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16 October 2014

Hermit Life

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A Sparrow and Some Recipes

Yesterday, himself brought in a wee sparra that had been caught on a fence, the wind blows a lot o` peedie birds intae fences. This one had been caught up in some sheeps wool trapped on the fence, by its leg, and in its panic had tried to eat its own leg off. So he brought it in, the leg was lost, mangled and only hanging on by a thread, its beak was bloody, aside from that though it seemed fine. It had a ring on the other leg that said British Museum and some numbers, so I phoned the island ranger, wha wasnae in but his wife kindly cam` ower tae see the bird. She took note o` the numbers tae report them tae the Museum.
Well, the wee bird sadly didnae mak` it, and this morning we found it dead in the box we`d put it in. I think, meself, the shock had been too much for it. So we`ll remove the ring and find oot where tae return it tae. The winds tak` an awfy lot o` wild birds, we often come across mony a seabird wi` mangled wings having been blawn intae the fences. The kindest thing tae dae is tae put them oot their misery. We have amputated a few o` the wings, we kept a gull for a full year after doing that, put him in wi` the hens, we couldnae let him go as the other, bigger gulls took tae attacking him. He was happy enough though wi` oor hens, but the rats got him in winter. So after that, if we come across other birds wi` the same extent o` injury, we put them oot their misery, quick and kind.
I do feel a wee bit sad aboot the wee sparra though....it was a game wee bird, a right wee fighter. I would hae liked tae see it mak it, but that is nature, I reckon.

Here are a couple o` medieval recipes that`ll be used for the feast, I got them frae a friend who is a food historian and a reenactor herself. The full menu will be roasted venison marinated in wine, wi` a guidly number o` roasted ducks, hens and pork, baked herbed vegetables, honey glazed roasted onions and neeps and the like, an assortment o` sweet dishes, platters o` fruit and home made breads and cheeses, and no` exactly medieval but also dishes o` Cranachan, wi` enough mead, whisky, wine and beer tae keep the festivities nicely flowing.

Flathonys - or an alchoholic custard!

8 fluid oz milk
5 egg yolks
2 oz sugar
4 fluid oz dark ale or beer
1 teaspoon salt
4 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted
1 1/2 tablespoons sugar to sprinkle on top
Enough pastry for pie casing (9 inch), plus a smaller plate or beans for blind baking. (ie with no filling in it, but weighted to stop it rising up.)

Bake pie casing blind for 15 minutes at 425F, 220C gas mark 7 Remove casing from oven and leave to cool slightly, (with weights removed!)
Reduce oven to 350 degrees F, 175C, gas mark 3 to 4.

In a saucepan, combine milk, sugar, ale and egg yolks. Heat slowly over a medium heat, stirring constantly until it begins to steam slightly. Stir in salt and melted butter and whisk. Pour into pie casing.
Bake 10 to 15 mins until top just sets.

Sprinkle sugar across top and continue cooking until whole filling is just set. Don't worry if it looks a wee bit wobbly as it will continue to cook in it's own heat for a while after it is taken from the oven.

Serve warm. Serves 8 normal portions or 6 if you're greedy.

Lombardy Pasties
This was originally made using whole chicks, but in deference to modern sensibilities, I have substituted chicken breast.

Pastry from previous recipe, but with lard instead of butter, if you like.
2 chicken breasts, boned.
bacon or ham, (for amount, see recipe) .
2 eggs, beaten
Verjuice (yes, I know I said no verjuice, but you can use vinegar and a drop of apple juice, or cider vinegar)
Fine-ground spice powder ( To make Fine Spice Powder. Take of white ginger an ounce and a dram, of selected cinnamon a quarter, of cloves and grains of paradise each half a quarter of an ounce, and of lump sugar a quarter and reduce them to powder. Personally, I use mixed spice powder and a pinch or two of brown sugar.)

Iced water

Cut each breast in large chunks, roughly quarters or thirds, depending on size of chicken breast. Make up a mixture of the eggs beaten with a splash of verjuice (vinegar) and a pinch of spice powder.
Dip the chicken pieces in this mixture til well coated.
Roll out the pastry and cut out rounds big enough to take 1 chicken piece, plus leaving a rim for sealing.
Place coated pieces on one half of pastry round. Add a piece of lean bacon or ham to each piece of chicken.
Fold other half of pastry over to cover, and seal edges , by wetting the two 'in' sides with cold water and pressing firmly together.
When all the pasties are filled, brush them with any remaining egg mixture, thinned with the cold water if necessary.
Bake until golden and chicken is cooked
Posted on Hermit Life at 07:51


Poor sparrow. I never know what to do in situations like that, although had a nice experience recently when I found a pigeon that couldn't fly (no obvious damage) and the SSPCA man took it away, it was a tame pigeon (but unringed) and sat on his finger quite the thing. He kept pigeons himself so he took it home! A happy ending indeed, it made my day. Your pie sounds delicious! Does the custard mixture not curdle with the ale? You certainly will be busy when July comes around

Jill from EK

Out of interest Hermit, just how many folk are you catering for? The menu seems fine - are you going to be taking photos? I think you should (not that I'm food obsessed or anything......) Shame about the sparrow. We have Europe's first wildlife hospital here in the village - problem is, I'm not sure they'd consider a sparrow quite "wild" enough. Ho hum. Still, hats off to you for trying though. :-)

Ellie from feeling hungry

Sweet Mother ..., what a feast in the making. Would you care to visit southern Indiana, Hermit? We could try all your dishes over a period of weeks. With repeats as indicated. De gustibus. Probably my gustibus alright.

mjc from NM,USA

Sweet Mother ..., what a feast in the making. Would you care to visit southern Indiana, Hermit? We could try all your dishes over a period of weeks. With repeats as indicated. De gustibus. Probably my gustibus alright. # yes, I have had to finish birds. One can make quick work out of it, but still unpleasant. One knows it's the correct thing, but a voice still murmurs: what right do you have?

mjc from NM,USA

Great recipes, but some folks might need some extra instructions on opening the oven doors at the end of cooking. It was a real issue on IB a while back. Which would be your weapon of choice for prising open a Rayburn?

Annie B from the usual

Only for aroond ten folks Ellie, and aye we will be taking pics tae post afterwards (though I will hae tae ask me friends their permission tae post them of course) Jill, the custard doesnae curdle, there`s a knack tae mixing it, I hae done a similar thing mixing brandy wi` milk and cream in the past wi` success. ;-)

Hermit from Sanday

I done the lombardy pasties delicious!!

"oor wullie" from full up

hermit: my dug didn't do the pasties,I did I've told him the laptop is out of bounds for hounds

carol from full up

Just ordered Father Ted: Holy Trilogy (the full three year series set). Better be good folks...! (not quite as expensive as a Taransay week, but up there with a sure-fire Judith Glue hamper). Wife rolled her eyes when I told her I was ordering the whole set (cheaper that way) without having seen even one episode, and doing so on the say so of cold seas islanders. She then shrugged her shoulders and lost herself again on the second novel of Hosseini (his first book was the mesmerizing Kite Runner) - A Thousand Splendid Suns.

mjc from NM,USA

'cold seas islanders'?! We have the Gulf Stream in these parts mjc. It's positively balmy. Ted will be a great investment.

Annie B from the usual

I'm still waiting for the sparrow recipe....

Flying Cat from dribblingalloverthejoint

Oh yes, the Gulf stream: I plain forgot. You are correct, Annie B. - as usual.

mjc from NM,USA

Three bobwhite quails on a plate can conceivably be mistaken for an entre: I wonder how many sparrows (sans feathers) it would take ...

mjc from NM,USA

beef,pork or lamb FC??

carol from walking on air

MJC:- have't you realised-WE WOMEN ARE ALWAYS RIGHT??!!!

carol from walking on air

I never heard of a pork sparrow, nor yet a beef one or a lamb one, but I find the concept interesting...have you had that wee liedown yet, Carol???

Flying Cat from Cheshire Grin

one of these days, Carol, one of these days, I am sure.

mjc from NM,USA

who with fc???smirk!

carol from with garfield grin

Carol: let me guess - the Prez?

mjc from NM,USA

MJC:- the prez?????

carol from dull france

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