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16 October 2014


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Halloween and other things..

Ooohh.. its halloween! so exciting!

Having a 9 year old in the house makes it special, we have decorated the house, complete with cobwebs and candles. For the very first time EVER I have bought a pumpkin - how American is that - and have managed to ignore the 5 acres or so of neeps outside...

its so easy to gouge out a pumpkin. a neep is an ordeal.

We even have halloween confetti - extravagant I know. but soon the children will be grown up, and I'll be glad I was silly when I'm older and greyer. Talking of greyer - I have just had my hair dyed a lovely halloween shade of brown/red, wi blonde streaks, I'm really pleased with it.

This is son no 1's 21st birthday - all that agony, 21 years ago! And what a pleasure it was, (most of the time).

A strange thing happened today - when I got into the car to come home today the locks went a bit berserk - its central locking - but it started to lock and unlock all by itself. all the way home click, unclick. Is that weird or what?

Any other strange Halloween stories?

off to watch 'Deal or no Deal' before the guests arrive...

halloween stuff...

Posted on Scallowawife at 18:10


Was invited to a friends for Halloween dinner with three pumkin based dishes AND organic pork AND lots of other stuff! Hadf lots of guisers round so heard a huge selection of truly cringe worthy jokes. It was all very entertaining and all the bairns had huge bags of swag and got a fair bit of cash too! The pickings are definitely better in the 21st century! It was a lovely night and I'm safe in the knowledge that the dinner guests who hadn't met me before don't have a clue what I really look like! My costume was a masterly work of disguise!

Sunny from Woooh

Scallo. - Halloween: I saw some 30 headstones in the front yard of a house earlier this week. First time I laughed out loud at headstones!! Did you send a cake over for son's 21 birthday? # Sunny: Organic pork? That's a new one for me. Free range? "animal compassionate" [new label in US at Whole Foods]? or did you just have boar? You have been poaching on the local laird's preserve? Re: Disguise? What did you go as? I hear this year's disguise for women is that of "ravening vixen"! The slogan (at least in the NY Times): let Halloween bring out the vixen in you....

mjc from NM,USA

mjc - organic should be free-range, but free-range is not necessarily organic......I think. No bores on this site. Well......very few.

Flying Cat from knee-deep in crackling

To tell you the truth, as a SWesterner (100% an incomer), I am all for open range (should that be "free range"?) for bipeds as well. I love to mosey along, ipod buds ensconced in my ears, rollicking to Willie Nelson ("Don't fence me in!"), stainless wirecutter in my rear pocket, across this wide-open land: organic as far as the eyes can see (incl. that rattlesnake just scooting under the rock out there), and, thank heavens, neither Rumsfeld nor George W. in sight ...

mjc from NM,USA

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