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Give us a cue

If there's something you have to do every day at a specific time and often forget, then this technique, called implementation intentions, should help and it's very simple.

Give yourself a cue to help your intention to do something. Doctors use it to help people's health behaviour. For example, say to yourself 'whenever I have my first cup of tea in the morning, I will also take my pills'. Or 'when The Archers finishes I'll do my exercises'.


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Very good way of remembering things. If I want to remember to do something before going out I visualise getting to the door and the thing I have to remember,usually works.

bob harris
this really does helpv ! wow !

lynn Henry
Good on the whole as long as it is repetative

The first thing I do every morning whilst making a cup of tea is pour some water and take my pills.

I will try this as I ofter forget to do my exercises

I use this all the time!


Setting a cue is very useful.Eg.Take my pills before my morning cup of coffee,rake the rug and wash the kitchen floor before I go to bed.It also helps to write it on the blackboard !

Sounds very useful. Have never tried it, but am bad at remembering to do things, so I will definitely give it a go.

Sue D.
This is good as it means you don't actually have to remember to do each thing individually - just the whole lot as one

I find this technique very useful and so effective that I sometimes do the things I need to do without realising I have done them!


This does not work for me because I always get interupted by my daughter who always needs something immediately. Therefore the pattern is broken regularly so I always forget to take my vitamins on a regular basis.

Yes I agree with this one - I take my cod liver oil just before I go up to bed. I tried to take it first thing in the morning but kept forgetting

this works well with things I don't like doing and therefore supress. I give myself a deadline - like after dinner, or on Sat. morning - and sometimes I even write it down.

I thought Cues work for me , but on reflextion I think its more of a routing that I associate with certain things - like checking before leaving the house that I have purse,mobile & glasses. I cant manage without those 3 things.

I believe it really helped.I always have to connect my breakfast with pills.

I don't have cues I just put aside a moment before I leave every morning before I leave to make sure I've done everything I'm supposed to

Chris L
I have to take a tablet every day so I keep the packet by the side of the bed so that when I wake up the first thing I take my tablet. If I go to the bathroom before taking my tablet it does not feel right, so I know I have to go back and take my tablet.

Thank the person who invented the "post it" ....i would forget my name if i didnt use them. I have them stuck on my shelf by the teapot at home and on my computer at work. I still forgot it was my birthday, i remembered the date, but forgot what day it actually was until i was given a card at work.

How about if we develop this and say to our selves for example: when I have the first cup of tea for the day I'll remember all the things I feel grateful for and feel happy. Come on guys this could make almost every morning a happy one (pmt and hangovers excluded of course!)

Tablet taking routine is ok for a while as you can fit it into the daily routine if it is one a day for example. What I find difficult is if you have to take tablets an hour before eating three times a day as with antibiotics on occasions-I am constantly starving as I have to delay my meals so that I remember to take the tablets at the correct time, and there always seems to be one left over-------

Mandy Winter
I say this when and if I need to take medication, still don't remember so not a useful tip for me.

work for important things like taking medicine.. but doesn't work for things less important things..

No it doesn't work for me - I usually end up thinking that there was something i should have remembered - then remember later what it was!! - Could't rely on that - better with a memo board

Paul Smith
I can talk myself out of doing thing easy if I say I will do something after something has finished - not good idea this idea

Useful method, after a short time it becomes routine.


joan entwisle
I have used this technique all my life & have found it invaluable ( aged 59)

quite mechanical,I think .And if I can remenmber to take pills after breakfast,why am I uncapable to remember it alone?

I think i'm going to try this method, last term at school I always had to remember to get the register for my teacher everymorning, and every morning I I forgot. I think this method will be very useful for me in the future.

This is something I have been using for a long time..I have a very bad short term memory!

I'm the king of forgetfulness. Most techniques don't work for me. One main reason for forgetting is being interrupted or getting distracted. The real question is how to stay focused. Any ideas ?

I had to remember to buy some dog food on the way home from work. I had to drive over a little bridge and turn left for home, but turn right to get the dog food. I put a visual of the bridge and a hugh tin of dog food into my brain. Sure enough when I went over the bridge I saw the dog food and turned right. I only had to do this once. Twelve years later whenever I go over this bridge I remember Dog Food - even tho I have not had a dog for eight years! Try it

I have medication I need to take morning and night. Morning is easy enought o remember as I always start the day with a coffe, and tablets too. It's the evening meds I forget becuase I get distracted by studies, tv, or my daughter. I've managed to combat this by setting an alarm on my mobile phone. As soon as I heart it, I know exactly what I have to do

M ak
I got to take this supplement during meals (any meals) and you would thought it is easy since you eat every day, but I keep forgetting.

The pills example is just an example. I think the idea here is associating something you remember with something you find hard to remember. You can ask someone else to help you in the first few attempts.

james P
yes this does work if there is nothing on your mind at the time so the link between tea and pills seems to work better if the mind is relaxed

I have a routine in the morning to get ready, if I change the routine I always forget to do something.

Kate D
I realise now that I do this with pill taking so will try it with other things I am forgetful about.

I have not tried this, it seems to be useful. It eventualy becomes part of one's discipline.

I always use cues to remember to take medication etc. Otherwise, I would forget.

I remember to take my pill without thinking about it, I just do it.

It really works for me.Meybe,it does matters because we are having self-talk.

val vearncombe
I will try this as I am always forgetting pills or other 'everyday' actions.

only useful first thing in the morning when i'm half asleep!

It works for pills - provided nothing happens like holidays, or moving house -to interrupt the routine established.

Jon Player Special
I totally agree with daz. I do exactly the same. It only works for me for one off things. But thats probable cause i do things at different times every day.

This doesn't work, unless you mean "When I look at my watch, I'll briefly get a vague feeling of unease, then scream, panic and rush!". Recently I have improved on this technique through the use of mobile technology: "When my phone alarm goes off, I frown and concentrate for a few seconds, then say 'Ah!' and do what I set the alarm to remind myself to do" ... but I first need to remember to set the alarm.

Rachel B
I don't do this in a methodical way but I normally remember to take my pill once I have a glass of juice or water in my hand.

This doesn't work for me - I don't think I ever do anything at the same time from one day to the next!

I use this technique, it helps me to remember things but doesn't always work, I think it depends on how alert you are or whether you are running on 'auto-pilot'! I don't use it for repetitive things so much as setting myself a cue for a one-off action, so if I need to remember to video something on the telly before I go to bed I set myself a cue that is the pillow or maybe the stairs so that when I see the pillow or when I'm climbing up the stairs I remember that I've forgotten to set the video!

For a tablet I have to take with a main meal, the tablet packet is kept in the cutlery drawer, with the forks! I never forget that one! The one i have to take at night, despite having a phone alarm going off every night at 9pm, i just cancel the alarm and forget to take the tablet until i'm about to drop off to sleep hours later.

janet stiles
this would work okay in an established and unvarying routine but if the part of the routine that involves the pill taking is removed it could fall apart

To remind myself if I've left the car in gear I leave something on the driver's seat. No nasty lurch!

Yes, but in moderation. It can get a bit obsessive otherwise! I have found that the pill taking/morning cuppa usually works, unless I miss the cuppa! And what happens with those pills that should only be taken with water? -then I become more haphazard -perhaps I should cue myself somehow to drink more water! I found that the more regimented my life is, the easier it is to remember, because there are more things to link up as 'cues'. However, retirement brings rather a featureless landscape, so that even the days lose their identity. And I'm so happy to be away from bells, what does that matter anyway!

Ric D
This is quite a useful method for the more mundane, less important chores or tasks one forgets quite easily by associating something one does frequently. For example, having breakfast/brushing teeth and connecting the thing to be remembered such as taking a course of medicines for a bug alongside this. It is key to make it habit forming.

interesting comment re drs. i use this a lot (as a dr w my pts) i esp tell women taking the contraceptive pill to put it w. their toothbrush so that whenever they brush theri teeth (either am or pm - but must be consistent) to take the pill also

sleep-over queen
it work very well if you have a good memory but this is about remembering ________________

This is useful

shanaz ahmed
this is a very useful tip

I agree anon

I don't use cues to remember things. If it's that important I will remember it anyway, and if I forget well there's always tomorrow.

it kind of works but i forget the cues so then i need cues to remember the cues which just gets too confusing. I stick to postit notes on the wall!

Every morning whoever gets up first - my husband or myself - fills the kettle takes out any medicine for the day before making the tea. It works for us

I'm a planner so this works but writing out a schedule works best for me.

Yes. I kept missing dental appointments but now I look at my diary each morning and have stopped missing other things as well

I find cues helpful, I was trying to remember all the commanders in Waterloo down to Batalion level - thats quite a few names and ranks

Donna H
To remember evening pills I pop out 7 each Sunday and put them in the bathroom cabinet next to my toothbrush. It's easy for me to see whether I've taken that day's or not - I never forget these; and never take 2 which I think I could if I couldn't see them all)

Definitely works for me.

That sounds like a good idea. I'll try this.

Because I'm a haphazard person, this method is difficult for me. My husband, who is very logical & methodical finds this method useful.

having a system is very useful, I haven't used it an awful lot but will do so in future

Very useful but it leads to bad habits especially when your cues come from RaDIO 4 in the morning. It's difficult to get anything done.

yes, I think this helps with routine, not high-priority but essential actions. I also wonder, whether this is an 'age' thing...

I ALWAYS forget what other people ask me to do because it's usually during another activity that they ask me to do it, and I just absent-mindedly say "yeah ok...whatever" and then forget about it soon afterwards. I also forget the easiest, most routine and trivial things...shutting the gate when i come in every day and stuff like that. I do it so much that people think i'm not interested, or think their request if stupid, or something....bit annoying really.

Cues are especially useful when I cannot remember the name of the person I have bumped into in the street. One engages in mutual recognition and , as the conversation flows cues emerge to prod the name bank.

I've tried this but it isn't always effective - sometimes I'm just rushing around and don't stop to think (therein lies my problem!).

Is there a way of remembering the clues?

I have to leave tablets on the dressing table to remember to take them in the morning. I have a better routine at night unless I am drunk!

I have to leave tablets on the dressing table to remember to take them in the morning. I have a better routine at night unless I am drunk!

Red Queen
this one works for me

These are only useful if you remember the cues. In practice the cues can easily be forgotten and depends on stress levels at teh time. I have never found this method to work for me.

Very useful, but I am a person that tend set myself routine tasks and thus the association of ideas are helpful

I thought that this sort of thing was called being Obsessive!

Deanna Pini Waldenberg
Good one because I do use this technique and it works...for me anyway!

This works very well, but only if you have a regular routine which you use all the time, otherwise the whole point of the cue falls apart.

This only works if you have a routine - and what happens if you forget to have a cup of tea? Just keep taking the tablets instead?

I have tried this for taking medicine but I work shifts and it is very difficult to be doing anythingat the same time each and every day.

Could be useful but at present I do not seem to need prompts. I am retired, very relaxed and enjoying life, so not under pressure. Could this have something to do with it?

I forgot my pills this morning & reading this reminds me... but I put reminders for some things on my mobile phone: when it alerts me I invariable know exactly what it is alerting me about, which proves the action of storing a reminder is enough in itself!

My partner will not take his tablets unless I remember to pour him a glass of water in the morning

I think this method only works depending on personality. Some people gain a sense of security from routine, they will then choose routine to govern their life, others find routine restrictive, especially creative personalities.

Nice name implementation intentions, however also sounds to me like stating the obvious. As for the fancy name it could very well be called something else, like: Event Priming. What it does however is to instigate an initial routine which can then become a behavour, or is that meant to be called behavour modification?

Eddie Punch
I realy do have to take my pills. Thanks. Now I'll have a cup of tea. The morning is OK as a rule but sometimes it's the evening pill that I forget. I'll have to work on that one. thanks

David Ashby
It does work for me. But I am a person of habit. I may try to apply it to doing my accounts.

limited use as it depends are there being an event at the same time

So does a dirty tea cup prove you've taken your pills? Sometimes one has to make a point of consciously remembering the action especially with daily routines!

My dentist encouraged me to, sorry about this example, scrape my tongue daily. As I'm not good at these routines, he explained that he scrapes while watching the 10 o'clock TV. news. That's his trigger!

Frank Reinelt
i like the idea of pills with coffee, and i am often late with remembering the pills

I just like things to be dynamic. I hate the idea of having too much routine. This doesn't work for me. I guess if I really need to remember something then it (should) just pop up...

Every day I try to wtie my diary, but on many an occassion, I forget. Now with this cue technique, I will link that activity with my dinner/supper: WHENEVER I FINSIH MY DINNER, I WILL WRITE MY DIARY. Thank you, Regards Seshadri Hyderabad, India

halfdan Johnson
I know I should do this, but I lack the willpower to be consistent

Alexandra McLeod
This would take many practice attempts (and failures) to get right but once you had succesfully implemented it then just like Pavlov's dogs, it would be automatic.

Because I have become undisciplined, there's no set time when I do anything. Maybe it has to do with full-time working from home after years of impressing a boss with my time keeping skills.

I have tried it out but it doesn't work when you have tonnes of other things on your mind!

Julie W
I do this, I always take my pill after I brush my teeth!



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