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Tuesday 3 November 2009

Sarah McDermott | 15:01 UK time, Tuesday, 3 November 2009

The Czech constitutional court has ruled that the Lisbon Treaty is in line with the constitution, clearing the way for President Vaclav Klaus to sign it. The Czech Republic is the only EU member yet to ratify the treaty, and the decision removes the penultimate hurdle to its passage. It's a move that has put pressure on David Cameron's Conservatives. In 2007, Mr Cameron made a "cast iron" guarantee to hold a referendum on any treaty that emerged from EU talks. Now that position seems to be shifting with the Tory Leader expected to clarify their policy tomorrow. Tonight David Grossman looks at whether Cameron can hold the Tories together on Europe.

On the day that former British soldier Simon Mann - who was sentenced to 34 years for a coup plot in Equatorial Guinea - is pardoned and returned to the UK, Richard Watson has the exclusive, inside story of the coup. He has documents including the contract for the coup which shows that if it had been successful Mr Mann would have been in line for a $15m payout. .

We have an exclusive interview with Al Gore - the former US Vice President, and author of the best-selling book and Academy Award winning movie about the threat of global warming, An Inconvenient Truth.

And Matt Frei returns to the town of Culpeper, in 'swing state' Virginia, a year on from the US Presidential election. Has anything changed since President Obama was elected?

Join Jeremy at 10.30pm on 麻豆官网首页入口 Two.


  • Comment number 1.


    Vaclav Havel - previous Czech Premier - gifted us the phrase: "LIVING WITHIN THE LIE" and wrote movingly of the humble greengrocer who breaks free. Now the lie is complete, and has power to change the rules, as it sees fit. 1984 was nowhere near subtle enough in what IT predicted. The awfulness of what is being installed, lies (!) in its insidiousness.

    Weep Europe.

  • Comment number 2.


    That need to be great is so apparent. When the political career terminates, you move seamlessly onto ANOTHER STAGE. The actual end product and its validity is of no account (as with 'climate' and 'faith') so long as you get to sweep sound the world waving, not drowning (in your fear of being nobody).

    'So are they all - honourable men'.

  • Comment number 3.

    would it not be splendid if Mann wrote a book about it exposing those who left him in it?

    or perhaps silence is the price of freedom?

    where is scratcher these days?

  • Comment number 4.

    the inconvenient truth is the monetisation of carbon or if you like privatisation of human existence. the oligarchs can't believe their luck.

  • Comment number 5.

    We have an exclusive interview with Al Gore - the former US Vice President, and author of the best-selling book and Academy Award winning movie about the threat of global warming, An Inconvenient Truth.

    Just wondrin', interpreting-events-wise, what actually goes into the creation of 'an exclusive interview'?

    Especially with the author of an 'Academy Award winning movie' that needs no further reportage about it (apparently) than it is about... 'global warming'.

    Nice to sense our 'unique' news media are still at the cutting edge.

    Darn the % of the population not finding the current messengers doing the best job of such a critical message. Can we fire the voting public too?

    I'm sure Mr. Brown would think it 'the right thing to do' and certain media would have no problem with that.

  • Comment number 6.

    There鈥檚 an old saying ....

    Don鈥檛 judge me by what I say, judge me by what I do.

    Shock, horror, probe! ... I鈥檓 all pent up like a compressed spring.

    So Mr Kelly, what exactly are you going to do?

    We know that your remit doesn鈥檛 include Capital Gains Tax or 鈥渇lipping鈥 but the question has to be asked whom is actually going to deal with these quasi-criminal acts?

    Answers on a postcard to .......

    And .... Oh Yes!

    If you can鈥檛 keep to a 鈥渃ast iron guarantee鈥 can anyone believe anything you say?

    Wise up GBP! It鈥檚 the EU or bust!

    And .... Oh Yes! ... 2

    Parenting is the greatest responsibility that a man and woman - is that still PC? - can willingly undertake. Most parents look after their children and then eat.

    And .... Oh Yes! ... 3

    Usually the Nu Con spokespeople are everywhere on the airwaves .... seems to be a shortage tonight.

    And .... Oh Yes! ... 4

    I believe that ... Ooh, let me think! .... Airfix kits are a National Treasure.

    Does that qualify as a philosophical belief?

    And .... Oh Yes! ... 5

    Well done NN for covering the Home Secretary鈥檚 RSA speech on immigration.

    Strangely, there seems to be very little coverage elsewhere. Classism or racism?

    Interesting to see both parties trying to out-do each other as to whom is doing the most effective in dealing with immigration. Mr Woolas is struggling pretty successfully against a Tsunami and the Nu Cons won鈥檛 spell out policy until after the election. (No cast iron promise there then.)

    Does the Home Secretary鈥檚 speech now clarify whether or not it is racist to be concerned about immigration?

    Especially in the eyes of the media!

  • Comment number 7.

    So now its legally official that " full on " eco-fascism is the equivalent of a religion, and perhaps therefore eco-fascism should play no part in an alleged secular democracy. From the available evidence its pretty clear that Al Gore's devotion to the eco-fascist cause is driven by the prospect of massive personal financial gain. Perhaps the same principle applies to many UK politicians and influential celebrities at the front of the call for a deal involving binding commitments to massive carbon reductions at the much " media puffed " Copenhagen summit.

    The trouble is that we don't appear to have the key public spirited investigative journalists of the past anymore. Susan Watts is a bit of a " damp squib " when it comes down to examining the true science of climate change. The sun spot watchers never even get a mention yet they have accurately predicted the UK weather for many years, unlike the global warming quasi-religious Met Office, which would appear to be less accurate than it was ten years ago.

    I am not generally in favour of privatizing anything currently run by the state, but perhaps the Met Office should be first on the list for possible privatization, then at least it could compete on a level playing field with the sun spot men for weather forecasting.

    The point is that Climate Change is happening yet man's influence could only be a virtual fingerprint on a system far too complex to fully understand. Reducing Carbon emissions is a total shot in the dark, far better to improve sea and flood defenses, build a simple pump free national grid for drinking water, ( mostly to ensure supplies to the densely populated south east but Yorkshire has also run dry in recent history ).

    All the circumstantial evidence suggests that alleged Carbon reduction targets are a massive investment scam. The only beneficiaries will be the stock market parasite Carbon traders who will be provided with a virtual gold plated welfare state at the expense of the relatively poor in developed nations. Yet more heavy industry will be exported to alleged developing countries with no emissions controls. Yet again the stock market parasites will gain from the asset stripping of UK manufacturing industry, whilst fraudulently and theoretically improving our balance of trade deficit for a short period.

    Perhaps its no surprise that the US electorate rejected All Gore in his presidential bid and perhaps its all his fault the world had to suffer Bush for the ( past ) 8 years. Obama looks little better but whoever wins the election in alleged democracies the Corporate Nazi's always get back in.

  • Comment number 8.

    EU is back on the agenda both for Labour and the Conservatives, which could lead to interesting headlines, specially considering that Mr Cameron is the leader of the party for the poor and that he would like to focus on repatriating social and employment laws, in effect restoring the British opt-out from the social chapter, and that is always good new for the poor - David Cameron have interests at heart, or has he? Nobody is asking why the social chapter is so bad for the UK?

  • Comment number 9.

    Just googled the Social Chapter, and the first thing that appear was an article in the Independent from 21 January 1993, and the extract is below, and it provides interesting reading, I am not saying it represents David Cameron, but....
    "THE CONSERVATIVE Party was bracketed with Jean-Marie Le Pen's National Front in France last night as the only political parties in the European Community opposed to the social chapter of the Maastricht treaty." Written by STEPHEN GOODWIN, Parliamentary Correspondent. By even contemplating removing the Social Chapter - Mr Cameron is showing his true colours.

  • Comment number 10.


    Hopefully, searching questions that he cannot avoid - an equiry into just how scientific his mind is - a thorough investigation of the term 'settled' against the scientific ethos of the 'working hypothesis'.

  • Comment number 11.

    Excellent interview by Jeremy with Al Gore, particularly where it was pointed out that Gore a vested interest in carbon emissions, as it made him a lot of money out of it :p

    Very interesting report by Richard Watson on Simon Mann's failed coup in Equitorial Guinea, and I certainly look forward to the full report later in the month.

    Also enjoyed the discussion with Frazer Nelson too.


  • Comment number 12.

    A certain degree of controversy always heats up the discussion Newsnight style but on the other hand, why do you have to go to extremes?
    Was D.Hannan the only available and credible Conservative MEP to be invited on the show? What happened to other Conservative voices at the European Parliament or even within the Conservative party like K.Clarke who surely does not fully share Hannan's views?
    The irony with the Lisbon Treaty is that it is the first EU Treaty to make provisions for a member state to leave the EU (though not entirely thought through...I am sure the Conservatives will be creative in this domain just like with their referendum).In a way you have to ratify the Treaty in order to close the door behind to the other EU member states.
    One concluding thought for Newsnight producers: do you think the way you are covering the EU might generate the same (internal and external) debate a bit like the debate you have on getting the Middle East coverage right by offering both accounts?

  • Comment number 13.

    Didn't watch NN. It is very interesting that when Al Gore was notified of his Nobel Prize in 2007 the only persons work he was cited was mine. Yet as it was only one part of a huge body of work the UK Government had of mine as I felt it was out of context, previous to this the 麻豆官网首页入口 having admitted it was my work, the 麻豆官网首页入口 considered as I wasn't a media celebrity they didn't want to have me on climate change related programmes.

    The 麻豆官网首页入口 are quite happy to have Al Gore et al being interviewed quoting a few lines of my work, yet don't want me interviewed so the public and viewers hear and understand the context of the rest.

    Engineers and oily rags! Some inverse correlation in our public sector broadcaster. Bizarre.

    Celtic Lion

  • Comment number 14.

    "Safety is our number one value at Sellafield and we were concerned that an on site visit by Mr Griffin and his team could cause an unnecessary distraction, with the potential for this to have a detrimental effect on safety."

    Its rather like that on the electoral front and socially for the whole country!

  • Comment number 15.

    #7 brossen99

    "From the available evidence its pretty clear that Al Gore's devotion to the eco-fascist cause is driven by the prospect of massive personal financial gain."

    It might help to mention the "available evidence" or people will suspect its just hot air. Not like you ...

    "The point is that Climate Change is happening yet man's influence could only be a virtual fingerprint on a system far too complex to fully understand."

    The scientists don't say they fully understand the whole system but there is consensus that there is climate change due to human impact and that CO2 is a major contributor.

    In fact as mans influence has taken carbon levels beyond anything comparable in the past your statement is devoid of understanding and merit.

    Its rather like barriesingleton - the fan of the National Socialist Jaded_Jean who can't currently remember the password and is agnostic on the Holocaust - who "did a bit of R&D" and thinks therefore the scientists could have it wrong.

    Today at #10 he says "a thorough investigation of the term 'settled' against the scientific ethos of the 'working hypothesis'". Remember he believes the Jaded_Jean nonsense on race and IQ and eugenics. But that has been largely shot down by the Channel 4 Race and Intelligence (Rageh Omah) and common sense.

    Meanwhile Nick Griffin of the BNP has actually announced a stance - he is for nuclear power (that will reassure everybody as he knows) and he is against wind power.

    He seems quite like some of the posters on this site - right down to having a grandfather in the RAF during WWII whilst having quite positive views on Hitler and National Socialism and being "agnostic" on the Holocaust like Newfazermk2.

    Then again Griffin never actually committed himself to a view on anything much on Question Time.

    The far right are too afraid of ridicule what with science and law and history exposing their subjective views.

    They just try to incite others and play on any fears or doubts no matter what the consequences.

  • Comment number 16.

    #1 barriesingleton

    "Now the lie is complete, and has power to change the rules, as it sees fit. 1984 was nowhere near subtle enough in what IT predicted. The awfulness of what is being installed, lies (!) in its insidiousness."

    Very funny!

    You were whining on the other day about the absence of jaded_jean who says the Holocaust was made up to put people off statists and that National Socialism is the best thing since sliced bread and eugenics is a good idea and so on.

    Your pal jaded_jean thinks the BNP is a good home for a vote but they themselves say they "are not a Nazi Party".....

  • Comment number 17.

    from mimpromptu
    It's three forty four, oh what a bore!
    The fridge and my bowels are synchronising 'well'
    With jj thinking everything's swell
    But he can get stuffed by Mandy or candy
    I think they are lovers enjoying the game
    Expecting me to become all tame
    While 'building' their fortune of heinous proportions
    And having a laugh at the whole world
    But my sharpest weapon has become the Word.

    They do'鈥檛 have a talent of the highest of heights
    It's pitiful and vile their fame searching fight.
    So they will go down in history as a pair of hyenas
    While I've already made it on the global arenas.

    With twirling and gliding, ditties and snapping
    Though remaining human, caring and loving.

  • Comment number 18.

    from mimpromptu
    I thought the Newsnight Team have done a great job with their recent investigations into the Equatorial Guinea and South African coup attempts with Richard Watson's excellent report and Jeremy Paxman's probing discussion with Adam Roberts.
    Re: the future of the UK in the EU
    I've just been thinking that rather than ploting opt outs and so on, it would seem far more sensible to try and ammend those European policies that don't make sense and work on new ones which would be beneficial in the long run to all those who live and work in Europe. There are so many Europeans living and working already in this country and so many Brits living and working in the other ones that it seems like a senseless idea to insist on seperatism in this respect as inevitably this would lead to displacement of care to a large proportion of this country's citizens wherever they may be living or working at present though I wouldn't insist on having everything unified, far from it, but this is not the place for such detailed discussions and anyway I would have to do much more research into this before officially identifying the areas of unified or independent policies.
    Re: the front page of the Independent
    A great image of Angela Merkel and Barack Obama! Leaders who haven't lost their human face and touch.

  • Comment number 19.

    from mimpromptu
    I've read all your posts of the last 24 hours and although am not sure what you meant in some of them, I was particularly interested in the one where you talk about peace loving, 'ordinary' Muslims speaking up against extremism, etc.
    It is a real shame that the so-called 'ordinary' citizens of this country do not stand up and speak up against the abuses and violations of basic human rights and for real economic and social improvement in the lives of their fellow citizens. Personally I don't see any difference at the basic human level between myself and many a person who share with me the tables outside Queen's, be they black, yellow or pink, homeless or stinking rich.
    Have a good day

  • Comment number 20.

    from mimpromptu
    Another Leader that I would put in the same league is the Prime Minister of Poland, Mr Donald Tusk.

  • Comment number 21.

    from mimpromptu
    Apologies to those Leaders who I have not recognised on the list but I can spot a few who might be getting there, one of them is Mr David Cameron who seems to have the potential for belonging to the League but only the future, however immediate or distant, will tell.

  • Comment number 22.

    A little something to read this morning! ; )

  • Comment number 23.

    Or a shortened overview...

  • Comment number 24.


    Wunderbar - das freut mir! The Migration Watch report has ANNEXES where normally one finds only APPENDICES! Soooooooooooo much more room in a (purpose built) annexe, than a pokey little appendix. If we can't find raum for all the Manglish-speaking millions of minions, we can pack them into annexes - better still: into Euro Annexes, built metrically, to EU standards.

    The whole 'New Britain' experiment, is very similar to my old anxiety dreams, where nothing made a lot of sense, and no one seemed to be aware anything was awry. In those dreams, things changed so fast, I COULD NEVER FIND MY WAY BACK. Welcome to my nightmare, indigenes all.

  • Comment number 25.


    Sorry to have missed you yesterday, so here it is again..,

    Go1 Many and various

    You really don't pay attention do you? Read post #94 in Fridays blog.
    You are too busy ranting away to notice anything other than your own deranged notions. Blinkered beyond understanding and unable to accept that anything can be other than your own fond imaginings. Faced with the truth all you can do is stamp your foot and blurt out all your nonsense over again.

    I am not at all 'hazy' about the holocaust, I believe it to be an overstated case and the more it is investigated the more exaggerated it becomes.

    You plainly did not understand the C4 programme. It is no longer controversial that there are IQ differences between the races. The Flynn Effect has nothing to do with genotypic intelligence, that point was made by Flynn himself.

    You have no idea what you are talking about, you are an idealogue, you strive to mislead in all you do. I suggest in future you confirm a few facts before you open your mouth again. Try to see a little further than the end of your nose.

    Lastly, do I have a conviction? Yes I do. It is that you are a fool and an offensive one at that.

  • Comment number 26.

    #22 & #23
    I'm afraid I can't take too many battles on but good luck. I have my own open ended investigation going on with Amnesty International while being a fully fledged British citizen. And I don't think the British taxpayer is paying them but rather a fortune seems to be spent to satisfy the ego of a few, deranged in my view, individuals who seem to be believing that they'll make a fortune out of me. To them I say 'you should be so lucky!'.

  • Comment number 27.

    from mimpromptu
    I'm addressing this post to you but am not expecting you being able to do anything about it so don't worry. I just wanted to say that it's plainly obvious that the 'game' involves playing with human lives, including the 'symbolic' deaths of the British soldiers. Symbolic in terms of their names and numbers with what seems to me blame being apportioned to completely innocent individuals, and in particular one of them. Now, I'm afraid I can't possibly mentioned this person's name but it's something for you and the other readers of my posts to think about and hopefully, finally, do something about it ASAP.

  • Comment number 28.

    On last night's Newsnight, David Hannan said that he had never heard of Herman van Rompuy, the latest contender for the post of President of the EU Council. Perhaps he should get out more: van Rompuy has been Prime Minister of Belgium, Hannan's adopted home country, for the last year. Why doesn't Newsnight interview more informed representatives of the UK in Brussels? Are the likes of David Hannan or Nigel Farage (both representing a tiny proportion of the electorate) really the best you can do? Or is it just ignorant sensationalism rather than informed comment that you're after?

  • Comment number 29.

    Re: #27

    I should have said:'i can't possibly mention'

  • Comment number 30.

    Missed the show, but the twitter feed points to a handy link, tx.

    And it kicks off (if missing some preceding exchanges?) equating dealing with undoubted MM CFL pollution with, I'd suggest, less cause and effect-certain propositions with the current ANCC (anthro negative) debate and challenges.

    A pity that the first substantive exposition from this end was that President Obama 'has' to go. Why? This smacks of a silly media set-up at best. With the answer not helped by one GB's latest last ditching being cited in support.

    As to following the money, I have no problem with anyone profiting from what they also believe in.

    It gets trickier when using a position of power to assist with circumstances to assist with such profit.

    And especially when the 'good' that such profits are generated from may be in areas that are not as 'good' in an enviROI sense as claimed.

    That is something that needs unravelling across the board, country by country, pol by pol, treaty by treaty, before I'll be confident that my kids' futures on the planet are the primary motivation here.

    One does wonder what, after panels, pumps and Priuses, what a billionaire eco-advocate might find to spend their money on. Guessing an online PDF of 'the book' is in the offing?

    Hence I found this at best, superficial, if not adversarial at the expense of proper, thoughtful challenge.

    As for Mr. Gore, not sure that, in light of other, more local news events, his invoking of a 'green cathedral' was necessarily helpful as intended.

  • Comment number 31.

    #30 from mimpromptu
    Hitler,Stalin, Mao tse Tung and numerous other dictators also believd in what they were doing, I didn't finish Reading your post for obvious reasons. How much money have you made already or are hoping to stash up?

  • Comment number 32.

  • Comment number 33.


    Oh no - first we learn that IDG2s granddad was a werewolf and now brossen99, it seems, is not just flaky, BUT A JUNKY.

    One just doesn't know who to trust these days.

  • Comment number 34.

    #25 newfazermk2

    "I am not at all 'hazy' about the holocaust, I believe it to be an overstated case and the more it is investigated the more exaggerated it becomes."

    On Fri 27th March you said "I have never claimed a mountain of evidence against the holocaust, I simply say I can find very little for it. It seems neither can you or you would present it." and I pointed out that Nuremburg was a good start.

    I have also pointed out many times that if you believe it was "overstated" then why don't, or didn't, you send your evidence of this to the Irving trial in Austria or one of the current Nazi war crime trails? As I have said many times that you people chomp on a lot and talk about giant conspiracies but then duck back into the shadows at the first opportunity.

    The Holocaust "was made up to put people off statists" as your pal says. Thats up there with the BNP's Barnbrook excuse over citing non-existent murders due to the combined effects of church bells and dyslexia as reported on the 麻豆官网首页入口.

  • Comment number 35.

    #25 newfazermkII

    "You plainly did not understand the C4 programme. It is no longer controversial that there are IQ differences between the races. The Flynn Effect has nothing to do with genotypic intelligence, that point was made by Flynn himself."

    What the programme addressed was the significance of those IQ results and how the far right interprets them wrongly. Are black people stupid? No. Are Chinese people more intelligent? In a way yes but due to hard work instilled through cultural factors.

    Flynn's work rebutted Lynns.

    As Jones said in that series and as others have said there is in fact very little difference between the races.

    So the notion proposed by jaded_jean regarding eugenics and racial purity and intelligence being pulled down by immigration is patently nonsense.

    Mixed race people would seem to benefit genetically and that must boost the country's gene pool.

    Therefore I fear that the frothing ideologues are all in your camp, that regards Hitler as a "peace lover" and that feels the case for the Holocaust is "overstated".

  • Comment number 36.

    #25 newfazermk2

    "Lastly, do I have a conviction? Yes I do. It is that you are a fool and an offensive one at that."

    I was more interested in your criminal convictions should they exist and whether you are in fact Nick Griffin.

    He has one for inciting racial hatred so do you?

    Yes or no is good as you get quite emotional don't you and start throwing your toys out of the pram.

    By the way some would say that if you go around stating the case for the Holocaust is "overstated" on the basis of no evidence and promoting tenets consistent with National Socialism you could be classed as quite "offensive" yourself.

  • Comment number 37.

    Enough of the National Socialists!

    On expenses there does seem to be two issues at work. One is that some MP's still have not really connected to the fact that they are not martyrs before a lynch mob.

    There are genuine reasons for public anger that should be mitigated by the history of MP's pay and party politics and the lack of a proper constitution.

    The second factor is we do need a system that takes into account the practical reality of being an MP and copes with long and unusual hours.

    Personally I think issues such as the late hours and attracting women members should have made this a timely opportunity for a wider debate about such issues.

    As for the mooted idea of Swedish style "state accommodation would that not present terrorist targets? Perhaps though that is what the HoC is anyway and so there is no greater threat.

  • Comment number 38.

    31. At 1:37pm on 04 Nov 2009, mimpromptu :
    I didn't finish Reading your post

    For what I hope may be appreciated, and for fairly obvious reasons, I regret that this alone is enough for me to decline any invitation to further engagement.

  • Comment number 39.

    On Afghanistan people discuss pulling out but not the succeeding need that is "what then for Pakistan?".

    If Pakistan is a nuclear power and falls to the Talibs or becomes a failed state that is halfway there that is a huge problem.

    That said we can't stay in Afghanistan for ever and so the pressure must surely be heaped on the Pakistan military to nail al Qaeda and the Talib extremists decisively.

    It does not lift anyone's spirits to think that we are there propping up a corrupt government.

    This must surely be the end game though.

  • Comment number 40.

    #25 NewFazerMk2

    By the way if you do find my posts offensive what with those uncomfortable truths like genetic variation is greater within a race than between races and something called "reality" affecting your propaganda output .... who cares?

  • Comment number 41.

    Go1 #36


    "I was more interested in your criminal convictions should they exist and whether you are in fact Nick Griffin."

    You're as mad as Mim aren't you?

  • Comment number 42.

    Go1 #34
    "On Fri 27th March you said "I have never claimed a mountain of evidence against the holocaust, I simply say I can find very little for it. It seems neither can you or you would present it." and I pointed out that Nuremburg was a good start."

    Nuremburg was a show trial where normal rules of evidence were suspended. It was an act of revenge. A very poor place to start.

  • Comment number 43.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 44.

    GO1 #15

    " The scientists don't say they fully understand the whole system but there is consensus that there is climate change due to human impact and that CO2 is a major contributor "

    Given the above statement how can alleged scientists prove that reducing CO2 emissions will cut global temperatures. If they don't fully understand how our climate system works perhaps cutting CO2 emissions is a bit like 18th century ( quack ) doctors bleeding people as a cure all for medical conditions.

    It looks like my reference to the SUN SPOT men was totally off your quasi-religious radar, but then you never read any of the posts you criticize properly anyway. It looks like the Science Museum poll needs plenty of idiots like you to visit it, the last time I went there only 1632 were for cuts at Copenhagen, 6333 against this foolish politically motivated excuse for a stock market parasite investment scam.

  • Comment number 45.


    Groups compete, and when groups compete they often do so by stealth, eager not to alert/provoke their competitors. In human behaviour we refer to this as 'business' or 'politics' and even 'sport'. To get an accurate grasp of what's going on, we assume the Null Hypothesis, i.e that groups and individuals are equal, that characteristics are randomly distributed across groups. But.... then we observe what actually happens, and where we find deviations from this presumption of equality, rationality declares winners and losers. In Liberal-Democracies, we call this 'the free-market' and 'survival of the fittest'.

    Not all individuals are equal, and not all groups, i.e. collections of individuals, are equal. Lots of characteristics are not randomly distributed. C'est la vie, n'est pas.

  • Comment number 46.

    what happened, did Poly Morphism morph into U14201710?

  • Comment number 47.

    Well I am confused. There is a poster who keeps writing that genetic variation is greater within a race than between races. They wrote it so many times I started to accepted it.

    Then this came on the news

    They want more ethnic organ donors as tissue typing between races is different. As tissue, blood etc is based on genotype. This would indicate there is genetic variation between races. As the variation within one race is not sufficient to supply a close enough match to someone from another race.

    Have the organ donation service got something wrong? Could someone explain? Not that I am bother what race or even species living things are, we are all on the same planet. Just an interesting paradox in scientific views.

    Celtic Lion

  • Comment number 48.


    Does ring any bells?

  • Comment number 49.


    In particular, what the FBI agent has to say.

  • Comment number 50.

    Celtic - are you a mischievous little tom cat?

  • Comment number 51.

    #48 from mimpromptu
    delighted to see it typed and confirmed

  • Comment number 52.

    I notice from searches people have been looking with reference to #13 above my self and Al Gore quoting my work when he was notified of his Nobel Prize.

    Below is the submission to an United Nations Environment and Development report commissioned by the UK Government which DEFRA had asked me to contribute to.

    On the 13th December 2002 I had been invited to a conference in London to set up the new generation of climate models (which later contributed to the other 2007 Nobel Prize for the UNEP IPCC). We were guarded by anti-terrorist machine gun toting police. Quite noticeable and out of the ordinary for me comin' from up North. A bizarre juxtaposition as we were supposed to be 'saving' the world, which includes 'terrorists'.

    December was also the building up to the war on Iraq, Afghanistan already invaded. The week before we had had still born twins and I was upset that the grinning politicians could countenance killing more children causing more grieving parents.

    So I used the UN report to make an anti-war protest. I used climate change as an example of the greater environmental threat we should take seriously rather than war on Iraq.

    Notice below I very specifically use the phrase " Now I understand it is widely acknowledged that CO2 emissions from industrialised economic growth cause climatic change". I never commit myself to saying 'I' believe CO2 alone contributes to climate change-despite the week before working on the climate models the UK now uses.

    Then I use the phrase:

    "Now a building could be destroyed and 3000 people lose their lives. A nuclear bomb has the the potential to kill a few million in a city.

    Unfortunately these are insignificant compared to the most awesome tool of mass destruction. Economic growth not integrated with its cost burden on social and environmental systems at all levels of its implementation, local, national and international."

    Here I have dropped 'climate change' and widened the assessment. But here was the world changing risk assessment that in 2004 covered the globe when the UK Chief Scientist Sir David King, I believe a member of the UNED, gave the risk assessment "climate change was a greater threat than terrorism".

    麻豆官网首页入口 news planning have read the original 2002 work and know Sir David was not the original author, but because he is a celebrity still cited him. The massive danger to all our lives is because of 'celebrity soundbite' many of the major environmental threats to our existence are being ignored.

    Climate change and Africa were given as alternatives to war on terror ie Afghanistan and Iraq. Climate change and Africa became the agenda of the 2005 G8 in Perthshire. Those with a twisted sense of humour now realising one of the biggest global jokes was to get Blair and Bush to discuss an anti-war agenda without them realising. This UN report I am contributing to being a seriously influential 'special American mommy lover' of a report.

    From the G8 you get Live8, the Stern Report etc. Note I am also introducing the dangers of increasing consumer debt in 2002, I believe the 'expert economists' NN now have on refer to this as the 'credit crunch'

    Everything from one submission. The legal people who have seen the original consider it one of the most influential works of the 21st century if it was responsible for all that we see above now in the media. They consider it even more extraordinary if it didn't influence but managed to predict everything.

    When Al Gore was notified of his Nobel Prize he said the British Government had warned climate change was a greater threat than terrorism. Well it wasn't the British Government it was Roger Thomas. And Roger Thomas didn't quite say that, he said economic growth not integrated with it's cost burdens, which may include a component of man made climate change. Which is subtly different than what the media are saying.
    Changing Futures
    Roger Thomas
    Submission to UNED report

    This forum is supposedly directed at UK domestic policy, unfortunately domestic policy now seems international policy. The news last night was war on terrorism and war on Iraq.

    Even the DEFRA website itself considers SD about UK and the world outside as a "WHOLE".

    Recently I was invited to look at Guidance for Policy Makers and Regulatory Impact Assessment by the Cabinet Office Regulatory Impact Unit.

    This document is available at the Cabinet Office RIU website.

    Now in the consultation draft Annex 4 under Sustainable Development it says "One purpose of cost-benefit analysis is to ensure that in pursuing any single objective, we should not impose disproportionate costs elsewhere....the needs of the present may also result in costs to the environment or social welfare".

    Now I understand it is widely acknowledged that CO2 emissions from industrialised economic growth cause climatic change.

    The principle stated in the Cabinet Office draft also being applicable to the global dynamic. Probably why there was a worldwide response to the US decision not to co-operate on Kyoto.

    National economic policy not integrated with sustainable development analysis and goals imposes costs on the social and environmental systems of the planet.

    A country such as the US as the biggest emitter of greenhouse costs presumably imposes the biggest individual costs on the social and environmental systems of the global dynamic.

    Now a building could be destroyed and 3000 people lose their lives. A nuclear bomb has the the potential to kill a few million in a city.

    Unfortunately these are insignificant compared to the most awesome tool of mass destruction. Economic growth not integrated with its cost burden on social and environmental systems at all levels of its implementation, local, national and international.

    Its effects are indiscriminate drought, famine, flood, destruction of crops, fire. It is not millions, but 10's and 100's of millions who pay the price.

    It has just been announced that we have had the 2nd hottest year on record globally, the hottest being 1998.

    Coincidentally we now have reports of the impending famine in Ethiopia due to drought. Millions of men, woman, children, families and animals just waiting to die.

    Are these paying the cost of air conditioning in Houston, 拢158 billion of UK consumer credit, 12 lane interstate highways and congestion on the M6.

    The UN wants US$340 million to deal with this disaster, I am sure somebody will supply the correct figure.

    Now I have the draft UNEP IPCC Third Assessment Report Summary for Policy Makers Climate Change 2001: Impacts, Adaption and Vulnerability (19 Feb 2001). Why it is the draft is another story.

    Now table SPM-2 page 16 on Regional Adaptive Capacity and Key Concerns : Africa......


    It goes on but you already get the contents.

    This why I get frustrated with NN interviewing people on climate change. If they are going to inform the public on climate change they should have the engineers and not the oily rags. Surely the viewers deserve that.

    Barrie see the Cabinet Office and the government above have Annexes.

    #50 wappaho meow

    Celtic Lion

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