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16 October 2014

Hermit Life

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Chancy Weather and Endless Winds

No, that isn`t endless winds in the way some might take it...*gives stern look....*, but the never ending weather, of course.
We had a brief foray into the winters of my childhood recently, with snow! Woohoo! I love snow...sigh...
It lasted all of two days then burgered off again, at least, from Sanday.
I can`t help it...snow leaves me spellbound..there is something, like it or not, magical about it. It blankets the world around us and to get up out of bed, go to the window and gaze out over a pristine white wilderness, sleeping softly under the hush of that soft whiteness, is just simply one of life`s pleasures for yours truly.
Forget the latest movie, forget the glossiest magazine, I`ll be happy just to stand in front of a garden of snow covered beauty and watch the world slowly wake to it as the sun kisses it with blushing rose and gold and makes the flakes in it sparkle bonnier than the most expensive diamonds.

Been a tough wee while lately...got a fluey thing that laid me low for ages, and now thanks to work, have tennis elbow. What a bluidy stupid name for it! I never play tennis...and it makes a joke out of what is an extremely painful condition. I am, effectively, one armed for the time being. And discovering how difficult even the simplest things are, with only the use of one arm. Typing, for a start.....
dressing....washing!...housework....tsk....not to mention work work! My job demands repetitive action, hard physical work, how`m I supposed to do that if it`ll keep giving me ruddy tennis elbow? *insert grumpy face here*
Anyways, half of me is enjoying the enforced rest, the other half is feeling pretty guilty about it. Is that just a woman-thing, feeling as if we do something `wrong` when we have to rest, to take time out? There are always a hundred and one things going through my mind, reminding me of needing done...

Christmas/Jul/Solstice?whatever ye call it will soon be upon us. I`m heathen, therefore it`s Jul. *big happy grin*
I`ve had my decorations up for a while now, enjoying the cosiness of the fairy lights at night against the dark outside, enjoying the tree, bedecked in a muddle of collected over the years decorations, a fairy on top looking bemused at everything glittery I could find, being strung around the place...
I never did give a damn for convention, being of the type that, if I want them up early, they`ll go up early. I believe in your own home, your own rules hold sway, not societys...*winks*

Have to say too, as an insomniac, there is something wonderfully cheering, in the wee sma` hours, to sit among the rosy twinkle of coloured lights and a green tree, defiant against the winter, listening to the seemingly eternal winds howl outside the window, or the hail pelt the glass.
I admit, I really am heartily fed up of the weather. It isn`t real winter weather..it isn`t snow and ice and still, calm winter days when the skies darken and fat white flakes fall and blanket the landscape. Instead it`s endless howling gales, whipping the seas into a frenzy, throwing dirt and sand up into the air and any other debris it can lift, and always, always, howling like a banshee.
Coupled with the rain, and the grey, grainy skies above, it can be..well...pretty depressing...
and no, I dinnae have the money to go abroad....the recession means I am struggling, like so many others. I do think one of the dangerous effects of financial hardship is how trapped it makes one feel, which in turn can lead to depression and a peculiar kind of hopelessness which seems everlasting.
So, the Jul lights went up, the tree went up, and I take kindness and comfort from them.
And now I sit here thinking, if the goose that always escapes the pen, doesn`t quit honking in the wee small hours of the night each and every night, I`m gonna roast the burger for Jul day dinner......

Posted on Hermit Life at 07:53


not 'heathen', surely Hermit ... Heathen indicates no knowledge or views at all ... Pagan at least ensures you have a doctrine ...?!

soaplady from the wicker man ...

Soaplady, I think you'll find a much narrower definition of "Heathen" than that i.e. "not acknowledging the God of Christianity and Judaism and Islam". Which makes me a Heathen too, and I always thought I was an athiest :)

Salty from Dublin

P.S. Thanks a bunch Hermit, now Missus Salty has all the ammo she needs to get the decorations up this weekend. And I was hoping at least to hold her off another two weeks at least :)

Salty from Dublin

`heathen` as in, norse or germanic heathenry, the pagan practice of worshipping a pantheon of gods not christian. ;-)

Hermit from heritage...

HL, I have come to the conclusions that: 1) you are strong enough to be able to tell us about your low times without snivelling or shame, 2) you are a survivor, no matter what circimstances crop up. Hope that tennis elbow does not cramp your style when you do a belly dance to lighten the Jultide spirit.

Barney from Swithiod to Sanday

Having had a rough time for months myself and finding it hard to make a living and even to pay for food and heating, I find your blog heartening and strengthening and keep returning here. Just wanted to say thank you, and lots of good luck, from many hundreds of miles away.

Anita from Switzerland

Dear HL, I think you are lovely just just the way you are. You are your own person and a strong individual. Take care of yourself and keep well. Whilst I'm in print, I send you warm Seasons Greetings - even if it is a bit early.

Trout magnet from cosy at the fireside

Hi Hermit, I can sympathise with you regarding the tennis elbow, like you I don't appreciate the name, the only use I can see for a tennis raquet is to strain the spaghetti. I was off work for the best part of a month earlier in the year as my job entails a lot of typing which I just couldn't do. I ended up spending a small fortune in well known online and high street book stores! Just as well male staff had a promotion at work, so he can afford me! *grin*

jas from under Mia's paw

I bookmarked you, came across the blog by way of looking up hermits.

Lorri Ann from Evansville, IN

If I were the goose, I would pipe down. Of course, maybe the goose wants to be eaten. # Hope your elbow feels better. Maybe you should see a quack and get some anti-inflammatory medication?

mjc from IN, USA

HAH! now Salty has no excuse ...yule decorations at the ready :) :)

GerCelt from Dublin, Ireland

Ah, the good life, solitude amongst the wonders of nature. Seems we travel a similar path of life, half a world apart. Yet the ups and downs of the journeys seem so related. No gales here though just an occasional hurricane that turns our world upside down. I have family that live in the mountains of the western land here in American and I try to visit as often as possible. The visits are planned around the snow. I too am enchanted by the majic spell cast upon the earth when the snow falls from the heavens. I have a favorite place I hike to that looks out over the whole valley. Like you describe, early in the morning as the sun climbs up over the ridge of the valley the light dazzles the blanket of snow like it's a sea of gem stones. There is the smell of wood smoke that curls up from the many fireplaces kindled with a warm morning fire. The peace and quite of those times on the side of the mountian are priceless to me. Save the goose if other table fare is available, sadly times ahead may prove to be lean and that goose may be the difference between feast or famine in months ahead. The leaders of this country as well as many others have proved to be a sorry lot. Their greed and lust for power have left normal folks with a heavy burden to bare. The world has seen hardship before and came through it and these hard times of now will pass as well. Perhaps it will be a chance for people to learn what a sense on community is again, to relearn how to work together and share for the common good. Peace and long life to ya'll, may your Jul Days be happy ones. :)

bayou hermit from gulf coast of Mississippi, USA

Hi Hermit only just found your blogs and enjpying them very much. We are thinking about moving somewhere remote in the next few years and so I am interested in life in Orkney. We were thinking of Skye originally but I am being drawn to Orkney. do you enjoy it more than the western isles?

chrissie from nottingham

Christmas Goose would be dickensesque to say the least! Does anyone still do this? So what would you like Santa to bring this year? Happy Christmas and prosperous New Year!

Cherie Thomas-Wood from Chattanooga, TN

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