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24 September 2014
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Should we kill all the pigeons?

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10 years
I've been around these fine birds for 10 years now,I'm still alive,and had NO illnesses caused by them.One man said his Aunt sliped on pigon poop and hurt herself,so he feels that all these birds should be killed,well if she had sliped in Bald Eagle poop,should we kill all Eagles too?Maybe his Aunt should have her eyes checked.

just about a couple of hours ago i found this pigeon while walking with my friends it was on the floor helplessly trying to get p and fly away but it couldnt. I mean i had no idea what was wrong with it but i felt pity for it. I have a dog and love it, and because of him i love most animals even pigeons. So i ran back home got a shoebox and lined with a soft blanket then took out some gloves and picked up the pigeon carefully then put it in the box. Once i got home my sis who hates birds was going on bout' there's soooo many pigeons in the world if one dies another one borns like us humans. but the thing is she was right and also like us humans when one human dies it is said, it is pitifull, it is shameless......... and i couldnt let the pigeon die so ive been taking care of it now. So i dont think they should kill pigeons and if u poms are complaining about SOOOOOOO ! ma! ny pigeons in your country look almost half of pigeons live in australasia i live in ozz. think bout' that we dun complain so u shouldnt! have a heart okies? if you wanna kill pigeons its better off that u should kill yourself coz we are both animals! i dont care if u mock me or anything coz im sticking up for helpless defenceless pigeons they need us and all u do is kill them, u people who want to kill birds are selfish u just want your whole country without any pigeons that is really hoggy we are all on the same earth to get along with each other, i may hate spiders and cockroaches but i still actually have a heart.......so you should to!!!!!!! and remember us ozzies got it even harder but we dun complain u bunch of lousy wimps! hmph!

Carried Away
Why don't we send all pigeons from the U.S. to England. Overall, they seem suprisingly pigeon friendly. Or perhaps we could get them to fly over on their own with grammar handbooks in their little beaks.

Pigeons are lovely birds....There inteligent, trainable and good Fun to race. If there that much of a problem, cleanining up the area, and banning the feeding of these birds is a good start. Attempting to them all can be dangerous to the envroment in certian cercumstances. If you poison the birds, these toxins could find thier way down the food chain...Some of these birds might be hobbyists birds too. If you shoot them, some will escape and replenish the population. Cutting off thier food source is the best way to get rid of a problem. For both the birds, and people.

Raven Archambault
Dauphin, Pennsylvania USA
After reading the many opinions on this subject, I feel ready to put mine forward. I do think that some sort of cull is needed by whatever means neccessary. I am referring to the wild pidgeons and not the pet pidgeons people keep. I feel that they are a hazard to peoples health as has been documented.

Should we kill all the pigeons
On October 5th 2000 on the front page of "The Long Eaton Advertiser" was the comment "Time to Stop those pigeons" along with a "set-up" photograph of two local shopkeepers" smiling and leaning on brooms implying that the situation was that bad they were having to sweep up outside their shops. I responded by sending "a letter" both to Bill Smith the Principal Environmental Health Officer and Phil Jackson the Assistant Environmental Health Officer for Erewash Borough Council. The letter reads as follows:- I read with interest the front page regarding pigeons in Long Eaton. Firstly the problem we have in Long Eaton as traders is not the fault of the pigeons, but the "take-aways". As a condition of trading they should be made to supply bins outside their premises to prevent these enormous cartons from being continually strewn all over the pavements and road. I am s! ur! e it is not a coincidence that the complainants shown in the advertiser have a pizza shop next door to them. Lethal methods are cruel and proved to be completely ineffective. Let Erewash Council lead the way in showing more humane ways of resolving these problems. Scare mongering tactics as shown in the advertiser ie "40 viruses including 60 transmittable diseases", and "putting their health at risk" does no-one any favours. According to PICAS they have not known one person in 25 years who has been affected by pigeons in this manner. Perhaps we can encourage the pigeons to move away from the town centre by providing dovecotes or pigeon lofts in the park or other areas, and if seating were provided this would encourage some of the people who feed them, to move with them, so reducing or even eliminating the numbers in the town. If the birds were contained in certain areas, the lofts could be cleaned and eggs removed on a regular basis, so restricting the breeding process! . ! An effective method of "birth control"!! I would urge you to look on the internet at the PICAS site - Pigeon Control Advisory Service. It is a charity so the information is free. They provide advise and information on effective pigeon control. - www.picas.org. It is 15 months since I sent the letters, they were addressed personally, and sent recorded delivery, and neither have had the decency to reply to me. So Bill Smith and Phil Jackson - here you are - named and shamed.

Marilyn Anderson
Should we kill all the pigeons?
I can't believe this is even a debate. OK kill the nuisance pigeons, and the homeless, what about the elderly, they sometimes get in my way. In fact get rid of every living creature on the planet except those that have never annoyed anyone, life would be so much better!!!!

Essex girl
well all street pickers should be killed because all they are ,is fliying rats they carry jerms and tb to cows and sheep and any body they fly over , and peopel should never feed them or touch them becuase they really do carry more jerms than rats .so they should be delt with becusae would u let rats run the streets were kids can play.

r rainey

R Rainey should worry less about pigeons and more about educating herself. The grammar and spelling in her response are atrocious!

pigeons of chippendale
Oh dear I must confess "I HATE PIGEONS". Our lovely restored sydney woolstore has become (After a short holiday away) there in house balcony water closet (or dunny as we call it here). Does/has anyone any quick fixes (some form of biological warfare seems a bit politically incorrect at the moment) maybe some scent they dont like. HAs anyone tried the owls eyes I keep being offered at a price when I search for I HATE PIGEONS! Any nafarious ideas will be listened to except those involving fire, guns, rifles, chemicals or trapping.

pigeons carry 50 different diseases but don't worry only 26 can kill you. if you had to bury your wife or child do you, because of a pigeon do you think you would want to shoot one or all of them then. how about watching your son die from brain tumors, three years in pain. what about then? these birds are disease spreaders in the worst way and were worried about terrorist.

running springs ca, USA
It's a shame that we can't enjoy the city without being bombarded with pigeons. They are classed as vermin by the Health authority. Stopping feeding them is not enough, There are ways of controlling their numbers humainly. they cost the environment thousands of pounds in clean-up costs. lets get rid of them!

Nottingham City
My Aunty slipped and fell, in juring both her hip and her pride, due to unwittingly walking over a patch of the vile and horrid excrement these so called pigeons leave on the pavements and walkways which humans have spent good money and time creating. Do these "pigeons" (devils I call them) not realise that they have no right to behave in this way. They should all go back to Wales where they belong.

David G
poisoned pigeons in the park?
I think that we can all safely blame Mary Poppins for the current pigeon overcrowding. If it wasn't for that little cute beggar woman, convincing little kids to spend their money on pigeon food, instead of chocolates, then we wouldn't be in this mess to begin with. "Tuppence a Bag". but is it ereally tuppence a bag? I don't think so. if you take into account all the misery these tame pigeons have caused, it really adds up. I offer up that we should all spend our sunday's poisoning pigeons in the park.

Should we kill our Pigeons?
I think people should not feed pigeons in public places. You will find that it is mostly ignorant old women who do so, even the food they throw down for the pigeons is a mess and health hazard to normal people. They do cause a lot of disgusting mess and disease. It costs the tax payer thousands and thousands of pounds a year to clean up their mess from public places, buildings, hospital voids etc. Money that could be better spent elsewhere ie. to educate ignorant old women or to lock them up. Exterminate all city/town pigeons, thats what I say.

Tim Donnellan
In the wild these birds would be subject to natural predators. However this is not the case in Nottingham. The population of pigeons needs to be controled in some manner. I suggest the following ways:

1. An enforced Ban on feeding of Pigeons. Feeding birds does not help the problem. There are plenty of food sources for them ie. insects, worms etc. (My next door neighbour places entire loaves of bread out every day for the 'birds'. The fact that the rodent population has been encouraged by such activity fails to sink in).
2. Lace Pigeon feed with a contraceptive substance. This could be tied in with number 1 above. ie. if you feed pigeons with approved form of laced food no prosecution.
3. Use a natural predator where necessary. These methods combined should control the pigeon population to more acceptable levels.

Should we kill all the pigeons
I don't live near Nottingham. In fact, I live in the United States, but this problem with pigeons seems universal. Yes the issue should be delt with. Do they all need to be killed? Probably not. However, the infestation that seems to be going on outside my home has brought me to this forum. I was looking for ways to eliminate the flying pests. Trust me, I will find a way soon.

Sean Masteson
Any where you go in Nottingham there are pigeons and their poo everywhere. Why do people insist on feeding the things? It only attracts them to public areas and they are health risk. Stop feeding the vermin, I'm sure they can fend for themselves they've been around for long enough.

If pigeons were rats this question wouldn't even be asked.At least Rats don't fly in your face and c### on your clothes, get rid of the pigeons then get rid of the fools that feed them, if people want wildlife then they should go into the country.

Newark, Notts
What about culling some of the Homo sapien pestilence to make more room for the more intelligent and harmless species?

i love birds. all animals are better than people. i hate capitalism. i hate money. animals dont care about money. and they dont have any identification papers either.

What sort of mentality do some people have? If an animal is a problem then there solution is "shoot it." Very Christmasy! Live and let live. The pigeons have been here a long, long time and we've managed to co-exist with them so far. Leave them alone. Tony Ashford.

Tony Ashford
Pigeons - Cull or not to cull?
I've recently moved out of London to enjoy a more rural life, but I remember well the mess that pigeons and those that feed them cause in places like Trafelgar Squ. I actual think healthy pigeons add much to London. The problem is that they need to managed. Diseased, mal-nourished pigeons and even some, missing feet are an all too common site in London. I feel that they would be less objectionable to some people if they were looked after properly.


Last week I had to patch the roof up in our house, I put on a dust mask etc over my face, when I got up to the loft I found a heaps of dried pigeon dirt, I cleared it but some of it made me cough even through the mask it was that bad, afterwards I had a bath. But a week on my Asthma has got worse and I feel fluey ..... what things can pigeon dirt do to some one and what can I do to stop this from happening to me as my Asthma has got worse since then.


Pigeons are vermin. They are just rats with wings. I say kill them.

Moo la Rue
Should we kill all the pigeons?
I used to believe that pigeons are dirty vermin, which is a bit blinkered. They have as much right to life as us humans and can be beautiful and fascinating.

I'm not so worried about the pigeons as I am about the bad spelling used on this forum, where did some of you go to skool!?

Monterey, California

Message to the clueless yank from Monterey, CA
Regarding the above post, you've got a nerve coming on this board and questioning our education when you can't spell school correctly!! The words pot, kettle and black spring to mind. Kill all pigeons - Destroy!!! I'm only joking! as Famara Demba (an exchange student from the Gambia studying in Nottm.) once said: "England is such a beautiful place with all the pigeons and the delicious Yorkshire puddings" Not necessarily together I'm sure. LMAO

The Smoke
Should all pigeons be shot
The pigeons in nottingham are rediculas you cant walk the streets without one being there or dropping on your head. I dont think they should all be shot but put somewhere they arnt a pain in the backside. Thank god we dont all live in London wher they are much worse.

Miss A Smith
Ilkeston, Derbyshire
pigeon milk
I find pigeons remarkable creatures with many surprising characteristics . just the other day we succesfully milked a stray pair of local pigeons for half a cup full . the taste is slightly metalic but in my mind a far superior substitute to powdered milk. Im currantly looking for funding for further research.

verity saunders
leeds UK
Don't get me wrong, pigeons or any other living creature (like Big Issue sellers) are fine in moderation. Once we get to a level that is uncontrollable then something must be done to control them, as they become a pest. I personally believe that we must relocate these helpless creatures to the more sparsley populated areas like Siberia.

Ted Baker
Okay, i'd consider myself more of an animal lover than an animal hater but with regards to the pigeons in the city center ive had just about enough! My sugestion is to try and catch a load and then move them to a different location, if they come back, they get shot, simple as. Its their own damn fault for coming back!

Wild Pigeons
Pigeons should be left alone except for being given veterinary treatment when necessary and bird food sellers should come to the Old Market Square. These birds are a delight to see and should be nurtured and cared for by us all. Pigeons spread less desease than people do, they also tend to leave less rubbish around the streets too.


sorry wrong subject pidgeons are cool they are just like aney other bird. you pidgeon shooters are sick i wouldent go around shooting robbins or blue tits because thet is what it is like.

emma mortian

I hate pieons, but I dont think they need to be killed.


oh dear!
spinksy - yes racing pigeons played a great part in wars - no one's arguing they didn't - we're talking about feral pigeons (often lost racing pigeons) in urban environments.

i say kill them humanely - pluck 'em and cook 'em - i've plenty of recipes.

here's an idea - why not have an annual pigeon shoot - pay so much to enter - winner one who gets most piggies in an hour or whatever - some small prize maybe. proceeds to local charity - perhaps the winner could choose as their prize, then cook the piggies and either distribute to needy, or sell and money to charity
Mmm! reckon that should put the cat among the pigeons
incidentally one of my uncles had many champion racing pigeons

roderick dixon
helsinki, finland
If people cleaned up after themselves pigeons would have less to eat. This would equal less pigeons, it would also mean the stronger more DISEASE FREE pigeons would outlive the unhealthy ones. Problem solved. On the hand you can run around with hawks and airguns, personally I would rather risk the pigeons of market square.

There is strong difference between pigeons kept as pets and those wandering around city streets.. I'm surprised no-one has figured it out yet.

kim from nottingham does not know what shes talking about.bring in hawks as is happening now, and in a few years there wont even be any songbirds.the r.s.p.b.are at present breeding hawks and releasing them in the wild.hawks dont mind what they eat,if you know a gamekeeper ask him his opinion about hawks they dont care as long as its eatable.they eat more songbirds than anything else.

belfast northern ireland
Dont Kill Pegions
For me, my pet is pegion and i really love them, I treated them as member of the family, Why? because i love them. People think that pegion is dangerous because it caries deseases, for me it depends upon how you are going to take care. But if you are going to take care nicely i think you dont have any problem. Like me, everyday, I let the pegion take a shower before i go to work, and besides that i clean the yard too. So i dont have any problem with them because they are nice and tame already. So please dont kill them because they are part of living things.And God created them too. Danny Gutierrez Formentera Bangkok, Thailand

Danny Formentera
Bangkok, Thailand
City pigeons are flying scum. Rats only carry diseases communicable to people, pigeons carry 17. They xxxx over everything, they bother old ladies, get rid of them. Bring back the hawks, they keep the pigeons away & get a snack into the bargain - or shoot them. They are a mobile health hazard. EXTERMINATE !!!

nottingham, england
Should we kill pidgeons
I say leave the pidgeons alone, they have been here for years.What is going to be said ,when there are no pidgeons. Alright they make a mess what bird does,nt. I hear nothing mentioned about the masses of starlings. And remember pidgeons were used in the first and second world wars,passing vital messages on.Wether they be Ferral or Racing pidgeons they are still part of our human enviroment and do not forget we humans are the worst polluters out.

Steve Hobbs
Can anybody help me, I have a phobia of pigeons. It may sound funny to some people but my life has changed over the past eleven years. Things have got to the stage for me were I hardly go out any more by myself. I hate pigeons and they have ruined my life.

Pigeon Vermin
Pigeons are vermin and should be controlled. Those people who think they are nice... perhaps you could adopt them and keep them all in your back garden? The rest of us would like less vermin walking round our feet whilst eating in town. It's disgusting. They carry similar germs to rats! Get the air-guns out!

Mansfield, Notts
You seem to forget Pat Pigeon that we're talking about pigeons in Nottingham here and not how humans destroy the envirorment. Those who say that pigeons need to have thier numbers controlled have NOT said that they hate pigeons. Just because we are trying to reduce the numbers of pigeons who have adapted to living in an envirorment soley built as a habitat for humans in order to prevent our own species from catching diseases doesn't mean we all hate them.

To the pigeon haters:

I have never read such a collection of moronic comments. There are a few more intelligent exceptions, but most of the remarks on here suggest that contributors are far more stupid than the pigeons they wish to exterminate.

Humans do the damage, we are the ones that mess up the environment. The level of debate on here emphasises that we are not fit to judge the habits of other species.

Get a life, you sad people. Find something really important - world poverty perhaps - to get wound up about, and stop scapegoating pigeons.

Your shit makes a mess too. You carry diseases. You make too much noise. You litter up town centres. Easier though, isn't it, to find something smaller and more vulnerable to blame it all on? You should be ashamed of yourselves.

I hope you pigeon haters are all having fulfilling happy lives, full of joy at the everyday beauties of existence, full of wonder at the marvels of creation. But somehow I doubt it.

P.S Columba palumbus - you are a star. Your contribution was brilliant. Thank you for cheering me up.

Pat Pigeon
Trafalgar Square, London, UK

To PapaRoachFan:
don't you realise that cavemen ate animal meat, raw,those millions of years ago? Did they leave prints in caves or any other signs to say they think it's wrong to eat animals? Oh, so it's perfectly alright for foxes to eat chickens, or vultures to eat dead carcasses? Humans have always eaten meat, just as spiders eat flies. Are people going to say that spiders don't have a right to kill flies? For food? We also, like many species, kill animals for food. We ARE still in the food chain after all. Lions kill antelope. Why don't poeple run out on safari and stop a lion killing an antalope? Is it cruel to even think of a lion killing an antelope? No, some people say;it's natural. Well isn't it natural that humans eat meat too? didn't you realise that? Lions kill for food=humans kill for food. Do you see a connection? It's perfectly fine to be a vegetarian if you don't want to eat meat!
, !
but don't start abusing those who do. So you're saying that God created animals not be killed....by other EVIL animals, even mammals, just to survive. You haven't really thought out what you just said.


You people are so cruel to even think about killing Pigeons, they do no harm they only look for scraps of food to feed their babys just imagine you as one and this person comes along and tries to kick you and keep you away from their food how would you feel ?? that's why God created them to live not to be KILLED by evil people. Also I'm a vegitarian I love Animals very much, you all proberly think you all do but remember what you are eating on your plate 'HINT HINT' "DEAD ANIMAL" but you proberly don't even give a damn because you are all to mean to even think about upsetting it is when animals are killed and now you think its right killing PIGEONS ?? you are all insane!!!

Disgusting filthy creatures, just wait until they contract something like the plauge! Then ask these ridiculous animal rights people if they want to go pick the fleas and the rest of the parasites off of them. I am not saying kill them all but a severe cull is in order though.

Mike Morley
Nuthall, Nottingham
Kebabs & Pigeons
I think pigeons had something against me, for (this is true!) one of them decided to use my kebab as a suitable spot to excrete it's droppings right in it! However, this applies to all those animal lovers, how could you call the human race as the most evil/dangerous species when the black and white Killer Whales are known to toy and kill baby whales from other whale species for fun, and only eat a small section of their jaws (true cos I watched the Blue Planet!)? But you don't have a go at them, do you? But when humans even talk about shooting pigeons the entire community of animal lovers become enraged? I think alot of those people don't think first before they yell out in anguish at such matters. THINK FIRST!!! Humans are naturally aggressive beings, evolution has done that (heck we even fight each other!)We have become rather smart and so we can change the surrounding world to fit our species. Some poeple recognise pigeons as a health hazard. True in some cases because they can. We don't need to SHOOT all pigeons; there's no need to do that. But we do need to CONTROL them before they get too out of hand, population wise. We have the intelligence and power to do so, so let's do that.

Well, all these people getting all pissed off, oh my, "oh dont kill them there so nice & cute" & "oh dear what a horrible idea" or "you nasty people, they were there before you" I have one comment for you sad dream types,! & thats if your going to post a comment read the ones before!! idiot, learn a little about what your commenting about! Listen to others who tell you about the disease's & things you can catch, Ambulance Drivers express more care picking up a Prostitute than the RSPCA do with pigeons! does that place a few little things in your mind? They were introduced because we once used to eat them, thats why three called feral pigeons!! So now that we dont use them or monitor there comdition there allowed to go on carrying parasites & disease! theres so many ways to control pigeons, but the natural & most succesful way is food related, not hawks not poision nor shooting, People have been killing rabbits for years & they still make there numbers back, there a baseline food subject, there meant to be killed in large numbers and recover quickly. Just prevent the intake of food they have assess to, ban all the little old ladies who contribute to there TB & asper. Slap the same controls as rat upon them, would you feed a rat while your having a picnic?, no, but rats carry less transmitable disease's. Well thats all i have to say for now, Im a pestcontrol tech, I use hawks inside building to remove birds from area that cant be shot or have wires placed. Just remember to have things in perspective when reading these mails! what would your first reaction to somebody walking towards you with a rat hanging in his hand be? not the same as a pigeon huh!! but both can KILL YOU, just remember that!!

Pigeons have proven themselves to be a bit of a nusinance. I know some people that keep them as pets. Some I know would rather shoot them. But who's to say whether we shoot them or pet them? Only those who have actually become bombing targets will want to do something about pigeons. So this arguement is a stalemate.

Cheeky chap
should we kill the pigeons
I think we should kill every person who suggests killing pigeons or any species for that matter,who the hell are we to decide to kill another specie which can't defend for itself.Human being are one of the most filty desease carrying species on this planet. so letsa start getting rid of those who suggest these stupid selfish acts.

Vancouver canada
I would take pigeons over disgusting filty people any day. Birds and Pigeons aren't the problem It's people who carry diseases. For those ignorent people who don't know anything about Pigeons,they should study (that's if they can read),to see how smart these birds are.

The pigeons that infect our cities are a definite health hazard and should not be there. Most of the pigeons are 'wood' pigeons and that is where they belong. If people who like wood pigeons want to see them, let them go to the woods. Why should the majority have to suffer the inconvenience of pigeons just to please a small minority?

Dave Harvey
Nottingham, England
should we kill all the pidgeon
should we kill pidgeon? it's a interesting debating point i would lihe to say being a human being we should care every living body in this univese. pidgeon is a beautiful & peace & love indicating bied we should care it specially

azam bashir
lahore ( pakistan )
Exterminate them all!!!!!

Kris Lockhart
chilwell nottingham
why do humans fell we have more right over animals, we were put on this eart together so we should look after it and all our animals, these people who are all for killing them should take alook at themselfs ;have they ever had the pleasure of holding a pigion they are very loving and inteligent

j hopwood
rochdale lancs
I think that the pigeons should be culed humanley. maybe use a bird of prey too bring the number down

Pigeons like many other feral animals do need to be controlled but we would not have the problems of feral pigeons and rats if we the general public would clean up after ourselves if we could cut down on all the waste food burgers and chips, takeaways there would be no foods source therefore feral numbers would drop. Lets not forget there are many types of pigeon the common street pigeon fancy breeds and pigeons that are capable of covering 600 miles in one day ( the most expensive pigeon in the world cost 拢110,000 brought for breeding purposes). So remember not all pigeons are "flying rats" and that pigeon fanciers in this country donate hundreds of thousands of pounds to charity every year.

Barry Fry
i have been to the old market square shopping and got coverd with pigeon droppings wich is no joke. I had to go to the gents to get cleaned up it took me 20mins when i was in there three other men were coverd as well. Neck them all and make pies. just look at the square droppings all over you can not sit down.

peter marlow
heathfield basford nottingham
Look at the benches in the city centre - covered with pigeon droppings. It's disgrace and presents an appauling image to the city visitors. Kill them all so we can sit down!

Simon Chamberlain
Pigeon culling
I think that pigeons are pests, and can carry pathogenic diseases. so a drastic cull would be a good Idea. I met a woman who had contracted a disease of the lung from pathogens from pigeon feces....she know only has one lung. for the rest of the pigeons a treatment in a food supply.

John Santilli
Roma Roma Italia
We can not forget what Pidgeons did for us.
They served the US too in both wars.

joe dupont
Gillette,NJ USA
killing pigeons
we should not kill all the pigeons, but there numbers should be monitored, as we know over population means certain death,

garland simpson
arnaudville la, usa

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