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16 October 2014


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Pain in the neck...can anyone help?

Evening - Shetland in April

Time for a good moan. beautiful weather - better than any summer we've had in years, and no fog yet! I'm trying to do a little gardening every day so's not to hurt back and neck, and tryin to go for walks to get fit.

BUT I have had a very sore neck and have had a thumping headache for the last 3 days. It could be: a form of hayfever (eyes are a bit blurry) - I've taken piriton but that only makes me dozy and not care about anything includin sore head. I've taken ibuprofen which makes no difference to head, its still sore. I've rubbed on ibuprofen gel and that only dulls the pain. I put heat on it - that helps a bit.

Does anyone have any good ideas for relieving a sore neck - I suspect a disc or muscle is at the root of the pain. And I've just returned the Treat Your Own Neck book to the hospital after mislaying it for about a year. Appointment made with chiro/osteo man for next week - all suggestions will be (gratefully) considered... off to enjoy sunshine as much as is possible in the circumstances...moan .. moan...
Posted on Scallowawife at 11:53


Right I am an expert on pains in the necks. Try Paracetamol, I know it sounds daft, but it is sometimes the best thing for pain. You can get something called 4 Head, from chemist, which you rub onto your forehead, which if taken with Para's. does work, sometimes. I have Movelat Cream, which you rub onto the painful area, but it can sometimes burn a bit. I can't think of anything else that you can get, without prescription. Lying down with something hot on your head, I have a couple of wheatbags that are filled with little aromatherapy stones ( lavender ) which I put in the microwave for a couple of mins. then put it on my head, after rubbing on 4 Head, and it sometimes helps. I hope you get your neck/head looked at soon, as it could be related, neck pain giving you headache. Go and have a lie down, and take care of yourself.

Dr. Tws from The Surgery

Dozy? You? Ha!

Muness from Fetlar

I'm always sayin' you should get your head looked! Seriously, don't try to self diagnose. Always best to see the doc. so mind and do that.

Pammy from in the smoke

Alleviating symptoms is one thing. Diagnosing the cause and solving the problem is another. I assume there may be a tendency on the islands to self-medicate because of the hassles involved in getting to a tertiary care center. Personally I would not rely on chiropractors. If you don't get better within a week, or so pain increases, I would get a proper evaluation, inconvenience be d--ned. Take care.

mjc from NM,USA

Tertiary health care centre....I wonder what that is?And the inclusion of a Glesca chav - a d-list ned - ....it's a puzzle...

Flying Cat from puzzled&confused

Hi - wonder if gardening is exacerbating your problems - do you have long-handled tools and do you only do up to 15 minutes at a time and then go and lie down on your side with a pillow between your knees for minimum 15 minutes preferably 30. Leaning forward puts immense stress on your body - as it (head) weighs a stone. Neck spasms can cause blurring of vision. But think you need to get a check-up. Very good medical advice I've been given is to do anything for about 10 minutes and then change to a different activity. So not standing for ages, sitting, etc etc. How are you settling into your new house? Puppy says hi - he's now 45 kg at not quite 6 months! but is not very well and so needs lots of looking after. Our old retriever loves the flat walks we have found for him. Take care and try little and often rather than marathon attacks at house or garden. Glass of wine is good for the neck pain!!

newfies from quarff

Pain in the neck! now there's a question.

Lerwick Trevor from Keeping head down

sore necks are a pain, I think it's mostly linked to the wet and damp conditions that we get. I find a malt whisky is the best cure. In fact I find a malt is the best cure for everything. I like malt whisky anyone got any to spare?

sad_dell from Bressay View

Have you thought about massage therapy or physical therapy. I know that when I had a cervical neck stain and I had headaches I would get massages and physical therapy 3 times a week. It could be worth a try. Hope you get whatever the problem could be under control.

Andrea from Florida, USA

You can make your own microwaveable Tws-style-bags by filling an old sock with ceramic baking beans, sewing up the end and warming in the microwave....and if you want it to pong, a drop or two of essential oil...AFTER removing from the oven!

Flying Cat from perched on an old bag

Tertiary care provided in hospitals with the latest in equipment and specialist medical practitioners/researchers. In the US, these institutions are often university/university affiliated teaching/research hospitals.

mjc from NM,USA

EffSea that is no way to describe your fpu. How about this : Flying Cat from sitting on fpu's knee. Now there, isn't that a bit more pleasant?

Tws from Sunny Lewis

nobody has suggested she sets aside the bottle o red wine!!

Sholmet from sitting in the sun

A good remedy is to double the intake of alcohol, then there is no pain till you wake up. Then everything's sore!

Soothmoother from Sooth

She's already tried the alcohol bit, Soothmother. Be serious!! # How are things, Scallo.? Been to the quack yet?

mjc from NM,USA

off to quack today. not lookin forward to it.

scallowawife from ought to be working

my shed has double locked itself - so I can't do anything that involves all the stuff in the shed - and I was efficient enough to put all gardening stuff back in shed before it locked itself. grrr. still, neck too stiff to dig anyway. Barebraes - how did you get into the oven when it got stuck?

scallowawife from rattlin on shed door.

Scallowawife, I thowt u might o had a handy handyman aroond the place? Can he no sort the shed?

Ruthodanort from Unst

SS, you have just undone all of my good/bad work. I build you up into a Super Scallowawife, and you go and lock yerself oot o' yer shed,( which ruins the mental picture that I had in my brain of you ) it's a pity that you never locked yerself in. Send for The Great Ruthodanort, I'm sure that she will help.

Tws from Thecomicstrip

Call in the joiner who solved the new suite problem. Surely he can bludgeon your door & then build you a better door afterwards. See - how clever am I?

Muness from Fetlar

shed problem all in hand - think I will get handy handy person to bludgeon whole shed and build me a nice new shed. or a new room on the hoose - not a huge difference surely between shed and ahem conservatory - say it quick and it sounds the same...

scallowawife from in the sun

Call the cops, Scallo. And if they find a body in there, you have better have an iron-cast alibi.

mjc from NM,USA

I am not locked out of the shed, tws - I am only pretending to be to give other folk the chance to be superheroes too. I can't go taking all the credit all the time, now can I?

scallowawife from feet up on the sofa

Personally, Scallo. I would take all the credit I can get... (hello, Amazon.com? Fortnum & Mason? etc.)...

mjc from NM,USA

Yes I knew there had to be some simple explanation for it SS. Very good thinking, maybe we can lure the Evil One into a trap, with thinking like that SS.

Tws from Changing Homes

Thinking like the SS, I say steady on Tws.

Lerwick Trevor from Hiding in the dark

Scallow sorry for late reply, The oven saga ended when the intelligent member of the family prised it open with a thin blade. We now have to use arious implements to open it with till the Rayburn is up and running its just not worth fixing and makes no difference to the outcome of the cooking :)

Barebraes from Shapinsay

word of warning barebraes from someone who had a rayburn/aga style cooker:- keep the other one handy as the rayburns give out so much heat even in orkney you may find it too hot in the kitchen in summer

carol from tired after last nights concert

Would agree with Carol. I remember 29 degrees in the Orcadian kitchen - too much just to cook sausages.

Muness from Fetlar

Oh bother, I'm too late. There was me, my furry body encased in stripitmog lycra, all ready to fly up and rescue SS from her predicament, but the warden of Big Cage just fixed me with a leer and twirled her chatelaine as if to say "Hah! Get yourself out of this one you bigsy catsy." It's the thought that counts...

Flying Cat from pawloose and fancyfree

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