Tuesday 8 March 2011
Newsnight will be presented tonight by Jeremy Paxman:
What are the options for western intervention over Libya? Should we arm the rebels? The idea is being considered by the White House but how realistic is it and how tricky politically? Tonight we'll look at the options for western governments and their possible outcomes. We are hoping to speak to the former Republican presidential candidate Senator John McCain to get his views.
We will also consider what is behind these questions in the Middle East and North Africa with the American linguist and philosopher Noam Chomsky. How do the recent events affect Chomsky's world view? You can see a preview of the interview
The government has been criticised over its handling of the crisis in Libya, most notably over getting Briton's out. But there have been other perceived gaffes too raising questions over the government's competence. Remember the U turn over the sale of forests? We'll get the latest take on the how well the government is doing with its presentation skills from some politically savvy guests.
And we'll be asking - why is sectarianism still so strong in Glasgow? A summit was held in Edinburgh today chaired by First Minister Alex Salmond following last week's Old Firm Scottish Cup replay which saw three red cards, several touch-line and tunnel confrontations and 34 arrests inside Celtic Park. Why has antipathy between Protestants and Catholics survived for so long in the city?
Do join Jeremy at 10.30pm on Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú Two.
From earlier today
Here are some early thoughts on what we are planning tonight:
What are the options for western intervention over Libya? One option that the White House say they are considering is to arm the rebels - but how realistic is this? What are the dangers and how advanced might any plans for this be?
Jeremy Paxman will be interviewing Noam Chomsky. He'll be asking what challenges the uprisings in the Middle East and North Africa present for Chomsky and his world view?
As a review of police pay and conditions in England and Wales calls for the abolition of a series of allowances and special payments, we'll be asking whether now really is the right time to consider any major reform of the police service when there have been warnings of potential civil disturbances ahead as a result of the recession.
And we will be asking why sectarianism is still so strong in parts of Scotland. A summit will be held in Edinburgh today to discuss the fallout from last week's Old Firm Scottish Cup replay. Police requested the meeting after the game saw three red cards, several touch-line and tunnel confrontations and 34 arrests inside Celtic Park. The summit is to be hosted by Scotland's First Minister Alex Salmond.
Comment number 1.
At 8th Mar 2011, Mistress76uk wrote::D Can't wait to see Jeremy's interview with Noam Chomsky!
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Comment number 2.
At 8th Mar 2011, barriesingleton wrote:ALL THE SIGNS OF AN IMMATURE NATION
Weapons/war, 'civility' only through policing, sectarian combat, these and many more signal that we are juveniles led by juveniles.
At home we cannot cope COMPETENTLY with ANY stage of life. We employ props, diversion and auto-oblivion to avoid reality - none more than our politicians. Yet we trumpet propriety to Johnnie foreigner; backed by bombs.
Nothing short of a radical re-think will do. But that needs MATURITY and self-denial. Can a vastly overpaid Mammonik 'get' Chomsky? We shall see.
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Comment number 3.
At 8th Mar 2011, barriesingleton wrote:OBAMA: THE ORATORY AND THE REALITY (Chomsky)
The item linked below covers the disingenuity of Mighty Obama, regarding Israel/Palestine. Will NewsyNighty go there?
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Comment number 4.
At 8th Mar 2011, richard bunning wrote:University tuition fees should also be on your agenda again -
There's a LARGE hole in Mr Willett's plans:
Read this extract from the Higher Education Policy Institute Report on the proposals:
"We do not need any sophisticated modelling to work out that in cash
terms, the proposals will increase public expenditure through this
parliament and into the next. The more difficult question is what will be
the long term cost of these loans, and this itself hinges upon the value of the repayments that will be received. This is measured as the Resource
Accounting and Budgeting (RAB) charge. If no repayments are made the
RAB charge is 100 per cent. If all the loans are repaid with interest at the government’s cost of borrowing (currently 2.2 per cent), then the RAB
charge is zero. If more than this is repaid, the RAB is negative."
The Report goes on to question just how much of the loans made will be repaid - and going on the government's own RAB figure of 30%, it seems clear that government spending will go up, not down AND the level of public debt may well mushroom out of control over time.
Source of figures:
Student loan debt is not counted into government borrowing, so this is a smoke & mirrors policy that goes as follows:
1. UK government borrowing is too high - we must cut public spending!
2. higher education is a big cost - so we want to switch its funding away from government grants towards the students paying fees instead.
3. Students will be given loans that they will only repay when their earnings are high enough because there's no way they can afford it.
4. As the fees proposed are so high and the earning potential of graduates is what it is, we recognise that only 30% will repay their loans.
5. This will buld up a mountain of debt in forthcoming years, but as it is not counted as government borrowing, it doesn't need to be considered as part of the UK's level of debt.
6. The net effect of the cost to the government of writing off the debts that won't be paid will be an increase in the overall cost of higher education to the taxpayer.
7. At some point the black hole of student loan debt will overpower the Treasury and the system will have to be scrapped, but Mr Willetts wil be well clear of it by then.
As the Higher Education Policy Institute Report states:
"In making available the modelling tool that it developed for the
Browne Committee, the government has facilitated a level of scrutiny that
has not previously been possible. Considering the relatively simple case of those graduating from a three year course, we have concluded that
estimates of the RAB that have been used to develop policy are likely to
be over-optimistic. If we are right – as we believe – then this undermines both the government’s case that the new arrangements will make savings in public expenditure, and also the case it has made to the financial markets that they will reduce public sector borrowing."
So why is Mr Willetts going down this road?
There is only one answer left - it's an ideological choice to seek to disconnect higher education funding from the state and establish a market in university places, but that's not the official reason of the ressing eed to cut public spending that is given for this massive increase in indebtedness, potentially large increase in cost to the taxpayer and the substantial risk to the entire higher eduation system, which is one of the few sectors in the economy in terms of exports that is successful.
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Comment number 5.
At 8th Mar 2011, barriesingleton wrote:FIRST COUSIN TO PFI? (#4)
I suppose, by the time all this stuff bites, chaos will have taking off in all areas of life, or the number of truly dumb individuals will have reached the tipping point and we shall all love Big Brother.
Smoke and mirrors indeed, RB. A miserable spectacle.
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Comment number 6.
At 8th Mar 2011, flicks3 wrote:Billionaire Eric Sprott talking about silver:-
We dont need no Blair witch horror play just go to Iraq and ask the families of relatives blown to pieces.
It aint no funny play
'University tuition fees' are about further locking people into the Fractional Reserve Banking embezzlement fraud of the ruling elite.
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Comment number 7.
At 8th Mar 2011, barriesingleton wrote:CALL CREDIT - EXPERIAN - EQUIFAX
Corrupt Britain allows these agencies to build a TWO PART file on each of us. One part is about credit-worthiness and the other is related to IDENTITY. Both PARTS are only as good as the data collected FROM THIRD PARTIES, and rely the 'competence' of the compiler. THESE AGENCIES MAKE NO REFERENCE TO THE SUBJECT OF THE FILE. I strongly suspect this infringes on Human Rights, as they can (and do) mess up transactions by relying on erroneous data.
I have suggested to MY MP, that we would do better to put our own country in order, before bombing Johnnie Foreigner 'into shape', only to bring him to the same corrupt disgrace we call democratic civilisation.
I bet Chomsky would 'take a position' on that!
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Comment number 8.
At 8th Mar 2011, JunkkMale wrote:What are the options for western intervention over Libya?
Only one option: get Douglas Alexander back on.
A no one else. Especially this guy...
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Comment number 9.
At 8th Mar 2011, jauntycyclist wrote:how many people would go to a sex offenders release party to celebrate? why does cameron have full confidence in those that do? does he go to such parties?
why is libya 'our problem'? why do we have to do anything? our fo does not have the psychological profile for understanding what the correct action is regarding the arabs. just look who occupies the middle east desk. how many arab muslims in there?
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Comment number 10.
At 8th Mar 2011, barriesingleton wrote:WISDOM - ONCE REMOVED - AT THE DISPATCH BOX (#9)
Huggie Douggie delivered his swipe at Billy the Spud with relish; the one about meeting the new neighbour by climbing over his back fence. (It's the way you tell 'em Doug.)
But he came dangerously close to a much more fundamental truth. Why do MPs, who to a cipher, have come into politics 'to make a difference', not start by 'cleaning' the Chamber? All those time-wasting and debilitating practices (cf Sarah Wollaston) ALL go unchallenged.
We must dismantle the Westminster Citadel, and all that it 'stands for' if Britain is not to founder.
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Comment number 11.
At 8th Mar 2011, Mistress76uk wrote::o) Thanks so much to the Newsnight Crew for putting up Jeremy's Exclusive UNCUT interview with Noam Chomsky ahead of the programme! I've just watched it - although I don't agree with everything Chomsky says, he is right to state that The West should not interfere with Libya. My thoughts exactly! And onto Eisenhower's bafflement on why the Arab world hated the West. They hated the West because they wanted to control their oil/energy reserves......still continues today.
Also loved the fact Chomsky pointed out that if the Nuremberg Principles were applied to the US Presidents following WW2, they would all be guilty.....even Obama :p
Priceless part of the interview -
Jeremy: How old are you now?
Noam: 82
Jeremy: Why haven't you mellowed?
Noam: Because I look at the world, and there's things happening in the world which should lead anyone to become indignant, outraged, active and simply engaged....
Just brilliant!
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Comment number 12.
At 8th Mar 2011, brossen99 wrote:I used to think that Noam Chomsky made a valuable contribution to world politics but now it would appear that he is just another silly old fool !
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Comment number 13.
At 8th Mar 2011, brossen99 wrote:See Also
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Comment number 14.
At 8th Mar 2011, barriesingleton wrote:JEREMY THE ENIGMA
Jeremy deeply puzzled by men who - gratuitously - go on the attack.
I would have thought he understood better than most!
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Comment number 15.
At 8th Mar 2011, barriesingleton wrote:"FREEDOMS WE TAKE FOR GRANTED" (Jeremy Paxman)
We have freedom of assembly - the Iraq march springs to mind.
We have freedom of speech - "The Conservative Party told lies for votes."
We have the freedom to vote for the party/candidate we choose.
Unfortunately, Tony simply ignored our Iraq protest; unfortunately, political parties are outside the law; unfortunately, few voters vote, and fewer matter, and the latter are bought, bribed, deceived and intimidated to influence their voting. Ultimately, makes no difference which party wins. We are treated with contempt.
Thus: General Westminster always wins WHATEVER WE DO.
How fortunate we are.
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Comment number 16.
At 8th Mar 2011, Mistress76uk wrote:Excellent interview by Jeremy with Sen. McCain too - :p repeat of reasons for the Afghanistan/Iraq wars by McCain..... has he not learnt anything? The creme de la creme had to be comparing a Hollywood film to foreign policy. Good grief! Also loved the trio of Danny Finkelstein et al with Jeremy too :o)
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Comment number 17.
At 8th Mar 2011, U14802332 wrote:This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.
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Comment number 18.
At 9th Mar 2011, kevseywevsey wrote:Rather surprised with McCain. I always had him to the left of Obama; a secret water carrier for the Democrats. Paxman wants to see something from the US administration: a no fly zone perhaps, weapons for the rebels; a Charlie Wilson war. Mc Cain was all for it except maybe the troops on the ground idea. I've heard that a no-fly zone over Lybia can only happen with some troops on the ground, the logistics ain't as simple as we imagined..so a US general said today. I think the US admin are itching for involvement but are playing the reluctant and cautious party of the willing (if not financially able - that'll be the UK..and everybody else)..they are playing it well mind because the media are buying into this game.
As for the revolutionary fires in the Muslim lands...George Soros, thats all you need to know. And a couple of CIA operatives. Join the dots.
I remember when I was younger, it was very fashionable to be clued-up on some of his work. One book I read actually introduced me to the machinations of past US administrations: covert military operations, the slaughter of innocent millions and how the media spun the wars etc. Credit where credit is due, Chomp is a clever fellow even if the leftists adopted him as their poster dad, and even when he punches holes through their placards (metaphorically speaking there) from time to time, he's usually forgiven by them. Sadly the average American would find his work hard going, they'd rather watch that Hollywood Charlie Wilsons war flick, that they'd get. In America your regarded as an academic if you watch the history channel regular.
The political right don't have professors of his calibre because academia can only produce leftists. Chomp is one of only a few who can live in a bubble and get things about right..and thats rather rare from somebody from the left.
A little bit shocked was Paxman when Chomp said Omama was even worse than Bush and other presidents. Why was Pax surprised. Obama has done almost everything opposite of all the promises he gave in the run-up tho the 2008 election, he's done a 180 on nearly everything he promised the American voters. I wont draw up a list as i want to go to bed before sunrise. Doesn't anybody bother with basic research anymore?..I expect more from Paxman. And Somebody at newsnight please buy Paxman the Obama book. In that he'll find all he'll need to know where Obamas head is at. He embraced the 60s radical marxist movement hook line and sinker when everybody else years earlier realised it was a crock or had matured and moved on from it and opened book shops -selling Chomsky and Chaiman mao publications...and other capitalist endeavors.
Look at who formed Obamas political thinking and who he has associated with over the years and you'll realise the White house has a Communist residing in it. Where's McCarthy and his un-American activities committie when you need it?
What happened to the owl/rodent/Camaron joke audio? was that dropped on purpose. Did some Govt dept send the heavies into the gallary? Is the sound man ok? The audio was cut rather neatly...ok, i'm just guessing here. Maybe when Pax writes his memoirs..well find out what happed to the audio.
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Comment number 19.
At 9th Mar 2011, flicks3 wrote:"Ward said that the the combination of high food prices, high oil prices, and wages that aren't moving much may send people in the developed world to the streets, like in the Middle East."
Just remember what Ive said regards no position limits for the big banks to create price volatility and speculate with food for a $ Also remember HSBC and JP Morgan are facing multiple legal challenges for price manipulation of silver.
The way to deal with banks is to remove your money from them.
The politicians are in their pockets
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Comment number 20.
At 9th Mar 2011, barriesingleton wrote:"OBAMA THE WORST" - HAS A RING TO IT (#18)
Obama's oratory was way off the scale and into the Biblical - before he was 'elected'.
'Obama the Worst' has delivered no New Jerusalem, no milk and honey, no Guantanamo closure and no 9/11 enquiry.
As for the Dave 'joke' - an excellent parallel. Government controls TRUTH AND REALITY. (Campbell lives!)
Nuff sed.
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Comment number 21.
At 9th Mar 2011, barriesingleton wrote:'PEOPLE IN THE STREETS' (#19)
But we are a democracy. You will see no brutal repression here. Government will not use the disingenuous ploy of 'War on Terror' to kettle, bash and cart away - not like one of those tyrannical dictatorships.
If the British people take to the streets saying: "We can't go on like this", the Honourable Dave and the Honourable Nick will step down, and there will be an election; one with an abstention box, and PR.
THAT is how civilised democracies work - not broken heads and oppressive controls.
I have a dream today.
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Comment number 22.
At 9th Mar 2011, NHJ wrote:I cannot find the full interview on the Newsnight website. Last night Paxman said that the full interview can be found online - and it is nowhere.
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Comment number 23.
At 9th Mar 2011, jauntycyclist wrote:the government has a reputation for competence? on what evidence?
uk democracy institutionalises incompetence. so why is everyone surprised when that is what happens?
old firms
why does the bigotry go on? well the monarchy role gamers are still here and their language is the root of social apartheid in the uk?
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Comment number 24.
At 9th Mar 2011, RolDeed wrote:PMQ's brain dead ed simpleband mentions Incompetence
.. pot smoking kettle gun
nulabour among other things means Incompetence
We Will Go into Afghanistan without a shot being Fired
There is WMD in Iraq etc etc etc etc blah blah blah
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Comment number 25.
At 9th Mar 2011, RolDeed wrote:Kriss Akabusi On The Daily Politics Spot On
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Comment number 26.
At 9th Mar 2011, U14802339 wrote:All this user's posts have been removed.Why?
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Comment number 27.
At 9th Mar 2011, U14802339 wrote:All this user's posts have been removed.Why?
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Comment number 28.
At 9th Mar 2011, RolDeed wrote:Chomsky a Union man .. What happens to People who are Not In a Union
He is correct in leave Libya to the Libyans
In Fact we should leave all Countrys to get on with it whatever With It Means. This Little Group of Islands have been Fighting for This That and The Next Thing for Thousands of Years
We Are Dammed If WE Do And Dammed If WE Dont, My Choice Is Dont Untill
We have Cleaned/Sorted Our Own Mess, Trust Me We Are in A Bloody Mess
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