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Friday 14 January 2011

Sarah McDermott | 11:17 UK time, Friday, 14 January 2011

Here's what's coming up on tonight's programme:

Ed Miliband has said Labour's by-election victory in Oldham East and Saddleworth is the "first step in a long journey" for his party and sends a clear message to the Coalition. Lib Dem Elwyn Watkins came second in the poll, while the Tories - who have denied "soft pedalling" to help their coalition partners - saw their vote share halved.

Tonight Iain Watson reports on the challenges the result poses for David Cameron and the coalition, and our political panel - Danny Finkelstein, Peter Hyman and Olly Grender - will give their verdict on a fascinating result.

We'll have the latest on the unrest in Tunisia - what is the regional significance of all this? Mark Urban will put today's turbulent events into context.

And Matt Prodger is in Somerset investigating if new health reforms could lead to "back door privatisation" of the NHS, as critics claim. A significant number of GPs consortiums have already signed deals with large multi-national private health companies - should patients be concerned?

Do join Gavin at 10.30pm on Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú Two.

On Monday it's Martin Luther King Day and that evening on the programme we'll be joined by a close friend of Dr King - Clarence B Jones - who helped to write what has become known as one of the best speeches of the 20th Century.

But what other speeches deserve to be ranked alongside 'I Have a Dream'?

We'd like you to hear what you think are the best speeches since the Second World War. .


  • Comment number 1.


    Notice the same factors being applied to breast feeding as to health and care, in general. Mother's breast goes way beyond a simple food supply and empathic support to the sick and old requires culturally nuanced empathy, to a high degree. So what do our leaders decree?

    Replace mother with a plastic container of Mammon-Juice and put all vulnerable people in the care of Manglish speaking cheap labour.

    Might it be that the sort of people who are attracted to Westminster, are ALL SO DAMAGED that they have a) no idea what I am on about here or b) secretly want revenge for what they lost?

    We are a sick, mad, country - getting worse.

  • Comment number 2.


    Honest ones, written by the speaker. All others are deceit, analogous to FRAUD in other contexts.

    How many REAL people use the words of others to gain advantage?


  • Comment number 3.

    "And Matt Prodger is in Somerset investigating if new health reforms could lead to "back door privatisation" of the NHS, as critics claim."

    Naturally, this is reported from the 'public sector' point of view. If the public sector can't do it particularly efficiently, just give them a bit more time and a bit more money - and cross your fingers - and everything should be O.K.

    If the public sector can't provide a service efficiently - remember, tax-payers' money should always be spent efficiently, to set an example - then the private sector should provide the service. Who else is there, apart from the 'third sector'?

  • Comment number 4.

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  • Comment number 5.

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  • Comment number 6.

    The things you stumble across on the internet.

    Alas, my dear (not so old) mum is a statistic in this handy chart published on the Guardian's website today!

  • Comment number 7.

    Would Oldham MP Winston Churchill support todays Government changes to the NHS?

    The great man said this

    "The discoveries of healing science must be the inheritance of all. That is clear. Disease must be attacked, whether it occurs in the poorest or the richest man or woman simply on the ground that it is the enemy; and it must be attacked just in the same way as the fire brigade will give its full assistance to the humblest cottage as readily as to the most important mansion. Our policy is to create a national health service in order to ensure that everybody in the country, irrespective of means, age, sex, or occupation, shall have equal opportunities to benefit from the best and most up-to-date medical and allied services available."

    Winston Churchill
    March 2, 1944

    Source: Churchhill by Himself: The Definitive Collection of Quotations

  • Comment number 8.

    #7 Ah yes, but Mouse that was when we were the indigenous peoples of Britain. Now most of our health staff, and an awful lot of the patients are foreign.

    I don't think Churchill meant give employment and health care to the world.

  • Comment number 9.

    8 ecoliz...it wasn`t just Churchill who didn`t want to pursue the absurd idea that we can offer a welfare state and health care to the entire world.....but you wouldn`t know it !
    I often think Britain is a bit like India would be if Mother Theresa and Sharmi Charkrabarti had been entrusted with the task of governing the country. Ecveryone would be inhibited from complaining about the chaos because the sincerity of Mother T and Sharmi would be unquestionable!

  • Comment number 10.


    I used to have a factory stacked (literally) to the roof with flammable plastic bottles, and stacked on the floor with plastic sacks of finely divided Caustic Soda. When the Fire Brigade inspected us, they commented, wryly (in view of the danger of dripping plastic fire, and fire-ruptured caustic sacks) "We will just watch it burn".

    The Churchill 'factory' was full of alcohol and tobacco residues. Great as he (perhaps) was, he knew the damage he risked, but did not desist. I suggest it might been reasonable for the NHS to take the 'wry view' of treating him.

    No doubt if I had tried to debate the above with him, he wouldt have 'won the day' - it would not have made him right though.

    If the person who lives in the 'humblest cottage' has no smoke alarms and drinks and smokes in bed, should firemen risk their lives 'regardless of occupation' of that person?

  • Comment number 11.


    Well - it looks as if God is real, and I am in for a roasting.

    Worse - Nick will join me. But it's not all bad news, Blair will go to Heaven. Close call!

  • Comment number 12.

    Apparently the Vatican has asked God if he will increase the width of St Peter`s "eye of a needle" so that Tony B can get through!

    It`s cost Tony a fortune in bribes...but then the Blair`s did mysteriously well out of their devoted public service during the New Labour years!

  • Comment number 13.

    the west has a long history of crushing the outcome of arab democratic elections if they don't like whose won?

    One of best political speeches must have been the advice of Lord Goldsmith that convinced the Cabinet the Iraq War was legal?

    Also Tony's speech in the Iraq War vote debate that convinced MPs to go to war on no evidence whatsoever?


    the big society is just a mask for the same old small private society?

  • Comment number 14.

    ..Chinese companies that use what’s called a reverse merger to list in the USA and eventually raise capital. But what’s becoming an interesting trend with many of these companies is accounting irregularities. Several of them have already been exposed as outright frauds and many more are supposedly filing fraudulent SEC documents and are under investigation.

    Jim Chanos, who famously uncovered Enron, says China makes Enron look like a walk in the park. We already know China has been building entire cities and malls (see the world’s largest EMPTY mall here) just for the sake of building something to generate economic activity so there appears to be a trend of things looking too good to be true. ....

    planet china looks a very dodgy mind-space to be in?

  • Comment number 15.

    Oh Boy! brossen have you read this??!!!

  • Comment number 16.


    A whole Telegraph article, but no mention of tides. Last I heard, the moon was still there.

    Key sentence in the article is: "Mr Huhne seems to have softened his opposition to nuclear" and comment about public acceptance of nuclear, when the lights go out. Add it all up and you get: wind power, designed to fail, so that nuclear is demanded, in a panic, by public who are unaware of tidal.
    If wind-money had been put into tidal, some very real returns - GUARANTEED RETURNS - would now be flowing into the grid EVERY DAY.

    Small wonder conspiracy theories thrive. Westminster routinely conspires against us for its own devious ends.

    In passing: the rate of innovation, on all fronts, is ever-increasing. Ignoring the many rumours of cheap power, just around the corner, history tells us that there is always another way to be found. Electricity is no exception. The only threat to viable innovation in power, is Big Oil - and we are back to conspiracy again!

  • Comment number 17.

    The Nuclear Option will naturally be imposed on us ....but only after global big business has worked out the optimum way to screw us taxpayers to the maximum while handing control of the industry to whichever foreign mafia has the most cash and the dodgiest Chernobyle2 reactor.

    Still ...with our nuclear reprocessing industry taking everyone elses toxic waste perhaps Britain won`t need electric street lighting .....when the whole country glows in the dark?

  • Comment number 18.

    i see lots of new house building. given the cheapest time to do this is during building not one has heat pumps. Even the queen [another millionaire who used a govt grant] put in heat pumps.

  • Comment number 19.


    swedish reactors keep closing down

  • Comment number 20.


    Point well made Jaunty. Simple things like orientation and differential window size, must also still be relevant when building houses.

    Those who can - do. Those who can't - teach. Those who can pretend well - go on the stage. Those who can't do, teach or pretend well - go into politics.

    I hear Lansley has been 10 YEARS planning the all-new NHS. 'I warn you: don't be sick and don't be old.'

  • Comment number 21.

    given the confessions of spy where the PC told the climate believers he got his money from importing drugs then the moral high ground they claim they have crumbles into dust? they willingly accepted money from someone who said he worked in organised crime with all the ramifications of violence and evil upon society that drugs brings?

    if they were so moral why did they not report what they thought was a drug smuggler working with organised criminal gangs? Keeping silent is facilitating serious crime? Why did they accept the money and help that were proceeds of crime? And they claim they are more intelligent who understand things we don't?

    so the climate activists condone organised drug money in their pursuit of an anarchist agenda that, had they closed power stations, would have put lives at risk? These are not harmless bunnies following their holy conscience [as some judge inferred] but people who side with organised crime to fund their anarchism?

  • Comment number 22.


    its pretty clear now that big society is just another word for privatisation. The missing words are 'big society of multinationals' or the 'big oligarch society'.

  • Comment number 23.

    Heroism during the Second World War :o)

  • Comment number 24.


    Dodgy Dave was on the Today Programme - I waited for the WEASEL WORD and he did not disappoint. He spoke of limiting the bonus POOLS - not limiting top bonuses.

    See how it works? TOTAL cost of bonuses IS controlled by Deliverance-Dave, but OBSCENE MAXIMUMS are STILL in the hands of obscene Top Bankers who scoop 'their own POOL' leaving dramatically less for the lower echelons, who can lump it.

    It's just another aspect of the BIG society: BIG BONUSES.

  • Comment number 25.

    This is like the "sport" of bear baiting Barrie or shooting at sitting ducks...it`s too easy to be real.

    The powerful can`t be so arrogant as to imagine that we are swallowing this nonsense.... surely?

    Surely they are going to put on a better show of "democracy" than this Westminster/Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú pantomime?

    I`ve been trying to intervene in Mark Mardell`s American blog in the hope of shedding some light on their bizarre love of religion AND guns ...but it`s like the Day of the Trifids over there....they are "there" in one sense...staring fixidly at you...but their imaginations have left the room ...like Elvis!

    Of course the Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú advertise to American customers of their blog ...so you can guess why it censors comments that might upset it`s "sponsors" in the USA.....AND HERE!

  • Comment number 26.


    Well - Dave certainly quacks like a Duck Jim - but the walk is OK.

    I am beginning to suspect that an element of multiple personality is built into us all; that is how a nuclear physicist can also be a religious believer. (One might call it 'Worzel Gummidge Syndrome'.)

    I suspect that our failing is in not teaching the brain to form a functioning 'intranet', while we are still young. (That would take a radical shift in 'education'!) Another project for the investigative arm of NewsyNight?

    O wad some power the giftie gie us. . .

  • Comment number 27.

    Bring Jeremy back ASAP!
    Argh - competition from David Mitchell?

  • Comment number 28.

    27 David Mitchell..or Tariq Ali..or AC Grayling...or even Stephen Fry (that presses all the Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú buttons!)

    ANYBODY with a sharp mind...including the existing production team and their gifted presenters (one suspects)...COULD make mincemeat of our Mad Hatter`s Tea Party of a political bubble.


  • Comment number 29.

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