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16 October 2014


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Easter - egg... bunny... chocolate... cake... hot cross buns...

what a clever hen!

just look what I found in my kitchen - isn't she clever. and no mess either.

My friend and I went to Chris Hodges emporium recently, the sole purpose of our trip was to buy a vileda mop, a draining rack and a floorbrush for my hoose. We were being very strict with ourselves and were not going to get sidetracked.
We came out with a sideboard (each).

My sideboard is standing in my sitting room, its a real heavy bit o furniture, and its just the perfect size and colour. I'm not mentioning price - even tho it was half price.

My friend's bit of furniture causes some hilarity, as
a) she has no house yet, and
b) one small child said it looked like a hen house, and another thought rabbit hutch.
And so a hen appeared, then an egg, then chickens...

happy easter everyone, don't over do the chocolate!

and her sideboard was half the price of mine! A bargain indeed.

raffle prize

more good news - my (best) friend won this in a raffle: a fish kettle and champagne...
Posted on Scallowawife at 11:20


This is the kind of prize-winning eclecticism (which might not be a word....) which sets ib apart from and above all other blogs in the known universe. Where else would you find a wooden hen in a sideboard with her chicks AND champers in a fish kettle! Pure dead brilliant! And worth waiting for. This should be Featured Blog - I demand a recount...oh, wait a minute...

Flying Cat from an admiring glance

So Scallowawifie, you're trying to kid us peoples that you've got a ( best ) friend, giving the impression that you have another friend. Well I for one do......

Tws from Here, there and everywhere

Happy house warming scallowawife. I have 3 easter chicks in the incubator, born yesterday. They make a bit more mess than yours do I bet

Barebraes from Shapinsay

Ah, the Wife is back on the blog!

Muness from Fetlar

Did na hearadh from Harris design that sideboard as a sideline from the fencing?

Annie B from the usual

Not the edible kind: eminently forgettable. # Barebraes: what's this - only 3 Easter chicks? How many eggs does your incubator hold? Is the power outage to blame for anything?

mjc from NM,USA

I'll tell you one thing, Scallo.: that dun color hen could not give rise to those yeller chicks. Not even the Jinjaweed (or the ganja weed for that matter) could make me think otherwise. # Artistic license is fine - up to a point, but what about some realism? Done any bannocks lately, Scallo.?

mjc from NM,USA

Murder! Polis! Someone's nicked Crofter Bill's fish kettle and sent it tae Shetland.

Hyper-Borean from The bridewell

No we are waiting for the other 30 duck eggs to hatch mjc they take a bit longer to develop. We only added a few chicken eggs as we prefer duck for tea.

Barebraes from Shapinsay

weel, actually mjc, that colour hen CAN have yellow chicks - they change colour later - but maybe no that bright a yellow... off to make bannocks, got granny ironin me sheets....

scallowawife from in da hen hoose

Wow! How do you wangle a sheet-ironin'-granny? (NB - that's WANGLE not MANGLE).

Flying Cat from in awe and shock

Why not MANGLE? It's what my granny used on her sheets.

Hyper-Borean from The dolly tub

welcome back scallowawife,will reply to this blog soon ,happy easter

carol from goodfridayinfrance

Well im not buying it, i just dont believe that the chicken is real.... fo a start it has a whattle, i thought that this was unique to that other famous oven bird... the trukey

Sandy the Goodlad from Muddy Bay

its not a wattle its a scarf. she's an elegant fashion conscious bird

scallowawife from in the kitchen

Ironing sheets still, on the islands? How retro?! Not using the real irons for ironing, are you? Do/can Aga and Rayburns stoves warm irons? My mother used to warm hers on charcoal in the "good old" days. Wife does some ironing sometimes for some of her clothes, but sheets and underwear - are you kidding?

mjc from NM,USA

well mjc - I don't suppose you wid need to iron your sheets - just talk to them and all that hot air will do the job nicely....

scallowawife from waving the iron

Fpu irons bedding. It's John Lewis' finest embroidered oyster coloured percale and deserves to be treated with respect! Then, when it's done and on the bed, I pop out to do a small dig and pop back in to do paw-painting on it. Mud shows up very well on a pale duvet cover...

Flying Cat from dashing away with the smoothing iron

Talking about hot air and sheets: if you tumble dry them (which we do), the sheets turn out to be rather wrinkle free. Do you folks use the clothes dryer all the time, or do you prefer to hang them on the clothes line, weather permitting, for the northern isles wind to whip them dry? Scallo.: I assume you sing while you do ironing. Of course, ironed sheets feel somewhat better, and certainly look nicer, but some of us don't think it's worth the time and effort. Different strokes for different folks.

mjc from NM,USA

Scallo, ironing may be good for the soul, but it is doubtless good therapy. Stop waving the iron and keep gliding it on the sheets.

mjc from NM,USA

Tumble-dry? Tumble-dry? The extravagance of the man!! Must be very cheap electricity over there. There's no tumbledryer in Anorak Towers...the very idea....*grrrarumblegurr*

Flying Cat from a high pulley

tumble? wi all that fresh air? think we are made o money? sing while ironing? - granny just grumbles an flights about my housekeeping skills....

scalowawife from ruthodanort's computer

you are ruthodanort's computer? at the bus stop? that does not explain why you can't spell you own name right. Is the bottle meant for bona fide - from o'er the seas - Unst visitors now empty? Did Granny show you the higtway?! Grumble, grumble ...

mjc from NM,USA

Rumble. I have been rumbled. Would you folks not excommunicate me for my profligate and ecologically unfriendly modern ways, if I were to tell a fib and aver that the only tumbler I have ever seen are glass tumblers, used only for partaking of the finest single malts Scotland can produce?

mjc from NM,USA

mjc - I was on ruthodanort's computer for about 3 seconds while she was shouting to hurry up to all 7 children we had in our charge.(or was that 7 children shouting charge and Ruthodanort hurrying up) (or was it me shouting 3 seconds to go and 7 children trying to write on the computer) (or was it...)anyway when you write on someone else's computer your name doesn't helpfully pop up on screen - you have to write it yourself. The bus stop (Bobby's bus shelter in Unst) (which may be blogged later) is decorated for easter, all yellow and eggy. (sorry about all these brackets, have been feeling unwell and I find it very theraputic to scatter brackets)PS which malt?

scallowawife from at home

Dunno.....we'd need to think about it...

Flying Cat from A log cabin in the West

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