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16 October 2014

Hermit Life

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Norwegian Goats and a Troll!

Here is a Norwegian fairy tale, kindly sent by Dag, it might be familiar to many folks here, but I remember the version of it I learned as a child being a bit `softer`, because the troll wasn`t so scary! Think I prefer the scarier version...in fact if ye look at most fairy tales they had as their origin some pretty dark imagery......and to think nowadays, the nanny state censors cartoons because they are `too violent` for kids....tsk...
I love the goats trip-trapping over the bridge! :-D

"The Three Billy Goats Gruff
Once upon a time there were three billy goats, who were to go up to the hillside to make themselves fat, and the name of all three was "Gruff."

On the way up was a bridge over a cascading stream they had to cross; and under the bridge lived a great ugly troll , with eyes as big as saucers, and a nose as long as a poker.

So first of all came the youngest Billy Goat Gruff to cross the bridge.

"Trip, trap, trip, trap! " went the bridge.

"Who's that tripping over my bridge?" roared the troll .

"Oh, it is only I, the tiniest Billy Goat Gruff , and I'm going up to the hillside to make myself fat," said the billy goat, with such a small voice.

"Now, I'm coming to gobble you up," said the troll.

"Oh, no! pray don't take me. I'm too little, that I am," said the billy goat. "Wait a bit till the second Billy Goat Gruff comes. He's much bigger."

"Well, be off with you," said the troll.

A little while after came the second Billy Goat Gruff to cross the bridge.

Trip, trap, trip, trap, trip, trap, went the bridge.

"Who's that tripping over my bridge?" roared the troll.

"Oh, it's the second Billy Goat Gruff , and I'm going up to the hillside to make myself fat," said the billy goat, who hadn't such a small voice.

"Now I'm coming to gobble you up," said the troll.

"Oh, no! Don't take me. Wait a little till the big Billy Goat Gruff comes. He's much bigger."

"Very well! Be off with you," said the troll.

But just then up came the big Billy Goat Gruff .

Trip, trap, trip, trap, trip, trap! went the bridge, for the billy goat was so heavy that the bridge creaked and groaned under him.

"Who's that tramping over my bridge?" roared the troll.

"It's I! The big Billy Goat Gruff ," said the billy goat, who had an ugly hoarse voice of his own.

"Now I 'm coming to gobble you up," roared the troll.

Well, come along! I've got two spears,
And I'll poke your eyeballs out at your ears;
I've got besides two curling-stones,
And I'll crush you to bits, body and bones.

That was what the big billy goat said. And then he flew at the troll, and poked his eyes out with his horns, and crushed him to bits, body and bones, and tossed him out into the cascade, and after that he went up to the hillside. There the billy goats got so fat they were scarcely able to walk home again. And if the fat hasn't fallen off them, why, they're still fat; and so,

Snip, snap, snout.
This tale's told out."

(and here are some more Norwegian goats, aren`t they right bonny? I covet their coats, which is probably no` a very politcally correct thing tae be saying.....)

Posted on Hermit Life at 07:16


I'm a troll, fol-de-rol - where does that come from? Can't remember. Great photos, Hermit. Goats don't seem to be shy of the camera!

Jill from EK

I am a troll and I live in a hole.

Muness from Fetlar

I thought that was a mole, Muness? Or a womble..och noo ah`m confused....wombles were just as scary as trolls tae me, see....

Hermit from Sanday

Top (no.1) picture: those are not real goats, are they?

mjc from NM,USA

Ooh er - that's not like the version in my kids' books. In ours the troll and the gaots make friends (after the troll gets pushed in the river) and they all live happily ever ever! The Norwegian version is more fun though. Speaking of stories we couldn't fine a book of Norse mythology or tales anywhere - can you recommend any titles?

alix from the midlands

mjc, nope, they look like statues tae me :-) Alix, the original stories and tales are very much darker (but better!) than the watered down pap we were taught in school.

Hmerit from Sanday

The Norwegian trolls are so bad, it's impossible to get friends with them. They are a bit stupid too so folks and nice animals always win and the trolls get killed. It's perhaps the brutal Viking blood in us. I have a friend who is librarian, I'll ask her and I'll send a list to you, Alix. I'm impressed by your interest for old Norwegian " stuff".

Dag from Norway

Thank you! If it's on here I'll see it. By the way your goats are beautiful!

alix from west midlands

Hermit Life, now that I've come out from behind the sofa,( black 3 seater leather, bought from Land of Leather ) after reading your blog, I saw a poor wee wifie ( in the personal column of the paper ) looking for A Knight in Shining Armour- To sweep her off her feet, and I thought that I'd try to help the poor wee soul, and ask you when the next Re-enactment is on, and I'll let her know, so that she can have her pick of Knights. Oh Getoffthe is wanting to say something, no, no it's just a yawn, Cheers

Tws & Got from The Front Room, & In The Basket

Hello again Hermit here in michigan the northern peninsula has a great number of 3rd and 4th generation Norwegians and they refer to all people living below on the larger part of the state as "Trolls"

frodo the scot from utica michigan

Are you serious, Frodo? Hilarious.

mjc from NM,USA

The 3 billies are stone dead, but the 2 others are living ( smelling too) To Alix, you can get books from Amazone. Norwegian Folktales, East o' the Sun and west o' the Moon and D'Aulaires' Book of Norse Myths. Have a good time reading.

Dag from Norway

brilliant tale and photos,thank you

carol from basking in the sun

I like stone dead....careful typing required, otherwise the billies might be accused of indulging in illegal substances...

Flying Cat from feeling cheery

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