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Make it meaningful

The human mind is massively devoted to meaning.

The digits 5019114421945 are fairly difficult to remember, because they are essentially meaningless.That is, until you realise that each set of three digits can be assigned meaning.

Try Levi jeans, Porsche sportscar, favourite football formation, end of the World War II. This string of facts may not be easy to remember - but not nearly so hard as the digits in their raw form.

Look for meaning in everything - especially if you can refer it back to yourself.


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Total votes: 103

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Sounds like a good idea but doesn't work particularly well.

claire gray
People do tend to remember things if they understand it.

Philip Brown
I dont find it that easy. I look for shapes in the numbers. I used to have a phone number that went 34725 which was so lovely (and I who failed cse maths!) the numer is a mountain 3 and 4 make 7 (the top) as do 2 and 5 on the other side!

That's fine in theory, but how many numbers are as convenient as the example?

too much information to retain for a long string of numbers

Amazingly worked for me!!

5019114421945 are 13 elements; levi's, sports car, football and war are 4 elements. Even if it's hard to remind these 4 elements is easier than 13 not connected ones.So I think it's a good method!!

Sorry NO, just don't get it.

I often do this and find it a very effective technique.

Ken Toye
Introducing meaning into numbers is the answer for me. The no. you give 5019114421945 I have just memorised.1911 and 1945 are dates that are associated with meanings(1945 is my transition year to 6 Form)50 is the first meaningful score in cicket. It can be divided into tens.442 make ten.2 50s ,makes a hundred, which gives me the 2. The 4s equally make 10. To unbelievers this process appears extra-ordinarily complex, but it works for me. Thanks for the programmes, Ken Toye

Make it meaningful for me.When I choose codes, I make them meaningful for me. I use also rhythm when I have to remember them.

This may help if the numbers are things which you can relate to events or dates but not something to use all the time.

No this does not work for me! I can never think of anything quick enough. I think it has to be an immediate meaning otherwise if you really have to think about it you still forget - well I do anyway!

too comPlicated. - I can use chunking for pins and telephone numbers. - Don't need to remember longer numbers.

if you can see a meaningful link for you, then it works.

Simon James
I think this tied in with, well essentially the chunking technique, is an excellent method for digits. Definitely one to pratice.

rosabelle efe
You said that one could remember names by visualizing a picture of their names,but this could be difficult with native nameseg OLUFEMI IN YORUBA language in Nigeria.

Chris B
Remembering the number is great if you can do it, but you still have to associate that number with a face or organisation, another feat of memory...I prefer my paper and pen method...never lets me down!

5019114421945 - wow! very useful, but I suppose you have to have a library of meaningful numbers in your head to begin with

I would still struggle having to remember the meanings to get the numbers that I am supposed to remember I really don't get it!!

Very useful - I use this every time and can remember on the top of my head all my friends' phone numbers.

Gill it could be remembered as below:bought 5 for 7(547)late because it is 9 to 4 (894)Luckly day (7 luck)bithday 02.

Mandy Winter
Don't like this idea. Complicated!

I imagine each number is carved out of stone, 100 foot high. Usually works.

It took me a little while to work this out, but is clever not sure if I would use it though

giving things a logical meaning seems to work wonders for me, even if to others it sounds very bizzare

ROFL Read my comment in 'Imagery' 5019114421945 memorized it in one try PS. It's been 1 min after i last looked or thought about that number

This system is in my opinion very overated. The energy taken to a) develop the image,b) ascribe meaning,c) remember the image,d) recall the image,e) decipher the image,will not in my opinion help the user develop confidence in their ability to recall.

Haven't tried this one, will try it with my mobile phone number as I can never remember it.

Jaromir Buczek
In my opinion, very useful, if you can take the time to find meanings in the numbers. (I bet, most will not.)

Good tip for vital numbers. But it has to be meaningful for you. No use using other people's suggestions.

My PIN numbers are all meaningful numbers, but they are only meaningful to my non-standard brain.

Olivia Chute
Perhaps if the number you had chosen corresponded to a credit card number (with three more digits) then it would have been more meaningful to those you indeed questioned it! That's the longest number that I can think of that you may have to remember - say if you lost it and didn't have a receipt to hand.

I work in a school and have 20-30 new names to remember each September. I try this technique, especially when there are some children who look very similar to each other.

Very useful. I never thought of that but I'm sure it would be much easier to remember.

Sorry Fraser, but I think you've missed it:From the original number 5019114421945, 501 is a style of Levi jeans, 911 is a model of Porsche, 4-4-2 is a description of a team's formation in football, and 1945 is the yearin which WWII ended.It's already been said that you need to be lucky with your original number to be able to find matches for all of it, or have a huge range of memorable numbers you can use for association !

I think meaningful is the best way of memorisigng because it also makes you learn and remember important dates and events

a friend of mine has 3 lots of 808 in his mobile number its easy to remember as you see the word BOB three times the other numbers just fall in easily

I'm not bad at remembering phone numbers but have noticed that I always have to say the code then the rest follows. If I try to think of the number wothout the code it takes longer. Proof that your brain searches for what you have stored in there.

I don't think this technique has been very well explained; judging from the general confusion expressed by many posters. The idea in mind (I presume) is the one whereby all digits correspond to specific letters, the correspondences between which must be internalised. Vowels are not assigned. Words are formed using the letters representing the numbers in the sequence (these can in turn be tied to images). For a more thorough explanation see: http://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/newTIM_07.htm

y wud i want to remember that long line of digits. wot use is it?

Laurie Turner
Great help with classes of people with same names- eg. Peter- who's short, is 1, Peter who's tall is 10.

I worked in a job where remembering numbers from over 35 different numbering systems was useful. I found that each number (which could include letters) when spoken, had its own rhythm and this combined with visual association helped me to remember quite a large range of numbers.

usefull also to find patterns in numbers

usefull also to find patterns in numbers

Michael Papworth
Dominic O'Brian, a world champion memorist many times over, taught a group of people the first ten decimal places in the number pi in less than two minutes using this technique. If it's good enough for Dominic, it's pretty good!

When i moved house i had to remember by new phone number so i used full circle levi jeans.I also used Micheal Jordans shirt number to remember the house number.

shanaz ahmed
i tend to look for mathematical sequences or hosroical dates etc

I try to relate numbers to each other. Try to explain with Jill's numbers (547894702) step by step.1. I used to know a family with five children2. We were 4 siblings3. Two family used to go to holidyas together. Not easy to deal with 9 children. Then do it step by step. Two family. two step. First 7 then 8. You reached to 9.4. Now you have 789. what is the fourth number after three consecutive numbers? 4 off course5. this is your second 4 and like the first one fallowed by another 7.6. You are exhausted with all this rubbish. Your energy level is 0.7. go 2 have a cup of tea.I know it sounds very silly. But that is the reason why it works. Nobody is going to read what is in your mind. Crate your own silly combinations and stories. You will remember.

Jill, I think it helps if you can make it releveant to yourself to remember.54 The year a friend was born 789Just that run of numbers47 Am old house number02 Is the month I was bornfor exampleI find these examples easier that generaly memory, I can't remeber why Iwent downstairs or what happened in Coronation St after it ends, or who called for my wife!

This tip is quite good but what if you don't know anything associated with the thing you are trying to remember then there is no point using this tip

i get how this works but what if the numbers realy are just random and have no link to your life? also i have a friend who tries to do this with phone numbers except she always gets confused for example shell remeber something as 5 days berfor her brothers birthday but then will forget about the five days basically this only works if ypu alrady have a good memory.

I'll be honest I looked at the string of numbers and didn't even think of jeans, car and WW2. If I need to remember numbers I use chunking. The thing I really don't understand is why certain numbers stick in my head, for example squareroot of 2= 1.4142, Pi= 3.1415926537, Log of Pi= 0.4971.Why do these numbers stay there, they are of no use to me at all?

This works for me. A little imagination goes a long way and it's such fun.

Not very. Alright if you watch a lot of T.V. Obviously some numbers would be meaningful but not many

Again numbers just don't stick.I probably would remember all the 'tricks' -levi's, porche etc but would have to ask someone else what the numbers were!

Remember my mobile number like this as part of it is 747.For some reason the other numbersjust stick

More numbers - I dont find myself needing to memorise a load of numbers, usually facts

I use this one all the time. One of my 'must remember numbers' is the year after Waterloo & the house number when I was a child.

haven't tried it but will do in future

I commented under 'Chunking' but I think my comment there in relation to finding a 'natural' rhythm in the consecutive numbers also applies here.There is a kind and useful side effect to using these methods.That is, the gain in confidence that one can remember numbers seems to make the whole process easier.As soon as that confidence arrives and you 'know' that you will remember the number, it happens time and again with less and less effort.Have a good day :)

I've never used this but will maybe try it.I'm not confident.

This method is what I refer to as association.

Sam T S Chow
Meaningful is probably the most important part in memory. I would venture to suggest the following theory. Meaningfulness comes from grouping or organizing constituent parts into a way that makes sense. It therefore has to comply with some underlying logic. With logic, one thing follows the other, which helps your memory.

Call me stupid, but just how does it work?

Never tried it before but it looks fun

When trying to memorise a PIN, if possible I look at the letter of the alphabet that the number represents, although this only works if the numbers are low.I have also found that an association with the multiplication table helps. 3 6 9 or 3 4 12.

it works if the numbers have an underlying significance of their own e.g. account codes or STD dialling codes or are quite short.It is probably easier if you have a large family with varied addresses or birthdays.

This sounds like a good idea, I think I already do this subconciously. It certainly helps me remember all those PIN numbers we're expected to recall these days. By picking a PIN that relates to the card it's for can really make life easy provided it's not an obvious one.

This works for phone numbers for me, but I have to anchor it with something meaningfull

An aspect of Chunking which can also work if only some of the numbers in a sequence have an association: so, you have fewer unconnected digits to remember.

As a bit of a maths enthusiast, this works well. I'm always spotting mini trends, like prime squares, pretty matrix transformations, even runs and jumps, like music.

This just will not work.

Rami (website team)
Of course, you're right not all numbers are so obviously meaningful but it's usually possible to associate most numbers to something that's relevant on a personal level - birthdays/ages of friends and family, lucky numbers, house numbers on your street and so on. You could try other methods such as mentally constructing a story using the numbers or try 'chunking' - click on the link in the right-hand side of this page. As with many of these tips, you'll find it easier the more you practice. Memory champion Dominic O'Brien uses the story method to great effect in 麻豆官网首页入口1's How to Improve your Memory, which goes out on 9 August at eight pm.

If I had, say, 547894702 to remember - what then?No Porche or Levi's there!Not very helpful to me.

Alexandra McLeod
The numbers you selected are meaningful but not all numbers are so obliging.

I think it's quite difficult to relate numbers to known facts especially when you have to learn a range of numbers all at once.

Yes this is good. I often do this with numbers - group them up and relate them to something or someone I know

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