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16 October 2014

Hermit Life

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Chickens and Weather and Stuff.

The peedie chooks wha persist in sitting on the window ledge are still doing it. I gie up. They can keep on doing it. For when ye try tae shift them the wee buggers try tae tak a chunk oot yer fingers. Tsk.
They also hae begun tae think they are hoose hens. Each time the front door opens they dash in and park themselves in the porch and refuse tae be budged, making a beeline for the cat food.
Oot o the four o them, one is a cockerel and the rest are hens. And of course it`s the cockerel wha is causing the maist hassle. Pause here while I insert the words "tsk, typical bloke" please....
Onyway, noo I am eyeing them up for the pot. Think they ken it tae, for they`re getting harder tae catch.
Me geese, noo roond the front o the hoose, are happy there, but I hae noticed a deal o difference in this years wild geese on the island. For there are hardly ony.
Throughout previous years, huge flocks o wild geese would come here, the fields and skies would be thick wi them, and a night lang ye could hear their chattering honks a aroond the hoose.
But this year? A couple o wee flocks and that has been it.
So whar normally at this time o year the skies would hae mony o the V shaped flights o wild geese, I hae seen only one or twa. For some reason I find that quite sad, for I like the sound o wild geese calling, and like tae see them fill the skies as they get ready tae fly off to wharever they go.
When that happened afore, me ain geese would stand at the fences tae the fields and watch their cousins fly off, as if they were remembering what it was like, tae be wild.
Nane o that this year tho. Wonder why?
So me ain geese just get fat on grain and keep the grass doon roond the front, and leave the lawn peppered with their cast off white feathers and down, like a smooring o snow ower green.
At least, though, the weather is behaving itself for noo. Lang may it last! For am hoping tae gaun oot wi Mr and Mrs Sanday Hoosewife this weekend tae shoot.
Hae discovered it is nae guid firing arrows in a strong wind ye see. They are mair liable tae end up on Stronsay if ye dae...
So fingers crossed the wind keeps doon, if it does I`ll tak pictures tae inflict on you guid folks. *evil grin*
Hae a guid day a`body.
Posted on Hermit Life at 09:03


You may well want to watch all the geeeses, fly away to wherever, but don't stand underneath their flightpath, it can be dangerous, and it hurts...

Tws from The hunting Lodge

I was driving through Fife yesterday and saw two lots of geese flying northwards. They were too high to see properly, though, so I don't know what kind they were. Maybe they were heading for Sanday?

Jill from EK

I have only once seen a skein of geese and what a wonderful sight, and such a haunting sound! As for the chooks roosting on the windowsill I think, if it were I, a convenient nest would be placed ... much easier to find the breakfast egg.

Plaid from not in a flight path

With a cold front the geese will come ... The worse the weather, the better the shooting. I forgot, Hermit, that you have no intention to waylay them - certainly not with bow and arrow.

mjc from NM, USA

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