Common Victorian diseases and social conditions
In 1840 a doctor arrives at the house of a sick girl after struggling to get through streets running with human waste. The girl has a range of embarrassing symptoms which the doctor wishes to record in his Sanitary Enquiry Scotland report. Her symptoms include fevers, weight loss and thick, blood tinged sputum, a chronic cough, which could indicate TB. She also has blisters, backache, vomiting and nausea which might be smallpox. Both are very common illnesses with a high mortality rate.
Cholera causes terrible diarrhoea and can affect all classes as it is passed on by poor sanitation. Diphtheria causes chills, fatigue, coughs, headache and a foul smelling blood stained nasal discharge. The doctor prescribes better living and working conditions, better hygiene and cleaner water.
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