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(Oncorhyncus sp.)

Fact title Fact data
1 m
Up to 55 kg
3 months - 2 years in freshwater and a further 2-4 years at sea.

Salmon are the real stars of Wild Alaska Live. Their run upstream to breed triggers one of the largest feasts on the planet. There are multiple different species on the migration, including sockeye, chinook, silver, chum and pink. They are anadromous - meaning they are born in freshwater, before migrating to the sea to mature. Some salmon will migrate thousands of miles, deep under the Pacific ocean.

Their run upstream to breed triggers one of the largest feasts on the planet

The female salmon digs a small nest with her tail, known as a redd, laying thousands of eggs. For the adults, it’s the end of the journey. The male and female will guard the redd until they die, shortly after mating. The nutrients from their bodies help boost the productivity of the rivers for their hatched offspring to have the best chance of survival.