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16 October 2014


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weekend away!

This weekend we're off to 'Da Boannie Isle'. Its a new experience - never been to Whalsay before. It's half an hour on the ferry. The forecast is for GOOD weather - unbelievable since we have had snow for a whole week, very strong wind for the last 24 hours, its freezing cold, and we're pretty fed up! everything is covered in salt spray.The boats are not moving, well boat single cos one has gone into dry dock and so there is only one at the moment. The supermarket shelves are pretty empty of fresh produce - but there's still loads to eat, no one is starvin!

We were going to see the play 'further than the farthest thing' if thats the correct title - but the cast can't get up on the boat, so its cancelled.

We were to go to the drama festival to see smallest son on stage with his school - but it was cancelled too, due to no practices while snow shut schools.

Why are we so weather dependent!?!

Never mind, going to see 'Brokeback Mountain' on Thursday, hope its good!

Ruthodanort is comin to Whalsay too. We're going to the charity shop - its well recommended!

I just got a digital camera - at last! will try to get some pics. So far have only got battery charged. I really wanted to take photos of the sea in Gulberwick and outside Somerfield's, it was spectacular. It was also very difficult to get in and out of car. Some of the shopping blew away.
Ruthodanort will tell me how to get pics into computer. will also ask damadcoo how she did it.

any bloggers willing to show us round Whalsay??

Posted on Scallowawife at 19:45


Catherine Zeta Jones shops in that charity shop. If proof were needed, she is wearing a dress I left in their doorway on the photo on Annie Beag's site on Lewis. Are you buying a little off the shoulder number for the Fank?

Harlot O'Scara from South Dell Lewis

Brokeback Mountain: remember those are Arizona or Texas cowboys (not New Mexicans!). Just kidding. My wife uses Broderbund's PrintShop program (an old one) to play around with her digital photos (collages, etc). She has lots of fun. Of course, now you can make your own (or random ones) slide shows for your screen saver. Next time, tie down your parcels: your smokies are back in the ocean by now. And please don't take your camera to the Fank.

mjc from NM,USA

What shopping was light enough to blow away? The shop in Whalsay is very good - Ruthodanort may well buy the whole place. Go to the lounge or get a carry out. Sunday ferries linking with the Yell / Unst boats are a pain though. Get Ruthodanort to read the timetable or she'll spend Sunday sampling the many joys of Toft. (Ha!) Been there, done that.

Herman from Orkney

S'ok Herman. I hae more sense as that. We're only bidin one night in Whalsa, then I'm in Trondra for the next night. So ferries'll be ok. Joys at Toft? Thowt she wis in Quendale!

Ruthodanort from Unst

Brokeback Mtn.: were there lines (queues) of Shetlanders waiting to see the flic? Oh, the good ole days of Gary Cooper, John Wayne, and bad guys in black hats and evil sneer: gone into the sunset. Oh, and bring heavy duty bags re: shopping Whalsay!! What's on for next week: a trip to Ness and Sulasgeir for guga? What kind of taste does guga have? Or do you just drown it in sauce? I might try guga, but it will take more than the bribe of a smooriken to get me to try puffin.

mjc from NM,USA

Brokeback Mountain was very good and the cinema (theatre) was full, amazing considering how uncomfortable those seats are for anyone over 5 foot 2. Whalsay was lovely too, my friend bought a dress, think it must have been a cast off fae Ms Jones. I tried of loads of outfits but ended up wi a cosy red vest thing, could be a t-shirt on a very hot day, could be a vest on a very cold one.. could be attractive and fashionable, could be a dreadful fashion mistake... guga probably tastes of oil and feathers. puffin tastes nice, they say.

scallowawife from shetland

Ruthodanort bought a dress? Is she going to the fank?

Herman from Orkney

Good grief: I hope the Whalsay shops don't rely on shoppers like you and your friend to make a living. I hear it is a thriving fishing community: had fish for lunch when you were there (what kind do they land?). Don't worry about fashion mistakes: you set the fashion!! Did you go to Lerwick for the movie, or is there a movie house in downtown Scalloway? Did you take pictures?

mjc from NM,USA

I have more than one friend and it was her wha bought da frock. ruthodanort didna buy anything.in fact she went off somewhere else while we raided the charity shop. I'll be wearing my red vest at da fank.

scallowawife from shetland

we did eat fish - and it was lovely. It was a haddock. fresh, not smoked. done in batter. can't remember a thing about the rest of the meal. there must have been chips too. down town Scalloway - a movie house !! I wish! no, we crowd into the Garrison theatre and you can't see the screen for people's heads. and your bum goes numb. and you can't cross or uncross your legs - they're stuck in the position you started the film in. There is a lovely lecture theatre in the Fisheries College, sort of in down town Scalloway (I love that phrase) and if a film is shown there its lovely and comfy. well, I'm off to a parent's night in 'Downtown Scalloway' I suppose the shop is in Downtown Scalloway too...

scallowawife from shetland

My wfie reminded me this morning that I deserted her when she made for downtown Scalloway last May, and instead strolled to the area where someone was repainting a boat. Oh well, there is still time ... Would Garrison Theatre give you a discount if you were to bring your own comfy chair?

mjc from NM,USA

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