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16 October 2014

Stromness Dragon

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Friends Disunited

I had a boyfriend at University who was a bit of a waster. Whilst my time was spent writing essays, working split shifts at a local hotel and taking minutes for the Students Association, his strengths lay in rock climbing, smoking dope and listening to Captain Beefheart records. He used to think of himself as a free spirit, a child of nature who felt in touch with the earth and eschewed the corporate dollar. In reality this meant that he signed on whilst his mum paid his rent. Working was for mugs. Why give the b*st*rds the satisfaction of working you to the bone, when you could be skimming stones, pitching a tent or looking at rainbows?

We met at a friend’s party. Our eyes collided, the thunderbolt of lust hit, his girlfriend dragged him off, sulking. Two days later he skateboarded into the hotel reception whilst I was on duty. The wheels rattled alarmingly on the parquet floor, hit a brass runner and the board flipped over, sending him headlong into the desk where he landed more or less at my feet. He gazed upwards with his sky-blue eyes and pleaded: ‘I love you. Please go out with me’.

When he put on his wounded puppy face, there was not a soul alive who could say no. He was, probably still is, charm personified. When his eyes looked deep into yours, you were the centre of the universe; but not just any old universe – his universe. The unfettered joy he took in living everyday was tempered, even honed, by a public school upbringing. He would open doors. He was always courteous and polite, happy to carry your bags for you. Old ladies loved him.

I was lured and willingly captured. I found him electrifyingly sexy. Strangely though, he was not exactly good-looking – sandy, thinning hair not long for this world, prominent nose. Glasses. Not much taller than me. Nice tight behind though.

Every time he was unfaithful to me he would throw himself into an agony of self-recrimination and tortured soul-searching. I would tell him I never wanted to see him again. He would cry, write heartfelt letters of apology, leave the country and go on long treks through politically unstable regions of the southern hemisphere whilst I fretted that my selfishness and conventionality had driven him to such extremes. After weeks of worry and desperate longing on my part, he would turn up on the doorstep with a handful of crushed wild bluebells or a beautiful shell. He would be unshaven, grimy and stinking and I could not resist him.

It ended one morning when I woke to find a much-folded note under my door. He was sorry, he had written, but he had met an old friend, they had discovered they were soul-mates and were getting married. The newly engaged couple were leaving town immediately to escape the malicious tongues of those who did not understand and wished them ill.

A year later, he was married with a child. Two years later, so I heard, he was divorced, working in finance, playing golf and doing a lot of cocaine. After a year or so in Australia, wife number two became one more piece of debris on the path of relationship destruction. He had, it was rumoured, found God.

And now? After nearly 20 years, he has contacted me. Living in Tibet and married to a beautiful Chinese peasant girl (of course), he works as a professional photographer and is concerned with healing the earth once more. His email was accompanied by a pretentious Rush lyric and an obscure line thanking me for ‘the gift of books’. What, books in general? Something I’d given him as a Christmas present? I have no idea. At the bottom of the message was a link to his web page where his photos could be viewed and bought for an extravagant price. Unless of course they were needed for an environmental cause, in which case they were free.

I have decided to err on the side of dignified silence – he will not be getting a reply!

Posted on Stromness Dragon at 19:39


I was lucky before my husband i only one boyfriend and never went through of the above or what a lot of my friends went throught,but i admire you for giving him the dignified reply -silence---if a guy had put me through what he put you and no doubt others-i would reply with a choice of two words---"drop dead" or "get lost" even after so many years it would be satisfying!

carol from over here

Good for you SD. How fpu laughed! Friends Reunited dragged an old ember up from the Midden of Yesteryear and I'm afraid, after a few spirited (and, I'm not at all ashamed to say, sarcastic) responses to his nostalgic sad-gitness, the exchange was brought to a close. We here at Rolling Acres would just like to say what a brill phrase 'the thunderbolt of lust' is!

Flying Cat from furry shoulders heaving

I read a book called "Affluenza" which could quite easily have used your ex as an example. Its an interesting read without being too tree huggingly sickening. I went on a journey to find myself once. I was under the sofa with all the biro lids and dust.

Deckhand from Wheelhouse again

but isn;t it always so though ... We *always* go for those types ... don't we ... :-) something about the bohemian sort that just goes to our heads, I think ... the very least you can say is that each time he did something, he *really* believed in it ... does that qualify as 'shallow' ...? probably not ...! Difficult to quantify, isn;t it ... :-)

soaplady from knowing that one well ...

Well, glad to see I'm not the only one! At least two people I know have said 'he sounds just like my ex-husband'. Reckon I had a lucky escape!

Stromness Dragon from advancing years and growing wisdom?

FC, we at Dragon Towers would like to salute the phrase 'the Midden of Yesteryear'.

Stromness Dragon from an admiring glance back

I hope your hand is not hovering over the send button.... be strong, be strong.... at the click of a mouse the Dragon could be powerless.....

scallowawife from on me computer

He sounds just like me SD ( apart from the thinning hair bit, and all the divorces bit, and the treks around Southern Hemisphere, and the cocaine bit as well, can you hang on until I check to see if that's it? Oh and I've never met you) and half the male population of this country. It is not until you have lost a love, that you can appreciate a love. If I didn't have so much time to think about things, love, life etc., I'd still be that man..............Nice blog SD, Cheery.....

Tws from The Croft Lewis ( for the moment)

Send him a bill for the books.

Advice from beyond the fluff ball.

I blame his parents.

TiredFather from TrueBlue

SD, well crafted. A very nice spin to the yarn, and an extremely satisfying ending. If you took hours writing it up, SD, they were hours well spent. Clearly a manipulative, self-centered sod. Wonder why the Chinese woman does not junk him? make him walk the plank? # On another note, how is the garden doing SD? Pole beans again this year?

mjc from NM,USA

Oh, come on Tiredfather, be reasonable.

mjc from NM,USA

i think tired father is reasonable,mjc--if certain parents didn't give in yo every whim of their offspring maybe certain people wouldb't grow up into selfish adults:

carol from over here

i think tired father is reasonable,mjc--if certain parents didn't give in yo every whim of their offspring maybe certain people wouldb't grow up into selfish adults:

carol from over here

I blame the government...

Flying Cat from default position

Selfish genes, I suspect. I must admit to being a late convert to the greater importance of a genetic make up (or mix-up!) over that of environment (not that I am dismissing environment altogether). As King Grog said, or was it Soaplady, it's all relative. I am glad the SD's old infatuation and bl**dy b*gger is no relative of mine (not that I am so innocent myself).

mjc from NM,USA

Dear Dragoness, I think you should bask in the glory of your obviously impeccable unforgettable-ness and your uncanny ability to blog to perfection. Admiring your close call from afar.

Greg from USA

Greg, that's uncanny. You sound just like him!

Stromness Dragon from Doing a double take

A response from Tibet would be rather entrancing...

Flying Cat from a sardonic grin

That ... I mean .. SD ... NO! On second thoughts, no, becuase I can't skateboard (some other minor clues in there too but let's focus on the major issues). And there is the age discrepancy. What a relief.

Barney from Swithiod a picture of innocence

my god SD i hope it wasn't the same greg a friend of ours married in 1977 only to divorce hime ( yrs later)-he was(is)? like your ex. have lost contact with the st;andrews crowd so hoping its the not the same one(if so you really did have a lucky escape)!!

carol from thinking about a greg

Su'nuf a lucky escape. Stromness is as good enough as being in Siberia (eh? My mum always said not to mince words. Her mince meat was pretty good.) She got away alright. St. Andrews: isn't that the place where they deep-fry oreo cookies, and deem it a delicacy. Guga, haggis, deep fried oreos - Scotland feeds the world! - will the torture never cease. Truth to tell, I have been much worse places than St. Andrews (and Stromness is certainly worth a detour, in all seriousness!).

mjc from NM,USA

Who said anything about St Andrews?

Stromness Dragon from much-scratching-of-the-head

He's losing his marbles, but doesn't think so...its a classic sign...

Flying Cat from one braincell down and another three to go

Carol from France mentioned St Andrews....

scallowawife from sorting out the confusion

That's a thankless task, Scallo., trying to sort out the confusion. Remember: Sisyphus. # Oh, forget the cat. HE lost his marbles: and fpu had to pay the vet good money for the job well done, if I remember correctly. # Are you working your garden this year SD? Pole beans again? and some brassica this or that? Let's have some pics!!

mjc from NM,USA

Mince? Siberia? Nurse! Quick!

Stromness Dragon from ??

sissy - who? is that the disease... oh, never mind.... too difficult to spell...

scallowawife from in a dark room

Have you noticed that all this confusion started with Carol-from-France? (ably assisted by mjc wading in armed with a very large spurtle!)

Flying Cat from and I'm not in the least bit surprised!

Fear not, mjc, the gardening blog is coming soon! Awaiting a new battery and charger for camera, then full unexpurgated, candid photographs of vegetables shall be posted forthwith! Onward!

Stromness Dragon from about 8 places at once

Oh good. I like to see what a properly organised veg garden looks like...not anything like here, that's for sure.

Flying Cat from watching the slugs munch the lettuce

why blame me????

carol from over here

Someone has got to take the rap, Carol. # By the way, which French province are you hiding in? I know it's not in but near Provence. Too bad I won't be able to visit this summer. We'll be in UK and Belgium early July (only transiting through France on Eurostar) for a fortnight, visiting parents, and Hampton flower show, as well as attending daughter's graduation. Hope the weather cooperates.

mjc from NM,USA

Sisyrinchium? Sissy Spacek? Certainly not sissy puss!

Flying Cat from stoned

sisyrinchium? Whatever brought this about? A pining for southwestern (US?) sun and landscape? # Carol, now I remember: you are in the Languedoc-Roussillon region. Lucky you.

mjc from NM,USA

MJC;i live in a small village 25kms north of nimes and 25kms south of ales-to the east (16kms) is uzes to the west is anduze---Montpellier(beautiful)is 90kms away opposite direction is avignon-40kms away with its famous "palais des papes(should please moo moo no end:) all in all not a bad place to be really!

carol from over here

Carol, I would certainly say it's not a bad location!! Have a pleasant weekend.

mjc from NM,USA

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