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16 October 2014

Hermit Life

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Ducks and A Daft Boat!

Well, (taking mjc`s advice) I took the time tae look online for images o` the peedie duck that is still hanging aroond wi` me own ducks, and right enough, it`s a common merganser. Bonny wee thing it is. It is getting used tae us now, we can get within a few feet o` it but it still mak`s as if tae walk off...at least it doesnae fly awa` now but is obviously getting used tae the free feed and shelter here, plus the company o` me ducks and geese.
So tae date, that is one wild goose, one stray cat and now one wild and weird looking duck what has adopted us.
Am beginning tae feel like some kind o` animal charity......
Today is blowing a hoolie...the Peedie sea is whipped up tae white froth and heaving swell and you wouldnae get me oot on a boat on it for love nor money.
So it was a bit of an eye opener tae look doon tae the sea and see someone riding the swell on a tiny wee speedboat.
Heaving up and doon it was....whoever was in it must have been awfy wet....the word "daft" comes tae mind....
All the local fishing boats are safely tied up at Kettletoft harbour, maist folks have mair sense than tae gaun oot on water sae rough. But obviously somebody was bent on having fun.
Here`s hoping they didnae need a bucket after that jaunt....thon wee boat was shifting some, and bouncing up and doon like it was on a rollercoaster....
A whole week, we had, o` fine weather..a wee bit o` haar for a couple o` days, but at least nae wind, calm and dry and fine. Then the weekend hits and the wind decides tae come back and party. I could have done wi` some warning....half a dozen sheepskins, strung ontae frames tae stretch, were all ootside leaning agains the stone wall.
Only three o` them were where I left them this morning, I`d tae rescue one frae the neighbouring field and one managed tae lodge itself under the car, how I dinnae ken but it did, whilst the other one had come unstrung and was flapping aboot like a stray flag....
All have been rescued though, and are back indoors...serves me right for foolishly thinking May would be a safe bet for reasonable weather.....

And speaking o` flags....each year we hoist a Scots flag frae oor flagpole. It never lasts long mind you...the winds nibble awa` at the edge o` it until some three or four months later, there is a scant inch o` the flag left and nae body could ever tell what the flag had been.
So I havenae put up the flag yet this year, because somewhere I will find one which is a wee bit stronger than the usual ones the shops sell.
Either that or I might have a go at making one meself. ;-)
I hope everybody has had a fine weekend. The weather might no` have been very obliging, but ye cannae deny, the Isles are a grand place tae live when ye hanker after peace, quiet, and hermithood.
Posted on Hermit Life at 16:08


thanks for another interesting blog-we had torrential rain tues-sat.now suny but windy-can't even let the roof of the car down-when i read ib, i sometimes wonder why i am going back to nz when it would be quicker and a hellava lot cheaper going to scotland!

carol from feeling gutted over french election results

Flags: looks like the solution might be to carve (deeply) the Scottish Flag in stone slab, and stick it by the entrance.

mjc from NM,USA

Okay, I remember old sayings such as "daft as a brush and twice as thick", bur I don't know "peedie", please tell me how to translate that.

macQ from NMtoo, USA

Well that was a windy spell we had , The wind was roaring away and the little ducklings stayed inside there stone house. If I see any flying sheepskins over Shapinsay then I will redirect them back your way :)

Barebraes from Shapinsay

:-D Peedie is the Orc word for small macQ.

Hermit from Sanday

I thought it might be a merganser, but it was hard to tell from so far away! It may stay there as it has found a cushy number, with feed on tap and some congenial company! Beats searching for food in the wild, eh?

Jill from EK

Aye, it`s still hanging aroond and is coming up tae the grain scoop fine wi` the other ducks noo! No` shy at feeding time!

Hermit from Sanday

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