Adult subordinate male
Possible brother of Romulus. Uncle to Romulus' & Luna's offspring.
• Very large wolf, almost as large as Romulus. Much larger with more robust features than all other wolves
• Darker coat than Romulus.
• Usually bedded further from the rest of the pack, further up the den ridge or just out of sight on the ridge • Has a leadership role in the pack, displayed by his ability to initiate hunting forays
• He is submissive to Romulus, but not vigilant about it like the yearlings (more casual) • Appears to be the most sensitive to our presence, but seems like a cautious/sensitive wolf in general
• His general behaviour around the pack, and his pattern of maintaining his distance from the den, may be explained by a recent return to the pack after an unsuccessful dispersal attempt during the past fall/winter breeding season. He returns to the den daily and regularly provisions Luna, which is a sign that he is not currently dispersing. However he seems less invested in the den in comparison to the other wolves
• As an adult male, he is a highly valuable member of the pack in terms of hunting experience and territorial defence
• Sensitive but bold: easily disturbed from the den when there is increased human activity, yet approached the helicopter very confidently when Gordon arrived.