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16 October 2014

Hermit Life

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.........sometimes you just wonder, what the hell am I doing here, on a lump of rock in the North Sea, in the middle of yet another gale and looking at bits of my garden and suchlike being destroyed and scattered yet again?
Another windy weekend...if you get a good-ish summer, see, it lulls you into a false sense of security, so you get to forgetting, a bit, about the winter winds, the grey and dreich and cold.
And then all that sneaks up on you in the space of a fortnight and where before, I used to enjoy it because it was a `cosying down` time, a time when you stoked the fires and just shut the world out and kept warm, fed and dry, now I find myself getting a bit....irritated...(insert blush here at the cheek of being annoyed with the uncontrollable weather)....at the seemingly unending gales....

I think islanders, native or not, have a particular mindset...a toughness that can set them apart from mainlanders, but not the kind you see in any arrogant swagger or abrasive manner...it`s a quiet thing, a `getting on with it` thing that shows in the often smooth flow of daily life, of things being done despite the weather which tries to hold us prisoner in homes and farms, a confidence and healthy acceptance of, "This is just the way it is".....

I used to think I was like that...

But now I wonder...and find myself wishing for older days when winter meant months of deep snow (yes, old enough to remember real, proper winters folks) where you`d get bundled up and get out there and sled or build snowmen ...and I find myself wishing for creature comforts as I get older...oh for some central heating!
Yes, g`won, have a giggle....but don`t knock it til you`ve had to scrape ice off the inside of your windows.....
And as I go outside to once more inspect the wind damage, to see which henhouse has now been scattered all over the fields, I could wish, sometimes, that the winds would just......bug*er off for a peedie while and give us a break....

I`m just peedie you see..five foot of nothing, so I can`t even go outside in them if I see something in trouble out there, for I get knocked down and have actually been hurt on occasion with bits of things hitting me....
and the next morning when it dies down you look at your garden stripped bare and any plant that had dared to stick its nose above the ground is seared brown and brittle and half dead....and you get to thinking it is getting worse each year, isn`t it?
And I wonder what the future holds here, in the islands, in real practical terms.

Well there ye go, there`s my pleep over with for the morning....

Does you good to get it out of the system..........;-)

And in the end, I just get up after the winds have gone, go outside and watch the sun come up over the fields, and watch the sea, still angry, swollen and rough, pound the shore with fading ire, and listen to the winter geese take to the skies above me.
And I ken fine why I`m here.

Posted on Hermit Life at 09:17


I recognise and sympathise with this syndrome Hermit. Sometimes fpu is heard to utter imprecations as her hard-won garden is blasted to brown rags...and it is only half as exposed to the wind as you are. Without Hoy and Brinkie's Brae, the air would be permanently navy!

Flying Cat from an island too far for me

I have to admit: for all my military, firefighting and living in Alaska I've *never* come up against *anything* quite like a winter of Orcadian gales! I thought I was one tough nugget - until I moved here. I'M A WIMP! Orkney wins the Tough Guy battles hands-down every time! I'm no complaining - I'm simply admitting the obvious!!

Michelle Therese from Picking up slates in what remains of the yard

May I suggest a noise reducing set of earphones, Hermit? Peace and quiet while the four winds blow (let it blow, let it blow!). I understand Fred is getting himself a set for Christmas. Keeps Fred from jumping up to see where that slate that just took off is aiming for! The audio technica ones are pretty good, and cheaper than the Bose. Who knows: they might also help concentration when doing archery.

mjc from NM,USA

I agree hermit! as a child growing up in scotland we used to get loads of snow( i love the stuff) and certain places where i've lived over here,it used to have heavy snow from start of october till end of april(even though only three hours drive from the med)even they don't as much snow!! where i live now ,everybody is used to the high winds--"le mistral" and the "tramontaine" but today ,j***s i have really been scared! we ar on orange alert, at 20h30(monday) at the local weather centre its recorded as being 180kms per hour. If the weather is like this next thursday when i fly out of larseille there is no way you get me on that flight!!

carol from scared by the high winds

Ditto & Well said ! We may well think tis the end of the world when the wind blows so hard the chicken coops take flight, but, come sunset when the sky turns radiant , yer pushed to remember that storm the day before, or the one before that. Angela

Angela from huddled round my coffee mug

Where are you flying to, Carol? NZ? via? Stopping in Singapore for some favorite culinary offerings, are you? # Oh, I assume you are taking off from Marseille, not some bootleg airport called larseille? Have a jolly trip old gal. All the best too. Congrats to your husband to be. # Whatever happened to the cats and ole wullie? Maybe I should not ask.

mjc from NM,USA

MJC:yes a slip of the finger on the keyboard:Marseille, then frankfort,then singapore for three days rest?? then AUCKLAND!! instead of flying back on the 17th Jan i'm flying back 30th Jan--pascal is going back to NZ later than planned! mutt and kitty cats are going on holiday to the kennels(dog loves the place--pussies don't know yet) thanks: i'm taking laptop with me so i can keep in touch

carol from where the wind has dropped slightly

Pussies don't know yet? Hmmmmm...

Flying Cat from should I let the cat out of the bag?

dear FC,thank you ever so much for sending us an e-mail to warn us about what lies in store for us! sniff sniff**

5 cat gang from in a huff

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