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16 October 2014

Hermit Life

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Just Some Old Pics

I decided tae tidy up me laptop...ye ken, all they things that clutter the desktop up such as saved pictures and downloaded music and suchlike, as opposed tae the neat and tidy work folders I should be keeping on it..
and came across the folder frae one o` the previous Sanday Sundays where yours truly and her other half were part o` the group that did the Viking Age reenactment. So here are a couple of pics, me and himself are the couple standing on oor own looking busy....*blushes*....
A grand time was had by all then, it was a hot and sunny day so that alone mak`s it stick in the mind!

The plans for the medieval feast come on apace...the building is being cleared oot for it, and provisions gathered....some o` the friends coming are bringing their ain music tae, and everybody is bringing drink! It must mak us sound like a right bunch o` boozers but that is no` true...well, no` true for all o` us....
and the firewood for the night is growing fine style. I`m making me own gown for the night...no` a trial as ye learn tae mak your own stuff for reenactment anyway...and if the whole night is a success, it`ll become a regular thing. The only `bad` thing is, it is so expensive for folks frae elsewhere tae come tae Orkney, ye would think wi` all the tourism the OIC wants tae attract they might begin by making it a wee bitty cheaper tae actually get here!
Having said that, this is a guid year for visitors for us, wi` folks coming up pretty much throughout the year. Lots tae look forward tae. I think as well, folks like the fact their hosts (that`d be yours truly and himself there see) are a bit...well...unusual...so that they actually see the crossbow practice and the bonfires and the feasts as treats. Poor souls.
As I always say though, it`d be a boring world were we all the same.

Posted on Hermit Life at 10:54


Herself doesn't let me near any sharp objects, but I'd love to watch a reenactment. I think I saw one, many moons ago in Hastings ( no it wasn't the real thing in 1066 ) but had partaken in too much of the Fire Water, and other mind numbing substances, that I can't recall much of it, just that there were lots of peoples in armour with swords and shields. It was a bit scary at first...

Tws from Sunny Lewis

If I were in the neighborhood, i would pop over. Sounds as if you know how to enjoy yourselves. Do those Vikings know any kung fu moves, Hermit? Liven up the mayhem some?!

mjc from NM,USA

Good pics, Hermit. Is the small boy in the last photo about to be executed? :-) And is the chain mail real? Must be very heavy if so.

Jill from EK

Aye, chain mail`s real, these fellas are part of the Regia Anglorum which prides itself on authenticity and has done many a tv documentary and programme. :) They were kind to the laddie and let him `kill` his opponent that day ;) Nae kung fu moves mjc, but I wield a mean ladle! (and crossbow, axe, sword and morningstar) tws, ye might have seen the same group since the Regia attend such things up and doon the length o` the Uk. :)

Hermit from Sanday

re the chain mail, ye ken how in the movies they put their armour on in a peedie blink? That`s no` true, for even for experienced soldiers it could tak a full fifteen minutes tae kit up...so they practically lived in their mail and armour and could even swim in it! (Hermit..a mine of boring facts she will insist on inflicting on folks)

Hermit from Oh, P.S

I am glad you are my friend (I hopahopa) Hermit. However, if I were to challenge Hermit to a duel, I would choose (no, not a banjo Hyper-B.!!) .... what should I choose, TWS? jousting from a riding lawn mower?!

mjc from NM,USA

If not banjos mjc the it would have to be Mr Colt's Peacemaker or Mr Winchester's estimable repeater.

Hyper-Borean from Behind the tumbleweed

Didn't make the Viking re-enactment, Hermit, but had an excellent time at the Embers cricket match last year - a superb tea provided by the Sanday cricket wives, and visit from Max, too. Heading there this year, too.

Stromness Dragon from A sticky wicket

Oh that looks fab!!! ..sigh....

Ellie from the wistful corner

Both you (Hyper-B) and Hermit sound as if you could have been sheriff in the old west, and enjoyed it. You would not have been the only imports who became sheriff and survived ... for a while anyway. I must admit to a preference for black hats myself (only aesthetically of course).

mjc from NM,USA

Oh Hyper-Borean, that is just no` very fair at a`....a crossbow against a Peacemaker or Winchester? mjc wouldnae stand a chance.....

Hermit from Sanday

In the first picture, I think that I've seen the man with the long hair before, although with my memory being what it is I can't quite place the face with a name/place. Maybe in a past life I've come in contact with him. I'm quite good at faces, but not names, any clues? I'll give you places I've lived- Manchester, Brighton, Reading, Oxford, South London, Bromley, Woolwich, Catford, Glasgow, Falkirk, Edinburgh, Aberdeen, and Lewis, I think that's the lot, although I did do some work along the south coast of England, but I stayed in Brighton all the time. I've probably missed out a few places, but if our paths have crossed it would be nice to know. No details need be released, just curious ( just as well I'm not a cat then eh ) Cheers

Tws from A Knowing Look

Tws, that is me other half, he`s a Sassenach frae Nottingham :-D but has travelled afore I forced him tae settle this far north so ye might well have seen him aroond. He used tae ride a motorbike and was always in leathers afore he traded them in for overalls and reenactment threads.

Hermit from Sanday

Hermit tames all kinds of roosters: those which strut in the courtyard, those who ride motor bikes across the country. A dangerous character, indeed.

mjc from NM,USA

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