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John Boyega: Fans never ask me for spoilers and they should because I might let one slip!

Unless you've been living under a rock you'll know that Star Wars: The Last Jedi has finally landed. Well, almost. December 15th, to be precise.

Yup, it's been nearly two years exactly since The Force Awakens crash landed onto our screens, bringing with it some fan favourites (Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher and Harrison Ford) and some fresh faces in the form of Daisy Ridley, Adam Driver, Lupita Nyong'o and, of course, John Boyega.

caught up with the man himself (hey, John!) to find out what he thinks of The Last Jedi ("It's a movie that really just touches on different subjects and stays within the Star Wars universe in such a strange way. The balance is crazy and it's got everything in it."), how he kept the plot a secret for over a year and what he thinks of Chewbacca's Christmas track...

John chats spoilers

Keeping secrets can be notoriously tricky, but keeping the storyline of the most anticipated film of the year under wraps? Well, that sounds near impossible. Add to that the fact that filming for The Last Jedi finished over a year ago and you've got one hell of a juicy secret on your hands.

Fans never ask me for spoilers and I suggest they do because I might let one slip to a lucky fan one day
John Boyega

How, you might ask, would the star of such a film keep quiet for so long? Turns out, John didn't.

"I can't lie, when working [on] these movies they tell you of course that you're not allowed to tell anybody, but everybody has that one person that they go 'you know what, man, this is what happens!'. I have that one person. I can't disclose who it is but I tell them everything, I can't lie. Absolutely everything. But most of my friends and family don't really ask."

If you're a fan in desperate need of the 411, John's the man to ask because he's more likely to spill than you think... "[Fans] never ask me for spoilers and I suggest they do because I might let one slip to a lucky fan one day, especially in the UK and London because this is home." Noted!

John chats special effects

The classics are great, there's no doubt about that, but to the eyeballs of the 21st century (read: used to all-HD-everything) the effects look pretty, erm, old school. Being only 25, John wasn't yet born when the first few Star Wars films were released, so he had a pretty relatable response to the look of them.

I watched the old Star Wars but, because I was young and ignorant, I was like 'What's happening with these effects, man?! How can they downgrade like this?'
John Boyega

"I got exposed to the prequels first and the merchandise for the prequels. I got a Darth Maul action figure as the first thing. I watched the prequels and then I watched the old Star Wars but, because I was young and ignorant, I was like 'What's happening with these effects, man?! How can they downgrade like this?'

"I had to get a bit older to understand. My love for film grew and then I accepted that these were the originals. Now I'm just a big fan of the fandom and I'm in it."

What can we expect aesthetically from The Last Jedi? One word: crispness.

"It's crisp. We shoot these movies on film so that it gives you the same kind of feel and texture that you get with the old ones but, of course, the effects are larger than life. They're not distracting but they're mega."

John chats... the Star Wars Christmas album?!

John Boyega reacts to the official Star Wars Christmas album

Featuring C-3PO, R2-D2 and Chewbacca. (No, we're not kidding.)

It's a thing and it's as weird and wonderful as you might expect.

The Star Wars Holiday Special was released in 1978 and it's existence once prompted George Lucas to say the following words: "If I had the time and a sledgehammer, I would track down every copy of that show and smash it." Strong sentiment, George.

Two years later and Christmas in the Stars: Star Wars Christmas Album was released from a galaxy far, far away and onto our airwaves. Despite its age, it's not all that well-known; mind-blowing considering it features the bangers What Can You Get A Wookie For Christmas and R2-D2 We Wish You A Merry Christmas.

Grimmy introduced John to Christmas in the Stars on the and it's safe to say his world will never be the same again. SAME, JOHN, SAME!

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