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16 October 2014

Hermit Life

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That Wet Dog Smell.

What a fabulous week we are having, weather wise, aren`t we?:-)
It`s one of the bonuses of being self employed and flexible enough (by way of being able to haul ass outdoors with my work) that I can set up a table at the front of the house, looking over toward Stronsay, across the Peedie Sea, and work there, under glorious sunshine.
Of course, being a confirmed sun worshipper, I bake...but who cares! It`s sunshine! Isnae like we see all that much of it.....
So the past few days I have been busy outdoors, working hides, and watching a tiny wren build a new nest in my guttering. She took all of half an hour to get used to me being there, sander and all...then flitted back and forth, steadfastly ignoring the big galumph of a human, carrying the odd bit of dried grass, twigs of feather up to her nest.
I`m rewarded by one of the sweetest songs nature can sing, and today as an encore a male blackbird trilled his liquid melody just into the rose hedge.
So all in all, a good day...oh, my red and blackcurrant bushes are fruiting now. Normally I collect the fruit and cook and freeze it or make preserves. But have ot admit, with a precarious past year, my heart wasn`t in gardening so I let it slide..it`ll pick up again next season, no worries...but for now, it`s tidy enough, just not giving out such a lot to eat...more so as I stand there, picking off and eating the currants by the handful. And right tasty they are too!

Our auld collie, Lassie, sleeps with an aulder ginger cat. This cat is a barn cat for sure, ancient and wobbly and deaf, and has hay fever of a kind that makes her sneeze with some respectable force!
And she sleeps ON the dog...a living cushion. So this morning when I went to stroke Lassie`s back, it came away with a huge `yuck!` factor, for she was covered in cat snot!
so nothing for it but to bath her. So here are some pics of one wet dog looking reproachfully at me, not liking being washed. And I dinnae blame her one wee bit. And afterwards, it being braw and sunny, I pegged her out on the front lawn so the sun would dry her quicker. And what did she do? Yup. Ate a snail, spat out the shell then dug a hole to bury it.....

Posted on Hermit Life at 18:03


I have been toying with the idea of bathing Mindy for a while now, as she's a bit of a smelly puppy ... I shied away from the idea of bathing her upstairs in my roll-top bath, cos I knew, in my heart of hearts how that would turn out ... a much better idea to tie her outside, and becwater her from above ... she can then be cleansed in some of her mums own liquid soap, and lathered to within an inch of her life ... if I wasn't worried about upsetting the ducks, I'd chuck her in the duckpond to rinse off ...!

soaplady from lightbulb above her head ...

How could you be so mean to that poor little face! They're like kids, they know just how to pitch their eyes to tug at the heart strings . . . at least she didn't get "snotty" about being washed :)

Salty from Dublin

argh that last picture! "AXE MURDERER" it screams...that poor wee face! :) :) poor doggie :)

GerCelt from Dublin, Ireland

Much as I enjoy the concept of Dog Torture, whether by catsnot :-) or bathing, I just can't help feeling some sympathy for that reproachful hound. Cat's are so very not keen to get wet...I hope you're going to publish photos of Mindy's baptism, Soaplady!

Flying Cat from a furry hug

Please Mumma ... I promise I wont let that cat snot on me again, just, please, please, don't tip buckets of water over me. I am just a dog.

Plaid from Down Under, but dry

You seem to have achieved a feat HL which has eluded me so far - in the photos above you're dry. Anytime our dogs get bathed, humans end up soaked as well.

Carol from IBHQ

... that is why, Carol from IBHQ, you are supposed to wash your dogs outside in the buff. No need for thanks, Carol - you are welcome.

mjc from IN, USA

I don't think the world is ready for that mjc.

Carol from IBHQ

Are Sanday and Lewis ready for this?

Flying Cat from blindman's buff

I was wet Carol, hee hee..from the feet up to me knees. And had the sense to turn my back to her every time she shook the water off, so the back of me was soaked. mjc, somehow, I dinnae think nude dog bathing would be allowed at Crufts ;-) (that is, the people being nude, not the dogs..um..ok..I know what I mean there....)

Hermit from Not in the buff!

It's so fefreshing to occur upon this site. I'm from near Appalacia or West Virginia Type of country, of Upstate NY, and This LA city is the last place I want to be. Hi from Los Angeles!

Peter Karig from Los Angeles CA (usa)

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