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16 October 2014


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How's your Christmas Shopping

Hi all, just thought I'd say a few words yet again and see how everyone is doin'. I have to say that once December 1st gets here it sems to be a down hill slide at an ever increasing pace to the 25th! Is anyone else feeling the same, there's just not enough days in December? The kiddies where in fine fettle the other week though singing for the RNLI concert at our local hall and then again the following week for the 'lighting of the Christmas Tree' ceremony. My 9 year old is due to take part in the christmas play at her school tomorrow and is so excited it's a hard job keeping her feet on the floor. I hope your christmas plans are going well, til next time keep well, bye for now.
Posted on Mizzwhitty at 20:32


over here in the ponsonby district of auckland,every house seems to be competing for the 'whose got the best lights'competition--being me i thought what a lot of kerb callers on franklin road,but no they all slow down to look at the lights,loads of people walking past and taking snaps--me too--only can't get the b****y things through my laptop..

carol from auckland

Merry Christmas. I have sent my cards, posted parcels to family, and should be writing letters [I didn't have time ... or the inclination ... to enclose letters in the cards] to those who I try to keep in touch with on a yearly basis. The days rattle by and when the sun goes down I realise that we are one day closer to Christmas and I am one day behind in my letter writing. I used to think [when I was young] that a year was an absolute age, now I have decided the days must have shrunk and the months are on fast forward. Ah well ... tis the season to be jolly!

Plaid from Outback Oz

Go do what you need to do in an internet cafe, for crying out loud, Carol. # Or you could get yourself a Mac notebook (ibook it is probably called, but FC would know). Not that it would help you send your emails better (I think the problem is probably human not electronic, but I would not swear to it, not even in French), but at least you would have a spanky new portable computer you could take to the local Starbucks for show and tell. # Next thing you know, you'll be telling us the dog ate the computer. I have given up on seeing those pictures [prove me wrong!!].

mjc from NM,USA

Tsk Tsk such impatience...

Flying Cat from no photos here...YET!

Oh...so Franklin Road IS in NZ and not in Singapore... sorry Carol!

Flying Cat from taking this opporchancity to say sorry

ok mjc;i've sorted out the problem!!-----happy??

carol from over here

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