Adult subordinate female
Likely daughter of Luna & Romulus
Young adult (est. 2 years) based on behaviour
• Darker than other adults, but lighter than the yearlings
• Very slightly taller than the yearlings but much longer and leaner (not stalky or bulky)
• Tail appears segmented with scruffy hair at the top and poofy whispy hair at the bottom (poodle tail)
• Sometimes her longer ruff (longer hair on top of neck between shoulders and ears) makes her easily mistaken for a yearling, but a side-by-side comparison shows her coat to be a lot smoother and relaxed/tame.
• Other than Luna, she spends the most time bedded at/near the den
• Luna relies on her for security and help baby-sitting the den
• She was the only other wolf allowed near, let alone in, the den before the pups emerged
• She is very patient, often sleeping at the den
• Conversely, she plays with the yearlings as if she is one of them. She seems to be their ring-leader, and eggs them on to games
• More interested in us than any of the other wolves. Approaches the most often and the closest. Particularly interested in the kit tent, coolers, and enjoyed the remote controlled car. Not specifically interested in people, unless we do something novel and different from staring back at her. Luna will investigate us if she is accompanied by Atka
• May have been the wolf that stole a helicopter strap left during an equipment drop and dragged into the den area, and frequently plays with it
• Always displays submissive behaviour to both breeding adults
• Snapped at Curious George at the den when the pups were out. So far, the only dominant behaviour observed in the entire pack. She takes her baby-sitting responsibilities seriously.