Chocolate Delice With Cherry Compote

100g hazelnuts
100g castor sugar
50g branflakes
40g butter, melted
Caramelise sugar and add hazelnuts.
Set to cool and then place in a bag and bash to a powder. Blitz branflakes and add melted butter. Press into a free form mould or individual moulds lined with cling and set to cool. I used 2 x pound loaf tins.
150ml whole milk
325ml double cream
Zest 1 orange
½ teaspoon mixed spice
Pinch ground clove
Pinch nutmeg
2 eggs
25g Caster Sugar
350g dark chocolate, chopped
Boil milk and cream with orange zest and spices. Whisk the eggs with the sugar and pour over the hot cream mixture. Whisk it and then return to the pan. Whisk over a low heat until the mixture starts to thicken then add chocolate.
Pour onto base and set in the fridge to set – will take at least 6 hours but preferably overnight.
Cherry Compote
250g stoned cherries
75g sugar
Juice of orange from above
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Boil the juice and sugar to a thick syrup.
Add the cherries and vanilla extract and cook for 5 minutes.
Serve with ice-cream.