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16 October 2014


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black pudding

Well - its horrid weather - still not moved house but its imminent - and I'm beginning to feel unwell. still no cooker. phoned shop - at exactly 5 pm - they said we close at 5 (tho they answered phone(?)) and no, they had no idea if cooker had come. (why o why did I not order it from John Lewis) could I phone in the morning. Only after I came off the phone did I remember I could have said - no, you phone me. I did manage a curt and sarcastic - 'well I suppose I'll have to.'

Black pudding - something I have never eaten - we bought some Stornaway black pudding at the local Farmer's market made by Charles McLeod. I fried it and the put it on top of some stew (local beef) - which incidentally had been cooked in Unst Beer - and wow - fantastic. what an Island recipe - bits from all over the Northern and Western Isles. We ate Shetland black tatties too - they're kinda being re marketed - nice.

Can we invent a blog recipe - what wid we use?

Posted on Scallowawife at 23:00


stop making my mouth water!! have'nt ate black pudding for years!! yes for the recipe blog xxx

carol from france

An unhelpful shop? In Lerwick? Are you sure you rang the correct number?

Muness from Fetlar

Charlie Barleys Black Puddings are the best in Bayhead, better eaten on there own or on a roll like Thewhitesettlers better half does.

DD from thewhitesettlers croft

Black pudding and apple sauce, plus a bit of dry cured smoked bacon. Heaven !

Septuagent from NE England, UK.

A generous hunk of Mr MacLeod's best black pud teetering atop a thick, juicy, bloody, oozing chunk of Flett's finest fillet filched from a grass-fed Orkney beast *whimper*.

Flying Cat from fillet on a skillet

does your butcher sell online?

carol from france

qu-est que c'est le online? a french onion?

scallowawife from in a dictionary

by e-mail

carol from france

No. And Mr McL only in UK. Mes bipeds aiment beaucoup la soupe du oignon. She boils the skins to strengthen the colour. They add a certain je ne sais quoi. (a tsp of brown sugar in the frying onions combats any bitterness and assists caramelisation). That and the toasted Orkney cheddar on top...

Flying Cat from Fanny Haddock's back scullery

I could supply a recipe for jellied eels or tripe and onions but not a blog recipe thats too difficult

Barebraes from Shapinsay

Jellied eels????? Oooooo barebraes!!! I'm speechless....and dribbling....mmmmmm. The afpu had an inexplicable liking for tripe and onions, but I can't work up any enthusiasm. But eels is something else...I've seen 'em in the burn but it's beyond me how to catch the wriggley warmints.

Flying Cat from Weald Smokery Catalogue

Jellied eels? Your are kidding, Barebraes?!!

mjc from NM,USA

You're not confusing jellied with Jello-ed mjc? That would be wierd by any standards.

Flying Cat from cookery nook

I thought that I would come here to look for the present occupier ( that would be Scallowawife, I think, well it was the last time I was here ) but, the fool that I am ( only on this occasion, mind you, the fool bit that is, or was ) why would someone look for a Scallowawife on its/her/whatever blog? I've seen her comments on FC's blog, on other blogs, oh just remembered, Muness View's blog ( something fishy going on there, and Scallowawife is in the mix somewhere ) but hardly ever here, chained to her own blog answering peoples politely asked, searching ( not too searching though, we don't want to breed familiarity, because we all know what that breeds, don't we? ) questions as to the condition of her health, and the concerned questions, asking how her/its moving was going or not as the case may be. I've just thought that I was going to ask those questions, but forgot, or did I ?

Thewhitesettler from theyseekherheretheyseekherthere

havae you moved yet,scallowawife??

carol from france

I geed for a peedie visit to Scallowawife on Sunday, her new hoose is ferful fine but she hasn't got the computer hooked up to the nett yet. Hence the prolonged silence. But she says Hi to all.

Ruthodanort from Unst


Flying Cat from supine in front of the telly

I heard she has a magnolia house. Is this true?

Muness from Fetlar

Oh surely not...

Flying Cat from trying to believe one impossible thing.....

Sorry Muness, my mistake, I told you it was Magnolia but it is, in fact, Almond.

Ruthodanort from Unst

Just can't keep up with the Nesses eh?

Muness from Fetlar

Shell-on, whole (unskinned), whole (skinned), crushed, slivers, or marzipan?

Flying Cat from Fanny Haddock's back scullery


Stromness Dragon from Here

Apologies for Testing.. needed to sort out firwall stuff. Now then, moving on from the black pudden debate, I would like to say a word in favour of the yummy Shetland Black tattie - we grew these last year in our allotment, they are totally cool to look at, all shiny dark purple/black. Got them as seed tatties from Shearers in Kirkwall, fact fans. Ordered some for this year too. They don't get awfy big, but the yield is not bad and they taste soooperb. Boiled with a sprinkle of salt and served with a bit of Orkney butter....mmmmm!

Stromness Dragon from Sunny Stromness

Shearer's in Kirkwall deserve a whole blog to themselves - fab shop, got everything a body could need including gossip and advice from the owner....

scallowawife from in da local library, looking intelligent

If you can find Orkney Butter any more...

Flying Cat from butter label - 'country of origin Scotland'

Where are you Scallowawife? If you're having computer problems, next time you're in the libraryu, stick one of their computers in your shopping bag, then do the whistle bit, you know as if nothing is going on, you better not. I can't condone theft, but get back on-line soon please!!!

Thewhitesettler from LookingforScallowawife

Where can I buy Charles McLoed`s Black Pudding I had some to eat in Castel Town in September what a pudding I have to have some more now as the one I had In the freezer has about gone The pudding thay sell in England is full of lumps of FAT not very nice

David M Ward from St Helens Merseyside dvdward5@googlemail.com

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