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Monday 2 November 2009

Verity Murphy | 17:47 UK time, Monday, 2 November 2009

Here is what is coming up on tonight's programme:

Hamid Karzai has been declared the elected president of Afghanistan. The planned second round of the vote was scrapped after Mr Karzai's sole challenger, Abdullah Abdullah, pulled out of the race.

Tonight we hope to be speaking to Lyse Doucet live from Kabul to get the latest. And our
Diplomatic Editor Mark Urban will be asking if the lives lost and money spent to secure Afghanistan sufficiently for the election was worth it, and with Mr Karzai's reputation now so tarnished, how legitimate will his presidency be?

On Friday Newsnight spoke to the UK's chief drugs adviser, Professor David Nutt, who was sacked after criticising government policies Since then two members of the drugs advisory panel have quit in protest and others are to meet to discuss their next move.

The home secretary Alan Johnson said Prof Nutt was sacked for "crossing the line" between giving advice and campaigning for a policy.

Tonight our Science Editor Susan Watts examines how this row came about, where it is heading and what could be the future implications for scientists and government ministers.

And talking of Alan Johnson, we will also be getting reaction to his first speech on migration in which he admitted the government has sometimes been "maladroit" in dealing with immigration.

Mr Johnson also accepted that some parts of Britain were "disproportionately" affected
by immigration, with an influx of new arrivals putting a "strain" on jobs and services.

And we have the second part in our Make Do And Mend series of films. Milliner Mary Jane Baxter has been travelling around the UK for Newsnight investigating if the resurgence of make do and mend is parsimony or passing fad.

Jeremy is presenting tonight and he'll be on 麻豆官网首页入口 Two at 10.30pm. Do join


  • Comment number 1.


    Alan Johnson has put the return address on his front, and posted himself TO himself. What a bloomin' genius.

    Johnson referred to those caught up with drugs as: "SUCKERED INTO A WORLD OF HOPELESS DESPAIR BY DRUG ADDICTION"! Good grief! Has no one told him? THEY ARE BORN INTO HOPELESS DESPAIR aka Britain under Westminster governance, enacted by truncated ninnies.

    The DRUGS, Mr Johnson, are taken to dull the PRE-EXISTING PAIN. With Westminster governance the way it is, it is a wonder we are not ALL DRUG ADDICTS (oh yes - I forgot - we are). You MPs are the biggest bunch of PRE-EXISTING PAINS ever to assemble in one poncy Palace, and WE ARE ALL HURTING.


  • Comment number 2.

    wouldn't accept the old id so had to have a new one.

    while the afghanistan distraction goes on there seem to be new events in the west bank?

  • Comment number 3.

    #1 Barrie

    Yes absolutely right. It is not the drugs that are the problem. It is this insane society.

    Once 27 years ago somebody gave me H without telling me. It was horrible, the affects were like being surrounded by large invisible cotton wool balls between you and reality.

    As an ecologist I knew society then was on a trip to nowhere, all these things pollution, species extinction, changing and disruptive climate were all known. The thing was to change society not want to become isolated from it.

    So it is understandable why it has become a problem. As society and the world gets worse, those who don't have the will, drive or opportunity to change it will want to become isolated from it and H will become a problem.

    It's about making a better world, create a better world by changing EGB and the bad side of society's drug problem will go away.

    Though that might involve changing the legislation on other drugs as the Government advisers may have been indicating.

    Celtic Lion

  • Comment number 4.

    another side of pakistan- the disappeared

  • Comment number 5.

    immigration- there was the whole colleges thing again

    the left will continue to give excuses why nothing can be done because the plan is to change the national feeling [that is the basis for a nation] and replace it with something closer to their ideal of internationalism. the right help them along through greed for 'cheap' labour even though the increasingly domestic internal security costs and social costs keep rising.

  • Comment number 6.

    The governments position apparently in conflict with the unpaid Drugs Advisory Panel has potentially huge implications as far as the reliability overall of any government policy allegedly based on Science. It would appear that if you publically " tell the truth " you will be dismissed from your position even in an unpaid Job. Its is therefore reasonable to believe that any paid scientific adviser will have been carefully vetted to ensure their advice always back government policy however quasi-religious.

    Perhaps David Nutt was dismissed for not being a good enough Corporate Nazi, perhaps his principle sin was doing the job for nothing which perhaps any genuine adviser concerned about the future direction of our nation would do. Its a bit different with paid advisers like Stern and Climate Change, the perfect Corporate Nazi ideology, telephone number annual salary and gold plated pension on the line if you dare get even close to the truth. To suggest that people stop eating meat to save the planet was straight out of the eco-fascist stable, and even mega quasi-religious Ed Miliband climbed off it when questioned by alleged eco friendly Jon Snow. Perhaps Miliband should have compelled Stern to resign, its no more outrageous in some peoples view than an analogy that Ecstasy is less dangerous than horse riding.

    Stopping eating meat threatens thousands of good paying jobs in the packing industry, but its the small ( often on a low enough profit to claim income support ) farmers who will be hit first. Its a bit like TB in Badgers, the experts recommended a widespread cull yet Benn refused to act. Perhaps he will revisit the policy when the Corporate Multinationals take over the majority of livestock farming land. They already have huge swathes of UK arable land and practice the most potentially environmentally damaging policies.

    Incidentally, the true forward policy on Badgers is to test ( and regularly thereafter ) every set in the country and cull out all sets where TB is found, leave the TB free sets in peace. Not been there for a while but the above is the same as what Farmers for Action had been promoting as a sensible compromise based on the evidence of the real environmental and disease experts, the farmers. The media always attempt to portray that farmers are stupid, yet their ( small livestock farmers ) kids often find there way into grammar schools via the 11 plus.

  • Comment number 7.

    How dangerous would it be to go horse-riding after taking ecstacy? I think I feel a cross party-quango coming on...

  • Comment number 8.

    Go Jez, go, don't let Johnson off the hock ask him some really difficult questions. Is Andrew Neather right with his admission of the labour party policy on mass immigration.

  • Comment number 9.

    Re-instating a questionable leader with the second time, fraudulent votes, does not even partly validate Nato's presence in Afghanistan.Other reasons given are "to fight terrorism". The "enemy" to the West grows. Our presence re-inforces it. To impose democracy on a feudal state which revels in tribal warfare, bartering, haggling and intrigue always was an extremely long shot.
    Meanwhile Pakistan groans: it does not have the infrastructure to withstand the war within and the war without. I fear now for the future in that area and the possible repurcussions here.
    Working in a small way offering alternative livlihoods and education other than islamic would be a more certain step.
    H Bolton Author Permit to the Punjab

  • Comment number 10.

    I copied this from Stephanomics

  • Comment number 11.

    So the head of the government of Afghanistan is unelected just like in Britain! There are not enough drugs in the entire world that could distort reality enough to make this even remotely okay.

  • Comment number 12.


    afghanistan has a greater principle of democracy than the uk. they can elect their head of state. suppose we insisted they have the same hereditary appointed upper chamber form of govt we have where the 'national' oath has nothing about defending the rights of the people or nation but the privileges of one family and the 'national' oath is a monarchy role gaming sing song?

    what 'democracy' would that be called?

  • Comment number 13.

    ...'national' oath is a monarchy role gaming sing song?...

    should read 'national' anthem

  • Comment number 14.

    What a very poor interview Jeremy had with Green and Woolas, a total waste of time. Just a cosy chat with lots of talking over each other, especially Woolas, what a bully, must have been watching Joanna! I'm so pleased they all had a laugh at our expense, mass immigration and the over crowding of this country seems fine by them. Well, the poor dears, they wouldn't get the housework or gardening done cheaply without it, would they!

    Thank goodness for Nick Griffin and the BNP they seemed to have actually stirred this lazy incompetent government into admitting their failing on mass immigration.

    And then straight back to Afganistan, I don't give a damn about the place, and don't think we should be there, no wonder muslims hate us.

  • Comment number 15.


    Tonight's overlay of images, moving differentially, during the reporting of the Afghanistan fiasco, was a tour de force. What better way to point up the CONFUSION in that country; the POOR DEFINITION of 'democracy' in a feudal land; the INDISTINCT policy objectives of the UN invasion; the visibly ill conceived WASTE OF MONEY.

    That's another 'EDGY' award in the bag Newsnight.

  • Comment number 16.


    They know, but are too juvenile to face what they know: THE BRITISH BLIGHT IS ALCOHOL.

    Alcohol mediates: RAPE, VARIOUS FORMS OF VIOLENCE, VARIOUS ACCIDENTS, PROPERTY FIRES, INFANT DEATHS, ILL HEALTH OF EVERY KIND, BROKEN LIVES, BROKEN HOMES and more. Yet the Westminster Yokels, lean on the gate watching the land turn black, and discuss the comparative dismerit of a, low level, intrusive weed.

    Time for Set-Aside.

  • Comment number 17.


    Your post cathartic. But I can't let the discrimination go without pointing out that we have given MOST OF THE WORLD cause to hate us. And if the French, Spanish Dutch etc had not got in the way and colonised bits that were ours by right, the whole damned world would hate us.

    Even so, I think we can claim 'success' with a lot more than just the Muslims. . .

  • Comment number 18.

    Outstanding interview by Jeremy with Douglas Alexander. Jeremy enquired whether or not Alexander had actually asked for the law of men being allowed to starve women if they refuse to have sexual intercourse to be repealed, since the British taxpayer was funding Karzai. We received the standard "they promised to look into it" answer. This is what British soliders are dying for?

  • Comment number 19.


    Hardly surprising when Comet Miliband is shooting across the firmament.
    I remember watching a TV documentary where Karzai was at his most Karzai. With the cameras in town, he agreed to meet some woman he had been fobbing off for ages. When challenged about this, he beamed a disingenuous 'smile' and said: "Well you are here now, aren't you!"
    I am in no doubt we have got ourselves another of 'them' - just like the ones we have installed, so often, in other parts of the world. But as I have said before: Globopoly is not about achieving good for the world's pawns, it is simply to have a chair at the table, and to move your national 'piece' with 'historic' style.

    Weep world. I'm off to the wrong side of history.

  • Comment number 20.

    from mimpromptu
    Mr Singleton
    You keep criticising Newsnight having a laugh at awards, etc, but do you realise that it is your best mate jj who is the main manipulator of the programme. So, in fact, you're laughing at your friend. Now, is that nice? And what/whose success, prey, are you talking about?

  • Comment number 21.

    On Karzai if people are looking for "pressure points" what is the situation with law and order and specifically drugs?

    If the drugs, as opposed to the poppies, are causing us a lot of grief and apparently Karzai's brother is allegedly associated with that arena who actually has responsibility and might he not start to think again if attention is paid to the drugs arena?

    It may additionally boost relations with Iran as I recall that the unrest in the East of that country is fueled by frugs from Afghanistan and they suspected US/UK involvement.

    I assume though that events in Pakistan will show whether we are moving to the end game and I had been assuming that we might see serious repercussions for the Talibs in both countries and an exodus of al Qaeda by the spring.

    Speaking of government corruption issues whatever happened to those tenders that Panorama reported on for Iraqi reconstruction contracts in the US? I thought they were all destined for court.

  • Comment number 22.

    #110 ecolizzy
    I didn't have a problem logging in either and wonder what schools and universities those clever clogs were educated at. China?

    #8 & #14 what a switch in attitude it seems to me on your part, unless I'm mistaken
    Whatever, in a funny way, ecolizzy, your yesterday's post at #84 may have had much more to do with the Government changing their tune on immigration than any nick, barrie s. or jj spreading their venom and pontificating hidden safely behind their screens.

  • Comment number 23.

    I am sure that the 麻豆官网首页入口 won't mind my praising the Channel 4 Race and science series - where real scientists talk and expose the fallacies of some ideologues - and pressing them to do similar work.

    Tonights was on mixed race and the genetic science that suggests that mixed race people have many genetic benefits and that helps the gene pool.

    There are those in this country of a far right ilk, to afraid to announce their real refuted ideology, who complain of being "bred out".

    If only you could breed out the far right.

    But I say again that in some respects its no surprise that some Labour voters are being duped by the BNP as they fall for their racial poison dripped in their ears. Labour seem to have almost total disregard for what the public wants and voters used to blind obedience. Democracy does not need Fuhrers - you lead the people and take them with you.

    As an aside the Channel 4 programme on the Great Escape showed yet again what the Nazis were really like with their own kind as well as with the Allies, Jews and so on.

    Woolas contributed to the National Conversation by trying to start a debate on GM - after public consultation showed 80 odd percent didn't want it.

    Now they are acknowledging that things have not been been right on immigration. But you can't have great confidence in a government that is too tired even for a death rattle.

    But it is a pity that you can't link things up with other channels. There have been great benefits from immigration economically and socially and in fact genetically.

    But it needs to be controlled and reasoned immigration based on solid facts rather than the kind of figures where you start off with say 12,000 friendly and hard working Poles that suddenly becomes closer to one million.

  • Comment number 24.

    #6 brossen99

    "Stopping eating meat threatens thousands of good paying jobs in the packing industry, but its the small ( often on a low enough profit to claim income support ) farmers who will be hit first. "

    If you have the huge majority of the scientists all agreeing that climate change is occurring due to human impact via CO2 then if nothing is done those small farmers will be farming very low quality land and probably experiencing the kind of weather extremes that will hit their profitability anyway.

    I think Ethical Man reported on the fact that a cow produces almost as much methane as a car.

    If you have a growing global population with greater wealth stoking greater demand for meat then there are going to be increasing issues on food and climate.

    To stabilise population growth would take decades but needs to be considered.

    Some issues need debate based on facts before choices can be made.

    But this is not like some real fascist state where some real Nazi Fuhrer decides for us according to the mental balance of his or her mind.

    We get to choose because its a democracy.

  • Comment number 25.


    "And what/whose success, prey, are you talking about?"

    Oh Mim - dear Mim. I AM PRAYING! Believe me I am praying! But my prayers are not being answered. Some might say it is because I don't believe in twit god who want singing and kneeling (let alone prostration and electrically enhanced howling) but I think the godhead is above all that or it would be called the godbottom.

    Please don't goad me again.

  • Comment number 26.

    #1 barriesingleton

    "You MPs are the biggest bunch of PRE-EXISTING PAINS ever to assemble in one poncy Palace, and WE ARE ALL HURTING."

    Yet you await the poster that you esteem, Jaded_Jean, who has pronounced on the virtues of National Socialism and Hitler and so on.

    We are hurting but the great thing about democracy is you can get rid of the duffers eventually whereas Hitler took about seventy five million people with him.

    Now that is real hurt.

  • Comment number 27.

    'The home secretary Alan Johnson said Prof Nutt was sacked for "crossing the line" between giving advice and campaigning for a policy.'

    In some ways this is yet another issue in the dying days of New Labour where spin and tick box politics dominates their thinking at the expense of real action and thought on the battle with drugs - that has been going nowhere.

    As Nutt says they didn't really take on what he was saying and surely if they were confident in their policies they would have.

    But in fairness the lines of what you can and can't say do seem to be very vague and perhaps they just need tidying up.

  • Comment number 28.

    So if it's all about power and not the role of advisers, can we get an Advisory Council on the Misuse of Power? There would be a LOT of work for this new committee. MPs expenses, financial regulation (lack of), MPs immunity from the law, appointments to the house of lords, revolving door of politician/regulator/lobbyist/director (of regulated company) just for starters

  • Comment number 29.

    Why does the U.K. need 70 million people? No-one of any importance seems to have answered this.

    What fantastic new services am I to be offered, that requires this increase in the population? Isn't the 'business' mantra, 'out-sourcing', and aren't companies 鈥 and the gov't for Heaven's sake 鈥 supposed to streamline their operations in these lean times and any other time, for that matter? Just what does the government have in store for us, by 2033? Conscription for a third world war?

    Are all the main parties really admitting that, by this date, they'll still be incapable of providing those already here with the education and skills the country supposedly needs, requiring the continued bulk importation of foreigners? Is this how they embark on re-building their battered reputations?

  • Comment number 30.

    #25 from mimpromptu

    then stop refering to my life and stop using my imagery and ideas
    you're only too clever by half
    such a shame for a 72-year old to be so devoid of humanity

  • Comment number 31.

    continuation of the above
    and don't forget that you and co are being tapped and kept under very close scruitinity indeed
    ever word, every move
    i've had a message from Scotland Yard and you might be interested to know that a complaint has already been lodged with the Law Lords so it's now only a matter of time

    you and jj have been so enamoured with yourselves and your bottom witticisms that you've lost all sense of reality

  • Comment number 32.

    from mimpromptu re: change of direction
    As I've had enough of jj and co
    Having spoken of them exhaustively and enough for now
    Of how absurd and obsessive with my bottom and my crutch they are
    I shall not be reporting on what they are up to
    As they're being surveyed the 1, 3 and 2.
    Now what I鈥檝e said what I needed to say,
    The time has come ripe my own game to play.
    The world is more keen on twirling and gliding
    Than all the crap they've been for it providing.
    The ditties are also more interesting than pins
    They've been sticking in Madam Mim's limbs.

  • Comment number 33.

    GO1 #24

    Typical ill informed ten bob fat cat eco-fascist townie rhetoric, most of the small hill farmers in particular have experienced an easier life since alleged global warming. Like Lovelock says, whatever happens globally the UK is likely to remain pretty cool, perhaps more rain in the north during summer but Big Bail silage has ended the hay making problem. As the UK warms the growing season extends, especially on the north facing slopes, plenty of potential to grow more food ( meat ) to feed an expanding population.

  • Comment number 34.

    More proof that KCL aka Roger, is being proved right!

  • Comment number 35.


    Now why didn't I see that? Serious dent in my ego.

    I would love to see 'you' (aka me) at the top of that post Struggler. You have not only pointed to that particular set of Emperor Westminster's new clothes, but given his appendage a well needed tweak!

    Now the problem is: even with a Titanium fist, how do you, effectively, punch jelly? The more I refine my thinking on our governance, the more 'admiration' I gain for its in-built defence and self-renewal systems.

    If only Newsnight could find a way out of The Lie, and confront MPs with such questions, ONE AT A TIME (not in fighting pairs - the delight of Westminster survival) the swanp-gas-filled bubble might be pricked.

    Ho hum.

  • Comment number 36.

    #34ecolizzy re-your link

    I assume the English species of homosaps are included in the Red List, due to manipulation of our environment for political purpose.

  • Comment number 37.


    Mornin' Lizzy. Have you found that spare IDENTICAL Planet Earth to run as a 'control'? And the extra-long binoculars to look back over previous 'extinctions' and see what really happened?

    There is some persuasive evidence arising to question dating by isotope decay.

    And the Ice record (400,000 years from memory) with its nice steady rhythm, was that laid down with the CURRENT solar-centric configuration of planets? Or is it an irrelevant frame of reference?

    More things in heaven and earth.

  • Comment number 38.


    We need vast swathes of compliant 'untouchables'(labouring and taxed) to support and fund our indolent old-age, in manner to which it has become,arrogantly, accustomed.

  • Comment number 39.

    ON BEHALF OF JJ (Who still can't remember the damn' password...)

    This anti-discrimination (difference-ism as barrie calls it), may best
    be seen as a 'clever' bit of group psychology, whereby one group
    intellectually tries to cripple (inhibit) another, much larger host
    group, by targeting perceptual/cognitive discrimination. Discrimination
    (i.e identifying same vs different) is quite central to intelligent
    cognitive behaviour. Making out that there are no differences where in
    fact there are differences, encourages stupidity and punishes higher
    cognitive ability, as well as providing a camouflage for
    entryism/subversion politically. Any group doing this, having also
    secured immunity via social (e,g. post WWII denazification) and
    legislative (Race Relation Act/RRAA) means, will have secured unique
    advantage if they also have equal or slightly better intelligence than
    the targeted group. That is, they will be protected from charges of
    discrimination themselves as they are a victim group, and so will do
    disproportionately well relative to their nearest competitor group. As I
    see it, this has been done. A group has lobbied for low-skilled, high
    TFR immigration as foot-soldiers to beat their own host group with. It
    has been specifically targeted. The other tool was female emancipation
    given the lower mean intelligence of females. Pushing for equality in
    the workplace has led to a reduction in places for males as it is
    effectively quota based, not blind to sex. Putting less able people in
    posts in the public sector by having both sex and ethnic recruitment and
    promotion targets has served to undermine the public sector in favour of
    privatization and those who have purchased majority stakes/shares.

    This is how I think disproportionate hegemonic/economic advantage has
    been secured.

  • Comment number 40.

    I look forward to Jeremy grilling Al Gore tonight :o)
    According to the NYT,

    "Mr. Gore is poised to become the world鈥檚 first 鈥渃arbon billionaire,鈥 profiteering from government policies he supports that would direct billions of dollars to the business ventures he has invested in."


  • Comment number 41.

    Lizzie - I borrowed this from Caledonian comment who posts at Stephanomics (it's his blog) - scroll down to the second picture/paragraph.

  • Comment number 42.

    "The more I refine my thinking on our governance, the more 'admiration' I gain for its in-built defence and self-renewal systems."

    very astute comment. of the half-dozen cultures I have studied, the Brit/English Bourgeiosie is by far the most subtle and complex. And the subtlety and complexity stems from the use of language, use of non-verbal communication, and definition of concepts such as truth. accusing someone of lying is possibly the most heinous crime within the bourgeoisie and results in ostracism and exclusion - hence it becomes difficult to weed out the falsehoods - truth becomes a secondary requirement to abiding by the mores of the culture, mainly relating to the paying of deference in the right quantity to the right people; it is a culture that has preserved the rules of patronage from earlier times with the rules of intellect since the enlightenment - hence its success at both reproducing and assimilating.

  • Comment number 43.

    'i am happy to live in a multicultural society' was the quote as to why they are not bothered about immigration.

    apart from immigration being a mask for their internationalist nihilist ambitions ['imagine there is no country'] the use of the jedi mind trick word multicultural is telling.

    nations come out of a common feeling from a group of people. so what happens if you weaken, water down, destroy that common feeling? Do we get heaven or do we get hell?

  • Comment number 44.

    The Scientificratic Class

    scientists do not take an oath to do no harm. Scientists can be bought, be deviant, biased, misrepresentative...

    scientists can become so detached from reality that they think grave robbing and experiments on prisoners 'a good'. We have seen Jurassic Park and soylent green was made out of people.

    what the politicians represent is the public's beliefs. the belief is drugs are bad but booze is good. So it is the public who are in denial about alcohol.

  • Comment number 45.

    Al Gore?

    why is he promoting a tax on existence [on air effectively] through carbon trading? Why should each person on the planet pay a tithe [through proxies] just to exist to rothschild and rockefeller whose companies make up the carbon trading exchange?

    does he think the existence of humans as a carbon sin? For which we must be punished monetarily?

    isn't such carbon monopoly just that world domination slavery individuals dream of that will make them fabulously wealthy? Is that why those people are promoting this climate change is only caused by man hocus pocus?

  • Comment number 46.

    Another from Steph - made me grin.

  • Comment number 47.

    #34 Ecolizzy


    From someone called King Celtic Lion on NN blog Extract From A World Without Bees.


    Strange bloke, unlike the politicians he never mentioned climate change once!

    The ecosystem is like a web, a net connecting all living things. The Force in Star Wars for the geeks.

    We are a baby that lies in the net of the ecosystem. The net is stretched out high above a mountain valley. The baby is placed on the net.

    A game of Battleships is played. A strand of the net is cut each time, representing a species extinction and loss of connection in the ecological net.

    How long before the baby crashes on to the rocks of the valley floor?

    Celtic Lion

  • Comment number 48.

    Hey we're all Grumpies ; )

    Some of us more than others ; )

    JJ with all the facts and figures you can remember, you can't remember your password!!!!!!!!!!!! ; )

  • Comment number 49.

    #17 Barrie, Yup I agree most of the world hates us, but why do they all want to live here?!


  • Comment number 50.

    #36 Very well said Indi, but with this government we are in steep decline. Have you looked at the BNP site lately, the South Welsh group have made a film of Wembley, very interesting!!! : (

    Of course I realise a great deal of manipulation was probably used during filming! ; )

  • Comment number 51.

    #37 Good afternoon Barrie..

    More things in heaven and earth. Yes but lately we seem to be losing more than ever, so less is more! ; )

    Yes I realise species decline must be looked at over centuries, and I'm not sure what is causing it. Not necessarily man made, it might be just another cycle of our planet. But I agree with Roger, it is all interwoven, and we know not what we are losing. Big Yellow Taxi springs to mind! ; )

  • Comment number 52.

    #41 wappaho Thanks very much for the link, yes I've heard this mans views pretty often! I'll keep that site in view, looks interesting. I just wish moderate muslims would rant and rave as well, there must be tons of them but they are never heard.

    Now I've finished my Go1 stint for today!!! ; )

  • Comment number 53.

    #33 brossen99

    "Typical ill informed ten bob fat cat eco-fascist townie rhetoric, most of the small hill farmers in particular have experienced an easier life since alleged global warming."

    1. I am not a fat cat and a fascist is generally seen as 'a governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc., and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism' so that would tend to suit those BNP posters who pretend not to be the BNP.

    2. What is your "well informed" evidence that hillside farmers have in "particular have experienced an easier life since alleged global warming" - especially since you say alleged and you usually deny global warming exists. Farmers can't get credit to feed their animals or buy seeds. I don't think anybody expects current temperatures to have any immediate impact - but extreme variability like floods and snow and so on will have an impact. Thats how the Hadleigh Institute saw it a while back anyway and I think most scientists would not commit to crystal ball gazing - they tend to science.

    3. Did you not say the other day that you drove a lot to places like Dagenham. Is that where your own profound expertise comes from?

    4. If you now seem to believe that warming is occurring due to C02 (there is no evidence for anything else) then a greater population and greater meat consumption must increase CO2 significantly and further increases the warming problems.

    Therefore your view is inherently contradictory.

  • Comment number 54.

    8. At 11:29pm on 02 Nov 2009, John_from_Hendon wrote: The evidence is that the climate drives CO2, but not the other way round.

    53. At 1:03pm on 03 Nov 2009, thegangofone wrote: warming is occurring due to C02 (there is no evidence for anything else)

    no wonder people switch off when climate is mentioned

  • Comment number 55.


    As I wandered my Newbury-and-environs 'territory' (marking as nature demands) I was STRUCK this Spring by the DENSITY of the blossom on all manner of bushes and trees. My observation was validated, when a wide range of nuts, berries, fruits etc appeared, again in unusual density.
    Newbury is almost devoid of honey bees (to my perceiving) and other bees do not seem to have burgeoned in response to their absence, yet pollination was of a high order of efficiency - manifestly.


    REGARDING EXTINCTIONS. Is it not apparent, from the rock-record, that when the planet is purged of most higher life, evolution re fills the ecological niches, as they become available, in the usual way?

  • Comment number 56.

    #39 NewFazerMk2

    "ON BEHALF OF JJ (Who still can't remember the damn' password...)"

    Oh woe.

    "Making out that there are no differences where in
    fact there are differences, encourages stupidity and punishes higher
    cognitive ability, as well as providing a camouflage for
    entryism/subversion politically."

    As the Rageh Omah piece on Channel 4 Race and Intelligence showed to those without the common sense to take in the people they meet in a multi-cultural society IQ is not an excellent guide to intelligence. If you do them a lot then you get better. If you have never seen one before you may not do so well. As one expert said you can tell almost as much about somebody's intelligence by asking what car they drive.

    Flynn showed that IQ's between race are converging quickly if you consider time and that would not be possible if you believe there are inherent racial differences. There is no scientific consensus that there are inherent racial differences.

    "Making out that there are no differences where in
    fact there are differences, encourages stupidity and punishes higher
    cognitive ability, as well as providing a camouflage for
    entryism/subversion politically. "

    As above there is no consensus that there are any differences between races and mixed races (as the Channel 4 series on race and science showed last night) actually offers genetic advantage.

    "Putting less able people in
    posts in the public sector by having both sex and ethnic recruitment and
    promotion targets has served to undermine the public sector in favour of
    privatization and those who have purchased majority stakes/shares.
    This is how I think disproportionate hegemonic/economic advantage has
    been secured."

    But the private sector is bound by the same laws and there seem to be no significant advantages or discrepancies between the two in terms of performance due to sex or race.

    If you believe there is a disproportionate hegemonic advantage why not present your evidence to the Equalities Commission or a scientific journal?

    Its fact-lite and any "facts" offered have to be considered in the light of the paranoia you have previously expressed that the victorious allies with no reason to lie about the war or its conduct as it was over collaborated with Jews to "make up the Holocaust to put people off statism".

    Yes of course.

    Myself I tend to see the legal basis of Nuremburg and successive war crimes trials as evidence as well as the efficient Nazi Final Solution papers.

  • Comment number 57.


    "no wonder people switch off when climate is mentioned"

    And you mentioned but two views, Wappaho. I am more inclined to planetary resistance-heating, as you may know. Search: Electric Volcano.

  • Comment number 58.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 59.

    Maladroit: good word that I've never used until today..." Larry!...you maladroit"

  • Comment number 60.

    #48 ecolizzy - thanks for the useful quote:
    "..negative moods trigger more attentive, careful thinking, paying greater attention to the external world...and may actually promote a more concrete, accommodative and ultimately more successful communication style". Professor Forgas, NSW University

    I'll keep it handy as a 'Get out of Blogjail Free' card!

    Your earlier link #34 did not blame global warming as some seem to assume. For the avoidance of doubt I'll amend my earlier comment:
    "I assume the English species of homosaps are included in the Red List, due to manipulation of our environment for political purpose, leading to our loss of habitat"

    #41 wappaho Great, outspoken website link. Funny (peculiar) that HM did not respond to the suggestion that she would be made to wear a burka and Buck Palace would be turned into a mosque, whereas the adoption by BNP of Winston brought an instant Royal tutt-tutting! We are not amused.

  • Comment number 61.


    How's your experience of law and lawyers Gango?

    I have been to court, twice a witness and once as a defendant (in a business wrangle). Like the honey-bees of Newbury (see above) Justice did not put in an appearance on any of the three occasions; and no one went looking for her.

    A lot of lawyers in Westminster. Nuf sed.

  • Comment number 62.

    #55 REGARDING EXTINCTIONS. Is it not apparent, from the rock-record, that when the planet is purged of most higher life, evolution re fills the ecological niches, as they become available, in the usual way?

    Yes I understand that. So Barrie are you saying we should not worry about everything so much, and just get on with our current life? After all there's not much we can do about it all really!

  • Comment number 63.

    GO1 #53

    As a direct descendant of the men who reclaimed hill scrub into viable livestock agricultural land and " Craven Indian " still living in a rural area, I will not take lectures on agriculture from some ten bob fat cat townie, " don't urinate down my back and tell me its raining "

    Climate Change is all driven by that big thing in the daylight sky called the SUN, but that is not to say the we should not make more efficient use of natural resources. The CO2 argument pedalled by the likes of Gore is just one massive investment scam aimed at making brain dead ten bob fat cats like yourself pay more for everything through false economic growth.

  • Comment number 64.

    Have to agree with the conduct of the Woolas / Green interview. Jeremy just appeared to allow the two protagonists to argue it out between themselves.It allowed Woolas who is the bigger mouth to take the initiative by dominating the route of the discussion. If the Socialist government are at last admitting they got some things wrong, I would have loved Jeremy to really exploit this by pnning Woolas back by the ears till he squeaked. Instead he sat back perhaps thinking, "well I'll let these guys sort it between themseves and show the viewers what a couple of prats they are". Other than some classic eyebrow raising they were allowed to just talk over themselves. It was a real opportunity lost

  • Comment number 65.


    I really do feel we need to wake up to the 'psychological collapse' of HomSap rather than the ecological collapse Lizzy. Now that we have proved to self, and planet, just how much impact we can have (and I don't mean temperature, necessarily; the ozone hole will do as example) we need to admit we are out of control, and individual (hence group) stability/competence is decreasing.

    How did I do? (:o)

  • Comment number 66.

    'An Australian psychology expert who has been studying emotions has found being grumpy makes us think more clearly.

    In contrast to those annoying happy types, miserable people are better at decision-making and less gullible, his experiments showed'

    On the one hand maybe there should be "Paxo classes" all round at the 麻豆官网首页入口.

    On the other hand I assume the people who believe the BNP literature and racial outlook are all very cheery happy go lucky types who also believe Elvis is alive, the 9/11 third tower was demolished by Jews and there is no climate change due to human impact.

  • Comment number 67.

    #65 Very well answered Barrie ; )

    And I agree with your views on alcohol, I do have the odd drink, but have never been a binger. I get drunk on a large glass of wine, so I'm a lighweight I'm afraid, but cheap! ; )

    My nephew who was educated here and in France, had it in a nutshell about our dumbness.

    He said in English schools every one looks up to the thicko and bully, and emulates him to a greater or lesser degree.

    In his French schools the hero was the very bright kid, and everyone tried their best to emulate him.

    Says it all really.

  • Comment number 68.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 69.

  • Comment number 70.

    ...In The Warning, veteran FRONTLINE producer Michael Kirk unearths the hidden history of the nation's worst financial crisis since the Great Depression. At the center of it all he finds Brooksley Born, who speaks for the first time on television about her failed campaign to regulate the secretive, multitrillion-dollar derivatives market whose crash helped trigger the financial collapse in the fall of 2008.

    "I walk into Brooksley's office one day; the blood has drained from her face," says Michael Greenberger, a former top official at the CFTC who worked closely with Born. "She's hanging up the telephone; she says to me: 'That was [former Assistant Treasury Secretary] Larry Summers. He says, "You're going to cause the worst financial crisis since the end of World War II."... [He says he has] 13 bankers in his office who informed him of this. Stop, right away. No more.'"

    Greenspan, Rubin and Summers ultimately prevailed on Congress to stop Born and limit future regulation of derivatives. .....

    its more chilling that greenspan is Brown's guru and that the regulation needed to 'protect the people' is still trying to be blocked.

    Warning-this film might make you angry

  • Comment number 71.


    Something very odd about us Lizzie. Oliver James ('Affluenza' - 'They F you up' etc) highlights the CURRENT situation CLEARLY, but how did we get here? My knowledge of history is bunk.

    Here and there, psychology/philosophy crops up as a school 'subject' but it needs to be a WAY OF LIFE. And, as I have said before (is there an echo in here? No, just an Eco) the Westminster-monster SENSES the threat that maturity and competence, in the individual, would bring . . .
    It is enough to make me believe in some evil force, that has chosen Britain as a haven, probably because we welcome all-comers and wouldn't even eject Beelzebub - if he pleaded God was likely to give him a kicking.

    Catch 22: All media is about share of uptake. If media took up the cause of uplifting the mentality of 'Person-GB' (I can't believe I typed that) numbers would be too small, and it would be shut down. Dya know - what we need is Public Service Broadcasting. Whatever happened to that?

  • Comment number 72.

    Go1 Many and various

    You really don't pay attention do you? Read post #94 in Fridays blog.
    You are too busy ranting away to notice anything other than your own deranged notions. Blinkered beyond understanding and unable to accept that anything can be other than your own fond imaginings. Faced with the truth all you can do is stamp your foot and blurt out all your nonsense over again.

    I am not at all 'hazy' about the holocaust, I believe it to be an overstated case and the more it is investigated the more exaggerated it becomes.

    You plainly did not understand the C4 programme. It is no longer controversial that there are IQ differences between the races. The Flynn Effect has nothing to do with genotypic intelligence, that point was made by Flynn himself.

    You have no idea what you are talking about, you are an idealogue, you strive to mislead in all you do. I suggest in future you confirm a few facts before you open your mouth again. Try to see a little further than the end of your nose.

    Lastly, do I have a conviction? Yes I do. It is that you are a fool and an offensive one at that.

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