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16 October 2014


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dreaming about voting

I had a dreadful dream last night. I dreamed (dreamt?) about the new voting system. How sad is that - of all the things I could worry about or could dream about my brain chooses that . in my dream no one - NO ONE - voted any candidate number 1. We all - the entire voting constituency - only placed candidates 2 -3 - 4 - 5 - etc. this made counting the vote very difficult.

Is anyone else able to understand the voting system - ie in real life not in my dream? How do they make sense of it? if we all vote avoiding placing anyone first would it make any difference? how would the vote transfer work then?

can anyone interpret my dream? what would Freud say? how would he link that to the usual things he associated things with (I'm aware this is before the 9pm watershed)?
Posted on Scallowawife at 12:40


I'm giving this blog a 2.

Muness from Fetlar

i wouldn't call it a bad dream-thinking of voting for me its called a NIGHTMARE

carol from where the sun is shining

I can remember at the Student Union (in days of yore) that you had the 1 2 3 STV choices and a re-open nominations / no confidence box.

Muness from Fetlar

If I was to give Scallowawife 1, would that be proper conduct? Or am I being premature electioneering?

Tws from Studyingthenewvotingsystem

Speaking of elections - I remember at uni one year, a real right winger standing for election for the Students Representative Council. He was opposed by a collie. The dog won by a landslide.

soljey from Shetland Mainland

Well soljey, there are, allegedly I am told, a lot of willing sheep on the mainland! Can't be worse than the candidate offering through the door last evening, it comprised his name, over and over and over.... I will remember it at the polling booth, and move on.

Lerwick Trevor from Lerwick, in hiding

The coloured ballot papers sound like the jockeys silks in the Grand National. If FC initiates a beige party I will act as second (or is that just for duels?). When is the Magnolia Party going to go national?

Nic from Coll

Magnolia Party? That's mine that is.

Muness from Fetlar

Oh. I thought the Magnolia Party originated in Stromness and had been on the go for quite a long time and is known to be quite interesting. In fact, I believe I may be correct in saying that a collie called Mac is the candidate's agent. So there'll be no arguements on the doorsteps of Fetlar. All six of them... Why is it STV and not the 麻豆官网首页入口 organising all this rubbish? The voting papers'll be full of adverts.

Flying Cat from a husting

Soljey I'm impressed that you can remember that far back! What else can you remember? or is it all just a distant memory.....not judging by Joy's joy.

secret admirer from Nordalea

In NM crooked voters try to vote under different names. In Fetlar (bloggers, contributors), incomers seem to be unsure which name(s) to use, though they all hew to often saccharine supporting roles/ventriloquism on ib. The Shetland air may not be to ole Herman's benefit, magnolia party, color or towers notwithstanding. What the rationale is for this transparent incognito/ pseudonym rigmarole escapes me. Use one name or monicker and stick to it. I have been baffled and slightly annoyed by this rather fatuous Fetlar game, but, eh, ib is a free for all, several field games going on at the same time.

mjc from NM,USA

Is that happy happy joy's joy?

Flying Cat from ancient telly listing

I cannot for the 9 liffs of me see what's to get annoyed about with the delightful split personality of Muness\Herman. It adds a certain je-ne-sais-quoi to the comments and, just because it escapes your sense of humour, mjc, doesn't mean diddley squat!

Flying Cat from in a fluff

i have experience in pshycotherapy so i can interprate your dream..... in a nutshell..... your crazy in the coconut (no pun intended) i advise therapy, lots of it..... maybe some electro shock treatment??.... partial labotomy? mybe taken this too far

Sandy the Goodlad from Muddy Bay

Ah, though Sandy, are you like FC, experienced in psycatherapy, you get to do the frontal with claws, get down Alfie!

Lerwick Trevor from Fronting for a pug

FC: right!

mjc from NM,USA

FC: pehaps I need to refresh myself with a cup of tetley tea-bag brew with two spoonfulls of Marvel. Used to do wonders.

mjc from NM,USA

seeing that we are on first name terms....Trev.... the cat and i are from different dimensions, only brought together for a mere fragmental pulse in cybertime! And who is Alfie? and what are you two getting down too? Some Funky James Brown Maybe? Explain please

Sandy the Goodlad from Muddy Bay

Alfred Lord Tennyson (Alfie) is ginger, sleeps much of the time, demands food at all hours and goes out at night, but only if it is dry, warm and there are no cosy chairs that need to be kept warm. FC would understand having an affinity.

Lerwick Trevor from Waking up

Oh come on mjc, there's no need to punish yourself! That's the culinary equivalent of a hair shirt!

Flying Cat from Cheshire Grin

ok, i understand, alfred lord tennyson indeed..... sounds like a strange guy indeed, i would keep an eye on him though with a name like that... you know what? I think you would be far safer with a cat, hey just an idea...but the way alfie is carrying on, id be a little worried...

Sandy the Goodlad from Muddy Bay

Oh forgot to say I hope you havent offended FC with your hastily drawn comparisons... but hey maybe Fc is a ginger wierdo too...who knows here in cyber space..... now wheres my pills??

Sandy the Goodlad from Muddy Bay

How dare a mere human cast such calumnies upon a defenceless kitty!! As represented on my own modest little blog, I AM NOT A GINGER WEIRDO!!!!!!!! *grrrrrraaaarrrr*

Flying Cat from in a fluff

Areet Fc, keep thou fluffy hair on!.... So your a cat.... like if this island blogging couldnt get any stranger.... jeez... im island hopping, off to Orkney for some sanity...... a cat indeed.... woof woof woof

Sandy the Goodlad from Muddy Bay

Yes quite right EffSea, you are not a ginger wierdo, but you can be a bit emm, eh, how can I put this without losing certain ( still active ) parts of my body, a teensy weensy bit weird, only at times though, and certainly not all the time, and I should know, or should I?

Tws from The Shedlands ( I like an S after my place name )

Yes indeed....

Flying Cat from a knowing look

you are becoming very brave tws--beware

carol from worried for tws

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