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16 October 2014


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I'm trying to put photos up

Skye, Felix and Claude say hiya
Posted on Mizzwhitty at 18:53


This is not the sort of picture to be posting, you should be ashamed of yourself, 3 c*ts? There are too many c*ts on IB, just my humble opinion.

Tws from The Croft Lewis

wow, you three look good! mmeeppss! we likes the one on the left bestes!

5 cat gang from looking out a dreich skies

Congratulations on your success with the photos. Don't listen to Tws, MW. Lovely cat photo!

Jill from EK

Aaa! Triple delight! What beauties!

Stromness Dragon from loving your work

If there's one cast-iron way to attract comments its to post pics of gorgeous stripey felines. Take no notice of Tws, he's only pretending to dislike us.

Flying Cat from the Penny's dropped

beautiful puddies ...! and yes, the gray-ish darling on the left really knows how to work the audience ... :-)

soaplady from <can I just reach through this troublesome screen

many thanks on ur comments about my lovelies, I have another two, one is the mum of this trio. and b4 Tws gets to upset I photograph other stuff as well......but cats r very good subjects as they do pose rather well. ;-)

Mizzwhitty from the cat basket

It goes without saying (and indeed so far it has, though not for want of trying) that stripey cats are superior to all others. The one on the right looks most like me so obviously is the beautifullest.

Flying Cat from rummaging for missing comments

how about some snaps of the other two then?

5 cat gang from chateau de st.dez

Imagine all the comments you would have had by now if the Evil Spam Fritter hadn't eaten them! Third time lucky...maybe...that's a little me on the right and is therefore extremely handsome. *purrrrs*

Flying Cat from rummaging for missing comments

handsome pussums, I hope to see more of you all.

mia from purrondering at the pc

FC there are no little you's. There never will be either, that is the one thing that keeps me going, along with food & water, but apart from that, oh yes and the pills, but apart from the, oh never mind...........

Tws from FC's Dreaming Again.

Even a cat can dream...

Flying Cat from a nightmoor

There must be a contaminant in the water on the islands which induce people to collect cats. Three look alikes! What next, as with Elvises, a dozen next time? Cat birth control is sorely needed. How about a cat tax? with heavier penalties with each cat beyond half of one? What solution might originate from your coconut, Barney from Swithiod? Speak, or forever hold ...(etc. etc)

mjc from NM,USA

to misquate suzy quattron "cat the cat" gang!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

me(you know who) from all on the bed!!!

Maybe it's because I've a coconut that I don't have a smart reply to mjc - feeling old tonight. I like cats and cat photos like these three sweethearts warm the cockles.

Barney from Swithiod singing an old song

That's Barney for you: a place in his heart for both cats and labradors.

mjc from NM,USA

Warming the cockles while strengthening the mussels...

Flying Cat from through streets broad and narrow

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