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16 October 2014

Scallowawife - August 2006

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fortune telling and other things

On my tour of Scotland - I've been back on the Mainland - this time on my own - I visited Perth, GlenIsla, Aberfeldy, and various permutations of Aberdeen/Inverness/Huntly. Its been great fun, and amongst other things I had my fortune told at the Turriff Show.

- there is a great imbalance in my life
- a shadow on my palm - someone who cares deeply is watching over me.
- my children - one is unwell ( thats true)
- relationships - she mentioned some things too personal to reveal, but possibly could apply to anyone.
- a big career change this year - hmmm. hope its for the better and not involving me getting the sack.
- money from abroad - and lots of it. BRING IT ON!!

she also advised - get throught this year and next will be so much better. hmmm.

I wrote it all down, lets see if any comes true!

by the way I met Ruthodanort in Aberfeldy, she and I are in competition to see who can travel most miles in a summer holiday. we are both passionate about travelling.

My back is suffering terrible wi all this travellin, have been to an osteo whatsit and his advice is complete opposite to the doctor (who was worse than useless) (come back if it doesn't improve - why do you think I am sitting in your surgery??)
- use and icepack every 2 hours. DO NOT apply heat.
- lie down on back with knees up.
- never sit for more that 20 mins and never sit forwards as I am just now to see the computer screen.
- do not lie on your front to sleep
- and most worryingly DON'T do the cobra exercise as recommended in treat your own back book - its the wrong thing to do.

and my back is recovering at amazing speed.

Weel, must go, got to pack my bag again and set off. NB - wid shares in NorthLink help get me a cabin?

PS is this not what blogs are all about - sharing of experiences and information?

Posted on Scallowawife at 14:33

competition time!

unst pebbles

let's see your holiday photos!!

winner will be voted by bloggers - one with the most FAVOURABLE comments wins!
Posted on Scallowawife at 18:40

Where are we and what is this?

who where and what?

top marks to the blogger who can answer the question.
Posted on Scallowawife at 22:45

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