and cause them to flock by the hundreds and victimize the rest of us.

Been Pooped on by Pigeons
New York/NY/USA
I used to live in Victoria Centre flats, where you would think it would be fairly safe to have the windows open seeing as I was on the tenth floor. But No! The verminous creatures used to fly in, pinch my food and then panic because they couldn't find their way back out and c**p all over my flat!! I think the council should put a big net across Market Square in the middle of the night, cover it in poisoned crumbs and do away with the lot of them!!

Emily Wright
Ilkeston, Derbyshire. England
Pigeon Poop
I have a pigeon problem. I have a swimming pool and they come there to drink. I don't mind them drinking, but they poop all over the cool decking surrounding the pool. I've tried rubber snakes in the trees but that only deters them for a couple of days. Any ideas?

Phoenix, AZ USA
vermin. lets hope the council are brave enough to rid them from the city streets. mind you has any one ever seen a baby pidgeon.atre they hatched fully formed

Granny Annie
I spent some of the happiest years for my life living in nottingham until Pigeons ruined my life. The result, I had to move to France to get away from the bast**d things. See i love skateboarding, and the fights there used to be between gangs of Nottingham pigeons and the local skate scene got just to heavy for me. France doesn't have that much going for it compared to Nottingham but at least there are no BL**DY PIGEONS Tonestar Chamonix (Ex Nottm) France

pigeons 'the best bird'
i think pigeons should live their own life out there and all u people who hate them and want to kill them well i think u should die coz they have a life that the god gave them and they should live it

sikander chaudhry
I glad you asked the question about killing Pigeons,questions like this and the responce to them show the rest of the world what a sick lot of people live in the UK. It's watching too much TV from the USA that is doing it!

Frank Murney
Newry, N.Ireland
Yes. Kill them all they are horrible, they are vermin and they make a most unhealthy mess in and around the City Centre.

Jayne Flint
They'll love it once the tram is running - all those lovely new overhead cable perches to sit on!. It'll be like the swallows lining up to go home. (perhaps if the wires were earthed for just a moment ?)......

bert fegg
Yes. Kill them. They are evil.

Darren Davidson
I hate them, I'm from Newcastle and we fry their eggs and eat them. Hahaha.

I think all these pigeons should be shot. They're dirty, smelly, they attract sharks, they attract enemy fire, they can't swim, they're rude and they excrete all over my lovely clean washing which I hang on my line. B*st*rds

Malcolm Jones
I actually roam the parks of London looking for pigeons. With the price of chicken breasts being what they are today I find that pigeon is a similar tasting alternative. I normally knock them out with a bottle (quickly accross the back of the head) take them home 5 or 6 a week and clean them, as you would a normal chicken. They taste great when used with "Chicken Tonight".

Charles Watson-Smith
London, UK.

should all pigeons be killed
i think its a hateful thing that we are thinking of killing pigeons.no one thinks of goin and killing a person if he sh**s on the road.
so why are pigeons made prey to this rule.

firstly,a pigeon is living,what right do we have to decide if it should die or not.secondly,u cant kill something because it spreads some disease.humans also spread so many.that dosent mean that they should be either gassed,or shot.



pigeons r nothing but rats with wings, they do my head in while tring to eat my dinner on the market square coming round begging for food and making me feel sick while looking at them and trying to shoo them away. some look terible with feet mising etc.put an end to this please

Gavin Hammond
All i am sayin is that u wouldnt like it if someone came up to u and shot u 4 n0 reason. My sister is really anoyin but i dont shoot her every time she gets in the way do i!

i luv um so no one in the world should complain about them they dont bother u do they

a pigion fan
This is my second try at a post on this topic, here i go again! Lots of people here are talking about getting rid of the problem with guns, throwing cats in the air and low flying jet planes, but, why not just feed the wee blighters baking soda wrapped in bread? Once they swallow, pun intended, they explode! It also works with seagulls! I'm a veggy by the way for 13 years. Look forward to the effects

pigeons are quite intelligent birds. Surely they could be trained to collect McDonalds wrappers & drinks cartons for a food reward. The food would of course have to be more inviting than the stuff they were collecting. They could in theory also be trained to inspect car tax discs, leaving a calling card on the windscreen if no tax were found. They could also monitor the bus lanes and coo when a car or taxi went in them.

Columba palumbus
Train them to fly in formation over the city spelling out the new Nottingham Forest commentary on Saturday afternoons. That way all the sighted people in the city could be claimed as listeners! Greg will be delighted and it'll be more reliable than Raja figures.

Phil Marshall
I find it funny that you don't find any need for a debate and then give your wiew on the subject which is very one sided and bigotted.The comment you made "They are unwelcome in Nottingham..."is even more of a laugh.If they are not welcome in you city why don't you tell them that and see where that get's you.Look forward to your reply.

gerard brady

Kill them all they are vermin!!

Clare Lassetter
Nottingham, Endland

Please could you tell me how long Pigeons nest when they are young.You never seem to see a small Pigeon,nor do you see the big Pigeons fly away with food to feed there young.Many Thank's.

Gerard Brady

I think not all pigeons should be shot because they are cleaner than some people. Shall we shoot all litterbugs, vandals and homeless people for despoiling our streets, or is this just being stupid? Surely humans should know better so lets give them the same treatment being advocated for the pigeons. Show some compassion or keep your stupid comments to yourself.


Leave them alone - they might be a bit of a nuisance, slightly untidy,have a few germs, be a bit messy and there's more than a few of them - but - LOOK WHAT WE ARE DOING TO THE ENVIRONMENT.

Newark, Nottingham

I think we should get rid of the pigeons by feeding them mouldy old dough...

Lieutenant Pigeon

A short article by the master of controversy. It is a little known fact to the public at large that racing pigeons and their owners played a major role during wartime towards the eventual peace. Pigeons were deemed to be of such importance that special services were set up by military commanders for the purpose of news relay and espionage. Whilst radio transmissions could be intercepted - the pigeon went silently with speedy efficiency. Barely a single aircraft left base without their trusty pigeons in case of mishap, and ground troops used them to fullest potential from points behind enemy lines. One wonderful account is given on www.boglinmarsh.fsnet.co.uk/mather.htm" Boglin Marsh Portal via the pen of the late Captain W. Mather who served with the Indian Pigeon Service which was just one of many that were active in various theatres of war. Pigeons braved all seasons and conditions to bring the vital messages through - they were flown over oceans, deserts and even through the densest of jungle. They carried photographic equipment for survey purposes of enemy troop movement or armament cache - they were even used to disable enemy searchlights when missions were in progress. The Middle East Pigeon Service started with 6 birds, during January 1942; developed large breeding lofts on the edge of the desert at Digla, Cairo, under Lt.-Col. Hollingworth C.S.O. Pigeons and served the 8th Army in North Africa and Italy. They also served the 9th Army and the R.A.F. to develop the Nomad System (this was a two way system similar to the Boomerang method and using mobile lofts) - on this system a 6 months old hen pigeon carried a message back to base from a distance of 500 miles, 260 miles of which was over water. The Nomad System was developed as an alternative to parachuting pigeons into isolated areas. The pigeon was trained to leave an aircraft at 1,000 feet and recognise a marked basket in a field or open area, then pitch into it, returning to its home loft later with a message attached. It was used in the Middle East and also the Ruhr area (see 'Ruhr Express' - trained on this method) The Indian Pigeon Service used the Boomerang System, where pigeons were trained to fly both ways between two lofts - one to feed, the other to nest and were able to do this and navigate through dense jungle over 25-30 miles and behind enemy lines in Burma or Malaya. Some of these lofts recorded over 1,000 successful flights with message carrying pigeons and the true value was in the number of lives that were not placed into positions of further risk, due to the valuable information obtained. There were secret Pigeon Services in France Maquis), Holland, Belgium and Denmark, where those involved risked death for keeping pigeons. These also supplied vital information of enemy troop movements etc. Other valuable service was rendered by American, Canadian, New Zealand and Australian Pigeon Services (see below) The Dickin Medal ~ The recipients and the citations: ALL ALONE' - NURP 39 SDS 39 - Awarded February 1946. "For delivering an important message in one day over a distance of 400 miles while serving with the NPS in August 1943 'BILLY' NU41 HQ 4373'' - Awarded August 1945. "For delivering a message from a force-landed bomber while in a state of complete collapse and under exceptionally bad weather conditions, while serving with the RAF in 1942." 'BROAD ARROW' - 41 2793 - Awarded October 1945. "For bringing important messages from enemy occupied country three times, viz: May 1943, June 1943 and August 1943 while serving with the Special Service from the Continent. ' BEACH COMBER' - NPS 41 4230 - Awarded March 1944. "For bringing the first news to this country of the landing at Dieppe under hazardous conditions in September 1942, while serving with the Canadian Army 'COLOGNE' - NURP 39 NPS 144 - Awarded "For homing from a crashed aircraft over Cologne although seriously wounded, while serving with the RAF in 1943." 'COMMANDO' - NURP 38 EGU 242 - Awarded March 1945. "For successfully delivering messages from agents n occupied France on three occasions: twice under exceptionally adverse conditions, while serving with the NPS in 1942." 'DUKE OF NORMANDY' - NURP 41 SBC 219 - Awarded January 1947. "For being the first bird to arrive with a message from Paratroops of 21st Army Group behind enemy lines on D Day June 6th 1944, while serving the APS." ' DUTCH COAST' - NURP 41 A 2164 - Awarded March 1945. "For delivering an SOS from a ditched Air Crew close to the enemy coast 288 miles distant in 7.5 hours, under very unfavourable conditions, while serving with the RAF in April 1942 'DD 43 TQ 879' (Australian Army Signals Corps - AwardedFebruary 1947. "During an exceptionally heavy tropical storm, June 1945, Army Boat 1402 foundered on Wardour Beach in the Heron Gulf. This pigeon was released with the message 'Engine failed washed on Beach Wardour owing to heavy seas. Send help immediately. Craft rapidly filling with sand.' The pigeon homed to Madang through heavy rain, 40 miles in 50 minutes. As a result a rescue ship was sent to the craft and a valuable cargo salvaged. The bird flew 23 operations totalling 1004 miles 'GI JOE' - USA 43 SC 6390 - Awarded 1946. "This bird is credited with making the most outstanding flight by a US Army Pigeon in World War II. Making the 20 miles flight from British 10th Army HQ, in the same number of minutes, it brought a message which arrived just in time to save the lives of at 100 allied soldiers from being bombed by their own planes 'GUSTAV' - NPS 42 31066 - Awarded September 1944. "For delivering the first message from the Normandy Beaches from a ship off the beach-head while serving with the RAF on June 6th 1944 'KENLEY LASS' - NURP 36 JH 190 - Awarded March 1945. "For being the first pigeon to be used with success for secret communications from an agent in enemy-occupied France while serving with the NPS in October 1920 'MERCURY' - NURP 37 CEN 335 - Awarded August 1946. "For carrying out a special task involving a flight of 480 miles from Northern Denmark while serving the Special Section of the Army Pigeon Service in July 1942 'MARY' - NURP 40 WCE 249 - Awarded November 1945. "For outstanding endurance on War Service in spite of injury." 'MAQUIS' - NPS NS 36392 - Awarded October 1945. "For bringing important messages three times from an enemy occupied country, viz: May 1943 (Amiens), February 1944(Combined Operations) and in June 1944 (French Maquis) while serving with the Special Service from the Continent." 'NAVY BLUE' - NPS 41 NS 2X62 - Awarded March 1945. "For delivering an important message from a Raiding Party on the West Coast of France, although injured, while serving with the RAF in June 1944 NURP 43 CC 1414- Awarded January 1947. "For the fastest flight with a message from 6th Airborne Division Normandy, 7th June 1944, while serving with APS." NPS 42 NS 278- Awarded October 1945. " For bringing important messages three times from an enemy occupied country, viz: July 1942, August 1942 and April 1943, while serving with the Special Service from the Continent NPS 42 NS 7524 - Awarded October 1945. " For bringing important messages three times from an enemy occupied country, viz: May 1943 and July 1943, while serving with the Special Service from the Continent 'PADDY' - NPS 43 9451 - Awarded September 1944. "For the best recorded time with a message from the Normandy Operations while serving with the RAF in June 1994 'PRINCESS' -43 WD 593 - Awarded May 1946. "Sent on a special mission to Crete, this pigeon returned to her loft (RAF Alexandria) having travelled about 500 miles mostly over sea, with most valuable information. One of the finest performances in the war record of the Pigeon Service 'PIGEON' - NURP 38 BPC 6 - Awarded August 1946. "For three outstanding flights from France while serving with the Special Section of the Army Pigeon Service 11th July 1941, 9th September 1941 and 29th November 1941 'RUHR EXPRESS' - NPS 43 29018 - Awarded May 1945. "For carrying an important message from the Rhur Pocket in excellent time, while serving with the RAF in April 1945 'SCOTCH LASS' - NPS 42 21610 - Awarded June 1945. "For bringing 38 microphotographs across the North Sea in good time although injured, while serving with the RAF in Holland in September 1944 'TYKE' - 1263 MEPS 43 - Awarded December 1943. " For delivering a message under exceptionally difficult conditions and so contributing to the rescue of an Air Crew while serving with the RAF in The Mediterranean in June 1943 'TOMMY' - NURP 41 DHZ 56 - Awarded February 1946. "For delivering valuable messages from Holland to Lancashire under difficult conditions, while serving with the NPS in July 1942." 'WINKIE' - NEHU 40 NSI - Awarded December 1943. " For delivering a message under exceptionally difficult conditions, and so contributing to the rescue of an Air Crew while serving with the RAF in February 1942. WILLIAM OF ORANGE' - Awarded May 1945. "For delivering a message from the Arnhem Airborne Operation in record time for any single pigeon, while serving with the APS in September 1944." This pigeon was released at 4.30am with an important despatch and performed the unequalled feat of covering 260 miles - 135 of them over sea in 4 hours 25 minutes to his home loft. The flying speed was therefore 1740 yards per minute, nearly 60 miles per hour, showing great endurance and determination. 'WHITE VISION' - Awarded December 2nd 1943. "For delivering a message under exceptionally difficult conditions and so contributing to the rescue of an air crew while serving with the RAF in October 1943." A flying-boat had to ditch off the Hebrides at 8.20 one morning. Sea-rescue operations were hindered by very bad weather and air search was impossible because of thick mist. At 5pm that afternoon White Vision arrived at her loft with a message giving the position of the ditched aircraft and as a result the search was resumed, the aircraft sighted and rescue of the crew effected. White Vision had flown 60 miles over heavy seas against a head wind of 25 miles an hour with visibility only a hundred yards at the place of release and three hundred yards at the place of arrival. Perhaps the 麻豆官网首页入口 should make a Documentary about these Heroic Pigeons?

Blackpool, England

I think we should get rid of all the people that complain about pigeons, they are so unpleasant to listen to. Maybe we should take all the people that are intolerent of other living things other than themselves, and send them in a rocket into outer space, so they wont have to live with animals anymore, sounds fair to me. The thing that makes me laugh sometimes, is how people complain about pigeon's feces, our feces pollutes the earth far more, and could probably fill skyscrapers continuously for years, so please, dont complain to me about pigeon feces, I dont want to hear it. We are the most selfish and stupid animals in some ways in the world, not to mention, the most destructive of all... What a joke, to worry about pigeons, I can think of alot more important things in the world , yes they are large in numbers sometimes, so aren't people , but that's okay, I say get rid of the intolerant people, or learn how to be more tolerant of other living things besides! y! ourself.

Cambridge, MA USA

I love them, i got people to sign patitions to save the pigeons in my park, they are my favorite animal and I am so happy i have so many here in New York!

New York, US

I have pigeons and there like family to me! they'er so-o-o-o smart! Almost all my pigeons are diferint breeds. One of my pigeons plays with toys and even thinks a tennis ball is his baby. He is the smallest one and thinks he's the boss. He has fluffy feet.
So in conclusion pigeons do have fellings too. Don't even think about touching a pigeon without messing with me first!!!!!!!!!!!!! Go pich on someone your own size you #5%!&*^8


Our pidgeon in the Old Market Square are the biggest in Britain. They are even bigger than the London pidgeons. They are only birds doing what comes naturally so why shoot them. If you start shooting the birds because they shit and breeds, what's next to go wild cats and dogs. What are people gonna do, shoot those too. They people who say shoot the birds have no compassion for any living thing.

Corinne Graehame
Bulwell, Nottingham, Notts,

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