Breeding/dominant male
Father of 2014 pup cohort. Likely father of Atka, Scruffy and Curious George. Likely brother of Remus
• Has the fullest tail (top to bottom) of all the pack-mates
• Largest, whitest wolf in pack
• Long, narrow nose but robust head and body
• Similar size to Remus, but much lighter coat colour.
• Genial dominant male. Other pack-mates are always submissive even though he rarely shows overtly dominant or aggressive behaviour toward them
• He seems highly respected and even revered by the other wolves. Pack-mates seek his company and reassurance
• He is highly interested in the den. Was escorted away from the den by Luna before the pups emerged. After they emerged he lays near the den hole like a proud papa, while the pups play on/around him
• Has an interesting relationship with Remus (which is why we think they are brothers). Romulus will stand completely over Remus while Remus is laying on his stomach. This is a dominant gesture, however Romulus never seems overtly dominant or aggressive toward him. Remus always approaches Romulus submissively, but fairly casually. In some cases, Romulus appears to specifically seek out Remus for company, reassurance, and as a hunting partner
• When pack-mates return to the den, Luna approaches them first to beg for food, then they always visit Romulus before they do anything else
• He is curious about us when he happens to travel near camp, but is not interested enough to approach. He seems too serious and pre-occupied to investigate us, so keeps his distance, but doesn't seem shy or stressed by our activities. He does, however, maintain his distance from us when we approach (we close a small distance between us and he re-beds the same distance away from us). He scent marked and rolled where the crew left a tripod near the den, and may have been the wolf that peed on Gordon’s binoculars.