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16 October 2014

Hermit Life

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A Post Election Blog

Well now that it`s over, can I just say, Yayyy, well done SNP.
Hopefully, an independant Scotland will follow next.
Off for a celebratory drink. Wish we had smilies on these blogs, this page would be full of them!

Posted on Hermit Life at 18:25


hermit- i too was happy about the scottish results, but am feeling depressed about nthe future here in france, the "guy"(i'm being polite)is a b****y little hitler

carol from feeling gutted over french election results

Oh, come on Carol, it could be worse. Anyway, some hearty goulash should cheer you up.

mjc from NM,USA

Send me a bottle of Highland single malt, Hermit, so I may celebrate with you. At the very least, keep one safely tucked away for when independence comes around. When you do, Westminster will finally have a PM who was neither educated in Scotland nor born there. That may be a loss, perhaps?

mjc from NM,USA

What, with 100,000, poor souls not able to work out the new voting system, you really think that Scotland can handle Independence?

Jackie Boy from Wishaw

Hey Jackie, 100,000, drop in the ocean and some of us scots would certainly like the opportunity to handle it, thanks. ;-)

Hermit from Sanday

jackie boy - remind yourself again, how many people there are in scotland, the turn out was what per cent? Oh yes and how many scots are there running Westminster - independence will be a doddle!

jas from calculating the odds

could it?mjc:could it?--and i'm not left wing.

carol from feeling gutted over french election results

Jackie Boy, sorry about the messes with the new voting system. Seen many much larger "mishaps" here. I have great faith in the Scots, they're no as daft as they would have folk think! (They actually have great smarts and great wit!) My dad had two tattoo's, one read Scotland Forever", the other was SAS insignia (he was in SAS during WWII) - "Who Dares Wins". 'Nuff said.

macQ from NMtoo, USA

Down the hatch Hermit and a glass "o" the "dalmore" to you an yours. What a wonderful day to see....God I wish I wiz hame tae celebrate. And as a wee food thing the wife made me some totties an mince........BRILLIANT.

frodo the scot from utica michigan

You lot are all aff yer heid if ye think that alex salmon will be a guid first minister, I say keep the wan thats been doing a grand job the past few years. If you think its gonna get better under snp yer all living in cloud cuckoo land. Ach am wasting ma time with you lot. A bunch of liberals, that dinnae want tae gie you a referendum, think aboot that afore ye go.

Jackie Boy from Wishaw

Jackie, what got yer goat there boy? For that was an awfy fierce response tae what was, after a`, only the political opinions o` a few folks here, and we`re surely all entitled tae haud them? I would rather tak` me chances wi` Alex than carry on wi` a government that is still in Westminsters back pocket. ;-)

Hermit from Sanday

"Mishaps" in NM, macQ ? Nah? Really?! Tell us more!!

mjc from NM,USA

Hey, yo hermit wifie, look, i know that we all hae different opinions, am just puttin' ma opinion on it all. I'd rather be in westministers back pocket than salmons front wan, thats fur sure. And theres no gonna be a vote on independence, cos naebody barring a few snp pundits like yersel' want it. Thats a fact, ye can take that tae the bank.

Jackie Boy from Wishaw

Nae offence Hermit, ye know, I was expressing ma ain thoughts, 'n' fears aboot the stramash, that was an election. Dinnae take offence at whit I say hen, sometimes I get carried awa' and go ower the score, so if ah've been oot o' order ahm sorry, ok. Nae bother fae the big guy noo. ah've read some o' yer blogs an' a dinnae waant tae get in a wee bit o' the Barney Rubble wi' yersel' 'nuff said.

Jackie Boy again from Wishaw again

Och nae worries Jackie, I love island blogging but do think it suffers frae lack o` smilies which can dae a fine job o` letting others ken what your mood is like. ;-) <--*wink and smile* When us pundits get independance I will still invite ye tae the party. :-D *big grin*

Hermit from Giggling

I am totally in agreement! Saoirse Alba. ;)

Vera from www.veranadine.com

I'll vote for independence too! (and I am willing to vote twice, to honor those 100,000 gone AWOL). And I do get to come to the party?!

mjc from NM,USA

Several thougts. Firstly the loss of 100000 votes is not only a disaster it is , statistically, very significant; indeed it could have altered the whole result. Remember one constituency went on 48 votes and some of the list members might have been decided differently by fractions of a percent of the votes cast. Thereafter more thoughts not in any particular order :- more people voted for unionist parties than for the SNP, the Liberals are not doing themselves any favours by sticking on the referendum point ( Are they frightened the vote might go for independence? If they are where is the democracy in that?), whilst I favour a federal solution I have no doubt that Scotland could survive quite well as an idependent state and the decision should surely be made by the populace and lastly I would dearly love to be a citizen not a subject.

Hyper-Borean from A reflective corner

They are noo sayin' that it's 140,000 ballot papers doon the swannie. I doubt that any o' the big parties will waant tae huv another election, coz naebodies gonna waant tae go oot an' vote again, awright. We're looking awfy daft tae the ootside world even Florida is laughin' at us. Ah cannae go that, nae hangin' chads here, in fact nae hangin' at aw here, coz we're civilised in this country. Wait a minute, ah've just had a wee thought, whit if ye make a balls-up o' the regional list vote, but yer constituency vote wiz a' right, dae they both get the heave-ho or is it just the list wan that gets the boot. Anybody know aboot that?

Jackie Boy from Wishaw

About being a citizen, not a subject: my sentiments exactly, Hyper-B.! You come on over and I'll patch the holes in the canoe just for you!! # I used to be a subject too, but one who was banned from the choir for not being able to sing "God Save the Queen" in tune. So, in due course, I upped and went out West.

mjc from NM,USA

...or possibly, 142,000, and it took 麻豆官网首页入口 Scotland, by the simple expedient of calling all the returning officers, to find the true total of spoilt votes. Aux armes citoyens! Formex vos battalions! Chuffed as I am that the Smirk with a Dirk has got in, I wouldn't trust him as far as I could throw him....and he's a lot bigger than me....But I love it that Wee Jeck sulked in his tent instead of doing the customary congratulating, Wishy be damned!

Flying Cat from Flag Kitty Rampant Gules

What did ya think of the outcome of the local election?

Smiffy from Orkney

Not a lot.

Flying Cat from a husting

Thanks for the invite mjc. Whilst there are many things I admire about the US; I would, on balance, prefer to be a citizen in a country with our social provision. I am even happy to fund things through taxation. I also enjoy the political diversity here even if con/lab is becoming ever more like democrat/republican. The contrarian in me is even quite pleased with our current raffle in Scotland,"The times they are a changin,' even if our soi disant "major" parties haven't woken up to it yet.

Hyper-Borean from Still reflective

I know at least people of (Kashmir) would love to see Scotland Independent. We think Scots are nice, welcoming, straight forward, and not cunning at all. Kashmiries are still suffering because of English colonial Raj. Scots were never English! Briton is the third most hatred country in the world . Get your identity back,. You guys fought wars in history. Trust me people of the world would welcome you.

Kashmiri from Yorkshire

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