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16 October 2014


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mary whitehouse lives....

What DO we think of Jonathon Ross and Russell Brand?

what a pair o twits.

Who do they think they are? What were they thinking of? Was that funny?

No. It wasn't, not to the recipeint, the grandaughter, the general public.

I am appalled that that is the kind of humour that the 麻豆官网首页入口 allows and that folk listen to.

BUT BUT and more BUT... the regular listeners didn't complain - its the rest of us who have complained, its the licence payers who are angry - we pay Ross's 拢6,000,000 salary, we thought the 麻豆官网首页入口 would protect us from this kind of thing, we expected and TRUSTED the 麻豆官网首页入口 to monitor and filter out this kind of gross indecency...didn't we? Is it really all right to condone this kind of behaviour, is it ok to leave messages on decent folks answering machine that offend, is it ok to invade a young girl's privacy?

Is this the message we want to send out to our young teenagers - its ok to be rude, crude, horrible, have laugh at someone else's expense, and still reap rich rewards?

what was the 麻豆官网首页入口 thinking of?
Posted on Scallowawife at 13:13


Those two have given The Prank Callers Association a bad name ( I'm the president) I'm disgusted with what they did, but their biggest mistake was, getting caught. If someone does something to another person, either in jest, or to be nasty, the first rule is DON'T GET CAUGHT. The second rule is DON'T DO IT ON NATIONAL TV/RADIO. There is a third rule, but I don't recall what it is. I think that the only people entitled to complain is Andrew Sachs and his grand-daughter. Another thing SW, does the 麻豆官网首页入口 allow their employee's to 'phone Barcelona?

Tws... from Another Planet

I haven't phoned Barcelona - not recently - not using the 麻豆官网首页入口 phone ... wait a minute, I'm not employed by the 麻豆官网首页入口...

scallowawife from in ta state...

Twice I have tried to comment on your blog scallowawife. Of course the pearls of wisdom are now long forgotten. I just didn't want you to feel neglected down here...If it happened to me you can probably multiply it by a factor of ten!

Flying Cat from how I hate that b****y blogging engine

if ...what...happened?

scallowawife from ummm...

...comments going astray leading everyone to think nobody's bothering...

Flying Cat from errrrrrrrrrrrrr...

i've replied to this three times so far---i'm sad ib is stoppping can't we do a petition or something

carol from in auckland

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